Medical LIKSEED COMPC - N tf& Trade Mark of KAY'S COMPOUND" ESSEA T Cx*5T" LINSEED, , . Aniseed, Senega, Squill, etc., for Coughs, C- Ids* 'and Chest Complaints. Useful in Bronehifcisy Asthma, Influenza, Consumption, etc. la equally serviceable for Horses and Cattle. X INUM CATHARTICUM PILLS, for In* JLi digestion and its evils, Bilious deranged merits, etc. An agreeable aperient. l g^OAGULINE.— Cement for broken Articles* r^HESHIRE BIBD LIME, in tin boxes. KJ Spread on paper or twigs for Mosquitoes, Birds, add small Animals. Manufactory — Stockport Et'gH:i<-?. 15m BALSAM of ANISEED WILL CURE YOUR COUGH. ALL THE WORLD OVER, THB HECCG* NISED COUGH REMEDY. Itß immeniio salt throughout the world indicates it* ineatdmftble value. UNSOLICITED TESTIMONIALS. Thb Dean or "WEBTMiKiTiR's Verger write*:— "l vu ad vised to try the Balitun of Aniseed : I did, end b&rs found Ter.r great relief. Ib ia most comfortine ia Allaying irritation and giring strength to the voice. Liosel Brobgh. 'Eta., the eminent actor wrilas •.-• " I think it nn invaluable mediciiie for rnesnben of my profession, and liave always recominomud it to my brother and aiater artistes." Mr. Thomas Hutnti, tiaeznist, Llandilo, October!*};. 1896, -writer:— "Singularly, I nave commenced my fifty-second year in busineia to-day. I remeinbor my mother siring me your Balsam for coughs «od colds newly 70 years ago. My chest koA. voice are *s souncl M a bell now." __^ T OOSENS THE PHLEGM IMMEDIATELY. JU NIGHT COUGH QUICKLY BELIEVED. BEE TRADE MAUK AS ABOTfll ON EACH: WBAPPER. S*e the words " Thomas Powell, BlscVfriars Eoaj^ London," on the Government Stamp, Refuse Imitations. Established 1824. SQUATTERS and FARMERS WHEIT ORIrEIb ING THEIR STORES SHOULD NOT OMI'JJ THIS TIME-HONOURED COUGH REMEDY. FOR it COUGH. "POWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED. T^OR ASTHMA, INPLTJEKZA, io. SOLD BY CHEMISTS and STOREKEEPERS THROUGHOUT the AUSTRALIAN, NE"W ZEALAND, ftnd CAPE COLONIES. , Bottles Is. ljd., 2s. 3d., and it. 6d. <' t ■ , - _ -^ . A T£RKißw£ • OUiaH. A TERRIBLE COUGH, " di Commercial road, Peckham. "July ]2. "Dear Sir, — I am a poor hand at ex* pressing my feelings, but I should like to thank you. -Your lozenges have dons wonders in relieving my terrible cough. Since I had the operation of ' Tracheotomy ' (tha same as the late Emperor of Germany, and tmliko him, thank God, I am still alive) performed at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, no one could possibly have had a more violent cough ; it waa so bad at times that; it quite exhausted me. The mucous, which was very copious and hard, lias been softened, and I have been able to get lid of it without difficulty. — I am, sir, youra truly, J. HILL." A DOCTOR'S TESTIMONY. A DOCTOR'S TESTIMONY. " Kouth Park, Cardiff, South Wales, " September 28, 1893. " I have, indeed, great pleasure in adding my testimony to your excellent preparation of Cough Lozenges, and I have prescribed it now for the last eight years in my hospitals and private practice, and found it of great benefit. I often suffer from Chron ; c Bronchitis; your Lozenge is the only .remedy which gives me immediate ease. Therefore I certainly and most strongly recommend your Lozenges to .the public who may suffer from Catarrh, Bronchitis, Winter Cough, or any kind of Pulmonary Irritation. — Yours truly, "A. GABRIEL, M.D., L.R.C.P. and ' L.M., Edinburgh. L.E.C.S. and L.l£, 'Edinburgh." USE KEATING'S LOZENGES. \J £ KEATING'S LOZENGES. USE KCATiNQ'S LOZENGES. '" IT 18 NEARLY 80 TEAKS AGO " Since KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES wera first made, and the sale is larger than ever, because they are unrivalled in the relief and cure of Winter Cough, Asthma, ac<? Bronchitis; one alone gives relief. UTTERLY UNRIVALLED. UTTERLY UNRIVALLED. "Keating's Cough Lozenges, the unrivalled remedy for COUGHS, HOARSENESS, an<i THROAT TROUBLES, are sold in Tins by all Chemists. i m< — '^'■rt^V /FEVERISH HEAT JtT 1 * 2^l < /^V"C TVjJ 1 Pr«trv» 1 \ z It _$/-*53) ; \aH«lt!ySrih;«Mh»lJ ■Pop JL'l 1 ■*zrb*yi IVGHilh'Sbon ii«n;>siM» 1 v (ft |J(jpg n J M fer^Lg™^^ 1 <I£G.JM \r^Tcn \hf A r \fc/?\xzTvs <t ' ' (oil ((^PledseObservefhe E,E,S. Si SOLD BY KEMPTHORNE. PROSSER, &, CQ^
Page 63 Advertisements Column 3
Otago Witness, Issue 2373, 24 August 1899, Page 63
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