Business Notices. * ' • % I, n mi-v., '■■■,; '."l i '- i i itself. If you are | |» v U ffla <&& a- and get instant relief. ||| m asm m n mh All Chemists and Storekeepers. m [E( urn h h w™ ks* . ?/ | PILES- .w^t 6 ? 6 "--, i EH . Ask for Testimonials. y\ % The Lombardia Proprietary, 108 Pitt Street, Sydney. M Jm Whipping: Dough, isthma, Croup, Oa'iarni, iolds.l wft**s'*t -, ©R.E£©I«E;NI? when vaporised {a tl}a aickroojn will jfjve immediate |j! 7BL^ fell*?, ift curative ptfrgis are Vospfefml, « tho sdme time preventing tl*e m 4MP&^sg| spread QS contagious diseases by aStrhg' &i ftfjowariut dislnfftfcUnt. Harm, gfij less to too youngtat child. Sold of fell onemiSts. |gaj Allen & Hanbmys ; Ltd., jm%l/lt^t, London. I Completely Broken Down Unable to Sleep, No Appetite, Loss of Flesh, Physicians Could Give no Relief. Was Cured by *' Sometime ago I was taken very ill, losing my appetite, could not sleep, »nd was unable to do my work. I was attended by two doctors, but to no effect. I became very thin and weak. Sometimes when I was out I would become 90 ill that I would have to go into a neighbor's house until I was fit to walk again. t cannot describe my sufferings, only to say that this state of things lasted for months. "At last I remembered your advertisements in the papers, so determined to ■ hy a bottle of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Finding the first so beneficial, I took another, and still another, and the three bottles completely put me to rights. "I am now perfectly healthy and strong, and can eat and sleep and work — like a Trojan." This is the strong and clear testimonial of Mrs. Jane Messiter (whose j&artrait is here given), of Foy St., Balmain, New South Wales. It is because of the multitude of such cures that Ayer's Sarsaparilla is called ff< The World's Greatest Family Medicine." " Ayer's "is unlike other sarsaparillas. It contains different medicines, tures more quickly, acts more directly on the blood. One bottle of " Ayer's " does the work of three bottles of the ordinary kind. It Enriches the Blood. Ayer's Pills aid the Action of Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Page 26 Advertisements Column 1
Otago Witness, Issue 2373, 24 August 1899, Page 26
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