Business Notices. >~ EDWARDS 9 I [JI^HAIR PRODUCER & RESTORER'S 1 Tha Very Finest Dressing. Specially Prepared and Delicately Perfumed. m A LUXURY AND A NECESSITY TO EVERY MODERN TOILBT. ■ ffl Fall description and directions for use In 20 languages supplied with every bottle. j? V-, ?/S and (triple 2/8 size) 4/6 per lottlo «f Druggists &0., all over tho Warl«J» | EDWARDS' "HARLENE" Co., SS * 86, HIGH HQLB6RN, LONDON, W.O. I & r^^^^^o^m^ L When the pie was opened W g: \BIRDS custard 7 BSSD'S CUSTARD POWSSER. € CW Supplies a Dally Luxury — Dainties in endless variety. j£k Sr, The Choicest Djshes and the Richest Custard, Or *T NO EGGS REQUfiREO. qf Storekeepers can obtain supplies of Bird's Custard and Bird's Conceuttrated Egg Powders, Bird's Baking and Bird's Blanc-Mange Powders, from all the leading Wholesale Houses. W* \"""" " " " ~ Don't Wait an Hour Prompt action is essential — Avoid £bbM&$L tk e dangerous results of a cold — - jcgj9pj||p^ib^ Fortify the weak organs and ' ii&iP»^ j£*witiL muscles of the body by applying illiiiii Wi!zW which not only relieves the pain, iipF^! ilP^ k ut invigorates the affected jlu&lllgl IIP parts. If you would be certain °f results, accept no other than an ALLCOCK'S POROUS PLASTER— soId everywhere. REMEMBER when you need a plaster is the one you want. TAKE NO OTHER BUT ALLCOCK'S. A SILVER WATCH FOR foSOTHiftIG. WE herehy undertake to give one of our Famous Silver Watches (Lara's or GentlpmaiA) to ever Man, Woman, or Child who sends us the Correct Reading of the following PUZZLE. _ The onhr condition is that if your answer is correct you Purchase one of our fcOLID STERLING SILVER CHAINS to Wear with the Watch :— DxxT Mxx 3 TxxS CxxxxE. SEND NO MONEY. Simply forward your answer and enclose etamped and addressed envelope, so that we may inform you If you have won a Watch. We are making this offer solely with the object of introducing and Advertising our Goods. GOLDSMITHS COLOR3BAL COMPANY, Care oi A. A. ELLISDON, 284 QUEEN STREET, AUCKLAND.
Page 60 Advertisements Column 1
Otago Witness, Issue 2373, 24 August 1899, Page 60
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