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IJTkom Oun Ows Coniu-:aroWDKM'.j A WHLL-TONED IfJNISfL

Br..\nFOUL>, M'*y 27.

In iurvoying U?e wool Gold, will) special refexenc.o to colonial gr° wcr3 > 1 <iuolo from the currant circular of Uui wall-kriuwn drw of soJJing br<jko.ra, Messrs C-b.irlc» lia-lmu wid to. They my Uiat tlm favourable outloolr for uieritio produce which piovfulc.d at Uio closo of tho second narieJ ww during the inlorval cloudud by growj'njr Hneasujoss aa to tho politicaJ riluation, wlucli uaturally cl. coked enterprise iv all dircctioua. !n addition to this lh« protective policy uf the Pn«lnd tJUIcs has continued to weigh heavily upon the lacturiug contro3, nor bo (uj lu# ajiy eonnUir poisw been eJTectcA) elsowhara. Although French buy^ra hava l>cei) someulv*! loss iu:tive thai) u.iual, tvhil* pracUraUy nolJiinff ha* beno taken on American account, oc>mpetalioi) Las boon aniruatod and fairly general.

Th« seviea opened with a decline of fro-cu paj to 5 por cont io l.b» vaJue» of moiinn staple, super greasy parcel i alou« fully hold ins? ■gM^^^^^^^lHioT^Ujft vnoro nrossing needs

rola,pse took place, bringing the level of rales 5 per cent, in average below the final onotations of the previous auctions. Upju f<-"c!s (irmly supporting the market by considerable | withdrawals somo slight rally occurred during the last few sitlnigr and the sales closed with a firm tono. While supplies of orossbrods ha 1 , c been plentiful, donund Crom YorU-!uro .^as boL-n a:ijm perod by a rlungy in fashion. <'jnso pu-iilv prices at th? outset marked d nharj) fall. Aithough lbs finer grades l.avo bhowr> but litUe aJtoration, tlie coarser Qi.alitiej havo 'h\'}>j ed a very fuU 5 per cont. in vaJue3, which t'f,;)Cv ciaXioD has during the course of the sales bee:i mitig'a.ted by somo reaction. Bof'iired parcel? and lainb 1 -' »rini of !uw quality have met with Iribguha (loniand at the ful) extonl oi the de clitic. Hmalbiosj oi supply has helped to maintain snow-whites, .scourixls, find fleeces at fu!J previous rat (■•!». South African grease, however, which it will bo remembered was selling particularly weU in March, with the exception oi tho very best descriptions fu!!y shared in Mm downward inovpmeul, and has proved increa* incly dj-fiicuJt of sale throughout the auctions. The present position i? o somewliat peculiar one Ths rj op ropsinn engendered by tho closing of the Amenca-n markets a.nd tho disturbed sktt,a of politico has apparently foi tha time being distracted the attention of consumers from the fal) of merinos. Nevertheless (ha condition? of supply remain unaltered, although accorapHahod facts and fears for ths , future liavs alike ioj ths moment prejviciiced l demand. LTsrueJiate prospects would appeaj upoii tL«i cururss of ijoliueaJ

events, with the proviso that scarcity should coutinue jls the year g-oes on to strenghen the position of merino staple. The status of crossbred produce is not so favourable, inasmuch as it) though the existir'g range of values Is very low, supplies are nioro than sufficient for pre tient track 1 requiremcjits. Ai: compared with the closing prices' of tli= l previous scries, us quote :

AI'STRALASUN. Merino, iv giease. superior ;i ir to J-d por lb lower ■i .i <f super ... p,ir

„ „ „ average... tJ „ lower ".. ,i „ iufeilur i<l to id „ „ „ super scoured ... id „ „ „ mediuTO „ ... Ad to hi „ „ .. inferior „ „, Jil „ „ „ super tatnl 1 ? wcwl ... Jil „ liiglifer „ inferior „ ... i 1 „ lower Cros&breil, s.tsj.-o— fiiit; par to {J „ liigKer „ ruedium i.l „ lower „ coaiM ... ~. ... Jil o „ icotm'ii far co k>i „ „ „ glina).. Jd „ „ - SotTH AI'RICi.V Sucw widto silver ... mediufp .«. tv Id „ higher FU-pre, v. asht>d, ... .. i)at Grease, 911^1^ JLafTrariaw .. p*r !i£bt-ron>btio:jed... JJ Ijt jil „ lower „ wasting lit tn JJ „ „ Tlie third scrip? h fixed to commence on Juno 23, tho list of qwaniticw being closed on the day 500.000 balea have arrived.

Sold ly Messrs Dv Cm?,, Poxat. and Co., Way Ifi.— Balmoral Groase— '26 hairs Tint combing hog^i-ls BJd, 157 do aid, l> bPCond combiiiS,' U Bd, IT clo B<l. 1,0 first clolhuijj. Sid. T} first piprns rtil. D? halfbind first combing !>d, 21 do secouc) couibing BJd, 2S ha-lfbred pieces Sd This was hi f>wcl ordiir. and every lot ,iold furijusly. particularly the mcrinoa. Good quality . lengtb n^ht , sonud and fairly lijjlit. X o.oi B ChH|/niiin ■ Grease — 5 balf.o first combing 9Jd, 27 uaU'bied first combmg i>id 19 do second combing B',d. 4 crossbre-.l 7d, V balfbrerJ pieces SdSujioi quality, well grown, und lijjlit- Mataluwi . Grease — 100 cro-jsl-rei) 7Jd. 6do 7d This clip lacked condition. Improve quality as well.

Sold by Messis "Willans and Ovcrbury, samo day. — B iv heart over Elms: (in>asv — Il'I 1 ' comhmt; hogget? 91.d,9 I .d, 65 do Did. 17 spiophl combing II Od 114 second do !)d, d 2 clothing Bi<l. 12 do second Bid, 32 pieces 7Jd, 4;: half hi wl combing Old. ?r> clo 9d, 25 do Bid. V halfbrocl piecoa 7!A Th]<j clip met buyers' tastes to v 'V. Eveiyfhuitr about it was first class litangaro.t Greasy— U half bred Bd. 7 crossbred D 7}d, '21 do 7d! r>'2 do OJd. 3 do damaged 6J,d 2 pioco-" 6id. Keep up lustrn. quality, and condition.

Bold hy AJpssv? Jacomb, Son. and Co., May 19:— BW hi dinruond GORE Scouted— o bales first comhing 3«i'l, *• third combinj.- 17id , 1 combing 1 ("•<!, S piprcs Ilid. a fi rs~t combing quart prbrod Knl. M ilc halfbred Mi«l. IU seco.-id rombins haKbrod i:!d, 1^ third do 12Ad, 18 first combirig cros?bred I.'irl, JS A do 32V1. 12 LeiOMtei lOd. 14 Lincoln 9d, .10 pieces cjo&frbved 13d, JJ do J2d, aud several &malJ lota One thint; is always 1 apparent ahout this bismd, and that is jts tliorongliness. This firm knows how to do. and does it. I commend them for it. and. if i remember correctly, no other Kew Zealand clip this series hn? nuiclo ]B},d for scoured;* Cro.s? ovpr heait over .TWJ : Gicase — 3!! bales first combing crossbred 9<l, 10 second do Sd, II second combing: crossbred 7^cl, 2U do 7d. 11l first combing' ciossbrod Lincoln 7\d. 10 i second do 7Jd, M do 7d, 25 belltM ciosslhtcl sid. 41 lambs do 7d. Heart: Grease — 18 bahw A crost bred Sid. 90 I? do 7id. 91 C do 7d, 5» O do 6^(i. 29 lip clo G|d, 10 HC do Rid. 17 piece* clo 5Ad. Tlie first clip wa& the better, but both want condition and style keeping up.

Sold by- Messrs Buxton, Ilonald, and Co., same day — Triangle over C.IN- Greasy — 24 bales B ciossbred fid, 2iJ C do Bd. 10 F do 7|d, 7 crossbred nnoks 7J. 27 clo pieces 6W. 18 do sld, 14 do 5Jd. 5 do locks* sd, V 7 urossbrcd lambs 7id, U dv G^d, H do (id. Just an average clip, hut it wants looking after iv get-up and condition. Stag's hoad o\ r ec Kekerangir Greasy — * bides combing If BUI. <17 do Bd, 1 1 do lid. 8 do l\d, (5 pieces 3id. 0 do M, 4 halfbred combing Od. 18 do «id. ]fl clo 7id, ?• halfbred pieces. 7d. 3 dw locks 4<d JBolh quality lu-m good and creditable.

Another week h.i? passed and comparatively littltj of chari-jfi can bo no'ed in this premier

001-consuming lentre. The way London &.aUw finished up liwt week is regarded in Bradford a< pai:>factory, but buyer* here find it ju^t about impossible Io dispose of recent London purchase-; at a profit in om; form or another So far as quantity being turne-l ovor, there i-: no shrinkage on previous weok-; but perceptible* development is de-'peivirely slow, and tiring* dras M'carily alon^. The iuct now t.o loii'4" patent is roceivin^ again iiicrea^cd nnpli.xsisi and that i? tint raw avoo! is wor!h relatheJy move and actually sells; tor more than doe;! either top?, yarns or pieces. Tho few direct importers here who had sense enough to lake tiling's in a more ratiotm.l Ray, have lately seen a nice bit of profit on their colonist.' and they find it far easier Io realii-o raw wool than if the kmiip had been combed. The folJou inp; table shows I,lip courso of prices during tlio jianf monlh, and the figures given oepresonl t!ie general asking prices (;f to-day, though ii'ev jiiill tencl downwards: —

• Description of Staple. § _. jf o S, c? rt 'i rt -4 % a g a

Lincoln liogss „, ... Lincoln wethers I ij Dcep-gro'-vB bojrgs ... ... Sij Deep-erou'ti wethers ... B^j White gut er hogps ... Sli White super wethers ... SJ liibb bo;^ 91 Iris-h wetheis S3 T'irk Shroi^hire hop?" ... 9 Pie I: Klirop shire wethers I 8J Ordinary balfbreU hoes? •. 8J Ordinary halfbr c dj wethcts SI Wiltshire ?<>w I; les;* ... 11 I WUtssluie P^.vr, vwe» ...| 11 Ordinary ( ; o's, Bueuosj Aj'ivs top.-- j ISJ Gi.bnary (JO a, colonial! I TO]; Kuper fiO's. rolonia) tops.. WJJ Ordiuaiy 40"s. coloniAl tops Jl? Ordinary 32*, colonial tops 11 Tuikey jverape mohair ... 1(> Cape lirsis, mohair ... 15 S3 *\ S3 9 85 S3 J) (I. i sj! 81 Si Si si 81 81.8 1 . Si SV Si « 8i Si S3 Si! Si « Si Si | 81 10 10 81 10 10 8i! 10 j 10 8 111 10 isi! i 13.) isi; I 18) i 191 20i 20 j 19 20 19 20 ih'. Hi 111 JU n Vi 15 10} Id 104 15 10$ ir>

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Otago Witness, Issue 2317, 28 July 1898, Page 6

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LONDON WOOL SALES. Otago Witness, Issue 2317, 28 July 1898, Page 6

LONDON WOOL SALES. Otago Witness, Issue 2317, 28 July 1898, Page 6


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