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First Day..

- Hon. life governor, Mr Thomas Brydone; [overnors — Messrs John Roberts, C.M.G., Wiliam Patrick, Robert Charters, George Gray lussell, Robert Campbell; hon. life members, Messrs Sydney James and William Jaffray; onsulting chemist, Mr James G. Black, M.A., ).Sc. ; hon. veterinary surgeons — Messrs J. A. Jilruth, M.R.C.V.S., W. D.- Snowball, H.R.C.V.S., A. Hamilton, M.R.C.V.5.,; ion. auditor, Mr Thomas Callender, P.1.A.N.Z. ; hon. architect, Mr James Hislop; president, Mr Andrew Todd; vice-president, Mr A. C. Stronach; hon. treasurer, Mr John Angus; General Committee — Messrs Joseph Allan, A. C. Begg, W. Blackie, H. Buckland, Wm. Charters, Alex. Douglas, H. M. Driver, James Duthie, John Elliott, Hon. T. Fergus, Messrs H. V. Fulton, Robert Gawn, G. H. Gilroy, James Gow, James Hazlett, A. M'Farlane, James Oughton, Fred. Oldham, A. S. Orbell, P. Pattullo, C. S. Reid, George Roberts, A. W. Robin, James Ross, James Shiel, M. Sinclair,- Jas. Smith, jun., Wm. Souter, J. A. Stewart, W. H. Taggart, and John Wright; secretary, Mr E. F. Duthie.

The sixth annual Winter Show held by the Otago Agricultural and Pastoral Society in the society's buildings, Crawford street, was opened by the Premier of the colony, the Right Hon. R. J. Seddon, yesterday afternoon. From the commencement of this important branch of the work of the Otago Agricultural and Pastoral Society success has attended it. A good beginning was made five years since, the co-operation of those concerned in the industries (specially effected was obtained, and strong interest on the part of the general public was manifested. These very necessary conditions of success have continued, the organisation and, in fact, the whole of the arrangements in connection with the show, which were good at first, have been improved since, and as public interest in the exhibition has also grown, the success of the society's Winter Show is a foregone conclusion. Beyond question it in the premier Winter Show of the colony, and there is reason to believe that in 'ome respects it can challenge comparison with similar exhibitions elsewhere. As has already appeared from the comparative statement of 'ho entries, this year's exhibits show a marked increase upon those of any previous year. In ono respect there is a falling off, but that is more apparent than real. There are fewer entries of seed exhibits than formerly, but the competitors are practically the same, and the exhibits in point of quality are excellent, and are sufficiently numerous to ensure good competition. Then an altogether new, and a very impoitant departn ent, has been added to the Winter Show — viz., the exhibits of fat sheep and cattle. While the addition of fat stock to the Winter Show is a new feature in this colony, and has probably never been attempted in Australia, in its introduction the society is merely following in the lines of the Smithfield Cattle Club, which organisation holds the largest Bhow in the world, and fat stock are also-ex-hibited in winter at the Bingley Hall Show, Birmingham. It is satisfactory to notice that the new feature in tho Otago Society's show justified its introduction, that it attracted much attention, and left nothing to be desired in point of excellence. The other departments of tho show were uniformly good, and the exhibits were displayed to the best advantage, the management making the most of the very eomn'odious and convenient -premises belonging to the society, and then having the satisfaction of finding themselves still cramped for room.

The interest of the public in the exhibition was very clearly manifested. '* Our country cousins " fairly took possession of thn streets -yesterday, and their presence in the city must have added materially to the business transacted in the morning. The afternoon was the usual v. eekly half -holiday, and it came iv most 1 appropriately for the occasion. From the time the doors of the Agricultural Hall were opened, until the building was crowded; there was a constant stream of visitors. The weather, fortunately, was fine, but the Winter Show has become so popular an institution that it would need very bad weather to seriously interfere with its success. Before the time for the formal opening every part of the building was full, and the great galleries weie densely crowded. As already intimated, tho exhibition generally was in a ■narked degree superior to any former one held ' under the auspices of the society. Its leading features, with the- exception already refered to, were similar. The county bays on the stage, those of and Taieri, attracted a- good deal of attention and merited approbation, but all through the buildings there were exhibits indicative of the wealth and resources of the provincial district and of the energy, enterprise, and industry of the early settlers, their descendants, and their successors.


The show was formally opened by the Right Hon. R. J. Seddon at about half-pa<=t 2 in the afternoon, the main hall of the building being crowded.

Mr A. Todd, president of the society, occupied the chair, and among thoee wiio were accommodated with teats on the platform were the Right Hon. R. J. Sedclon, Messrs Scobie Mackenzie, J. A. Millar, A. Sligo, J. Allen, A. Morrison, W. Carncross. E. (i. Allen, M.H.R.'s, T. Brydone, .7. Shiel, M. Sinclair. (I. L. Denniston, A. C. Begg, P. Pattullo, W. l 4 alrick, A. W. Robin. James Robs. W. Charters, J. Oughton, J. (iow, J. Blair. W. Jaffray, H. V. Fulton. J. S. Kennedy, H. M. Driver, C. S. Reid, A. S. Orbell, and H. Buckland.

The President said : Ladies and gentlemen, — The pronounced success of the .show during the last few years — in fact, sinca its .inception — has induced tho committee, not 'only to continue the show, but to extend the scope of its competitions. Thib year we have added a -fat stock section, and I am sure that the exhibits in that section will prove very interesting indeed, both to town and opuntry visitors. lam also satisfied that many of you will pronounce this section as one of tho leading features of our Winter Show.— (Applause.) In order to meet the onnvenienra of those who patronibe the show we have arranged for the establishment of a tea room, where light refreshnients can be procured. A committee of ladies undertook this matter, and they themselves will personally attend to the tables in that room. I think that through the medium of the ladie3 who have taken in hand this self-imposed task that the society will be able to show that the people of Dunedin entertain for the people in the countiy the very kindliest feelings. — (Applause.) Another jQhjHyt 6 iB our jjirpgramme is the annual meet-

ing. This, will be held to-morrow evening in the board room upstairs, and I hope that all of our country members who can manage it will put in an appearance. During the show days lectures will be given by various experts, as advertised in the daily papers, and I would specially point out to our country friends that in attending these lectures they will not only obtain valuable information, but will extend to the lecturers themselves that courtesy which is due to the gentlemen, who have spent no little time and trouble in placing in a concise form before the public the results of their scientific research. — (Applause.) I have now, on behalf of this pastoral society, to thank the Premier of the colony for his attendance here this afternoon, and I have the greatest pleasure in calling upon the Right Hon. Dr Seddon to adirejs you, and to declare this show open to the public. — (Applause.) The Premier then rose, and, after speaking for three-quarters of an hour, declared the show open.


There are 80 entries of cheese as against 71 last year, and Mr Ruddick, dairy commissioner, who acted as sole judge, had in several cases a very difficult task to decide the awards. The appended tables, showing the points assigned to the various qualities of the exhibits, will give one an idea of the very exacting work he had to perform. In regard to the tables, it may here be mentioned that in each case the highest attainable points were — For flavour 45, texture and quality 30, colour 15, and finish 10;— total, 100. .The Edendaie Dairy Factory, from which no entries were received last year, waa again in the lists, and, in addition to already well-known competitors, we noticed the names of several recentlystarted factories and one or two privato individuals. Ten exhibits of Cheddar-shaped cheese, suitable for export (coloured), were shown, and the first award went to the Island Factory, with Edendaie second. The judge made the following remarks on the cheese: — Island: Good body, except a few, which are slightly open. Edendaie : Slightly crumbly body; good flavour. Seaward: An even lot. Edondale (No. 2) : Crumbly body ; colour a little drawn. Toitoi : A mixed lot ; good body in some, others rather weak ; 'flavour unclean. Heathfield : Unclean flavour; some slightly pasty. Stirling: Weak body. The table of points awarded -was as follows: —

Seven entries of Cheddar-shaped cheese, suitable for export (white colour), were made, the Waikouaiti Factory coming out on top, with the Island Factory next. The judge commented as under on the leading exhibits : — Waikouaiti : Good flavour, body, and finish. Island : A good even lot of cheese. Stirling : A fairly even lot of cheese. The table of points was as under : —

The John M'Xairn Challenge Cup was carried off this year by the Waikouaiti Factoiy, whose exhibit in the previous class gained the distinction for t-hem. Last year the Mataura Factory were the winners, with 92? points. Regarding the cheeses so far noted, it is interesting to look back to last year's show, when it was slated that Uio flavour and colour of the cheeses then shown were not up to the standard of previous years. It is a, conspicuous fact this year that the exhibits have picked up again, and that both qualities are really excellent, except perhaps in one or two case?. The winners of the Challenge Cup from the start of the winter shows are as under: — leM, Waikouaiti ; 1595, Edendaie ; 18S6, Edendaie; 1£97, Stirling; 1693, Matauia; 1£99, Waikouaiti. Fifteen competitors came forward in the class for two factory-made cheeses, suitable for export (white or coloured), and the Island Factory came out with the best record, with 94£ points, tho Seaward Downs Factory being very close up with 93i points, and four others with 92£ points. The jndjre made the following remai - ks: — Island: Body a little crumbly. Mataura: A little sharp. Edendaie : Unclenn flavour. Edendaie (No. 2) : Slightly mottled. Wyndham : Slightly pasty. Mataura (No. 2): Off flavom. Waikouaiti : Open body. Mr Stansfield : Unclean flavour; open; slightly mottled. Ifeathneld : Off flavour. The table of awarJa is as follows : —

In the class for two factory-made c'lee^e?, made netween the Ist and 15th April, there wera 22 entries, and the Factory were the winners of both prize?, wit!) t'.? splendid percentage* of 96i and 96, the SeaI ward Downs Factory running il>em very clcr I with 95. The jud^e made ihe follow inn roin- | menta on .-.oino of the exhibits : — Oivpuki : | Open: uruiiibij. Aialaura : A little .sticky. | Tuitoi : I'nclfan flavour: pasty; slightly | mottled. Mr SianaSsld : Unclean fhnoiu ;

Her Majesty's (lo\ eminent has jusl adopted a new danger flag. It is a icl fiV? witii a yellow cr.j'vn in the centre, a'ld will fly from the foremast of all ve^-e 1 - carrying c.p! .-i.c.Ils adoption will be officially noufic' to tl.c British mercantile service ami to foroigu Government*.

open. Heathfield : Off flavour ; pasty. The points awarded were as follows : —

The champion prize of £10 was secured by the Island Factory, with. Waikouaiti second and Wyndham third. The following is the prise list : -*« FAT STOCK. Judges: W. B. Clarkson (Riccarton) and G. W. Gunnell (Oarnaru). Class stewards: James Duthie and James Ross.

One steer, any age. Three entries— W. Patrick (Balmoral Farm, Outram) 1 and 2, S. R. ilerrett (Invercargill) 3.

One cow, any age. Three entries — W. Patrick's Jeanie Deans 1, T. and J. Carswell (Pine Bush) 2 and 3.

PIGS. Pen of five bacon pigs, any breed or cross. Three entries— N.Z. and Australian Land Com-" paaiy (Edendaie) 1, John Deans (Riccarton) 2 ttnd 3.

Five merino wethers, any age. Two entries— N.Z. and A. Land Company (Hakateramea) 1 and 2.

Five Down or crossbred Down wethers, any age. Three entries— N.Z. and A. Land Company (Totara) 1. John Deans (Riccarton) 2 H M. Driver (Clarendon) 3. Five longwool or crossbred wethers, any age or weight. Six entries— M. Ferguson (Tapanui) 1, John Tough (Milton) 2, N.Z. and A. Land Company (Totara) 3, R. J. Hendrie (Tapanui) h c.

Five halfbred wethers, bred from any merino ewe, any age or weight. Five entries— N.Z. and A. Land Company (Hakateramea) 1, Little Bros. (Ngapara) 2, W. Patrick 3.

Five sheep, .suitable for frozen meat trade; live weight not to exceed 1201b. Seven entriesJohn Dea2i3 (Southdown) 3, J. S. Grieve (Waianiwa ; Shropshire) 2. Three pens "weie disqualified for being above the specified weight. Five Lincoln hoggets (ewe or wether), any weight. One entry — N.Z. and A. Land Company (Moeraki) 1 (hve v/eight 1101b). Five Romney hoggets (ewe oi wr-ther), any weight. Five entries— N.Z. and A. Land Company 1 (1301b) and 2 (1171b). Five Border Leicester hoggets (ewe or v.-ether), any weight. Nine entries — D. Andrews (Mopgiel) 1 (1521b), N.Z. and A. Land Company (Acton) 2 (1501b), Little Bros. 3 (1471b) ~and v h c (1341b), N.Z. and A. Land Company (Ede<> d-vle) and R. C. Gillies (Georgetown) h c (1161b).

Five English Leicester hoggets, (ewe or wether), any weight. One entry— A. S. Orbell (Waikouaiti) 1 (linlb). Five Shropshire hoggets (ewe or wether), any weight. Two entries— Robert Brookland (limarn) 1, J. S. C-rieve (Waipniwa) 2. Five crossbred Down hoggets. Ten entries'— N.Z. and A. Land Company (Acton) 1 (1471b) and 2 (1441b). J. A. D. M'llraith (Mataura) 3, exFcutors of Robert M'Aulay (Totara Park) v h c (1311b), Little Bros, h c l (1161b) R C Gillies c (1091b). " Five crossbred iougwool hoggets (ewe 'or wether), any weight. Nineteen entries— N.Z. and A. Land Company (Edendaie) 1 (1161b) and 4, N.Z. and A. Land Company (Acton) 2 (1511b) and 3 (1-iGlb), National Mortgage and Agency Company (Three Springs) v h c, Dickson Bros. (Portobello) h c, N.Z. and A. Land Company (Totara) c. The society's special piize of £50 for pen of hoggets netting the highest price, will be awarded after the judging at Home. There are 48 entries.


CHEESE. Judge: Mr J. A. Ruddick (Dairy Commissioner). Class Stewards: Messrs C. S Reid and F. Oldham. Ton cwt of full cream New Zealand cheddaishaped chee&e, suitable for export (coloured;. First prize £3 or gold medal, second £1 10h or silver medal. Ten entries. —Island Dairy Factory (Wyndham) 1, Edendaie Dairy Factory 2. Ten cwt of full cream New Zealand eheddarshaped cheese, suitable for export (white colour). First prize. £3- or* gold medal, second £1 10s or silver medal. Seven entries. — Waikouaiti Dairy Factoiy 1, Island Dairy Factory (Wyndham) 2. " Messrs John H'Nairn and Co.'s challenge cup (value £25), for best lOcwt of full cream New Zealand cheddar-shaped cheese, fit for export. To be won three times (not necessarily consccutivsiy) before becoming the property of fie exhibitor. The society present a irold medal to the first prize - taker, a sihei m^dal to the second, and a certificate to the third. Se\enleen entries. — Waikoiuuti Dairy F<icloiy 1, Island Dairy Factory (Wyndham; 2 ,md 3. Ten cwt of factory-made cheese, suitable foi export (whits or coloured), from factories whose annual output does not exceed 40 tons. First prize £1 or gold medal, second £\ 10s or silver medal. Two entries. — Seoward Downs Dairy Factoiy 1, Heathfiekl Dairy Factory (Wyndlwmi 2. Two fpctory- made cheeses, suitable fo.export (win La or coloured;. First prize £2, second £1 . Fifteen entries. — Island Dairy I<\tcloij- ("Wyi.tllum) 1, Seaward Downs Davy Factoiy \Y\'yr.diiJm) 2. Two f '■ dory - m.ide cheeses, madu b-.leween fie lsl sir.d ]sth of April, 180!). Fnsi ouzo X' 2, £1. Twentj-two entiies. — V.'-, , <]ii,uu Dairy F irtory 5 and 2. Colonial - made Stilton cheese. Fit si prize £1 i<)°, r-ccoiid 15s. One eatiy. — Tothill, Watson, and Co (Dunedin) 1. Two farmer - made cheeses, not less than 301b. First urize .£1 10s, second 15s. Two entries —William Wright (Akaioa) 1. Champion urizo of CIO to exhibitoi gaining the largest nniubor of points m the first s.x r!i"s£e<?— lsla:id (Wy..dhain) 1, Waikouaiti 2, Wyndhim 3.


Judsrcs : Me=srs J.imes Fothermsham, George Shntchft'e, and iSTathaniel Red. Claps

Siow.irds: Messrs J. Wright, J. Allan, Jp.v.cs Gov.-, W. Charters, ar-d T. T. Ritchie. FißMr.'.S' CLASSES — =-'EED GRUN FIT FOR SEED.

!Jye:or.i. 'i livee Piiti-ies. — Douglas and Son (KycVan) 1, - M'liito^h 2, Mrs C. Miller ' Maun jaU'.i) 3. "White r n."»can wheat. Three entiies. — John SU-; ■>•• 1, A-hby ?..d Jennies (Otakia) 2, J<tme» Ross (Kartigi) 3. Red Tuscan whpafc. Seven entries. — Murray.

Roberts, and Co. (Gladbrook) 1, W. Gray (Milburn) 2, G. J. Martin (Milton) 3.

White velvet wheat. Nineteen entries. — Mrs C. Miller 1, A. Fleming (Paimerston) 2, Walsh Bros. (Henley) 3. Red velvet wheat. Seven entries. — E. Williamson Hill) 1, D. Ross (Palmerston) 2, R. Little (Gimmerburn) 3.

Velvet-ear wheat. Four entries. — R. A. Kempshell (Maungatua) 1 and 2. Various (not mentioned above). Seven entries. — R. Little (Gimmerburn) 1, Thomas Muir (Palnierston) 2, A. C. Gow (Palmerston) 3.

Chevalier barley. Four entries. — F. M'Bride (Frankton) 1 and 2, W. "Winkheini 3.

Danish oats. Eleven entries. — John Tough (Milton) 1, T. Barclay (Heriot) 2, Brooksdale Estate (Tapanui) 3.

Dun oats. Eight entries. — D. M'Lellan 1, E, C. Tothill (Titiroa) 2.

Sutherland oats. Eleven entries. — W. Mellor (Waiwera) 1, T>. Wallace and Son (Clinton) 2, J. Fyfe (Kaihiku) 3. Short Tartarians. Eight entries. — R. A. Kempshell 1, Hugh Smith (Gore) 2, John Tough (Milton) 3.

Sparrowbills. Fourteen entries. —G. P. Johnson (Waikaka) 1, John Tough 2, Thomas Sim 3.

Black oats. Sevon entries. — Milton Farmers' Club 1, Jas. Wyllie, jun. (Waiwera) 2. Various. Seven entries. — J. Scott (Wyndliam) 1

FRUIT AND HONEY. Judges : Messrs Jame3 Sliiel and A. M'Farlane.

For 10lb of honey, in glass bottles. Prizes, 15s and 7s 6d. Five entries. —A. ELempshell (Maungatua) 1 and 2, W. Hodges (Mosgiel) 3. Honey in block. One entry. — A. Dawson he. Collection of apples. Prizes, 15s and 7s 6d. Three entries. — R. Macquaid (St. Clair) 1, Alfred Beaven (Waianiwa) 2.


Judges : Messrs A. Kilpatrick (Waitati) and

James Familton (Oainaru)

Side of smoked bacon. Prizes, £1 10s, 15s, and commended. Four entries. — A. and J. M'Farlane 1 and 2, George Knox (Akaroa) 3. Side of green baco/3. Prizes, £X 10s, 15s, and commended. Two entries. — A. and J. .M'Farlane 1 and 2.

Two hams (smoked). Prizes, £1 10k. Iss, and commended. Five entries. — Wm. M'Connell (South Dunedin) 1, A. and J. iM'Farlane 2.

.Two green hams. Prizes, £1 10s, 15s, and commended. Two entries. — A. and J. M'Farlane 1 and 2.

Two rolls bacon (smoked). Prizes, £1 10s, 15s, and commended. Four entries. — A. and J. M'Farlane 1, 11. Wilson and Co. (Outrom) 2, Wm. M'Connell (South Dunedin) 3.

Two rolls bacon (green). Prizes, £1 ]os, 15s, and commended. Four entries. — H. Wilson and Co. (Outram) 1, A. and J. M'Farlane 2, Wm. M'Cor.nell (South Dunedin) 3.

Two rolls beef ham. Prizes, £1 10b, 15s, and commended. Two entries. — A. and J. M'Farlane 1 and 2.

Side of bacon and ham (smoked) ; to be fed, cured,and competed for by farmers only. Prizes, Xt 10s, 15s, and commended. Five nntries. — Geo. Henry (Dunedin) 1, C. Tilburn (Dunedin) 2 and 3.

Side of bacon and ham (green). Same conditions and prizes as above. Four entries. — Geo. Henry (Dunedin) 1, C. Tilburn (Dunedin) 2 and 3.

Dairy Factory. g 2| g | lo> | | 1 „ £eh 6 E £ „, ,*. 43 29 15 9i 96i ffyndham No. 2 .. .. 43 28* 15 9?i 96 seaward Downs, Wyndham 42 29 15 9~ 95 [nchclutha 41 28 15 <il qqi : 1 nd ' nd ham .. 40 28 15 9J 92* .sland No. 2, TVyadham .. 40 28 15 9J 92i seaward Downs No. 2, Wyndhain „ .. 41 27J 15 "9 92* furling .. .^ w 40 27* 15 9J 92" -i Q^ a 9 '• •* «392315 9| 91J -j en ? a } c a 2 •• "392815 si 81* idenda c No. 3 „ .. 39 28 15 9J 9l| No. 4 «, 39 27£ 15 9J 91 Drepukx .. w 39 27 15 9£ 90^ .nchclutha M „ 39 27 15 9J 90! jjataura .. M1 v 38 27 15 9^ 89% VTataura ho. 2 .. .. 37 28 15 9J 89^ $ 1T \ mg ..." - ~382715 9| 89* iVaikouaiti .. 38 27 15 9?. 89i iValter Blackie, Mosgiel .» 38 26 14 91 87i Poi-Toi, Pine Bush .. 37 26 H£ 9I 87 it. B. Stanafield, Eatanui.. 36 26 15 9 86 Jeathfield, Wyndham .. 35 26 15 9 85

Daily Fac'ory. Island. Wyndham Seaward Downs, Wyndham Stirling Orepuki Stirling Wyndham Island No. 2, Wymiham Matanra Edendalo Edendale No. 2 Wyndham No. 2 ilalau.a Xo. 2 Waikouaiti It. B. Stansfield, Ttataiiui.. Heathfield, Wyndham 42 23 15 OJ.0 J . 94 . 43 2S 3 5 OJ.0 J . 93 J . 40 28 35 9^ 92.. 40 28 Jo 9-V 92i tO 28 ]5 5J\ 92 \ •10 23 ]3 &\ 92. ;:■) 27 15 <J r 90 r 3S) 27 lo 0' 90^ 37 2S 15 9', F3i 38 27 15 9. 8"H 3H 27 15 <J. S3 T . 35 io 15 9' £7A 3S 25 15 Oh 871 37 27 12 9" So' 30 27 15 9 31

D^iry Factcry. iVaikouaiti .. .. [sland, Wyndham StiriiDg Edendale Edendale No. 2 .. Wyndham Edendale No. 3 .. S -A hi ciS . H O (i, 42 255 15 9i 95 41 2Si 15 9" 93^ 40 -28 15. 9 92 39 28 15 9h 91J; 39 28 15 9J 91?! 39 28 15 9i 91? 39 26 15 9^ 89^

Dairy Factory. [sland, "Wyndharn . . Edendale seaward Downs, Wyndliam Edendale No. 2 Waikouaiti .. *. Mataura. »» ... Wyndham loi-Toi, Pine Bush Heathfield, "Wyndham Stirling *< ffl 13 033 3 H ~ 1 1°- -i :s i (i. Eh O fr, 1° 41 28 15 9 93 41 27 15 9| 92J 39i 28 15 9 91i 40 27 141 9& 91 38 28 15 9* 90i 39 28 15 8i 90?! 38 27* 14* 9" 89" 38 27 14* 9 88J 36 28 15 9 83 37 26 14J 9 86^

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Otago Witness, Issue 2363, 8 June 1899, Page 35

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OTAGO AGRICULTUEAL AND PASTORAL SOCIETY. Otago Witness, Issue 2363, 8 June 1899, Page 35

OTAGO AGRICULTUEAL AND PASTORAL SOCIETY. Otago Witness, Issue 2363, 8 June 1899, Page 35


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