OTHER FEATURES . . , of the Publication. The story of " The Maori Leap," told in connection with, the projecting wall of rock which attracts the eye on the Taieri Eiver soon after leaving Henley for the Taieri Mouth, has had many exponents, and this is the subject adopted by Mr F. A. Joseph in his sketch entitled "TE RERENGA O TU HOKAIRANGI." The facts dealt with in the narrative have been carefully gleaned from the lips of one or two of the survivors of the older generation of Maoris at Henley, and the writer has dealt with his subject in an interesting and pleasing manner. This sketch contains a number of illustrations from photographs of the various points dealt with, including one of Korako Matene, the Maori Leap, John Bull's Head, Moua Hill, besides views near Governor's Chimney (Taieri Eiver). Another phase of South Island Maori life is dealt with by Mr A. "W. Maurais in lm sketch "THE RETURN OF HIMI TANITAU," a reminiscence of the early whaling days, in which s6me well-depicted characters are dealt with. This sketch has been SPECIALLY ILLUSTRATED BY MISS F. HODGKINS, 'a fact which adds very materially to its attractiveness. " FEDORA " continues one of her exquisite Children's Tales, entitled "THE TRUTH TALISMAN." This has also been specially illustrated by Miss Hodgkins. "Dot and her Little Folks" is a household term amongst Witness readers, and a happy suggestion made by one of the juvenile correspondents that a group should be gathered together for reproduction in the Christmas Annual is being carried into effect, and this will unquestionably be an interesting feature of the Annual. The Annual will, as usual, contain tha TEN PRIZE TALES, which will be again illustrated by Miss Hodgkins; while THE CHRONOLOGICAL RECORD will be brought up to date in the same manner as was done last year, •...•..•v« Price - ONE SHILLING-
Page 46 Advertisements Column 2
Otago Witness, Issue 2373, 24 August 1899, Page 46
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