— " Fusil '' was the old lame for the flintlock, to distinguish it from the matchlock, and fusiliers were those whe carried fusils. Florilinz! — For the Teeth and Breath: — A few drops of the liquid " Florilina " sprinkhJ. on a wet tooth brush produce a pleasant lather, which thoroughly cleanses the teeth "fro-n all parasites and impurities, hardens the gums, prevents tartar, stops decay, gives to the teeth a peculiar pearly whiteness, and a delightful fragrance to th« breath. It remoyes all unpleasant odour arising from decayed teeth. or tobacco smoke. "The Fragrant Florilinc,"being composed in part of honor and sweet herbs, is delicious to the taste, and the greatest toilet dUcovery of the age. - Price 2s 6d of all chemists and perfumers. Wholesale depot, 33 Farringdon road, London, England.— Adyiv
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Otago Witness, Issue 2373, 24 August 1899, Page 58
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Page 58 Advertisements Column 1
Otago Witness, Issue 2373, 24 August 1899, Page 58
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