FINEST QUALITIES ONLY : BASS'S CHAMPAGNE ALE Guieiiiess's Svxtra Stoait. Largest Contents on the Mark-t. Agent ... JAMES RATTRAY & SON. THE "NEW DOMESTIC"' Seven- drawer ... Sjl 10s Five-drawer „ ... £6 10s Three-drawer „ ... £5 10s FOR the purpose of introducing these Machines in Otago and Southland the above prices will be accepted for the first consignment, being ONE-HALF the regular I prices. A Cafket of new-style attachments will be included, with auffter, tucker, binder, braider, loopur, etc. These Machines are UNEQUALLED for Range of Work, Ease of Operation, Simplicity, Fine Workmanship, Durability, and Elegance. Early application to D. M. SPEDDING, 3au Dunedin. DR SPEER Was gazetted in New Zealand as a MEDII CAL PRACTITIONER, October 13, j 1885, and is a irraduate of Harvard UniverI sity, Class 74. The Doctor has devoted a lifetime to the study of ALL DISEASES, some of them in association with the leading physicians of the Old and New Worlds, which enables him to treat his patients with excellent results. Catarrh, Stomach and Liver troubles attended to in all their various forms. All skin diseases, from whatever cause, absolutely cured within a stated time. All applying to him will receive his honest opin- | ion of their complaints. No experimenting ! Where there is no organic disease, and nothing but inorganic trouble, or, in other words, a conglomeration of symptoms producing a certain result, there is no reason why 1 it cannot be removed with the proper remedies ; therefore he guarantees. Furthermore, in all other businesses the master must guarantee his work — why not in medicine? The old-fashioned doctor will promise nothing ; therefore he must be guepsing as to the trouble, and guessing as to the remedy. Ladies and gentlemen, in science there is no guesswork. No man or woman can die without a cause. That cause shoiild be known to a doctor, and the remedy too. Remember, medical ethics will not cure, neither will dignity founded on guessing help you. Dr 1 Speer wishes it distinctly understood that he does not claim to perform impossibilities or to have miraculous power. He claims only ' to be a qualified and successful physician, [ thoroughly informed in the above Dl- \ SEASES. People at a distance explaining ; i their cases by letter can be treated at home, 1 The course does not in any way interfere witl L ' business. Hours : 9 till 12, from 2.30 till 5, and fron 7.30 to 9 p.m. No Sunday hours. Dr Speer will remain in Dunedin. for a yeai and a-half and five in the colony. Address : H. J. SPEER, M.D., Provident Buildings, Rattray street, Triangle DUNEDIN.
Page 13 Advertisements Column 2
Otago Witness, Issue 2373, 24 August 1899, Page 13
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