The seventeenth show of the Waitatauna Agricultural and Pastoral Society was held ai Waitahuna yesterday in splendid weather, and there was a good attendance There were altogether 209 entries, which is a slight increase i« number" as compared with lasb year. Th( entries were made up aB follows : — Cattle, 44 ( horee?, 48 ; sheep, 46 ; poultry, 6 ; dairy pr» duce, 27 ; cured meat', 4 ; extra exhibits, 34 In the cattle section of the show there was just one more entry than there was last year. The shorthorns, of which there were seven, were a very ordinary lot, with the exception of one bull, which was a fairly good jpsoimen of his breed. Ayrshire cafctle were represented by 15 enjtriee, there being a few fairly good animals among the number. The best clans were the "cows in milk, any age." Only three Here*ford cattle were shown, including 1 a bull of a good stamp. The crossbred cattle were more numerous than' any other class, there being in all 19 entries, and some presentable dairy cows were exhibited in this eeefcion of the show. A special prizo for the moat points in cattle •was gained by Mr R, Craig, with 47. point*. Mr D. Stevenson came next with 20 v points. Draught horses were much mote numerous than they were last ye*r, there being 21 entries, as against five in 1896. ' The quality of the stock exhibited was, however, not very gocd, taking it all through, moflb of the animals shown being blemished in some respect. But among tha exhibits were a couple of entries which TOM
decidedly superior to the balk of the draught stock on view. A prize for the most poiuta in draught stcck fell to Meesra Blackie Bros, In the hack section were to be Been several serviceable-looking animals, the list hacks aud the ladies' h&cks being about the best classes. Tbe number of entries in sheep was about the same as afc the previous show, same good specimens of mecino and Leicester brceJs being exhibited, as well as some good cros&b;ed sheep. The display of dairy produce was also about the same as last year so far as the number of entries was concerned, the quality of the exhibits being also quite up to the standard of tho difltrici;. In some cases there was very little to choose between the exhibits that were placed, and the judges had some difficulty in a few instance] in making the awards. A special prize for the most points in butter was carried off by Mrs R. Craig. There were five exhibitors of agricultural implements. The ftlaesej-Harris Company showed a reaper and binder, a 17-toolh cultivator with grain box, two Bcuffler?, a long biller, and a MasseyHarris bicjcle. Willinm Gardiner and Co ,of InvercargiU, bad on view a combined grfcin and eeed drill, a Cambridge low steel-frame roller, a double turnip and manure sower, a tingle digger plough with the latest lift, and an exhibit of llosedale binder twine. Wright, Stephenson, and Co. exhibited a Bonnie binder, J. Duthie and Co. an Adricmce binder, •and Reid and Gray a Deericg potjy binder. The Farmers' Ageocy Company showed an Bltctric wire str*iner, and Mr Joseph Hatch (of InYercargill) a patent portable buggy jaefc. The' fol'o wing is tbe prize list : — CATTLE. SHORTHORN. Judges : Messrs D. M'Donald (Milbnrn) and John Shennan (Berwick). At'ending members: Messrs John Scott and T. Corry. Cow, any nge, in milk. Three entries— T. M'Kenzie 1, Cimeron Bros. 2. 9 Cuw, diy. One entry— Cameron BO?. 1. Heifer, 2yis old. Two entries — T. M'Kenzie 1 and 2. Bull, 3vis old and upwards. One entry — Cameron B os. 1. , Champion card for bes,t bull in the yardCameron Bros. AYRSHIRE. Judge 3 : The same as for shorthorns. Cow, any age, in milk. Three entries— R. Craig 1 and 2. Cow, dry. Two enlrie3— R. Craig 1 and 2. Heifer, 3yr» old, apparently in calf or milk. Three entries— B. C«aig 1, A. M'Millan 2. Heifer, 2yrs old. One tntry— R. Craig 1. Heifer, Tyr old. 'l\vo entiies— R. Crai<l and 2.Champion card for best cow or heifer in the yard — R. Craig. Bull, 3yrs old and upwards. Two entries— ll. Cuiig 1 and 2. Bull, lyr old. Two entries— R. Craig 1 and 2. Champion card for best bull iv the yard— R. Craig. HEREFORD. Judges : The came as fox thorthorns. Best bull, any age One entiv-D Steve .son. Best cow, in calf or in milk. One entiy— D. Stevenson. Best heifer, 2yrs old. One entry — D. Steveneon. CROSSBRED. Judges : The same as for shorthorns. Best dairy cow, in milk. Three entries — J. Robi-rtson 1, S. Williamson 2. H« iter, 3yrs old. Three entries— T. Corry 1, S. Williamson 2. Heifer, 2yrs old. Two entries— J. Robertson 1, -S. 'Williamson 2. . Heifer, lyr old. Five entries— J. Robertson 1 -and 2.' Best cottar's or tradesman's cow, in milk (owner not to have .more than three cows or to lethe owjaer or occupier of more than 10 acres ot hind). Three entries— T: M'Kenz'e 1.-. W. Auld 2 • Champion card for best cow or heifer iv the yard— J. Robertson. IXTRAS Best two <*airy cows (any br?ed), in milk. Three cntiies— J. Robertson!, 11. Craig 2. HORDES. DRAUGHT. Judges : Messrs J. WyJlio (Taieii) and T. Hitchon (Adam's Flat). Attending members : Messrs J, H. Bateinan and W^ J. Livingston. - Entire horsa.. Oae eatiy — J. M'llobexts. Entire horse, 3j rs old. One entry — J. Robin£oll. Champion card for best entire horse iv the yard— J. M'Uobert's Bold Boy. Best gelding, an age. Three entries —L. M'Kenzie 1, S. Willurin 2. Brood mare, in foal or with foal at foot. Five entries— C. Haminoivd 1, Cameron Bros. 2, T. Williamson 3. Filly, 3yrß old. Two entries— Blackie Bros. 1, C. Hammond 2. 1 Filly, 2yrs old. One entry— Blackie Bros. 1. ■■' Veld maie, any age. Four entries— lilackie Bros. 1, T. Cony 2. . -Pair of maies or gelding?. Four entries— Blackie Bios. ], L. M'Kenzie 2. . Champion card for best mare or filly in the yard— Blackie Bros THOROUGHBRED. Judges : 1 he tame a3 for draughts. Entire horse, auy ase. One entiy — A. M'Millan Entire colt or gelding, 2yrs old. Two entries— J. A. M'Keilly 1. Champion card for best entire in the yard— A. ATMillsm's Wolfs Crag. HACKS. ' • Mare, any age, in foal or with f j»1 at foot. One cutry— A. M'Alillan 1. . Filly, 2yrs old. One entry— A. M'MiUan 1. Champion card foe beat mare or filly in the yard— A. M'Milian. Best weight-ctnyiog hack, up to 15st. Two entries— C. Compsou 1, T. Dwyer 2. Best weight-carrying hack, up to list. Three entries— A. M'Millan 1, CJ LinklaterZ. Best carriate enlire, 3yrs old and upwards. Two entries— H. Craig 1, T. Robertson 2. Best bngsy mare or gelding, to bs shown in vehicle. Two entries— T. Dwyer 1, W. Aitken 2 Light mare or gehlinpr, fit for spring cart up to 74cwt draught, to be shown in harness and Vehicle. One entry— W. Livingston 1. Heavy mare or gelding, fit for spriDg cart up to lpcwt draught, to be shown in harness or vehicle. Three entries— T M'Keuzie 1, J. Rose 2. Best lady's hack, to be lidden by a lady. Three entries— G Linkiater 1, J. Huiring2. Most graceful horsewoman. Three entries — Miss Kerr 1, Miss Duff 2. Best i;ony (not more than 14 hands high), 3yrs old and upwards. Two entries— W. Livingston, 1, J. Robeitson 2. Be&t pony (not more than 12 hands high), Syi'3 old and upwards. Oue entry — M. Cutttfu 1. SHEEP. Judge :Mr D. M'Pherson (Berwick). Attending * members : Messrs Martin Ryan and R. M'Ara. MERINO. Beat ewe, with lamb or lamb*. Four entries— W. Livingston 1, Blackie Bros. 2. Best two ewe hoggets. Two entries— W. LivingEton 1 and 2. LEICESTER. Best ram, 3yrs old and upwards. Five entriesCameron Bros. 1, J. Ross 2. Best two ram hoggets. Two entries— Cameron Bros. 1, W. LiviDgston 2. Btst ewe, with lamb or lambs. Five entries — Camel on Bros 1 and 2. Best two ewe hoggets. Two entries— Cameron Bros. 1, W. Livingston 2. Champion cards for best Leicester ewe and hogget.— Cameron Bros. CnOSSBRHD. Best two ewe hoggets. Six entries— W. Livingston 1, J. Tough 2. Best two ewe hoggets. Three entries— W. Livingston 1 and 2. Best ewe, first cross with lamb or lambs. One entry— W. Livingston 1. Best ewe, with lamb or lambs. Four entries— W. Livingston 1, — Milne 2. 3est uea of 10 crossbred, hogfiete, fluifcftbto fo*
wool or mutton. Four entries— J. Tough 1, — Milae 2. ROMNEY 3IARSH. Best ram, any age. One entry — Cameron Bios. Best ewe, with lamb or lambs. Two entries — — Milae 1. EXTRAS. Best p:n of five fat merino sheep. One entiy — W. Livingbton 1. Best five fat crossbred sheep. Oue entry— W. Livingston 1. Best fis'e fat lambs— C. Hammond 1, — Milae o POULTRY. Best'golden-pencilled Hamburg cock and hen. One entry— Mrs W. Blackie 1. Best Spanish cock and hen. One entry —A. M'Millan 1. Bast brown Leghorn cock and heu. One entry— A. M'Millan 1. Bist v, hite Leghorn cock and hen. One enti y — A. M'Millau 1. Best pair common or barndoor fo,vls. Oue entry— J. Rose 1. Best diake and duck, any breed. One entry— Hb W. Bhickie 1. Best doss v heu eggs. Two entries — Miss L. Crozier 1. Beat dozen tuikey eggs. One entry— M ss L. Crozier 1. , DAIRY IRODUCE. Judges: Messrs D. M'Cluskey (Welheistonea) and T. Robertson (Crookston). Atteudiug members : Messrs J. Co wen and J. Kose. BUTTER. Best 21b fresh butler, in lib lolls (open to all). Ifight entries— Mrs Bateman 1, Mis^ M. Kedpath 2, Mary Dent 3, Mrs J 11. Bateman 4. Be.-t 21b fresh butter, in llb'rolls (open to tho^e ; who have never taken a priz^ in fiebh butter) F< ur entries — Mary Dent 1, Mis 3 IS. Re dp alb 2, Miss L. Crozier 3. Be3t 2ib powdered butter. Six entiics— Mrs Craig 1, Mrs Bateman 2, Mh.s B. L. Crozier 3, . Mi*s X Con y 4. , Best 21b fresh butter, ia lib rolls ; to In lodged [ with the secretary not later than Tuesd.iy, I December 21. Three entries— Mrs J. H. Bytenian 1, Kate Corry 2, Mrs Craig 3. Be.st 101b salt butter, to be lodged with the s cretary not later than Wednesday, 17th November. Three entries— Mrs llowc 1, Mrs Craig 2, Mi-s R L. Crozier 3. CHEESE. Best full-milk cheese, manufactured by the exhibitor, over two months old. Three entries — Mrs Rcdpath 1, Mrs Ciozier 2. BACON. Be-t sida of bacon, um>mokcd. One entry — W. Livingston I. Be-.t pork ham, unsmoked— Two entries— J. Scott 1. Bpst Roll of bacon, unsmoked. One entry — T. M'lCenzie. EXTRAS. Plain oaten cake. Five entties— Mrs Craig 1, Miss Ciaig 2. Fct home-made loaf, not less than 41b weight. Nine entries -Mis3 D. Williarmon 1, Miss M. Ca moron 2. Best hnlf dozen home made scones, girdled. * ] Four entries— Miss IC. L Crozier. } Best half dozen home-made scones, oven. Four entrie*— Mrs M'Kenzie. Best 3lb black currants, grown by exhibitor. One entiy— lda Scott. Bust 31b gooseberries, grown by exhibitor. One entry— R. Scott. Rest tal le bouquet of flower?, to be the prcpcrty of tbe club. Five entries — Miss V Patrick ], Miss Ida Scott and Mis 3C. Sutherland (equal) Bett hand bouquet of flowers to be the p-o-pcrty of the clul>. Thrte entries — Miss V. Patiick 1, Mis* C Sutherland 2. I SPECIAL PRIZES. Most points in butter -Mis R. Craig. Moat points in cattic— li. Craig. Most points in draught stock -Blackie Bros. ! Most points in sheep — W. Livingston. I Bast foal by the entire horse The Baib— A. [ Rowe.
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Otago Witness, Issue 2287, 30 December 1897, Page 25
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1,958WAITAHUNA SHOW. Otago Witness, Issue 2287, 30 December 1897, Page 25
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