(From Our Own CoHaKSPONDKNT.) LoffDOs, July 23.
Some discussion h*s !--9a elicited hy the suggestion put forth inlh«New Z^alaud Herald thai; " Sho Colonies" .«hould form pavb of the Qiif-en'a title iv future as one memento of her Diamond Jubilee, and by tha idea mooted during the recfenfc Jubilee celebrations that the term " Colonies* " should now be droppoil as oufcgrown, and *' T*)o tinted Empire '' »nb-tt-tuted
Ib has Nrjon painted out to me thab to pat only " tb« Colonies" in the Queen's title and so t.o describe her as " Q-jesn of tha Colonies," wcu'jJ uaS be utrictl* accurate inasmuch as the r e ftu*. maoy otk"t important c(>lonie» beside thos« pos'j^sed by G^;^ B-itnin, and thus tho adoption o p *uch j* title would Rppear to arrogit-c to the Q ir<ti\ of England tbe sovereignty ovate all f^« olouies iv tha world, those of otbor nations jv*i well as her own. Thus, if tht» fruggertion wt?ro to be enforced, ib is. coufended that the expression " British Colonies " woul<s hi>ye to be used instead of •• the CoMnfet" as origiualiy pcoc^d. Ab presenc, botrever. 7 -era c?o«:s~uot ftc<?tn mur.h disposition on ii" \»a»'v of rtif. T niuer«r l Govtfro -iiio.it to lake Ax:y d"tioiie a> \inv ir> tbe aiatter.
BacaTjof-tur s-ijfgssli'on has beou pub forward by Mr Hig*<i. :i V . in the colidqc-j oF Tbe Tim-'*, M>d flecn* like 1 ? bo "ot?h on." H« «*ordi*li7 ..grese with £,"rd Roseber." that the ce»m ''colony :': ' I'jvs proved virtually obboHaf a in *he "asfr cf t>'Aoh wbll-establishofl fad advanced coa>a>«*n»»i«N» wjosfc of Iho British -colonies >.ay« jioac oscoaa*, «>ufc tuJ voaat-.s tha use oi the word "S'c»vo " iuutead, aud atgts that each rf the fjiab'ibite^ Rritiab colonies should become a " SiAe " &<1 being »a?ocit;te\i ia the one Great; 'Bnilsa «smpit«. Of this, J f«acy, more will yet ">t i> )ni-n. Should It 'ome into practical t-ffscr, Jj« New 'cid. iftnd Hera!»i's •iuggostiori still roi'pli*: prncf ; CA:ly tic aciopior! by making tho Quet-n's «o r 'ere^nf.y :>irladti Shafc of the "Briti**! O"'ori"*l St.iUs," or something to the I'&uae effect
A >'tw coraj.'ony h»s been registered »s Byawrs (LianitfJ;, hy A. Q. Sanderson, r>f Cwion j»tr«et~, to c\)?t)'*r.<?. or »<. quire &ni take o%er *-i goivg concerns the pro^efcy and b> s^l>p*9 of «T. Bycoit aud O>. (ijituit.'-d), in.il*: «*, iioui' merchant*, and >;iVt»:.-. "Manufacturers rA' thoil!?nc" OTreefc, A-.'.ck!*nd. "«!«"* Zealand, »nd cw M«:ere R-a>he>->svu;t and Ct>., f .*rners, feliitoosr*! t, wooi •<«••*,, .V/v*, a."d I'-ecjiiw.is o«' OtcLunsa -£i«<:kl.Hn;7 aud'tc ca-ry on the respp-:.-tiv? bus. 'iessea. Tho o&pitai non 'o bn £100,000 h. -SI ftnnre.^, ar.u tup signator'tis •"'.'« rjc-av '-V. H Wsjse," (ii" AiK-klaiuJ) a. id 4 J. B*u«jo'. \on, J KioVi:vajKip f I?. X, r?i:-der!H>&, '/?. S. S'»>v'Oii, ftne -I. A. {f-'T .Lo«i'3c<&). Vfcn, 'Sisfc dimerc--'- «nr>. v W. U. il.-ir. a ..y (ti.ana^ia^ d»r-»cr.j,r" ■a New i-joaWud. ♦.•■' th i ijuary of £750 pdi" son'i"), .T. Rici>v.»".iso-j '<*..irja<jirtK ciiiec!"-'-- 7 . iv Etaropo Tvit'e £500 pM- <u>ni»u>), ji.d A, J. Sa-c>cU-r<w>, Q.jahfk- t;ok_, £3QC.
The AxeL-t-£ent»r*.l i* enflcavour^g obta«a a cofcipjhtfC" inedu&l to take charge of the Ri>ri»va Sanatorium. So far Mr Kert.ep has rsob b?cn ajccv-siftil ;n twoy =*;;<£ exi^fciy oke kir.-l ol or>an wanted for r.-ib r°-l, j-xv l he r.v'-h.pr "i*it icjpafot' keing obliges io have «" «our«e H-. vvti ri ths Germau spin, 'ihi* will prob.'.bly invol?f a. I'-r^nal visit; b.> G ,rmvu-.y as be hfds ths Gdiranu avVhorVAt!- h*t\J n pitaiawb I'-ttle habifcof taking <?.•>* tie .-Sigar'.^c :<o-'v3 of -letters i,ddrrsßed to tbera. on f.'.aii subject* When the Diamond Jobili.* b^ize mtC,:b were distributed to f hs New Z/siaml visiinug troops, both E'uv.'peun t,r ft Mftari, it v&s: £eneraliy explored that the line team wuulJ share in t'lo distribution. Thiu, however, was noi the case ; but Mr Thomas Mackei zie is making strenuous eadeavours to obtain for them also the much-poveted medals. In viow of the splendid stand they have made for the honour and credit of New Zealand in the rifle competitions, there is a general feeling thab they are entitled to this distinction.
General Robley's exhibits at the Guildhall still continue to excite much interest, particularly bo scientists and especially to ethnologists. Ib ia a perfecb collection of specimens of the oldest exporb from New Zealand of preserved meab— viz., an exhibition of tatooed heads, "a-hich are rare enough ab this date, and which could never be got agafo. The exhibition has some rare weapons and ornaments, transparent tikiy, a "p*tutuna" (carved for some old chief to sbrike eels in the swamps), bearing the oldest moko patterns, such as seen in the illustrations to Captain Cook, good ear ornaments, clubs, &o.
It has often been the complaint of the New Zealand Institute thab the country has been depleted for the last 100 years by the agents of European museums and collectors of its invaluable find never-to-be-replaced relics. Ib is suggested thab snch as remain in the country should be photographed, and later on, what is iv Europe also, and the picture preserved as a record of arb. Ab a late sale of a New Zealand collection there were no bidders from the colony, and most of bhe things went to foreign buyers for Continental museums, and dealers at Home who supply them. Yeb the sale was well adverbised for some time before. At the filial meeting of the New Zealand
Oiimer ComtwMtee it appeared that the atten« dance bad so largely exceeded the must sanguine expectations that even the substantial sum sub* scribed in advance bad proved insufficient, and a deficit of £60 had to be provided for. Tbi« sum, howerer, was immediately subscribed in the room. Indeed the subscriptions leave » small surplus of funds available for the initiation of the similar dinner which it is intended to hold next year. Very good reports and illustrations of the dinner appeared in all the leading London and provincial papers. As the D*ily News and Morning Post were considered to have the best reports the committee have bought 4000 copies of those papers for the purpose of circulating with the meat supplied by the regular retailer of genuine New Zealand mutton. The movement thus initiated for the better distribution of New Zealand meat is being actively followed up by those interested in the trade. So far as Mr Mackenzie is concerned, one effect of the dinner hits been to bring upon him quite a shower of congratulatory letterp, and also an invasion of hosts of newspaper ••interviewers." A movement is bsing initiated to bring about, if poßsiblp, the establishment of a fasbionable restaurant in London ab which the special feature shall be the usa of New Zealand, products of the best quality, particularly mutton, lamb, and dairy produce. A very strong feel- ■ ing is expressed that this matter ought to be taken in hand by the Gu'/ornment, c.nd such » ' esfcauraii*. adequately subsidised. Meanwhile j The pronmiers or rbo scheme are taking active ! rftcp« to obtain full and exact information as to j the prob»bte cost of the undertaking", the ! amount of capital that would be requisite to } keep it going on a proper scale, and what proi vision would require to be made for possible losses ia tho earlier dajs of the undertaking. Should the result of these initial steps prove Fstisfac.tory or encouraging, a strong effort will be made to induce the Government to take up the rorvtfcfsr vigorously. The House of Commons Meat Committee is still engaged in taking evidence. This sapient body decided that the evidence of one man as representing all the colonies would be sufficient for colonial interests, and Professor Robertson, of Canada, was celeeted in that capacity. To this very serious objection was raised by the Agents- general for bfce other colonies, Me Reeves taking an active pact ia the protisk, and in the end, at his suggestion I believe, the Agents-general decided to demand that New Zealand and Australia should each ba allowed to send an independent witness to the committee. This being ultimately settled, Me H. C. Cameron xmj nominated on behalf of New Zealand, aud he will offor his evidence next week. Some interest has been excited by the reports received from New Zealand as to a new invention in respect of meat marking, by wbirb the carcases are punctured with some device before freezing. Many inquiries ara being m»do in Eoglnnd a* to this invention, but at present nobody seems to know much about it. The opinion in ijonerally expressed that any puncture before freezing would bs apt, to result in tho oozing of blood after thawing, and so would have the effect of dioflguring the meat. But others think that; although this disfigureraent; occuts whew there is a cue in the surfaco i 5 j" might nob happen if the pun^'irts were wr.iia by imtauments resembling sni*U needles, s,b in that caec there mighb be a- cloricg up of the minuto perforations*, although those might."" remain sufficiently perceptible for purposes of » Went-.i6cs.tioa. Sorae carcases of mafcbou marked, i in this new way have been received by Ssr | Weefcby Perceval, who is exhibiting them in th« New Zealand kiosk and ab various meat shops \kv piratory to the result after thawing being fully t.-Bted. , ' j .&. few day* ago M~-' A. J. Mundella was ; suddeal^ aeiswd with p*r»lysi», from which he j -never rallied, the attack having a fatal terminaJ fcioa on Tuesday. Ha had suffered from ia- ! flueuzi ia the early parb of the year, bat j appeared lo have recovered his mual health, J and there had 'osoei no indication of serious I mischief until hhe accarrence of the stroke t which laid him low. It appears to be generally ■ understood, however, bhab Bsr Mundella , has ', never b<jeu " the saaifs mtQ " since bis troubles j in 1894- in wiih the New Zealand ; I/cau and IVZr.rca.nbUe Agency Company, of < vhicu it Will be rtrjifctttbsrecl fc.e was one of the ; di-t?i'ora so »cserely ceniursd by Justice | Va;os:-ari W.'ll' i xn>s, the outcome fating that ha ; w, coui,.c.:t»<; by ths force of public feeling to I r^'yu :»-t iviiriiaW : al position as President of . tho Pos.-"f< .\f '£rad<). i ft. t/u.y le *.rcrth while to refresh the memory ', oi thofs New Za&landfcra who have forgotten. ! the crc.uu.Hi upou -which Mr Mundella vrus con- ■ rtft.aiil end. virlueily i fitritcise.d from JUinis- ; tcpiivl lirV. '£'*\& dirpcvors wfcre declared by J tTx-t'';-? Vaugnan Willitma to hava failed in ,-f.ht'i' «afc/ to their *h*ieboldsra aad th<s public ; by 'JwtcM'jaiaj tho dia'.vibtitj&u as disideuJs of i pT.^Vj vrhicb. h>-d -"liver be?n made, ani of j iir.u».-g djbenistes which did nob me*n -vthat I those whe boigbfe them understood . that they ; ai^Ai-r. A.i *>ue o? hhw>a included in this oa>nj de/nflAv'on'Mf Mui>.r?.^lla ahood .'iable ia prj;?ecutfcK. wl'.l*) >s Tccsi&eub of tha Ci*i«! oi ] Tr»do aa s^iiS tho public oSScsr *lij h*tl to ! ii*it«j-t'3 et!Bh r.ioixjccttions. • Such v.rh'.f- ill© i- cu.'iv!»:o(i, The Tini^'J ua-f otteu les.»vi.g javcs j ifiidly •jtillt?»i uf-oahim torosx^i, T<. the general J mc^t-ise i:e he;itafced So*. »tm« ( ,?me, and Thy Tioiea'tf commanto bscAtne - tiiore and morn ' ravere. It was \t'dutt& out; fch&t iv additiou I t•^ the rOns fittrjbutfd to him by the jadpr-t. ; Mr Ku^d&liii h&'^ pold s-U hw c-tia snat^'j ■ in '-'>c Ne.? Ze/ilvnd T.u*o witd Merc*ri'-ite | Agnvcy (ijai>;ny *t -»;i.isßfl Jthtn ftcii his jvdsi- [ Hob. hn iiou-.fc hay.- irncwu tiu-se sJs-r^s to ba i worse tb-m valaelcsft, although he took money from £bo unfortunate purchaser. Mr Mi>nd(U« replied to this accusation that he sold out his shares bec'*u=e he thought it improper in his pos-ition »8 President of the Board of Trade to hold sharea in any public company. TLis defence was met with the crushing rejoinder that, although he had cold his Loaa and Mercantile shares, ho still continued to hold shares in other companies. There was no getting over this, and Mr Mundella resigned, giving as hii reason his desire that the department of which he was head should run no risk of being crippled in iSs administrative action by his continuance in that position. Commenting upou this the St. James's Gazotte says :—": — " Mr Mundella may nob have been conscious of personal dishonour, bub his action in resigning vu, -nevertheless, regarded as being the only pos« Bible step to take in view of the peculiar circumstances of the case." And so everybody thought ab the time, and has thought ever since.
Tha weight of bhe E-ffel Tower is estimated at 7000 tonn. He took toy advice as he s»t on tbe stile.
Sat sneezing and wheezing and coughing ; He hasn't a sign of thab cold on him now,
No sneezing or wheezing or coughing, And he says " There's no friend to humanity truer Than is W. B. Woods's Grbat PbppbemhW Cure If x very bad cold you are-forced to endure, With sneezing or wheezing or counbiuß."
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Bibliographic details
Otago Witness, Issue 2273, 23 September 1897, Page 53
Word Count
2,127OUR LONDON LETTER. Otago Witness, Issue 2273, 23 September 1897, Page 53
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