{Continued from fypge 22.) All the contracts for the construction of the Mokoia dredge have been let, and the dredge, when finished, will be the finest on the West Coast. Mr Joseph Sparrow ia the contractor. THE STOCK EXCHANGE. Business was very brisk on 'Change on Tuesday, and scrip was sold at the following premiums: — Alexandra Lead, ss, 6s; Alpine Consols, 6b 6d, 6s", 6s Id, 6s; Alpine No. 2, 5s 6d; Blue Duck, Is 3d, Is 4Jd; Central Electric, 12s 12s 3d, 12s lid; Dunstan Lead, 10s 9d, 11s 4*d, 11s ; Electric Extended, 3d ; Galvanic, Is 3d; Gold Queen, Is 9d, 2s 3d; Golden River, 7d ; Halfway House, 4s ; Mokoia, Is 6d ; Upper Magnetic, Is 3d. Sales of shares of companies whose dredges are at work took place at the following quotations:— lnch Valley, 42a 6d; Magnetic, 64s 3d ; Ophir, 17s 9d and 18s ; Vmcent, 78s, 795, 80s, 79s 6d, 795. DREDGING. The following are Tuesday's latest quotations, subject to the usual brokerage : — Adam's Flat— Sellers Is premium. Alexandra Lead — Buyers 5s 6d, sellers 8s premium. • Alpine Consols — Buyers 5s 6d, sellers 5s lOJd premium. Alpine No. 2 — Buyers ss, sellers 5s 7£d premium. 31ue Duck— Buyers Is 4Jd, sellers Is 9d premium. Cardrona No. I—Sellers1 — Sellers par. Cardrona Valley — Buyers 6d dis. Central Electric — Buyers 11s 3d, sellers 12s premium. ■Charlton Creek — Buyers 3s, sellers 5s 3d premium. Chatto Creek— Buyers £1 16s 3d, sellers £1 17s. " Clyde— Sellers £1 15s. Consolidated (Buller River)— Buyers 11s 3d. Cromwell — Buyers £1 premium. Dunstan Lead — Buyers 11s 6d, sellers 12s premium. Electric Extended — Buyers 3d premium. Enterprise— Buyers £3 10s. Ettrick (contributing) — Sellers 12s 6d. Evan's Flat— Sellers £1 ss. • Fourteen Mile Beach — Buyers 9d premium. Fraser Flat — Buyers lid premium. Galtee More — Buyers £1 2s 6d, sellers £1 sa. Galvanic — Buyers Is 4£d premium. Gold Queen — Buyers 2s 3d premium. Golden Beach (contributing) — Sellers 16s 6d premium. Golden Link — Sellers Is dis. Golden Run (paid)— Sellers £1 14s 6d. Halfway House — Buyers 4s, sellers 4s 6d premium. Hartley and Riley— Buyers £5 19s, sellers £6 3b 6d. Inch Valley— Buyers £2 2s, sellers £2 2s 9d. Jutland Flat (contributing) — Buyers 4s lOJd. Klondyke — Buyers 7s 3d, sellers 8s 3d premium. Magnetic— Buyers £3 4s 6d, sellers £3 5s 3d. Manuherikia — Buyers 15a premium. Matau — Buyers £4 ss. Metallic — Sellers par. Moa Flat — Buyers 2s dis., sellers Is 3d dis. Mokoia — Buyers Is 4Jd, sellers 2s 3d premium. Monte Christo — Buyers 9d, sellers 2s premium. Naumai — Buyers 2s 6d, sellers 3s premium. Nevis — Buyers £1 11s. New Alexandra — Buyers 18s 6d, sellers £1 premium. Ophir— Sellers 17s lOJd. Richards'a Beach — Buyers 6s 9d, sellers 7s 3d premium. Second Magnetic — Buyers 4s 3d, sellers 5s Id premium. Sunlight—Buyers £1 7s 6d. Upper Magnetic — Buyers Is, sellers Is 3d premium. Upper Waimumu — Sellers 6d dis. Vincent — Sellers £3 19s. Waimumu — Sellers £1 9s. Waimumu Extended — Sellers 4£d dis. THE GOLDEN MASCOTTE. TO TJIE EDITOR. Six, — Tho liquidators' affidavit states that they had the olaim prospected. Mr Don, the expert sent up by them, states in his letter in your Monday's issue, that hie could not prospeot the ground without going to the expense of sinking paddocks below' water level. The money for this was not forthcoming, and yet £500 of the shareholders' money appears to have been spent. — I am, etc., , * Shareholder.
Otago Witness, Issue 2373, 24 August 1899, Page 35
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