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Late Advertisements. Late Advertisement*. -ti Work done iTrefully^nd^welh ADVANCES TO SETTLERS. Country orders receive special attention : ___ Leasehold *arm for Private , £1, 500,000 TO LEND. Sale. ; '- ' ' ; In Sums of from £25 to £3000, \^TRIGHT, STEPHENSON, & CO. ' VV have received instructions from Mr A. On LANDS USED for FARMING, MARR. Hare to offer for private sale: VfU Tpooo i,up w • , ; KET GARDENING, or DAIRYING Jlis JUeasehold larm, near Fairfax railway - station. J j PURPOSES'. The Property consists of 810 Acres of Land on the Jacobs River, and close to Fairfax rail- _ . . , , T _ , way station. A first-class Homestead and good Jfrincipal and Interest Repayable by Inßtal' outbuildings are on the place and it is all tho- me nts, spread over 36± Years. Sums of £5 roughly well improved. The land is first-class, , . , and this, added to its excellent position and or upwards can be paid off at any time. first-class improvements, makes it one of the most desirable^arm P^rti^in Southland. HQ COMM!SSION .p^ For further particulars apply to . . WRIGHT, STEPHENSON & CO., I All Costs on very Lowest Scale. STRICT.' 17au Crescent, Invercargill. E gT SECRECY AND PROMPT ATTEN- ' ~~ TION. /~\TAGO A. AND P. SOCIETY. ' Full particulars on application at any Post " Office, or to ANDREW M'KERROW, \IV\UAI, HORSE PARADE A , nno . „ ... nffi c^ ef Valued Advances to Settlers Office, Dunedin. Will be held on . ' : ~"' THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28,1899. - : MEND TOUR OWN HARNESS , j AWT) DpT mq (Entries close on SATURDAY, 23rd.) I n "" DJ:ilJlo f j That constantly need Repairs, with x — Thomson's Slotted Eivets. ANNUAL SUMMER SHOW d /•• i b SHEEP, CATTLE, HORSES, AGRICUL- W °|i p|| ft ff fl TURAL IMPLEMENTS, etc., ,§ ? H "» [f f |IW W & Will be held at I * '. ' > „ „„,. __-,_,»_ tJse them. Save time in sending and waiting. : TAHUNA PARK, MUSSELBURGH, Stocked by all Ironmongers in boxes containing mTT _ TT . __, ._ T . r,,,™ . „ --_„_,..___- lib, or 1 ri-oes. If unobtainable a useful assort THURSDAY and FRIDAY, NOVEMBER me L t O n icceipt of .0s per parcel pest. Ageiu 23 and 2+. wanted. Samples and prices mailed by writing ■P 1? mTTTTTV i SoLK Makers : .&. J). VVIULL,, ( BIFURCATED RIVET COMPANY, LTD., 24au Secretary. LONDON, ENGLAND. - A THOROUGHLY WELL-PROSPECTED DREDGING CLAIM ON THE ifoLYNETjy RIVER. PROSPECTUS Of tile (^-OLDEN GEAVEL GOLD DREDGING COMPANY (LIMITED), (To be registered under " The Companies Act, 18S2.") CAPITAL £7500. In 7500 Shares of £1 each, Of which 1500 Fully Paid-up Shares are to be aillotted to Vendors in payment in full for their • property ; the remaining 6000 Shares are now offered to the publio for the purpose of ■ providing capital to build and place on the property a powerful and • modern typo ol ■ Dredge suitable to work the Claim. •.»-■■ - TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION.— One Shilling per Share on Application, and One Sailling per Share on Allotment; the balance to be called up as required, in Calls of not more than One Shilling per Share at intervals of not lesstthan One Month. ' "'.,""' SHARES WILL BE ALLOTTED IN ORDER OF PRIORITY OF APPLICATION. .Copies of this Prospectus may be obtained by applying to any of the Brokers. The following report by Mr John MJlntyre, one of the most practical and successful ' dredge-owners on the Molyneux River, who reported on a claim about one .mile below th« - Beaumont Bridge, was accidentally omitted from the prospectus as published last, week: — . I know that portion of the river about a, mile below the bridge. I consider it a valu- t able property, and should a powerful modern dredge be put on it it would yield from 40oz to 50oz per week; in fact, from my 30 years' experience on this particular part of the river I CONSIDER THE WHOLE REACH OF THE RIVER FROM THE BEAUMONT BRIDGE TO THE GORGE BELOW TiiE BRIDGE, A DISTANCE OF 2& MILES, 18 EQUALLY RICH GROUND, BEING A SETTLING POND FOR ALL THE GOLD, RUSHED THROUGH THE GORGE ABOVE, and that, quite independent of all the driftgold that has come down the river, tae Beaumont Flat is a goldfteld in itself, which is proved by the made terraces which surround the Flat,and the RICH, COARSE GOLD WHICH IS OBTAINED ALONG ITS BANKS, AND RUNNING INTO ITS BANKS, PORTIONS OP WHICH HAVE BEEN WORKED TO THE WATER'S EDGE BY PICK, SHOVEL, AND CRADLE. It only requires a powerful dredge to reap the golden harvest remaining untouched for want of proper appliances. In my present claim, of which I am a quarterpartner, we have obtained something over 600oz of gold during the last three months, an have every faith that the claim I allude to will turn out equally as well. (Signed) J. M'INTYRE, Pringle and Party's Dredge. Miller's Flat, 22nd Ju*ly, 1896. BEST AJSJD SAFEST APERIENT. RECOMMENDED AND PRESCRIBED BY MEDICAL MEN EVERYWHERE. ANNUAL SALE EXCEEDS SIX MILLION BOTTLES. The "BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL" says of *' §^Mt|sL&t 3ffiW)tis^ "It has established itself In favour with leading physicians and tharapaatiatg - of every country, whose testimonies bear witness to its action aa ft speedy, sure and gentle Aperient for ordinary use; it is remarkably and exceptionally uniform in Ita composition and free from defects incidental, to many othsu Hungarian Bitter Waters." EIACLKAM «fis CO* STOOK AND STATION AGENTS, WOOL AND GRAIN BROKERS, AUCTIONEERS, ETC., Have several first-class PROPERTIES on their books for SALE and LEASE, particulars of which will be gladly given to intending buyers. Anvoi o rlosirous of Selling or Leasing their Properties can have same fully Advertiser* in this column FREE OF CHARGE. PLEASE SEND FULL PARTICULARS. REGULAR STOCK SALES:-BURNSIDE.-JSvery WEDNESDAY. MILTON.— TUESDAYS (Fortnightly). BALCLUTHA.- FRIDAYS (Fortnightly) Other Centres and Clearing Sales as per Arrangement. OTHER AUCTIONS: RABBITSKINS.— Every MONDAY. SHEEPSKINS.— Every TUESDAY. WOOL.— In Season. E- pry Consignment has Personal and Careful Supervision. AGENTS AT : TAIERI.— Mr D. WYLLIE, Outram, MILTON.— Mr R. M'KINNON. BALCLUTHA.— Mr E. J. BOYD. CLINTON.— Mr W. T. DIVERS.. TAPANUL— Mr A. M'KINNON. SEEDS OF FIRS'I CLASS QUALITY. MANURES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. . ■ • BINDING TWINE, CORNSACKS, HARDWARE, and all FARM and STATION REQUISITES Supplied on short notice, and at LOWEST MARKET PRICES. .Telegraphic Address: MACLEAN, Dunedin. Business Address and Premises s . - . ' MAXX.EAIV & CO., « It AW FORD STREKT~ USEXT AGRICULTURAL HAU&
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Otago Witness, Issue 2373, 24 August 1899, Page 31
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1,015Page 31 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Witness, Issue 2373, 24 August 1899, Page 31
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Page 31 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Witness, Issue 2373, 24 August 1899, Page 31
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