August 19.— The bachelors of Eastern Bush gave a ball here on Friday, 18th inst., at which visitors were present from Belmont, Clifden, Feldwick, and Orawia. The ballroom presented a pleasing appearance, having been tastefully decorated by Messrs Scobie, M'lntosh, Morrison, M'Lennan, Young, and M'Fadden with shrubs and evergreens, and being lit up by two chandeliers, which illuminated the hall very well. About 30 couples took part in the grand march, which was gone through in the usua! way under the direction of Mr J. Morton, who acted as M.C. The charming dresses and bright faces of the ladies blending with the decorations of the hall combined to make the scene a more than ordinarily pleasing one. Good music was supplied by Messrs Currie and Wakefield (violins) and Wakefield (accordeon). Songs were sung during the evening by Mr E. Scott and also by several joung ladies. The catering was attended ta by Messrf Kingsland and Co., Invercargill. The bachelors provided a plethora of good things, sufficient being left over to meet the demands of 20 additional couples, notwithstanding the fact that the teapot was sent jound three times. The management committee seemed to fie with one another in their endeavours to make the evening as enjoyable as . issible, and surely the result must have been gratifying to them. Dancing was kept up /.•ith spirit, and "all went merry as a marriage bell" till the herald of the day made his appearance in the east, when one and all went home, aftei enjoying themselves thoroughly. Before the bieak-up Mr M'Fadden, the secretary, m a few well choser words, thanked the visitors foi their presence, and hoped that he would see as inanj of the fair sex present next time. He also thanked those ladies who had gone to such trouble in sorting the provisions and attending to those little details that only ladies' fingers can perform.—Occasional Correspondent.
Otago Witness, Issue 2373, 24 August 1899, Page 29
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