THE A.J.C. Monday, December 27.
Summer Cop, a sweepstakes of lOsovs each, with 750»i.vs added ; second horse 150^ovs and third 75sov*. On" mile and three-quarters. Mr W. Ke'so's b g Tornado, by Cadogan— Avalanche, s>rs, 7.3 (H. Cook) 1 Mr J. Western's br m Old Olo', syrs, 8 4 (Barden) 2 Mr J. TJno's rh m Insulator, Syr*, 7.6 (M. rm) 3 Other starrer.^: Positano 9 6 (Nerrickei), The Graf ter 813 (Jno. Gougli). KalUtin* 8.9 (M. Gallagher), To wu Clock 8.4 (BusbeH), Phillip 8 3 (S. Callinan), Mirella 8 1 (deal). Toreador 8.0 (T. Johnson), Hoibrook 7 12 (M. Harris), Tramp 7 10 (J. Tracey), Agate 7.9 (D. Morgan), riro-i-lake 7M (M Namara), Sundial 7.0 (P. Fielder), Voyou 7.5 (Lamb), Fassifern 7.2 (P. Harris), Boua Fide 7.4 (Hait'gan), Longford (5.8 (M'i?, Flodden 6 B(vS Smith). Betting : 6 to 1 agat Tornado, 7 to 1 Agate and Old Clo'. At the sheds Cross'akfi had his neck ia front of Agate and The Grafter, with Longford and Sundial most prominent of the others, but after passing the half-milti post the positions of the leaders underwent a change, and at the tbvee fuilongs Phillip was in oommaud, waited onbyMiiella, Flodden, Cros&lake, Insulator, and Voyou. Phillip and Mirella were the first to he^d for home, clos-ly followed by C'rosslake, Flodden, Agate, Insulator, ,iud Old Clo'. At the Phillip and Mirella wi^re in trouble, and Old Clo' and Toruadp getting to the front fought out A gieat finish, the icsult being in favour of Tornado, by a head. Four lengths away Insulator was third, followed in order by MireJla, Phillip. Crosslake, Tramp, Agate, Kailatina, Flodden, Voyou, and Towu Clock, wb_il« Longford was last to pass the post. T-ime, Sniiu 4ii«;c.
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Otago Witness, Issue 2289, 13 January 1898, Page 35
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287THE A.J.C. Monday, December 27. Otago Witness, Issue 2289, 13 January 1898, Page 35
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