SEEDS FOR AUTUMN SOWING. TSIFOLIUM ING&RNATUM, OS CRIMSON CLOVER. One of the most useful and rapid-growing of annual fodder plants. When sown during 'the autumn on stubble ground it produces a heavy crop of green food, which may be clearod off in October or November, in time to prepare the land for turnips, etc Crimson Clover makes a capital hay, which is much relished by all kinds of stock, especially horses. Excellent for an early crop. Although little known in OlagOj this seed i" largely grown in Canterbury, and gives greatjsatisfactiou. >•'■ ■ " ■ \ CAPE BABLEY. RYECORM. ' 380ADLEAF ESSEX RAPE. SEED MERCHANTS AND SEED GROWERS, • DUNEDIN.
THE DANGER OF COUGHING: ITS CAUSE AND CURE. COUGHING occurs from irritation in the back of the throat — in the larynx, trachea, and bronchia) tubes.. Cold air will cause the irritation. Continued coughing aggravates and inflames the mucous membrane of the bronchial tubes, and may easily cause a recurrence of Bronchitis in any one who is subject to the disease. A neglected Cough may lead to inflammation of the lungs, or, ■worse still, may become chronic and pass into consumption. Promptly cures a Cough by remoring the irritation which causes it. BENJAMIN GUM has many properties in common with Friar's Balsam, and is most efficacious in the treatment of Inflammation of the Throat, Lungs, or Bronchial Tubes. It positively cures Coug-hs, Colds, Inflamed and Sore Throats, Wheezing and Difficulty of Breathing", Influenza, Bronchitis, Pleurisy, and Pneumonia. Me A. R. Babkkh, care Morrow, Baisett, and Co., M Manchester street, Chrißtchurch, states : " After enfferiDg for several weekt from a violent cough I was advised to take Spencer Vincent's Benjamin Gum. Tho effect was truly m*rTcllo?6« one bottle completely curing me of the cough. I might add that I tried radons other remedies before I w»b fortunate enough to hear of Benjamin Gum from a disinterested chemist." m< — ■^ ■*—.—*-— . .^. -a. .— . — ■ — — . — . _ — — — r — a a a f Spencer Vincent's Benjamin Gum is Sold Everywhere in two sizes— Price Is 6d and 2s 6d. Loasby's Wahoo Manufacturing Company, Limited, Kemptkome, Prosser, & co.s h.z. Drug company, Limited, SOLE MANUFACTURERS AND PROPRIETORS. ' WHOLBSAtB AGENTS.
Page 15 Advertisements Column 1
Otago Witness, Issue 2373, 24 August 1899, Page 15
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