The summer thow of Iho Tai«ri Amateur Hoclirultural Society wa« held at thft Volunteer H*ll, Mosgi-jl, on Saturday. Th«r<» were altogether 361- entries, »»• against 333 a^Vhe-lasfe summer show. Tha- et>tcia» wero made up as follow:— Pot plant?, 4-8; cut flowers, 132; fi.uibp > 75 ; vegetables, 109. Fob pUuta were not so numeroaa as they were last year. Amor-g those on view were a »ioo aspidistra and a good specimen of asparagus virgitus. Some of the pelargoniums and pot-unias were alao fairly well grown ; but tbe bulk of tH» pot plants were very ordinary specimens. The cat flowers made a good display, tho fea-turs of the show being the collections of ca4 bloor>a3. The 10 weeks' stocks were also very good, and the tible- and band bouquets were- nicely mad* up, but in an old-fashioned style. Of fch« three epergues-of fl >werj> the- ona-Vh'v* tc.-k nwVpi-iza was dec ; dc.dly the most beautiful, bst the floY/ei'3 were faultily arranged inssmuch as one fride>of tho epvr^ne proaeErfed a rfl'T<i &t'ractivo sppeav&nes Chan the otLer. Ou^ of tt l .\a ether ep'irgnes had &l a o- the samo fault. Tfawro ware, aa usual, good display* of frui!> and veg*t>ables. In the ftuife section of tho show- w«re- to bo seen some splendid g)O c eb=srfics, ckemas, paspberries, and white, red, &nd black caH'^nts, some of the Isst-mentioned bci*g altassb as large as grape?. A fiGe lob oi vegciiaHies of various kinds were also on view. Ansong the thing? sent in for exhibition only wao a stand of lv-vfely rosea foswardt.d by Messrs Hvwden. and Mcncritff. Th"re were 20 dff .-rt-.r.b varieties tWe pick of tha lob bejag Clio, He* MajesSy, Vie tor Hngo, and Gowto Hensi R'gnon. A specimen ol Crimson Rambler was a'c'o s'rown by the sam?. eshibibor3. Mt T. H. B'al eh showed s^me- r.*m%ckibly floe s'.r«.p^ of wbita curr».n(s. Messrs G. Ho">«lcn and Andrew Williamson were fcho judges of po!i plants and cut flowers, and Mr Joseph Fsltham judged the fiuis and vegetr.bles. Du-iag the afct-rnoon picuoforte solos wera contributed: by Mrs Aitken and Miss M. Davidson, and in the evening musical selections were played at intervals by the following minician»:~ M-^uvra Allan (piano), H*igh (violin), W. B?injcans (cornet), and A. Biingi=-ti3 (euphonium). The following is the prize list : —
Piants IN Tots. — One pljtnt scarlet geranium, single (five cnti ies)— ft. Sinclair 1 and 2, G. Hendry 3. One p T ant light fuchsia (ope entry)— S. Rincl*ir. Ono plant lisht pc r an'um, sifigle fthree entries,)— S. .Sinclair 1 and 2, G. Hendry X One nUnt daik fuohsia (nno entry)— S. Sinclair J. One planb geranium, double (three entries)— S. Sinclair 1 r»nd'2, H. Purvis 3. Two plants fern< (four entrk s) — S. Sinclair 1. I>. I/. Christie 3, 11. Purvis 3. Two pot plants, distinct genera (two entries) — "D. L. Christie 1, S. Sinclair 2. One pla&t p^Jar^ Konium, show (thr^e entries) -Misa Smiih 1 &* d 2, T>. h. Christie S. Two plants begonia, folijvgs (»pe ei>trj) — Mrs W. O. Br-mn 1. One plsct begonia, in flower (f<>nr cntcie*)— Miss Sinilh 1, S. Sieel vie 2, tr. Headr? 3. One plant miisk (one enti-7) — S. Sinci-.ir. Two plauts petunia, d.v. (thwe ontiie I .)— S. Sinclur 1, G. Ilendry 2 and 3. Two foliage plants, d.r. (t,+irae euVriee)— D L. Christie 1 aud 3, S. Sinclair 2. Two plants ivy - leafed geranium, d.v. (one entry) — Blrs W. O. Brown 1. Ono pl-nt pelar^oaium, legal (six enttie?)— Miss Smith 1 and 3, »S. Sin«lair 2. One bpsdmen planb (one entry) -S. SißcUir 1. One pLvnt fuchsia, any vaucty (ono entry)— &. Sinclair 1. One pot p'aar, grown by hoy or girl ntlendiag school in tho Taieri (flro os»tfiC3>— Or. ii. Hendiy 1, Chiis. Aitken 2, Alice Hendry 3. Cut Flovtbrs." Six blo&ms ro^ei", not le?s than 3 d.v. (thr.l3 entrie->-r. Gibson 1 «nd 3, Miss Smith 2. Four spike? sweet William, 2 light, 2 davk (twelve entries) -li J. Recres 1, J. Rowan 2, Mis 3 Smith 3. Six blooms show pMnsiw, 6 d.v. (three eiitueu)-J. Ilendry 1, E J. R«evcs 2aad 3. Ono hand bouquet, unwiivd (ftfc entriet) — Mrs W. O. Brown 1 and 2. Mi->s M. A. Guest 3. Three blooms roses, 3 d.v (»iglil, entries)— J. Hfndry J, P. Gibson 2, Miss Tlmi'li 3. I'our spik«s 10 vrc«ka' stocks, 4 d.v. (five eutiie*)— D. L, Oluistie 1 and 2, W. Ij. Christie 3. Four blooms pinks (two enliios)— Mi-s L. M. Will 1 and 2. spikes phlcx. hcibaceous, d.v. (two entries)— Miss L. M.
Will 1 and 2. Four trusses geraniums, 4 d.v. (two entries)— E. J. Reeves 1, If. Puivis 2. Six bunches annuals, 6 d.v. (tight entries)— His-. L. M. Will 1, D. L. Christie 2, Miss Charters 3. Three bunches antiirhinums (six entries) — S. bincUir 1, J. Rowan 2 and 3. Ona table bouquet (seven entries)— W. C. Sinclair 1, Mrs W. C. Brown 2, Mrs Morgan 3. Three spikes peastenaons, 3 d.v. (three entries) — Mrs W. C. Brown 1. Miss Smith 2 and 3. Four blooms carnations, 4 d.v. (six entries)— Miss Smith 1, J. Heudry 2 and 3. Three spikes herbaceous or bulbous plants,' 3 d.v. (seven entries)— Miss M'Millan 1, Mis W. C. Brown 2, J. Hendry 3. Three spikes delphinium (three entries)— Mrs Smith 1 and 2, Mm W. C. Brown 3 Twelve bunches annuals, 12 d.v. (four entries) -E. J. Reeves 1, D. L. Christie 2, W. L. Christie 3. Collection of cut flowers (two entries) -Mis3 Charters 1, Miss L. M. Will 2. One epergne of flowers (three eutries)— Mrs W. C Brown 1, Mrs W. Scott 2, Mies M. A. Guest 3. Four trusse3 pelargoniums, 4 d. v. (three entries)— E. J. - Reeves 1, Miss Smith 2 and 3. Four blooms fancy pansies, 4 d. v. (three entries)— E. J. Reeves 1 and 2, J. Hendry 3. Twelve flj\ver3, d. v. (five entries) — J. Hendry 1. One gentleman's buttonhole bouquet (10 entries)— Mis3 M. A. Guest 1, L. Morgan 2, Miss C. Brown 3 One basket cut flowers, grown by exhibitor (three entries)— Mrs W. C. Brown 1, Mrs Morgan 2 and 3. One floral wreath, made up by childran attending school in Taieri (ose entry) -A. G. Brown 1. Oas lady's dress bouquet (five entries)— Hn W. C. Brown 1 and 2, Mi*s K. Morgan 3. One bloom rose (four entries)— P. Gibson 1, Miss Smith 2, J. Rowan 3. One bouquet everlasting flowers, unwired (two entries)— Mrs W. O. Brown 1 and 2. Two lady's dress spray bouquets, everlasting (one entry)— Mra W. C. Biown 1. Collection of annuals (three entries)— W Ij. Christie 1, D. L. Christie 2, Miss L. M. Will 3. Six hybrid perpetual and six tea rose blooms, distinct varieties (one entry)— P. Gibson 1.
Fruit. — Dish of raspberries (seven entries)— J. M'Gregvr 1, T. H. Blatch 2, J. Brown 3. Tvveatyfoar red gooseberries (five entries) -H Puivis 1, T. H. BUtch 2, P. Gib3on 3. Twenty-four light S oo-eberries (nine entries)— ll. Purvis 1, J. Stoddart 2, T. Stoddart 3. One pint wbite currants (j-even enlries)— T. H. Blatch 1 and 2. J. Brown 3. 0-e pint red din-ants (five entriis)— T. H. Blatcb. 1 and 2, G. Hendry 3. One pint black currants (nine entiics)— A. Davidson 1 and 2, Mrs J. M'Kr-nzle 3. Twenty-four cherries (nirie entries) — Miss M'Kay 1 and 2, D. Reid 3. Collection of early frui'- (two entries)— Miss Howell 1, W. (J. Brown 2 Heavi'bt 24 rei gooseberries (three entries) — Mi-,sA Weddti spoon (lib 3 z) ], H. Vuivis (Lib 2i z)'2, T. Sto'lrfari; 3. Heaviest 24 light goosebairies (six envies) — H. Purvis (lib -Uoz) 1, P. Gibson (ilb lioz) 2 Miss R. Fiew 3. Heaviest 12 straps re.A curriiife (three entries) — T. H. Blotch 1 and 2. G. Hendry 3. Heaviest 12 straps black entrants (two entries) — A. Davidson 1 and 2. Heavie-fc 21 cherries (eight entries')— D. Raid X sdcl 2. Miss Charters 3.
Veoetahles — ]?.iur early carrots (eight entries) — William Kringms 1 and 3, T. Bringans 2. 1 welve eaily potatoes, round white (four entries) — W. L. Christie 1. Mr Morgan 2. Twelve khln&y potatoes, whitd (three entries)— Mr Mo:gau 1 and 2. Four italics rhubarb (fourteen entries)— J. M'Taggtrt 1 and 3, J. Robertson 2. Ft-ur lettuces, OAbbasje C«ix en'rle-)— Mrs W. Scott 1, Mr Morgan 2. Tivelvo early potatoes, coloureJ, thrc-e to be cooked (fen entries)— A. Bdngans 1, J. N&ismith 2, Itliss Ch-vrJcrs 3. Four early turnip* (sovea entrie")— Mr Morgan 1, A. UcingAns 2, T. Stodflmt 3 Tv/atit,r-four pods pe*s (fi.\ c entries)— Mra Morgan 1, T. Stoddavt 2 an t3. t.'ne pint shelled paa» (seven etitries) — T n. Blatch 1 and 2, A. D.ivi 'son 3 Twenfcf-four shallot on oun (six entries) — G-. Hendry 1, Mr Morgan 2, W. Bricgans 3. Ono ciown sbaiiot onioi (six entties)— W. BiitifTAna 1, G. Ilendry 2, T. StodcUit 3. One Crtuliflower (eighb putties) — R Fare 1, J M'Gcegor 2, A D.vvinson 3. Two eaily cabbages (fifteen entrie*)— Miss Chait.-rs 1, T. 11. lilatch 2, J. M Grejoir 3. t.'oll^ctiou of veg«t*Wed in ti-ay (two entrif-s) — T>. L. Christie 1, G. Hendry 2. Oue small basket of vegetables (five entries) — W. Bringans 1, D. L. Christio 2, G. Hendry 3. Heaviest four stalks rhubarb (three entries)— S. Gordon (Gib 13 z) 1, W. C. Brown (slb 12oz) 2, \V. C Biwa (4iblO>>zv3.
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Otago Witness, Issue 2289, 13 January 1898, Page 8
Word Count
1,571TAIERI HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. Otago Witness, Issue 2289, 13 January 1898, Page 8
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