booom of his fa»V. Bi?«?e^ g % tha :noves! With Iwn ,„• i V the Bha dow IfPfMi weak, weary, and tired, and AS »louethSg» louethSg Si tO Speak Of ' and the Mttle food r . v g c no rtr «KU». After eating I had a heavy weight and pain across my chesf an fa ** ™vi f ap T petlte < and not being able to sleep Z^&T&ZZ* that J FO ™ ™ iiiS" b6r 23> - 189 . 2 < one Sunda r mornrag), whilst preparing breakfast for my husband, I was suddenly seized with pabAtsi3 not tell mP y What J suffered I could . "I could not rest night or day, and I was lof a m° Ut ,° f bed e ™*y now and a ffa in ] got littJ* sleep, only dozing off for » short time and then storting up. I was afraid to be left alone, and often in the night I hay« " been so nervous and frightened I could scarcely bear it. I took medicines of all kinds, but was little better for anything until one day in August, 1893, my husband read in the paper, 'Weekly People,' of Mother Beigal s Curative Syrup, and got me a bottle irom Perry and Son, chemists, High street, Gravesend. After taking it a short time, i began to gam strength, and got stronger and stronger until I was free from the effects of the seizure. I now keep in good health You can publish this statement if you wish -Yours truly (Signed) Mrs Ltdia Golding! Ma 14 1896 r ° street) Grav esend,What was this shadow that had crossed Mrs folding s path ? What was it that "overtook" her and laid her helpleso and suffering upon a bed of siokness? Surely you can recognise the monster that sprang upon her as the dreaded disorder Dyspepsia, which attacks you when you are most defenceless and weakest. Parajysis; yes, Mrs Golding had it, and could feel it, but what she could not feel was what it was that had so acted upon her nerves and muscles as to cause them to become so helpless. Nor could she, I suppose, understand how Mother Seigel's Curative byrup cured her so quickly, though we know now that it was because the dyspepsia was got rid of. But, as the native was never heard of more, so there are some who oannot get out of the clutches of Dyspepsia, even with such help as Mother Seigel's Curative Syrup, if the help comes too late. Hence the best way of all, say I, is to keep out of the jungle after dark ; and, if you must go, walk quickly.
A particularly pathetic gun accident was reported from Warracknabeal, South Australia, the other day. Mr and Mrs Mewand went from home in the morning, leaving their daughter, aged 12 years, in charge of seven children younger than herself. During the day the children commenced playing ' robbers," and a little brother got hold of a gun and fired point blank at hie sister, who received the entire charge in her body, and died shortly afterwards. Thomas Harrington, an ex-Baptist clergyman, resident in Southland, was convicted at Invercargill on Friday of stealing a book in an auction room while a sale was in progress and was remanded for the probation officer's report. Accused, who had not been in. the ministry for some time, 1 lives in a substantial house, his own property, aud is supposed to have means. Aj man looking through a glass case contain* ing a model saw Harrington lift the book,; place it under his coat, and button his coat.. When challenged he was seen to lav a. book' dcjwn.
Otago Witness, Issue 2373, 24 August 1899, Page 47
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