Shetland Collie Kennels, F. ROGEN. EVANSDALE, OTAGO (and Caulfield, Victoria). fltHB most Successful and Extensivo A COLLIE KENNELS of Australasia. The above Kennels have won more First and Special Prizes in New Zealand, Victoria, and New South Wales than all the other breeders in the colonies put together. AT STUD, first feliot and Allan Krecli. FEE, £5 Ss. To give Fanciers and Shepherds a chance of getting tho best stock of these really first-rate kennels we will sell all our pups born after August Ist, 1899. Price, from £3 3s to £5 ss. CHAMPION LANGSHANS.— AII my • young Birds for sale. Eggs, £1 Is per sitting. MINORCA EGGS, 10s 6d per sitting. JfIOUTOX MAINS KENXBLS. mHE MOST SELECT KENNEL of ImA ported SHEEP DOGS in the Colony. Within the past few months I have imported from Scotland two Bitches and twelve Pups, and these are now available for breeding. These Bitches are in no way related to each other, nor_to my imported Dog " Captain," so that I can follow up breeding HIGH-CLASS WORKING DOGS from pure Imported Stock. All my Dogs selected solely on their Working Merits. Young Heading Dogs for sale at from £5 to £8 each, Puppies at from £2 2b to £2 10s ; ?-ail paid, limy JAMES LILICO. EGIGS. E&GSr. SUGG'S. MILLS for GRINDING BONES and SHELLS for FOWLS. Users say they are Little Wonders. Apply Early. R. B. DENjSTISTON & CO., 20jy Stuart street, Dunedin. FROM the following HIGH-CLASS STOCK FOR SALE at, per Dozen: No. 1 Pen. No. 2 MJNORCAS 10s 5s LANGSHANS 10s — BROWN LEGHORNS .. 10s 5s WHITE LEGHORNS .... — 5b BROWN LEGHORNS A SPECIALTY. Manufacturer of INCUBATORS AND POULTRY APPLIANCES, ABBOTSFORD, OTAGO. Send Stamp for Illustrated Catalogue. MINORCA EGGS. PRIZE STRAIN AND NOTED LAYERS. Price, 7b 6d a Silting. SILVER WYANDOTTE EGGS, 10s per Sitting ; grand winter layers, table birds and mothei-ft. By the lirbt Prize Cockerel Dunedin Show. EGGINE is still booming aud giving great satisfaction. For Chickens it is a grand tonic, preventing sickness and leg weakness. As an egg-producer Eggine has no equal. Price, Is 6d a tin ; lasts 20 birds three months. From all chemists and grocers, or direct from the Proprietor; postage 6d extra. H. I/. *>P2SO**s3iV, « liemist, OCTAGON, DUNEDIN.
Page 39 Advertisements Column 1
Otago Witness, Issue 2373, 24 August 1899, Page 39
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