TUSZ* JIU S3 C 3 O 'IP riP Begs to intimate that, having Bought the Entire Stock of Accessories, Cycle Fittings, and Duplicate Parts Of the Dunedin Depot of the late AUSTRAL CYCLE AgENCY, He ie in a position to EFFECT EEPAIES & EEPLACE PAETS To Any of the Machines which were Purchased from them. All REPAIRS Entrusted to us will receive our very best attention. W. A. SCPTT, Speedwell Cycle Works, GHEORGKE STREET, DUISTEDIN. LARGEST STAFF OF CYCLE MECHANICS IN OTAGO. < CYCLISTS' EXCHANGE & SEWING MACHINE DEPOT. W. MELVILLE, 40 George Street, AGENT FOB THE EAMBD H AGI. AN f\ % HAUL AN Call and see these Classic Mounts for Touring or Path-racing. They cannot be surpassed for Speed, Durability, and Finish. All fitted with Dunlop Tyres at Prices ranging from £15 15s to £28. EEPAIES TO ALL KINDS OF BICYCLES A SPECIALTY BY FIRST CLASS WOBKMEN. DUPLICATE PARTS KEPT IN STOCK. 2STOXE THE ADDRESS: r 40 GEORGE STREET, DUNEDIN. »♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦< Wo beg to inform our Customers and the GeneraF^Fublic that we are TEMPORARILY EEIOYINS OUE DIFOT Prom the Government Insurance Buildings, Princes street, to NEXT OUR WAREHOUSE IN CRA"VyPORD PENDING THE ERECTION OP NEW PREMISES. MASSEY-HARRIS COMPANY, LTD., FACTORIES : TORONTO, CA-PtfADA.. New Zealand Headquarters : Crawford Street, Dunedin. m , y~, f AUCKLAND, WANGANUI, WELLINGTON G"TCYMOUTH, *>*»^>T3-\ Chris ichurch, timaru, oamaku, invercargill. Art Catalogues Posted Free on Application, jf 'J^SENSATIOHr^SEASsiI ! 4s&s 1881 \ls the adTont of the Xevv ' ir JI « J \ tvtULTiFLgx ■ ' jg(sp P» r 1899. jPF LIGHT, DURABLE, Repairable by a Child. MSf _ First in ISSB. JKJ?^ Foremost over sine*. P" THE DUNLOP PNEUMATIC TYRE CO. Ltd. Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, Perth, Christchurch. THE DUNLOP PNEUMATIC TYRE CO., LTD., 128 LICHFIELD STREET, CHRISTCHURCH. And at MELBOURNE, SYDNEY. ADELAIDE, PERTH, and BRISBANE. Probate duty amounting to £5356 was paid Tho school children in South Australia conin Melbourne in the estate of the late Na- tributed nearly £300 to the Loch Sloy relief thanial SmaUyiece Slomaos / fund*
Page 41 Advertisements Column 1
Otago Witness, Issue 2373, 24 August 1899, Page 41
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