PEOPLE YOU KNOW. No. V.— THE DOCTOR. Dr T. H. Smith, Royal Colonial Institute, write 3: " I h^ve much pleasure in testifying to the superior qualities of your Vi-Cccoa over any similar preparation in the market. I do this willingly and unsolicited, as I oon- • sider it a groat boon to the public. I have personally experimented with the cocoas in the market, and find that the great drawback to all of them was the slow process of digestion and assimilation. The diastase in the Malt not only assists digestion in your Vi-Cocoa, but it also acoeleratea tho digestion of otber foods that are taken with the Vi-Cocoa. This I have personally tested, and can therefore s>peak from actual experience. Its wonderful recuperative powor after exhaustion from fatigue is marvellous." No article of consumption has ever equalled the speedy popularity of Dr Tibbles's ViCocoa. We should think there are remarkably few houses, if any, where it is not no"w in use. Dr Tibbles's Vi-Cocoa has positively | popularised cocoa as a beverage ; many peopls who never oould make a habit of cocoa drinking, and only took a oup on a, rare occasion, are now regular drinkers of Vi-Cocon. This is unquestionably a beaefife from a public health point of view ; »a tea, however, refreshing and beneficial when taken in moderation, has baneful effects when used excessively, as had too long been common. The progress of Dr Tibbles's Vi- Cocoa has been quite phenomenal all over tho country. It has been a steady and rapid advance, snowing that people after getting it once wanted it regularly. Its praises are sounded on every hand, and tradesmen unanimously testify to its growing sales, and the continual demand for the wonderful food beverage, which form, , even to the veriest sceptics, convincing proofs of tho hold it has taken in publio farour. Dr Tibbles's Vi-Cocoa, in B£d packets »«nd Is Id and 2s 2d tins, can be obtained from all Chemists, Grocers, aiid Stores, or from Dr Tibbies' rf Vi-Cocoa (Limited), 269 George street, Sydney. As an unparalleled test of merit, a dainty sample tin of Dr Tibbles's Vi-Cocoa will be cent free ou application to any address, if when writing ( a postcard will do) the reader will name the Olago Witness,
Page 22 Advertisements Column 1
Otago Witness, Issue 2373, 24 August 1899, Page 22
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