Public Notices. <fc^a^ HHAW, BAVILL, AND Jggfclg^Q ALBION COMPANY FOR LONDON.— ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS, with Superior Accommodation for all Classes cf Passengers, calling at Monte Video or Bio <Je Janeiro, Teneriffe, and Plymonth. ''. S.S. Tons. m^° n m ; r . From Date. " 1899. Aotea .. 6346 Evans Wellingt'n Aug. 24 Jonic ... 4753 Keinpson — Oct. 12 Wai'wera COO Stuart -* — Tokomaku 6238 Maxwell — ■*- Gothic j 7730 Kidloy )Wellipgt'n — CARGO STEAMERS. Pakeha .. | 4331 |Pro3?er |Lyttelton Aug. 23 Rakgatira 4045 Burton Wellington — Maori ... 5200 Bloffatt — — Mamari .. 3583 — ■*> — Matatua .. 3K22 Holmes — •*-• Delphic ... 8273 Sowden — «- Passengers forwarded from Dunedin to Port of Departure of Mail Steamer Free. Special facilities are sfforded for bringing out friends and relatives from Home by issue of N passage orders in the colony. For freight or passage apply to the Agents : NATIONAL MORTGAGE & AGENCY COMPANY OF N.Z. (LIMITED), MURRAY. ROBERTS, AND CO DALGETY A COMPANY, LIMITED. £ THE NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPANY'S LINE. FOB, LONDON, calling at 6&^:M£ MONTE VIDEO, TENEJKSuni'liwßfc BIFFE, and PLYMOUTH. R.EV3.S, P&P&NW, 10,000 tons burthen, iWill be despatched as above from BLUFF , ON SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 nnO be followed' by the s.e. RUAHINE, on ML THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28. Coastal Passage to Port of Departure FREE. "Warrants issued for Passages from the "United Kingdom to New Zealand. Through 'bookings to West Coast of South America, [Falkland Islands, Bahia, and Pernambuco. For further particulars apply to THE NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPANY (LIMITED), 9 .Bond steeet, Dunedin. £ s . SADDLES! /V* M'KENZIE wishes to draw the atten- #!_• tion of RUNHOLDERS, FARMERS, and others to the Special Values he is now •offering in Colonial-made SADDLERY, and especially in SADDLES. Here are a few : — No. 1 Turnout consists Stock Saddle, pigskin seat, single rein bridle ... £2 10 ■No. 2 — Stock Saddle, pigskin seat, leather girth, double-reined bridle.. £4 0 ■No. 3 — Stock Saddle, pigskjn seat, leather girth, nickle stirrups, doublereined bridle, nickel bit £4 10 jNo. I—Stock1 — Stock Saddle, pigskin seat, leather girth, nickle stirrups, doublereined bridle, nickle bit .. ... £5 2 JNp. 6 — Stock Saddle, pigskin seat, leather girth, heavy nickle irons, best double-reined bridle, stout nickle bit £6 10 Stockriders directed to super, quality No. 5, which has very large pads. On orders (enclosing remittance) for £2 and upwards railage will be paid. Orders {(enclosing remittance) for £5 and upwards ,ivill be delivered free anywhere in South island. JHoldfields orders receive special attention. (Note carefully the address : A. M'KENZIE, Saddler, faiNOEs Stbejst, DUNEDIN.
Page 1 Advertisements Column 1
Otago Witness, Issue 2373, 24 August 1899, Page 1
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