The final rounds in the Association five-a- J side toumment were got off at Bishopscourt on Saturday. The ground was in excellent condition, and there was a fairly large number pf spectators. In. the junior competition the first three rounds were won by Wakari No. 3, Southern No. 3, and itoslyn No. 3. Roslyn had the good fortune to draw the bye, Southern beating Wakari. The final contest was very evenly contested, some really good work being put in by both teams, but the better condition of the Roslyn boys enabled them to come out on top. Junior. Second Round.— Wakari No. 3, 3 points, beat Northern No. 4, li points; Southern No. 3, 3 points, beat Northern No. 3, nil ; Roslyn No. 3, 1 point, beat Green Island No. 4, J point. Semi-final. — Southern No. 3, 3£ points, beat "Wakari No. 3, nil ; Roslyn No. 3, a bye. Final. — Roslyn No. 3, 3 points, beat Southern 2To. 3, niL Senior. - Second Round. — Wakari No. 2, 6 points, beat (J-reea Island No. 2, nil; Northern No. 1, 3& points, beat Roslyn No. 2, nil ; Southern. No. 1, 1 point, beat Wakari No. 1, nil. Semi-finaL — Northern No. 3, 1 point, beat Wakari, No. 2, J point; Southern No. 1 a bye- * Final. — Southern No. 1, 3£ points, beat Northern N&. 1, nil. In the senior grade Wakari No. 2 and Northern. No. 1 had to play in the semi-final, Southern securing a bye. This contest was watched with greater interest than any other during the competition, as the teams were considered the two strongest entered, Wakari being slightly the favourites. The skilful manner in which tbn members of both teams manipulated the ball was a treat to witness, the work of Sligo and Ohaclwiok in the Northern vanguard and D. and J. M'Millan for the Wakari being especially brilliant. Wakari had no luck, however, and call of time found Northern on top by two half points to one half point. After the form tbev showed in the semi-fiiial, the final tussle was looked upon as a certainty for the Northern, but to the surprise of everybody they simply went to pieces. Holland kicked off for Southern, and immediately the ball was rushed down to the Northern's goal, where Adams, in attempting to save, had to concede a corner (i point). From the kiok-out Holland returned hard and high oyer the goal-keeper's head, the ball finding its way between the posts — a very lucky goal. After this reverse the Northern had much thp best of the came, but were unable to retrieve their position. Their shooting was greatly at fault, Ohadwick and Morrison both missing easy shots, and by the time no-side was oalled they had been unable to score. Jufifc before tho final was played a team. of five men from H.M.S. Ringdove met a Roslyn five, the latter being victorious. The bluejackets, although none of them have ever played in five-a -sides before, made a very sjood fight of it, and with a little experience in the->e sort ojf games their five would take a lot of beating.
Otago Witness, Issue 2373, 24 August 1899, Page 43
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