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The Hartley and Riley Beach Dredging Company (Limited) washed vp on Friday for a lettirri oi 7860z lOdwt of gold for a week's dredging. Tho manager reports that the return will not be so good this week, as four or five hourß daily will bo required to take off and put on buckets undergoing repairs. The return last week is a record, the previous best return for one week being the Electric Company's dredge, with 6580z lOdwt for five days. IHE HORNING STAR GOLD DREDGING COMPANY (LIMITED). * The first statutory meeting of shareholders in the Morning Star Gold Dredging Company (Limited) was- held on the 10th inst., when there was a good attendance, Mr W. F. Edmond being in the chair. The following were elected dhectors: — Messrs W. F. Edmond, Job Wain, W. T. Wallace, C. P. M. Butterworth, and S. Luke. Mr T. Chalmer was elected auditor, and Mr E. H. Fulton secretary. Contracts were let for the supply of new buckets of a capacity of 3| cubic feet, and also for new top and bottom tumblers, and these will be ready in a few daya. The machinery on the dredge taken over from the New Zealand Dredging Company will bo thoroughly overhauled, and brought up to date, and it is expected, work will be resumed within three months from date. THE BALD HILL FLAT GOLD DREDGING COMPANY. The first statutory meeting of shareholders in the Bald Hill Flat Gold Dredging Company was hold in the registered office, Alexandra, on Saturday • evening last. There was a good attendance. The followwere elected directors : — Messrs James Simmonda, Robert Gunion, J. G. Closs (of Alexandra), W. W. Shelmerdine, and Daniel Haynes (of Dunedin). Mr J. D. Buchanan (of Alexandra) was elected auditor. At a subsequent meeting of directors Mr Robert Gunion was elected chairman. The directors have decided to get plans for the dredge prepared immediately. WEST MATAU DREDGING COMPANY (LIMITED). The statutory meeting of this company was held on Tuesday afternoon, and was well attended. Messrs R. T. Wheeler, jun., William Bee, D. W. Woods, N. H. Bell, and J. C. Ponsonby were elected directors. Mr W. T. Monkman was appointed secretary, and Mr Thomas Chalmer auditor. SHOTOVER QUARTZ MINING COMPANY (NO LIABILITY). Mr S. E. Brent supplies the following extract from the mine manager's report — Machine level extended Bft for the week; total length, 805 ft. Ground became very hard since la9t report. Stone did not make down into level, but keeps along in the loof, though very narrow. THE VINCENT EXTENDED GOLD DREDGING COMPANY (LIMITED). A meeting of shareholders of the above company was held at the office of the company, Vogel street, on F v riday evening, Hr George Knox presiding. It was resolved that the capital of tho company bo increased to £8500 by the creation of 1500 new shares of £1 each. One thousand of the new issue to be offered pro rata to the present shareholders, and the balance of 500 to be held in reserve. SHOTOVER GOLD DREDGING COMPANY. The interim recrotniy of the Shotover Gold Dredging Company reports that shares are being taken up rapidly, and the list will close shortly. A large number of applications have been received from 'Queenstown and district from those who know the ground. The reports of experts who know tho claim are all of a favourable nature. THE KYEBURN DREDGING COMPANY. TO THE EDITOR. Sir, — In your daily issue of the 11th. " Shareholder" states ihat I wish to throw blame on the ohairman. I think the chairman's letter explains why the new claim was taken up. As regards the report in the balance shaet, the only thing that might be taken exception to was the words " specially gratifying." My report is still in the company's office. I gave no opinion wheth«r the claim would pay or not. Tho facts are etatod just as I found the claim turn out. My report confirms that of tho lato Mr Mason as regards quantity of gold per yard. The depth I gave was from the surface of the giound to the bottom ; Mr Mason's was from surface of water
level to the bottom, as was also the dredgemaster's report read at tho meeting on .June 19. Allowing for the depth of ground above water in the two last-mentioned reports, and also for the water-level varying with the rise ancl fall of the river, the three reports may confirm each other as regards depth also. My address to the shareholders wa3 a conditional one. I stated that if the deep ground continued I did not think the returns would go below 15oz or 16oz per week. I refer shareholders to dredgemasters' reports for November to the end of January for the same opinion. However, the deep ground gave out, and I feel, with shareholders, disappointment. — I am, etc., Moses Brown. August 14.
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Otago Witness, Issue 2373, 24 August 1899, Page 22
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819A RECORD DREDGING RETURN. NEARLY EIGHT HUNDRED OUNCES. Otago Witness, Issue 2373, 24 August 1899, Page 22
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A RECORD DREDGING RETURN. NEARLY EIGHT HUNDRED OUNCES. Otago Witness, Issue 2373, 24 August 1899, Page 22
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