Convinced Him.
This fair maid will have a handsome dowry some time, and it is the ambition of her father to have her marry one whoso fortune will at least equa 1 her own. "I want you to stop that young Blank calling here," he remarked recently, in the autocratic way that some fathers have. "He has no prospects worth spealing of, there is nothing to show that he has any business ability, ajid I don't want him hanging round here any more." " What is business ability, papa?" "Why, you know. Everybody knows, of course. Let me see. Why, it's the ability tp see the main chance, to grab it and hang on till you get the money. That's what it is, and there's plenty of young men in this town that have it. Young Blank lacks it wofully." "Oh, he does? I'm. afraid, papa, that you're speaking without proper information. He I'nows I shall have £20,000 some time. That }<i a main chance worth looking after. Mr Blank saw it. He reached out and grabbed for it. He's hanging on, and he's going to get it. Do you happen to know of any other young man of his age and limited opportunities whose busine9s ability has assured him, so handsome a fortune?" The old gentleman's answer sounded suspiciously like smothered profanity, and it was fully five minutes before the bewitching creature could biing the sunshine of 1 smile to his face. Now he tells a few friendß that young Blank has the making of one of the best business men in" the countrjr.
Convinced Him.
Otago Witness, Issue 2373, 24 August 1899, Page 61
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