Business Notices. "CHAMPION" BOUBLE -FURROW PLOUGHS. THESE PLOUGHS ARE SO WELL KNOWN THAT COMMENT IS NEEDLESS, Steel and Wood Frame DISC HARROWS made any Size, from 6ft wide to 12ft wide. Our Steel Frame HARROW is the Best Steel Harrow in New Zealand. OUR NEW COMBINED GRAIN, TURNIP, AND MANURE DRILLS ARE ANOTHER FEATURE IN WHICH WE EXCEL— WITHOUT DOUBT THE BEST DRILL OBTAINABLE. ALSO MAKERS OF 2, 3, & 4 FURROW STUBBLE PLOUGHS, OHAPFCUTTERSS Sz SA.C^C3S-ESIS,^. WOODEN HILLSIDE PLOUGHS ©^ REDUCED IN PRICE. AGENTS FOR BEEEIITQ "IDEAL" HARVESTERS & BINDERS, AND HORSE RAKES, MOWERS, &c, &o. OIL ENGINES, TRACTION ENGINES, THRASHING MILLS SECOND-HAND ENGINES FOR SALE. - - SOLE AGENTS FOR - - RUDGE-WHITWORTH & YELLOW FELLOW BICYCLES. FULL PAKTICULAKS AND CATALOGUES ON APPLICATION. ANDREWS & BEATEN are THE MAKERS to go to foe CHAFFCUTTERS £or Hand ' Horse ' and steam Power SEED-CLEANING MACHINERY fOT *£= and CORN-CRUSHERS HORSE GEARS As they confine their attention to these four machines, and do not try to make all sorts. CATALOGUES SENT ON APPLICATION. CHRISTCHURCH, N.Z. JSSLm €Ss£J JL • J» <3-J JsTCi JL \JL-n JL J&J?m) 9 AGENTS FOR RUSTON, PROCTOR, & CO.'S (LTD.) ENGINES AND BOILERS, SPECIAL ENGINES AND BOILERS FOR DREDGES, CREAMERIES, AND GENER\L PURFOSES. ENGELEERTS CELEBRATED LUBRfCATEKG OSLS. GS-AMIDY'S BELTING. THE BEST FOR DURABILITY, STRENGTH, AND ECONOMY. SCOTT'S STJEEL WIRE ROPES, BLACK AND GALVANISED. We also Stock PICKERING GOVERNORS, SIGHT FEED LUBRICATORS, INJEC" f ORS, and Every Descriptiou of ENGINE FITTINGS. OT&GO IRON, COPPER, BRASS, AND LEAD WORKS The Oamaru papers report tho death of Dr The total number of telephone lines in New tfi V6n South Wales on July 61 was 9143. Tho Ballarat Courier records that the maker Great havoc is being^yorked among the and hoister of tho flag that flew above the flocks of settlers around Hillgrove l<alls (iNew Eureka Stockade on that fateful Sunday in South Wales) by dingoes. December, 1854-, when the diggers came into Tho botfly appears to be very bad in the conflict with the authorities — Mr William A. Gisborne district at the present time. Several JGr. Eraser — diod pa July 27, aged 77 years- horsea have succumbed to ita ravage*-
Page 2 Advertisements Column 1
Otago Witness, Issue 2373, 24 August 1899, Page 2
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