By George Gray, F.C.S..
Leclurei on Chemi-try, Asiicultural College. Lincoln, and Hun Consulting Chemist Canterbury Agricultural a?>d Pastoral Association.
In the ordinary course of natural vegetation, where no interference has occurred with regard to the nature of the plants grown, and where none of (he products have been removed, we find that successive generations of plants grow up. die, and decay, and that the material forming them returns to the soil, and thereby enriches its surface, or increases its fertility to the benefit of succeeding \egetation. The elements mostly concerned in the enrichment of the soil are carbon and nitrogen, in the form of organic remains; these together with a small quantity of mineral or ash constituents mix with the mass of the soil which has been formed originally by the disintegration and decomposition of rocks. The organic portion, which confers on soils the dark colour has lonpt been known by the name of humus, and a theory which held ground for a considerable time was that this humus formed the direct food of plants Although this theory has been shown to be wrong, yet it is still an accepted fact that the presence of humus is very closely connected with the fertility of a soil ; in fact, it has beon said to be a measure of
1 A lcctuie deliveied at the annual winter sbovv of the (Jauteibury Agricultural and Pastoral Associatioa. Mw 29. 1657t
i T fertility, and within certain limits there 1b I but little doubt but that such is 'the case, i both in virgin soils and also in thoso where i tho humus has been derived from crop residues. One important point of difference be- _ tween humus and fresh vegetable matter 18 i ' that in tho former tho proportion of nitro- , > gen to carbon is ft real or. During the pro- ■ ' coss of decay tho carbon is liberated in the i ' form of carbonic acid gas, and the nitrogen ■ ' as ammonia, the former serving as a valuable , agent in the preparation of mineral plant : food, and tho ammonia being absorbed by , the carbonaceous matter, is then in readiness , ' to undergo certain chemical changes, by which • it is converted into plant food. Naturally thcie is n, limit to which this enrichment ma/ be carried. Thus, with leguminous crops, such as clover, after a time tho plants dete- ■ riorate and ultimately die, and their place , ' is taken by others having different roquirei menls. Ther again the retaining power of the soil is-hmitcd, and a loss occurs through tlrainago of those constituents that aro ro- ' tamed. As tho amount of organic matter , ! increases, fo do the lov/or forms of life, both ' animal aud vegetable, which foed on the hu- , '. mils, and these produce chemical changes, ! forming compounds that are not retained by . i tho soil. Taking a virgin soil, we have then the ac- ' cumulated fertility of ages to work upon, ' since in natural vegetation plants grow > quicker than the humus disappears ; and if . we assume- that all tho produce grown is removed, the degree of fertility will bo gradu- • ally reduced and, providing no return is made . in the shape of manure, a point will ulti- , mately bo re-ached at which tho soil will not produce remunerative crops. This, under our , present system of agricultural practice, will be an extremely slow process, and what I am [ desirous of drawing your attention to in this locturo is, how this original or capital fer- ' " tility is affected by the artificial growth of tho crops we cultivate ; in other words, to ' show tho gain 3 and lopses to which our soils ' are subjected. 1 . Climatic Influences. — The fertility of a soil for any given crop will depend largely on cliniatic influences, such as amount of sun- ! shine, rainfall, range of temperature, etc., into tho consideration of which it is not necessary to enter here, since these are beyond our control. ] Fertility of .Soils.— Soils may be mfer- ; tilo from several causes, both physical and ! chemical. (1) From" an excess of moisture, rendoiincj tho soil cold, and preventing an access of air necessary for the production of the chemical by which plant food ; is prepared ; (2) from the deficiency or absence of (he nocessary plant food; and (3) from the presence of substances which are • prejudicial to vegetable life. Swamp and poat soils contain a largo amount of plant iood, but these are so often surcharged with. ■ water rhat from the absence of air the food : presont is not in a condition suitable to the requirements of plants, and there aro also often present substances such as vegetable ' acids and piolosalts of iron, which are poisonous to vegetation. Land that is liable to inundation by tho sea frequently contains an excess of common salt and other saline bodies. An example of this kind came undor my notice a phorl time ago in soils from tho Lake Klle?mere flats. On one farm patches i of soil wore found to be infertile, while the surrounding land produced good crops. On. ' analysing the soils, it was found that the ,' inferlilo ono contained .70 per cent, of common salt, white tho fertile one contained only . .12 por cent., the latter being about the limit considered allowable in fertile soils. 1 CojfrosiTioN oi' Soils. — In order to make clear eomo later remarks which I have to make, it is necessary that a brief description should here be given of the composition of soil?. Soils aie made up of two parts: (1) the organic portions, eon&ibting chiefly of humus, before mentioned, and which burn away when the soil is heated ; and (2) the inorganic portion which, on burning, reinains behind as ash. Tho proportion of organic matter is small, in ordinary soils amounting to seldom more than 5 or 6 per cent. The inorgjinic portion ie composed largely of sand ' which in light soils may amount to 90 per cent. Iron and alumina aie present: the f former especially in chocolate-coloured soils, and the latter in clay soils. Except in the ; case of lime or marl soils, where lime is ', abundrmt, tho other constituents are present ! in much smaller quantities, j The constituents of soils are not all essonj tial to plants as food ; the more important t being tho compounds of nitrogen, phosphoric ! acid, potash, lime, and magnesio. It is ne- ] cc&sary that the food constituents should bejin what is known as an " available condi- ! tion," this being a form in which they are ,' eithei soluble in water, or in the acid juices 1 secreted by the roots. This condition is secured by the action of natural decomposing I agencies at work within the soil, by which i chemical changes are produced, and the conj stituents left in such a form that they may be assimilated by the plants. Nitrification. — The most important, of these changes is that of nitrification, by which | the nitrogenous organic matter of the soil j is changed into the condition of nitrates, a form in which nitrogen is largely taken up by the plants, especially in the case of the cereals. The change is produced by the action of micro-organisms, which are always present in fertile soil?. Briefly stated, the changes produced arc formation of ammonia from the nitrogenous organic matter, and its ultimate conversion by oxidation into nitrites, and finally into nitrates. These changes aro produced by the successive action of different forms of micro-organisms. The conditions necessary for the existence- of the organisms are: the presence of air. moisture, and a certain degree of heat. Darkness is also essential, since these bodies aro inactive iin light. Some form of base must also be | presont to unite with the nitric acid as formed. These conditions are best -.ecuiod in soils under cultivation containing a f air proportion of calcium carbonate. The timerequired for nitrification will depend on these ' conditions ; if these are favourable, ilion the 1 changes are produced with considerable rai pidity. The micro-organisms occur mainly in the surface soil. Below the first 9in tho j number decreases and finally they cease alto- ! get her, especially if the sub-soil is waterlogged. This explains why peat bogs and j swampy land are not fertile, the high-water ! level proventing the access of air necessary. J On permanent pasture and forest soils, which generally contain a large amount of oi ganio matter, the process is retarded for the same reason. As soils have no retentive power for nitrates, unless they are taken up at once by plants, they are frequently lost in drainage. Thus it was found in some of the celebrated Rothamsted experiments that poor ' arable soil without vegetation lost by drainj ago nitrogen equivalent to 2cwt per acre o£ i nitrate of soda. Wheat crops are heavily j handicapped from the same cause, and an j explanation 19 here offered why cereal crops , often need assistance with nitrogenous ma-
Cocoanut Oil- Cake, sold by Niinmo and Blair, Dunedin, is the finest, flesh-producing food known for dairy cows and stock of oJI sorta.
irares, and are what might be called exhaustive crops. The formation of nitrates pro-
ceeds slowly through the winter months, ow-
ing to the low temperature, and the growth of these crops generally ceases in January,
and they are removed during February and March. During autumn and early winter the los 3by drainage is going on to the detrijaent of succeeding crops. Dry weather during autumn and winter is therefore favourable to the retention of these nitrates. Catch crops also are very effective agents in retarding the loss of nitrogen by drainage, since the nitrates are then assimilated as soon as formed. If fed off on the land, the nitrogen is returned to the soil in a condition in which it soon becomes available for succeeding crops. llain Water.— The fertilising influence of raifi water is not due to the action of the water alone, but also to the dissolved matters
contained in it. These are obtained partly from the gaseous products of combustion and decomposition, and partly from sea spray •which is carried by winds a considerable distance inland. From investigations carried out at Lincoln during the years 1884 to 1888, it was found that the soil recehed annually per acre an average of 1791b of dissolved matters, 60.51b consisting of chlorine, equivalent to nearly 1001b of common salt, 191b of sulphuric anhydride, equivalent to 26p-lb of sodic sulphate, and a little over 21b of ruihogen, one-half being in the form of nitrates, and the remainder existing in nearly equal parts as ammonium compounds •and nitrogenous organic matter. The results differ from those obtained by Messrs Lawes and Gilbert at Rothamsted, the nitrogen being only about one-half thut received at liothamsled ; the sulphuric anhydride is also legs, while the chlorine is four times a3 great. The deficiency of nitrogen and sulphuric anhydride in the New Zealand rain is probably due to the less-populated nature of the country, -while the excess of chlorine is due to the position of Lincoln with regard to the sea. . The nitrogen gained by the soil from rain is about equivalent to that contained in two bushels of wheat.
Manures. — The application of manures is one of the most ready means of restoring the fertility of soils. Exhausted soils, however, are generally only deficient in one or two •constituents, and, by the application of these, fertility is restored, especially when in a condition suitable for the requirements of the crop under cultivation. There is therefore considerable economy in the use of special manures. The constituents most generally required are nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash. Grain crops and grasses generally receive benefit from i)itroge2ious manures, root eiops from phosphatic manures, especially when in an assimilable form, and leguminous crops from potash and lime. These constituents generally increase the vigour ol the plant and enable it to assimilate to a greater extent its other food constituents, especially nitrogen.
Liming. — An examination of otir New Zealand soils shows a deficiency of lime. In the soils already analysed 75 per cant, were found to contain below the amount generally considered to be necessary in fertile soils. The action of lime on soils is two-fold. In addition to supplying the soil with this constituent, it also has the effect of rendering some of the other plant food constituents available. The soil has no retentive power over lime, and consequently freouent application in small quantities is more effective than large •dressings at longer intervals. Tillage. — The importance of tillage in increasing fertility is well known. Weeds are destroyed, and thus prevented from robbing the crop, it allows a better distribution of roots, and consequently gives a wider feeding ground. While drainage is increased, the soil suffers less in dry weather in consequence of the capillary power being decreased by +he wider spaces between the particles of soil, and lastly air is allowed to enter, and any ammonium compounds present are absorbed, while the oxygen serves to favour the nitrification of nitrogenous compounds, and Ihe consequent production of nitrates. Irrigation.— The presence of water is a necessary condition of plant life. It surrounds the tissues, and forms a considerable portion of the living plant. It is also necessary for the purpose of conveying the plant food from tho soil to the various parts of the plant, and also for the circulation of the constituents formed within the plant. For irrigation to be effective it must be intermittent, so as to allow air to enter the pores of the soil, since the oxygen and carbonic acid gas present are very effective agents in converting the unavailable plant food present in the soil into a condition in which it may be assimilated by plants. Air and water are generally at a higher temperature than the soil, and consequently tend to raise the temperature of the latter when passed through it, and so produce greater activity of plant growth. When Ifre soil is covered by a growing crop there is but little chance of plant food being washed out, unless the supply of water bo excessive. The soil possesses an absorbing and retentive faculty with regard to the more important elements of plant food. Thus, if a solution containing all the elements of plant food be filtered through a soil, the ammonium compounds, potash salts, and phosphates are J absorbed, while the less important constituents pass through the soil with the drainage. •The soil, however, has no retaining power over nitrates, and these, unless immediately taken up by a, growing crop, are lost, being taken below the range of the roots. In addition to the supply of water, there is often a, distinct gain to the soil by irrigation, from the fact that water often contains fertilising constituents in solution. These will vary according to the source of the water. From the comparative purity of the waters )Df our Canterbury rivers, being fed as they lyre by the melted snow from the Southern
1 Alps, the gain to the soil by their use is • far less than it would be from waters re- • ceived from a different source. To show . j that as far as plant food is concerned, we , j arc likely to gain but little by our CaiiterI j bury waters when used for irrigation pur1 I poses, it may be stated that from result a I obtained with the race water received at Lin- | coin, it was found to contain on an &\ erase : about 50 parts per million of total Foii'is, j and .0385 parts per million of nitrogen. If ', ive suppose that an acre of land be co\"pred Avith lin of water, which would weigh about 101 tons, the soil would only receive about 111b of solids and nitrogen equivalent to less \ than loz of ammonium sulphate. Any good, j therefore, derived from the water will be due to the action of the water alone, and not to ! any fertilising constituents contained in it. j Rotation of Crops. — We frequently find ! that a soil which has lost its fertility for one I kind of crop is yet fertile as regards other ! crops. The old theory regarding this A\as [ that plants secreted certain substances which, on accumulation, proved injurious to such plants, Avhile other plants of a different kind were not affected by it. We know now, however, that the fertility of a soil is not affected i by what is left, in it, but by what is removed. That plants may be grown for a considerable period without manure, bvit with proper cultiA^ation, is shown by the researches of Messrs Lawes and Gilbert, and these investigators also show that it is possible to groAv crops for much longer periods, and with greater increase of produce, by sup™lving th,e constituents which such crops have the greatest requirement for. These constituents are not those present to the greatest extent in crops, and consequently the composition of any given crop cannot be taken as an indication of the substance necessary to be added as manure to ensure a full development and increase of the crop. The composition of ordinary crops as computed by Warington is shown in Table I. We see, on comparing the cereal Avith leguminous and root crops, that the latter contain aboub double the amount of nitrogen present m the former, and yet in ordinary practice far more beneficial results are obtained by adding nitrogen compounds to the cereal crops than to others. Plants have different requirements with regard to the kind and form of plant food assimilated, and also differ with regard to I their powers of collecting it. Tho extent of j root range is also different, some feedirg near , i the surface of the soil, while oihers penetrate ( to the sub-soil, and bring up fertilising substances from considerable depths, which, on the decay of crop residue, is left in the surface soil increasing its fertility. The time required for development also varies, some crops occupying the soil for a short period only, others again, being of longer duration. The exhaustive eft'ect produced on soils Avill depend to a very considerable extent on the Avay in which the produce is disposed of. Where it is entirely removed from the soil, the loss may be considerable, Avhile if utilised as food for animals, and fed off on the land, it may cause in some cases an increase of fertility, since the constituents returned to the soil are more veadily aA^ailable as plant food, the proportion removed by the animal being comparatively small. The general le- , suit to be aimed at in the rotation of crops is to increase the amount of nitrogen in soils, j so that it shall be available for cereal crops, ' and so enable them to be grown more fre- j I quontly. The folloAving are a few practical t rules regarding the rotation of crops: — (1) Alternate the exhaustive cereal crops Avith j accumulative, leguminous, and root crops. (2) Alternate surface feeding with sub-soil feeding crops. (3) Alternate cleansing crops ' with those favouring the growth of Avceds. [ (4) If any crop during the rotation be ma- ' mired, it is preferably the root crop. (5) Where possible, sow pasture seeds at the same time as cereals. (6) Never put. light poils under a bare fallow. (7) Remember that an accumulative' crop, if sold off the farm, may become an exhaustive one. I
I Leguminous Crops. — Within the last 50 I years a great deal of attention has been given to the subject as to how leguminous crops — peas, beans, clovers, etc., obtain their nitrogen. The fact has been for some time known that plants of this class are not dependent entirely on the ' nitrogen contained in the soil, and that occasional growth of these plants 1 does not decrease the amount of nitrogen in the soil, but that there is a decided increase in soils on which these plants are groAvn. The increase which generally takes place in the yield of grain crops grown after peas I and beans is due to this cause. Various theories have been advanced to account for ' this increase of nitrogen, one of which was [ that these plants by their leaves assimilate ! nitrogen from the air. The most satisfac- ] tory explanation, however, has been brought ' forward by Hellriegel and Wilfarth, two German investigator**, and since the results ob- , tamed are of extreme importance, both to ' scientific and practical agriculture, a brief j description may not be out of place. The experiments were conducted as follows: — Barley, oats, and peas were grown in pure- , washed sand, to which solutions containing all the elements of plant food except nitrogen were added. A second series of plants were grown under similar conditions, but received iv addition nitrogen, in the form of nitrate of soda. The quantity of nitrate added j varied, one lot receiving a definite amount, | another twice as much, and a third four times j as much. The results were as follows: — The bailey and oats receiving no nitrogen failed, while the others receiving nitrogen gave produce equivalent to the amount of nitrogen applied. With the peas the case was different; those -which received no nitrogen grew as well as those to which nitrogen had been supplied. The conclusion drawn {vps that the peas were not dependent on the j soil for their supply of nitrogen, while the grain crops were so. For the purpose of ascertaining whether it was the free nitrogen contained in the air that was assimilated or only that existing in a combined form as ammonia, etc., further experiments were made with peas. These were grown in soil free from nitrogen, one lot being surrounded by ordinary air, and another by air that had been washed, so that the combined forms of nitrogen were removed. The growth of the peas in purified air was equal to that in ordinary air from which the combined forms of nitrogen had not been removed, showing that peas were capable of assimilating the free nitrogen of the air. The next point to be considered was whether the nitrogen was assimilated by the leaves or by the roots, and this Avas settled by the investigators having observed that the peas grown in soil devoid of nitrogen were healthy until the reserve material of the seed was used up, but that they then lost colour, and some died, but others after a time revived, the colour was restored, and they continued healthy to the end. On examination it was found that the roots of the plants which grew successfully \vero all furnished with nodules, which contained micro-organisms, while in the others these were either deficient or ab&ont altogether. It was found, however, that when tho free soils of the unhealthy 2">lants were treated with a pure watery extract of a fertile soil containing the micro-organisms the plants revived, and, when examined, those were found to be furnished with nodules similar to the others. So far no proof is given that leguminous plants do rot take up some nitrogen from the soil, but Helluicgcl states that it is doubtful if nitrates obtained from the soil alone are sufficient without the nodules and micro-organisms. Subsequent experiments were made by "Wilfarth with a large number of other plants with the same result— viz., that leguminous plants were grown in soil free from nitrogen, while other plants grew in proportion to the amount of the available nitrogen present in the soil. It was found, however, that in seeding the free soils with soil extract, while some
"j leguminous plants grew when receiving the | extract from any cultivated soil, others, again, nourished only Avhen extracts were used from soils on which the same kind of plants Avore growing. On boiling the soil extracts before use, the micro-organisms were destroyed, and consequently no effect was produced. A series of comprehensive experiments were ' also carried out by Messrs Lawes and Gil- ] bert, at Rothamsted, on the same lines as those of Hellriegel and Wilfarth, and the rej cults obtained Avere so confirmatory as to ( leave but little doubt as to the correctne&s •, of the conclusions. Briefly stated, these exj periments go to proA'e that leguminous crops ; are not dependent on the soil for their supply of nitrogen, but that by the agency of their nodules and associated micro-organisms they obtain their nitrogen from that which exists I free m the air, and that the nitrogen so obtained, Avhen these plants decay, goes to enrich the soil, and thereby increases its fertility for subsequent crops. Whether the micro-organisms which are present in ordinary soils containing no legurniI nous crops fix nitrogen from the air has not 1 yet been decided, the eA'idence brought forAvard being so conflicting that further work in this direction is required before the point can be settled. These conclusions of HcTlriegel and Wilfarth have been turned to practical account, I and from experiments made by Salncld, it I was found possible to groAV leguminous crops j on poor soils by inoculating them with soil containing the necessary organisms. Last ' year Nobbe succeeded in cultivating the or-c-anisim for leguminous plants in gelatine, j and they are iioav prepared on a commercial , scale, and can be purchased under the name I of " mtragon." Each kind of leguminous crop has its own special micro-organism, and already 17 of these are obtainable. The method of application is to dissolve the gelatine containing the micro-organism in Avater, and either to moisten the seed before sowing, or a small quantity of earth, which is spread over the soil on which the crop is to be grown. The cost of the -pplication is about 5s per acre. The matter is creating considerable interest in Germany and England, and the Royal Agricultural Society of England are already instituting experiments, the residts of which are looked for Avilh interest. If by means of inoculation Aye are able to grow leguminous <-'rops 1 on poor land, and thereby increase its ferri- | lity for subsequent crops, it will probably modify some of our present agricultural piactices. Loss of Manueial Constituents in Produce Exported. — For the purpose of -iscertaining the loss of fertilising substances which soils are subjected to by the removal of ordinary agricultural produce, the New Zealand exports, as given in the Official Year Book of 1896, have been taken, and the amounts of the more important constituents of plant food have been computed. The results are shown in Table 11. The numbers given must be considered to be only approximate, in consequence of the Avant of sufficient^ data, and from the fact that only the more important exports have been considered. With frozen meat the whole is calculated as mutton, wool is assumed to be unwashed, malt is calculated Avith barley, and peas with beans. The calculations for frozen meat are based on the composition of the dressed carcases, as shown by Messrs Lawes and Gilbert, disregarding heads, offal, etc, Those for wool and grain are based on the composition as shown by Warington. The numbers giA-en are probably below the truth, still they are sufficiently near to give a fair idea ot the loss which our New Zealand soils sustain by the exportation of agricultural produce. _ Unfortunately no data, is available showing the amount of manure imported as a set off against the losses indicated. ' TABLE Computed Loss of Manukut, Constituents i Exports During
f Calves. — Number slaughtered, 1383 ; com j demned as diseased, 0 ; condemned as immaS ture, 359 (a) ; percentage, 25.9 (a). S Pigs. — Number slaughtered, 4904 ; condemned as diseased, 197 ; percentage, 4.01* Tuberculosis, 130 ; pneumonia, 12 ; peritonitis, 7; mortification, 6. Sheep.— Number slaughtered, 102,955 ; condemned as diseased, 11; percentage, .010. Totals.— Number slaughtered, 115,915 ; erademned as diseased, 473 ; tuberculosis, 394 ;l aetinomycosis, 1 ; pneumonia, 12 ; peritonitis, 7 ; mortification, 6 ; immature, 359 ; condemned as bruised or unfit for food, 2. Flemington Saleyards. Bullocks. — Tuberculosis, 14 ; actinomycosi3, 2 ; cancer, 2 ; — total, 18. Cows. — Tuberculosis, 1 ; aetinomycosis, 0 ;! cancer, o;— total, 1. Totals. — Tuberculosis, 15 ; actinomycosis* 2; cancer, 2; — total, 19. Elsewhere. Four coavs tuberculosis and 5 cows cancer, by; police, Goulburn; 41 coavs tuberculosis, vete- ! rinary inspector, Goulburn ; 2 bullocks cancer and 5 bullocks tuberculosis,, police, Goul- ! burn ; 6 coavs and 1 bullock tuberculosis, S police, West Maitland ; 2 bullocks and 2 coav/j | cancer, 1 bullock lumpy ja\v, police, Albury ;} ; 1 bullock tuberculosis, police, TamAvorth ; 2 bullocks cancer, 2 bullocks tumours, 3 bullocks and 9 pigs tuberculosis, 19 pigs abscesses, 7 pigd pants, Canterbury Council ; 11 bullocks and 7 coavs, St. Peter's Council ; 3 coavs tuberculosis, inspector of stock, Singleton. Diseases: Tuberculosis, 91; cancer, 13; Jumpyjaw, 1; tumours, 2; abscesses, 19; pants, 7: — total, 133.
Country Meal Works. Aberdeen.— 27,966 sheep Avere -slaughtered;' 1176 Avere rejected for want of condition; 11. for cysts and lumps. Summary of Condemnations. Bulls: Abattoir, 4;— total, 4-. Bullocks: Abattoir. 171; Flemmgton; 18; elsewhere, 49:— total, 238. Coavs: Abattoir, 90; Flemington, 1; elsewhere, 68; total, 159. Calves: Abattoir, 359;— total, 359. Pigs: Abattoir, 197 ; elsewhere, 35 ;— total, 232. Sheep : Abattoir, 11; elsewhere, 1253 (a);— total, 1264. Totals Abattoir, 832; Flemington, 19; elsewhere, 1405 ;— sum total, 2256. (a) Condemned for want of condition.
Exports. Frozen meat , •<• ••» Wool ... ... Wheat . '. Oats ... Barley and malt > Peas and beans ... ... Maize lb. 127,015,564 11(5,015,170 Bushels. 14,568 2,003,270 100,020 215,:*91 45,588 SUMJUEY IN Tl INS. £4 2 £'£ §•&■ Tons. 791 53 800 | 3 Tons. 1,015 3,783 1,075 I I Tons. V)l 2.072 275 I Frozen meat ... »•• Wool jrain Tun^. yO7 52 47 2, 43b J.OQj Totals 5,871 1,203
Weight and Average Composition of Ordinary C: :ops in Pou; IDS 'ER 1 .cr: OVAR^^ s-gto: s). Weigi Cr Harvest [IT OF :OP. (3 o i 2 ,3 a: 1 ! 20 IS a W 6 s 3 .3 in So 14 I 7 ci o a ' p 3 1_ I Dry. I Wheat, grain, 30 bushels ... straw . I,SOO 3,158 1,530 2.G53 34 16 3 I 5 1 2 I 1 8 i I 4 3 i i ! ° I 3 ) • 1 96 30 142 Total crop 4,958 4,183 50 I " 29 \ 3 9 7 ! i 2J 3 97 i 172 Barley, grain, 40 bushels ... straw ,„ 2,080 2,447 1,747 2,080 35 14 3 3 | 10 26 , 1 4 I 1 I 8 i i 16 5 6 4 12 57 4G 111 Total crop — — . 4,527 3,827 1,625 2,353 3,978 2,822 49 34 18 6 I— — 36 9 37 5j5 j 1 | 5 T 2 10 i 7 4 5 21 13 6 I 4 0 6 C 9 ! 20 65 J57 51 140 Oats, ?rain, 45 bushels ... „ straw ... ... , . ... ... 1,890 2 835 3 5 Total crop ... ''. i,. Meadow hay, 11 tons / I 4.725 52 8 46 I I ... ' \ 6 i 12 g 19 6 85 191 3,300 49 6 51 I i i I 9 i 33 14 12 15 57 203 Red clover hay, 2 tons 4,480 3,763 98 90 28 25 10 •j 25S 10 83 5 Beans, grain, 30 bushels straw 1,920 2,240 1,613 1,848 78 29 4 5 24 43 — — 0 2 — 3 26 i 4 6 23 6 1 4 0 7 58 Total crop i i I I 29 5 rj 157 218 14G 4,1 GO 3,461 107 67 2 I 29 10 Turnips, roots, 17 tona leaf ».. «•• 38.080 11,424 3,126 1,531 '. 4,657 61 49 15 6 109 40 17 8 25 49 I 6 4 J 1 22 11 — I 11 11 I 3 5 Total crop ••a I 49,504 110 21 149 25 74 10 33 22 8 364 Swedes, roots, 14 tons ... „, leaf .. .., _, „, 31.3H0 4,704 3,349 700 1 70 I 23 15 3 63 17 23 9 20 23 7 2 17 5 7 8 4 163 75 Total crop , , T.I r* Mangels, roots, 22 tons . ' . -rl leaf 36 OG4 4,055 ~5,914 1,6-54 98 fr 80 32 43 9 22 15 7 238 49,280 18,233 98 j 51 5 9 i 223 78 I 69 49 16 iL 43 18 24 1 3G 17 42 41 9 420 254 Total crop • £? ?T »( i i>7,">r ' 149 14 i 301 | [118 42 53 83 18 680 ,!:>.,"' 40 I O 77 I > 4 ! 31 6 22 I T 3 127 Potatoes, tubers, 6 tons , .'.■' l
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Otago Witness, Issue 2320, 18 August 1898, Page 6
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5,364SOIL FERTILITY. Otago Witness, Issue 2320, 18 August 1898, Page 6
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