A Word to Australian Mothers. ATTEND TO YOUR DAUGHTERS' HEALTH. READ THIS STORY AND SEE WHAT BILE BEANS HAVE DONE. What greater pain could rend a another's heart than to sec the lives of her children blighted by suffering? And yet how frequently have unfortunate mother* b«an in that unhappy position of being obliged to behold their offspring fade away and die for want of aome remedy to arrest the foil .hand of disease. Read the story which Mrs "Groves, of Queen's road, Lambton, Newcastle, related to a reporter of "the Newcastle Herald, concerning the sufferings of 'her little daughter, Ethel Rose, a child of 10, from liver complaint, consumption of the bowels, congestion of the lungs, bronohitis, yellow jaundice, and kidney troubles, and her subsequent andmar- . vellous cure by r^gp^jdwt!^ tlie use of Bile months old she troubled with liver complaint. While teething she was affected witV consumption of the bowels, congestion of the lungs, and bronchitis. When six years old she suffered from a severe attack of typhoid fever and jellow jaundice. Since then her kidneys were said to have been diseased, her urine becoming quite thick when standing over-night. Eacl* winter sh« became* a martyr to gathered ears and insomnia. Her legs would ache after the least exertion, aod she suffered from 'pains in the shoulder. Hsr appetite l«ft her, and she was overcome with a feeling of langour. -She then nuflVreel from a female complaint, which, being quite premature, reduced hei to % skeleton. Owing to her declining condition, the child was taken from school. Medical aid wa* obtained, but all to no purpose. A ppecialist pronounced the child to be suffering fvcm an ulcerated b'ver." About this time Mrs Groves read of some cures which .had been effeoted by Bil© Beans, and she decided to give the child a course of them " After a, few doses," said Mrs Groves, '" I noticed th* *■ girl was beginning to eat a little better. Sh* improved in spirits, and was a"ble to sleep wall. Now she is th» picture of health, is able to attend school and play about witi* the other children. This is the result of a thorough course of Bile Beans, and I am sure they aTono cured her." Obtainable from all chemists and Btoroke»p«rs, or from the Australian Depot of the Bile Bean Manufacturing Company, 39 Pitfi street, Sydney, ,poet paid on receipt of 1b l&l
Page 44 Advertisements Column 2
Otago Witness, Issue 2373, 24 August 1899, Page 44
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