- - - - Business Notices- ..... 1 . ■■ — — "WOBTH A GUINEA A BOX.* :: FOR ALL U BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS, SICK HEADACHE, CONSTIPATION, WEAK STOMACH, IMPAIRED DIGESTION,, DISORDERED LIVEE & FEMALE AILMENTS, In Boxes, Is lid and 2s 9d each, with full directions, Prepared only by the Proprietor— THOMAS BEECHAM, ST. HELENS ENGLAND. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND PATENT MEDICINE DEALERS EVERYWHERE. RECOMMENDS ITSELF. It is Efficacious, Economical, Cleanses the Teeth, Removes Tartar, Pre* vents Decay, and is a Pleasant and Reliable Dentifrice. »♦#•••••••♦»♦»»»»»•♦♦•♦♦♦*••♦♦♦•«»♦«♦♦♦* IN COLLAPSIBLE TUBES. OF ALL DKUGGTSTS, i . Gold Medals, Paris, 1878 : 1889. Qf Highest Quality, and Having F% I" ftl #| Greatest Durability are Therefore .mwjm mm yk CHEAPEST. § LBl U We are indebted to recent scientific researches for the revelation of the no less surprising tnaJT Important fact, that of alt the Cod Livec Oil hitherto produced not a particle has been really pure, ever* when claimed to be " the purest " ; however pure the source, the oil must by the preseat system ot manufacture always be contaminated with decomposition products of its own fats, hence the nauseating and " repeating " properties. With full knowledge of the cause Peter Moller soon found the remedy, and having remodelled hl3 factories in accordance- with ihe requirements of the new discoveries, he has now adopted a new systenr of manufacture which, for the first time in the history of this invaluable remedy, produces the pure oil, , very different from other oils : easy to take, easy to digest, and quite free from the tendency to cieat*' unpleasant eructations. THIS NEW OIL IS KNOWN AS HYDROXYL-FREE The Lancet, Tune, Bth, 1895 :—" It is now known that Cod- LiTec OIL can. be prepated^not only fre« torn objectionable taste, but also free from the tendency to cause unpleasant eructations." This latter very disagreeable property has been removed by Moller' s New Process. The Chttnist and Druggist (London), May ist, 1897'; — Moller's Coo Lctbboil< — '"It would" toe . difficult to speak too highly of this oil; the taste marks, me advantage of the nydroxyl-fnee process, oaft QOUld not tell it to be an- oil* The absence of eructation* we kave again tested and! pmvedV.' ' ' Of XLrZr GXX'GBftXB'X'Sfe
Page 45 Advertisements Column 1
Otago Witness, Issue 2373, 24 August 1899, Page 45
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