'T Eusiness^lToticesJ r ■ ■ z " BRlf i S FOR m FOLLOWiNG REASONS Uj/SMtff^ FIRST. SECOBTB. THIRD. FOI'KTH. FIFTH. — r — — — The "Standard" .BOOTS with this On this Brand Only the very best Farmers, Miners, Brand Boots and Brand on the heel only the very best of Materials are ' and all who want Shoes are known pie guaranteed to of Workmen are used in this Brand to keep their feet from Auckland to JTit and Wear employed. of Boots and dry, try this the Bluff for sterWell. I Shoes. Brand. ling quality. All Boots bearing " Standard " on the Heel are manufactured in th.o celebrated " Standard " Brand Boot Factory by SARGOOD, SOftS, & EWEN, Bunedin. Wholesale only.
" Little Giant" Tm pA V 2 To use NOTHING BUT THE BEST ' ' feKSßwlial TT I "D A VCJ To use a Cream Separator that aerates the X "^ ■*■ *i ■*> cream. fe^Sr TT I "D A VC! To use a Cream Separator that cools the Jgj)%«jf *<•• ■*• ** * » cream. j^Sil tt& II TT P A To use a Cream Separator that sMms clean. \ S ygSfen TT P A Y"^ Tousea Cream Separator that is simple. Sagl | §|p^ Tm 13 A VC! To use * Cream Separator that requires little l§s® S JTAJLu oil. I|| Wk TIT! TJ AVQ To U3e a Cream Separator that requires no gggggl *•+• rillu repairs. H |a\ jm PA*V^J US9 a Cream Separator that can foe relied bHHH Hi Hl?{il§jlT PAYS T ° USe a SHARPLES CREAM SEPARATOR. *B&bSßßsb UraPwisiS Sharpies Cream Separators and all other requirements for the »mm\mmtmi mmum creamery constantly kept in stock. Send for catalogues. Cream Separator. SOLE AGENTS FOR NEW ZEALAND : THE WELLINGTON FRESH FOOD AND EOF, COMPANY (LIMITED), CORNHULL STREET, WELLINGTON. SUE-AGENT, DUNEDIN : J. B. MACEWAN, No. 3 BOND STREET. tS~ ORDER THROUGH YOUR OWN AGENTS OR DIRECT •«* SUTTON'S SEEDS, TURNIPS ! TURNIPS ! TURNIPS ! TOTHILI, WATSON, & CO., Agents. ASK YOTJE- STOREKEEPER for AMERICAN "WAUKEGAN" BARB WIRE. It is as Strong as the. Strongest. Weight for -weight it runs about 20 per cent. j/^^^^MlM^^ FURTHER than any other Barb Wire fjmjk wjs|i®i||§^ Stocked in Ko. 12 gauge, 4 point thickset. -^S^™Svß3r W Write t0 U8 f ° r Circular S ivin g particulars WAUKEGAN CHIEF ° I^^^TIOISO]pEID&EE,& GO. DUNEDIN. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS* Sold only in labelled tins. JAMES EPPS & Ct., Ltd., Homoeopathic Chemists, tondon. Agents in punedin— MACKERRAS & HAZLETT. INVALUABLE TO AULJ
Page 4 Advertisements Column 1
Otago Witness, Issue 2373, 24 August 1899, Page 4
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