Birmingham Tourney.
Game between Messrs Biown and Bellingham played in the Birmingham tourney. Pagan Opening.
(a) This opening, adopted doubtless to force the opposite party to think for himself, we have ventured to call the Pagan opening, chiefly because it is not a Christian opening, never having been baptised or named. Obviously enough it puzzled Mr Bellingham, but surely it cannot be favourable to the first player, and it seems doubtful whether Mr Bellingham found the best way of meeting it. (b)^ P-K 4, q-k r 5; 6 Q-K 2, seems preferable. (c) Still 8 P-K 4 was better. Should Black reply p x p, c. p., then 9 P or B x P, and if 8 b-k kt 3 or b-k 8, 9 kt-k 2, with a good game. Black's attack is premature. (d) Here 15 p-q 6, threatening kt x b, 16 K-R 2, pxkpor b p; 17 QxP,kt (r 4)-b 5, etc. (c) If 16 kt xp,l7P x B, p-q b eh; 18 P x B, qx p eh; 19 K-R2, pxb p, winning the exchange. If 17 kt (q 6) x p eh, 18 K-R, qxq b2, threatening kt-q b 6, etc. (f) Useless, since the kt p cannot be taken. Better was 21 Kt-Q B 4, followed by Kt-Q Xt 2, to bring- pressure on the weak k p. (g) White being weak on the Queen's side, Black properly transfers the attack to that side. 2G R x R might have been played at once; if p x r, 27 Kt-K B 8, followed by Kt-K 1 and Q 3. (h) Threatening Kt-K R 6. (l) 38 Q-K B 8, q-q b 2; 39 R-Q B 1, q-q r 4; 40 0-0 R 1 would have gained a pawn at least. (j) This move should have cost black a piece. (k) 40 B x Xt should have been played, for if p x b, 41 Q-K 8 eh, k-r 2; 43 Q-K B 7 eh, and mate next move. (1) Mr Bellingham sees his error, and retires the kt. (m) 41 Q-K 8, b-q b 4; 42 R-Q 8 was better, since it threatened mate in two moves. After the text move White has to defend instead of attacking. (n) If 59 Qx R, kt-k 6 eh; 60 Q x Xt, b x q; 61 Xt x B, q-q r 7; 62 R x P,_fl x r; 63 Kt-K B 5, and Black cannot win. (o) This loses. It is a pity that such a care-fully-played game should be ended by a blunder.
White. Black. White. Black. Brown. Bellingham 32Ki-KBschK-Rl 33 B-KRS(H) Kt-K Xt S 34 PQ B 3 P-Q B 4 35KtPxP QxP 86 P x P PxP 37 Q-K 6 Q-K i 38Q-QB6(i)P-QKt5 39R-QKJ) BK2 rJORxP(K)-Kt-KBl(L; 41 Q-QB4(m) R-Q B 2 42 QQ R 2 B-Q B 4 43 R-Q 5 Q-K 3 44 B-K Xt 4 Q-Q Xt 3 45 R-Q 1 P-Q Xt 6 46 Q-Q Xt 2 Kt-Q2 47K-Kt2 R-QKt2 48 Kt-K R 6 Kt-K 4 49 R-Q B 1 R-Q Xt 1 50 Kt-K B 5 Q-Q Xt 5 51 B-K B 3 QQ R 4 52 R-Q K 1 Q-Q Xt 3 53 R-Q B 1 Q-Q R 2 51 R-Q R 1 Q-K B 2 55R-QKtl Kt-Q B 5 56Q.Q83 P-QKt7 57 B-K R 5 Q-K 3 58 B-K B 3 R-Q Xt 6 59Q-QB2(N)R-QKt6 COP-KKt4(o) QxKt! 61 KP x Q Kt-K 6cl 62 K-Kt 3 Xt x Q Resigns. Brown. Bellingham IP-KKt4(A)P-K4 28-KKt2 P-Q4 3PKR3 PQB3 4 P-Q 3 B-Q B 4 5 QKtB3(B) P-K B 4 lil'xP Q B x P 7Kt-KB3 P-Q 5 BKt-K4(c) BxKt -- 9 P x B Kt-Q 2 108-KKtB KKt-K Ball Kt-Q 2 Q-Q Xt 3 I2R-QKtl Kt-RBl 13 B-K R 4 Kt-K Xt 3 14 B-K Xt 3 Kt-K R 4 15 0-0 Xt <Xt 3)X B 5 (D) 16 P-Q Xt 4 B-K 2 L 7 K-R 2 0-0 188-KB3 QR-Q1 19 R-Q Xt 3 Ktxß 20 Px Xt Kt-K Xt 3 aP-QE3(E)D-QBfi 32BKKt4 R-K.83 2iQR-KB3P-QR4(F) 24Q-QKtl PxP 25 P x P Kt-K B 1 2tj Kt-QB4(G) P-Q Xt 4 27 Kt-Q 2 R-Q R 1 28 R x R P x R 2i)6.QKt3chK-Kt2 )OKt-KB3 B-Ql )!Kt-KR4 R-QR2
Birmingham Tourney.
Otago Witness, Issue 2373, 24 August 1899, Page 48
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