Publio Hotices. 8 RATTRAY STREET, DUNEDIN. CAN'T BE SHIFTED ! First Award Hew Zealand and South Sent Exhibition for Colonial-made Saddles and Harnosi. My. £5 tnrnonfc, consisting of a First-class Saddle (with Mountings Complete, all nandmade), and Double-reined strong bridle, is she best value for the money in the Colony. £4. £4. I am alao making a Lighter S&ddia than above, with Double-reined Snaffle Bridle, complete with all mountings, for £4. .Yjmpeetion invited. Compare quality with prices. Notb thb Address : 3P. MILLER, IMPORTER k MANUFACTURER OF SADDLERY, 8 RATTRAY STREET, DUNEDIN. HERBERT, J raiaUr vvbi DUNEDIN. CLOTHING ... DEPARTMENT. 200 Men's Colonial Saddle Tweed Suits, all Twisted Yarn, 37s 6d. 100 Men's Colonial Saddle Tweed Suits, Heavy Make, 42s 6d. 1.10 Pairs Men's Saddle Tweed Trousers, 12s Gd. 75 Paifs Men's Saddle Tweed ' Trousers, Heavy Make, 14s 6d. The above are made up in First-class Style, with Best A'-rimmings, and are recommended for Hard Wear. 50 Men's Drab Covert Coats, special value, 21s. 20' Men's Drab Covert Coats, of best manufacture, 30s. 60 Men's Durable Waterproof Coats, 30s. 50 Men's Thoroughly Waterproof Coats, 42s Cd. 30 Men's Very Superior Waterproof Coats, 57s 6d. TAILORING DEPARTMENT. SUITS TO MEASURE, made from Good Sffong Tweed, in dark Colours ; well finished, £3 3s. Double Width Twilled Navy Serge, for boys School Wear, 3s lid, 4s 6d, 4s 9d, 5s 6d per yard - Colonial Tweed, suitable for boys' School Wear, in a grand Range of Patterns, 2s 6d, 2s 9d, 3s 3d, 3s Gd per yard. We hold the Largest and Most Reliable Stock of Men's acd Boys' Ready-made Clothing in Dunedin to select from. English, Scotch, and Colonial Twee in Latest Colourings and Designs. TAILORING BY THOROUGHLY JS.X"SRIENCED HANDS.
Page 1 Advertisements Column 3
Otago Witness, Issue 2373, 24 August 1899, Page 1
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