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late AdvertisementsEXTRA SPECIAL OISCOUNT OFFER A REDUCTION WHICH WILL MEYER BE MADE AGAIN. THE WONDERFUL ORCHESTRAL ORGANETTB A Five Guinea Organette for only £2 12s. ,6d. WE are (he sole proprietor! in Australasia of tliii New and Wonderful inUruniwii. linriug for many inn niann factored and imported enorinM«*qu»i.UlU. of Automatic R«d Orj.nj. Ortmietie., *c. H >m» b«u onr »tio toVodnw «t » Low JPriftii Organette cniwlile of a VAKIET3T OP TONES, the Or t »iiett«« heretofore placed before the Public Imvlnrbnta limited eombtatianil but ono r*Dje of tone. While we have given uuirercal »uti«f»ction, the Ordheitrul Or* Biiette {our luieit production) lithe very ACME OF MOSICAI INVENTION, ill Instrument with « much yariety of tons us »v Organ costing £25 The illustration gives but a faint idea of the* general lHft5S^ 1 l < lsHl <hl bllt erery Orsbeuial Orftuiette it supplied with 3S FULLjteffiOTliwV SIZED AHEHOAN ORGAN KEEDS, the Mm* elze nod quality a* thoie used >» * cjbiuot organ. Tno rents are ylatea in ft novel uiauner (patented) dyer a double snetlou ballow. ai,.l »„ controlled hy THREE- STOFS. as follows. " Zt> Flute - Expression and Vox Jlumnua. Theinuiiciiiiuodiicedbr perforated * hQet '- whlch I" 1 " »">und the OrgnnetU iv endless bands, eiiabHnr » tune tg b» I P'nved over aufl ovej Jgein without stopping, furnishing the GRANDEST 'ill i. mi "iT ifciMM 7 iWF f ORCHESTRAL EFFECTS, either in sacred, secular, dance or vocal music. ft iffljgߣlK§gßfSfi?t)B^^Smm3Mm U a llcli. sonorous, nud powerful accompaniment to the voice, requiring I IjKffitfiSlsliillit Se&S »IH£ a &*£2T!L£ZiW in^S.C" fortner - " lld SHBEANOB-of MUSIC and TOWS I iiSIfST^SMSK^Sa! 1 Irani Hi 13 I».rRAOnCAU,Y UHUmtTTED.- By the manipulation ot the, stops, a ton* i ! Wtli^HsMfflE§li3iißSMffH9BGv ns * ?° n f wcet !" VP' 1 " 1 ' or •'<"><l. ioug and .spelling melody may t» H ! ufaSaßi SSSI> M&ia mMBKGS&fBy^r produced ; Ullls and l.|gli falsetto, as well v reverberating bass, and all manner PRSialaD^iiSmi SaaHSaSSSSsIHy vl l' lK »«* n S combinations at the will of the per/ormor. Wo wish to introduce fXB :=a^ s *^'™'' M W l TTf!iqffl - one ofthese Orchestral Orauuettes in every distriot in Australasia. Ws caution lflgp 3 *" • ' sKal^= y° u <*K*iuit the many worthies!! automatic Instruments, being sold under ™"^ , U|F various names. We are the SOLE PROPRIETORS Of the ORQHEBTEAL ORGAHETTE (also the PEERLESS) »ud yon must older direct Irom us or TOT, but a LARGE and FOWEBFTJL INSTRUMENT, bnVt°Maclly "on'the^prindpre of CHIJRCH OiSANS .-"They are'made & the most substantial mnnner, highly polished and decorated in cold. The reeds ore the product of machinery costing thouiands of pounds, and are <o powerful they produce r.nfT.cltut volume of music for the drawing-room, chapel, lodge or ball-room. There is nothing about them to iiet out of ordiv Tb«v positively improve with age. producing richer and sweeter tones after belne ased a 'ew y«rs FOfc HOME £HrERTAIKMEWTB THEY ABE UHStJRPASSED. Bear iv mind that each instrument ha» FOURTEEN MORE REEDS than nr.j- ni.h..r Oigauette in tli* world, and they are ORGAN REED 3, and the spcolal feature i» THREE 6TOPB, a characteristic of ::■) Irnslrumeutuxcepta costly organ. Onr regular price for the orchestral Onanette it Five Guineas. Having Just put it be-U-n U.e public. *c will sell a limited number to the readers of this paper at £2 Ul. 64.. UNUL Ist NOVEMBEB t lß99.pic*t:«rf:Jis.ittMU«l Coupon is cut out and s«ut with order tfotlater than thatdatt.and weiurthermore agree to REFUND TEE UOHn? asd PAY CARRIAGE to any one not entirely satisfied upon receiving it. By the aid oJ theSUps, viz.. Expression, Flat* mul Vox Bnnuur., there is n»ta piece of music which cannot be ployed 'with all the voryine; effects of an orchestra : a false note Is an lmpcwiUlilT. and the most difficult operatic air is pltiyed with as much eau as the most simple hymn. In lutiny'hoines wtil be found a Grand Piano or Organ, with not an inmate ot the household, even .the niost txpert player, who can interest company on either so well as a child of three yean old can on the ORCHESTRAL OROANETTE. Remember any tune can be placed wiih artistic eHVct by any one, young or old You can play DANCE, SACKED, or SENTIMENTAL HTtSIC wuh as much effect as thai produced by a FIRBT-OLASB FOUR-PIECE ORCHESTRA. Remember, our regular price is £B Sb., nut, ns we have toand n pleased customer our best advertiser, n»»e decided to-sella limited number, to the readers of this paper, n.t £2 12*. 6d., provided the order i» received not later than lsi November, 1809. We will give ». .election of MUSIC FREE nith each instrument. Ceml money Hud Coupon by llegistered Letter, Ciossed Cheque^ Posial Notes, or Money Order. j £3" OOUPON "2& REDUCED TRICE «3 18i. 6d. GOOD mCSIL lrt~ NOVEMBER, 119». } I THE UHIOH MiHtTACXURING AND AGENCY COMPANY. > 359-361 00LLIH8 STREET, MELBOURNE. I Cut the Coupon out at osci as this adTertiumeut will not appear again. - I SEEDS FOR AUTUMN SOWING. TRIFOLIUM INCARNATUM, OR CRIMSON GLOVER. One of tho most useful and rapid-growing of annual fodder plants. When sown during the autumn on stubble ground it produces a heavy crop of green food, which may be _ cleared off in October or November, in- time to prepare the land for turnips, eto. Crimson Clover makes a capital hay, whioh is much relished by all kinds of stock, especially horses. Excellent for an early o/op. Although little known in Otago, this seed is largely grown in Canterbury, and gives great satisfaction. CAPE BARLEY. RYECORIT BROAOLEAF ESSEX RAPE. T&KT^T&gT~<&e, BI.AIR, SEED MERCHANTS AND SEED G-KOWEBS, DUNEDIN. Auctions. Chwmplon Ploughing Match HURSTLEA. On „ A AmA_—T A A „ _ _ _^. WEDNESDAY, 2nd AUGUST. HAKATABAMEA VALLEY, Entrieg mugt bo - inado with Secretary on 6* SALE BYTUCTION SATURDAY, 29th July, for SloughOf this - Entries for Hedge-cutting and Horse-jump- . SPLENDID AGRICULTURAL AND ing may be made on the ground. SHEEP FARM, STOCK AND' * In addition .to the usual large/prizes in all PLANT. classes of ploughing, the President, Mr Alex. M'Lean, gives a Gold Medal for Champion J?ho Undersigned have been favoured with Lot in aQ y olasß - • instructions from Mr James Meek, who ie JOHN A. MITCHELL, leaving the district, to sell, as above: f>7jy Secretary. At the Homestead, • This Magnificent and Attractive MASON & SONS PROPERTY, TTAVING Ptarted Business in their new Consißtino- of ■*"*• Premises, Princes street south, as uonsisung 01 PRODUCE MERCHANTS and GENERAL 6470 ACRES OF FREEHOLD, COMMISSION AGENTS, respectfully wlioifc -„,..,... .. „ „ , „w, a share of the patronage of the public. Large Sub-divided into suitable paddocks, 3000 Storage Accommodation at cheap rates; also acres of which are English grass, caßllc aBll Purchasers of all descriptions of Pronumerous permanent streams running Juce. through the property, together with ' Telephone 940. 22iu all the improvements, which include • -i-seven-roomed house, good woolsked, ccrn DnTATfIITC CCC DflTlTncC sheepyards, sheep dip, stables, men's * tto rIJ.AIUfc&. SEE POTATOES. . hut, etc — in fact, everything necessary for the proper working of a first-class fITEE undersigned has for SALE a large agricultural and sheep farm ; JL quantity of Early and other SEED Together with the POTATOES, comprising White Elephant, Early Rose, Ashleaf Kidney, Early Vermont. LIVE STOCK, PLANT, Etc., Sparks' Victoria, White Hebron, Bruce, etc., As under— etc., at 5s per cwt. Also a few tons of Finlay's 3420 2, 4, 6, and 8-tooth crossbred Ewes, In u P- tc -.£ a te. These Potatoes were awarded lamb to Lincoln-Leicester Rams £ lrst Prize at Invercargill 'Winter show. 3450 half and crossbred Lambs Pr ACA C6 ' 77 s,s ,P er . owt - onn f , l, j w n, ■ Special prices and terms to country store200 fat crossbred Wethers keepers. 250 merino Wethers Farmers and others should take advantage 60 Lincoln-Leicester Rams, mixed'ages of the low prices ruling this season to obtain - a change of seed. < 7 Q Of) ' Early Cabbage Plante of best varieties de- ■ , i i.! -a- livered at any railway station in Otago at 5s 4 draught Horseß per thousand. Cauliflower Plants, 10s ; no 10 Hacks charge for packages. " 11 head Cattle . Thrashing mill and engine, chaffcutter, CHA®. W-IHETIT. ploughs, harrows, cultivators, reapers _ WOODLANDS. SOUTHLAND. and binders, waggons, drays, harness, . . < furniture, etc^ QEAWARD DOWNS DAIRY - FACTORY THE WHOLE WILL BE OFFERED AS A ° COMPANY -(LIMITED), WYNDHAM. ' GOING CONCERN, APPLICATIONS for the Position of And failing a sale being made, the CHEESEMAKER to the above Company, adt ixm -..{li v, o mn?T?PT?r» atomic dressed to the Chairman, will he received up LAND will be OFFERED ALONE, tm MONDAY> 3 i ßl Ju i y ; 1899 . Then the F or particulars apply to thin Office ; or td SHEEP, HORSES, CATTLE, JAMES M'LAUCHLAN, AND PLANT, 22jy^ Secretary, Wyndham. Will be Sold WITHOUT RESERVE, MPWT. VAIIR liWW HAEWPW Whether the property be disposed of or not. lUJJIiIJ lUUIi Uiril fliUutJJnd Intending purchasers can proceed per Train AilU DxiLlOq from Oamaru on WEDNESDAY, 23rd That constantly need Repairs, with August, to Kurow or Sandhurst, where m%AWHA«'« Cla^aA "BZmvAln. hotel accommodation can be obtained. 1 llOlttSOll S SlOttSCl .CUVCtS. Drags will leave Kurow, calling at Sand- & Q TrM fell lislf a & hurst, on morning of Salo, returning iJ pq g 1 1 1 wt| gffll t 1 h!3 Bame_evening. §S»g jj 1 HI || ft S|^M The Auctioneers would call special atten- 2>^ Sl l I ||M « tion to this Sale. The Hakataramea Valley '"'" f^ J P " !» is far-famed as a WHEAT-PRODUCING TT , „ .. . ... DISTRICT and as Sheen Country ifc is Use them. Save time in sending and waiting. lioneers, therefore, hove every confidence in me ' Dt o n receipt of iOs per parcel post. Agent recommending it to the attention of persons wanted. Samples and prices mailed by writing, seeking a Good Investment. gOLEg OLE Makkrs : Terms can be from the BIFUBC^ > D SrTSSI^? V ' MD<i ' Auctioneers. v <a i^ -n 'n « qu., . lO7n TJHODES & CO., Steam Dyers, Cleanert .Sale will Commence Sharp at 12.30. _fct Work done carefu u^ nd w^| Luncheon Provided. Country orders receive special attention riIRTJST MONEY TO LEND mHE NEW ZEALAND LOAN AND , A . On P i««^* Se S uri S r . or Munici ? al ec D 5; A MERCANTHiE AGENCY COM- bentures.-£15,000 to Lend va. sums of £50001 OV ■\n?XV 7.I?,AT,ATSm /TiTMTT'Rni - anc * imaer at from 4J per cent, to 5 per-cent. Ol< J\JiW /&ALAJND (LiMlliiiU) The TBtrsTEES) EXECUTORY, & AGENCY! E. P. BURBURY, Manager. COMPANY. OF NEW ZEALAND (LTD.y< £2jX JL E. ELLIS. Auctioneer* Mju W. LAURENCE SIMPSON. Maiaafitxl,

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Otago Witness, Issue 2369, 27 July 1899, Page 31

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Page 31 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Witness, Issue 2369, 27 July 1899, Page 31

Page 31 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Witness, Issue 2369, 27 July 1899, Page 31


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