The thirty-fifth annual show of the Taieri Agricultural Society was held on the 17th in a paddock near the Mosgiel railway station belonging to Mr R. Charters. The weather being fine there w*s a large attendance, and visitors to the show ground were entertained by the Mosgiel Band, who played a number of selections at intervals during the afternoon. The show was generally considered to be the bp sb that has beau held in the district f,.>r some jeara. There were altogether 407 entries, as against 360 last year. Ths great feature of the show was the display of horses, of which there were 159 entries— B7 draught and 72 light horsps. The draught stock was, on the whole, remarkably good ; indeed some of the animals would be difficult, to beat; in any parb of the colony. The class " dry mare for draught purposes " brought out a large ring of spleadid lrm-es, and in the olass "p»ir of dry mares or gildings " there was alto keen competition, and probably a better lot of. animals have never been seen in a show ring ia the Taieri. The three-year-old geldings were also a good lot, while the exhibits in a number of the other classes were likewise very fine anim»ls. The champion card for the besb draught entire fell to Me W. M'Pherson's Earl of Fife, who vroa iv a ring of three. Among the light horses there were a considerable numbsr of very serviceable hacks, and a few good thoroughbred animals. Of Cfttile there were 34 entries ; and of this number 13 were shorthorn cattle, some of which were very creditable specimens of their breed. Ayrahires were 14- in number, and several of the animals shown were remarkably fine. There were only three crossbred cattle, an equal number of fat c&ttle, and one Alderney cow. Of sheep there were alfcogetheri)2 entries. The Leicester sheep, of which there were 37 entries, were a particularly good lot. The Romuey Marsh breed were represented by 32 animals, and they also were worthy of notice, and attracted some attention. A few very fair crossbred and Southdown sheep were also exhibited. In the dairy produce section of the show there were 100 entrieß, and in some of the classes the competition was exceeding keen. This was especially the case in regard to the butter classes. As to the quality of the butter, some of it was reaily excellent ; whilo there was also some first-class cheese exhibited. In the way of Agricultural implements Morrow, Baseett, and Go. exhibited a M'Cormick reaper and binder and a small drill cultivator. Messrs Reid and Gray had on view the Deering pony all-steel reaper and binder and the No. 1 Eureka double turnip and mfcnure drill of their own manufacture. The Maseey-Harris Company showed a reaper and binder ; a Bantford mower ; a cultivator, grain seeder, and turnip seeder combined ; and a scuffler and hiller combined. The Waltsr A. Wood Company exhibited an open rear reaper and binder, a cyclone mower, a hay rako, a combined grain and manure drill, a knife grinder, and samples of Donagby and Co.'s binder twine. Mr R. Campbell, of East Taieri, had on view two or three vehicles — viz., a strongly-built double-seated buggy with Yankee springs, and riveted throughout with Yankee rivets; a nice gig, with a patent axle ; and * serviceable spring cart. Messrs James Gow and W. Gfey, ifc should be staled, were equal for the most points in stock, each obtaining 4-1 points ; and MiBB Tweed had the highest number of points in dairy produce. The following is the prize list :— CATTLE. SHORTHORN. Judges : Messrs Simon lieid (Crookston) and John Shennan (Waipori). Attending members: Messrs W. Q.< Todd and James Blair. Bull, 3yrs old or over. Three entries — James Gow 1, J. H. Allan 2, D. Andrew 3. Bull, 2yrs old. Two entries -James Forbes 1, Thomas Christie 2. Bull, yearling. Two entries— James Gow 1 and 2. Cow, in calf or milk. Five entries— James Gow 1, S. Young 2, James Forbes 3. Heifer, yearling. One entry— James Gow 1. Champion cow — James Gow. Champion bull— James Gow. AYRSHIRE. Judge : Mr James Dripoan (Tokomairiro). Attending members: Messrs J. Cullen, J. A. Duff, and W. Jaffray, jun. Bull, 3yrs old or over. Two entries— D. M'Gregor 1, James Johnston 2. Bull, yearling. One entry — James Johnston 1. Cow, in milk. Four entries— W. Grey 1 and 2, James Johntton 3. Cow, in calf. One entry — W. Grey 1. Heifer, 2yrs old. One entry — W. Grey 1. Heifer, yearling. Two entries— W. Grey 1, James Johnston 2. Cow, and two of her progeny. Two entries — W. Grey 1, James Johnston 2. Champion card, for best cow or heifer. Two entries — W Grey. Champion card, for the best bull. One entry— D. M'Gregor. ALDERNEY. Judge : Mr James Drinnan. Best cow or heifer. One entry— W. Cox. ANY BREED. Judge : Mr James Drinnan. Best crossbred cow, in calf or in milk. One entry — James Johnston 1. Best three cows in milk for dairy purposes— One eatiiy— Jfcixics Johnatoo.
FAT CATTLE. Judge : Mr James Blackwood. Pair of fat oxen. Three entries— R. Charters 1 and 3, James <Jow 2. HORSES. DRAUGHT. Judges : Messw Thomas Mcc, A. Petrie, and John Smith. Attending members : Messrs R. Todd, j A. Dow, and W. Jaff ray. Draught Btallion , 4yi s old or over. Three entries — W. M'Pherson 3, A Douglass 2, R. Gawn 3. Draught entire colt. 3yra old. Two entries— R. Charters 1, William Llobinsou 2. Draught entire colt, Bvr« old. Six entries — R. Gaw;i I ftwl 2, Donakl Militr 3. ! Draught entire colt, yearling. Five entries— J. I R. Mackenzie 1, R. Charters 2, W. Robinson 3. Draught brooJ mare, haying foaled or to foal this season. Three entries— R. Gawn 1, R. Webster 2, Mrs Findlay 3. ' ! Dry mare. Ten entries— A. Sim 1, R. Robinson 2, W. Patrick 3, R. Gawn 4. Draught filly, Syrs old. Eight entries-J. R. Mackenzie 1, -K. Gawn 2 and 3. ; Filly, 2yrs old. Four entries— A. Monoghan 1. t Filly or geldins. yearling. Ten eutries— W. j Patrick 1, W. Robinson 2, R. Charters 3, John Callendar4. | Gelding, above 3yrs old. Two entries— -R. Robinson 1, James Gow 2. ! Gelding, 3yrs old. One entry— R. Gawn 1. Gelding, 2yis old. Three entries— A. Sutherland 1, R Gawn 2, James G.nv 3. Pair of dry maicd or geldingj. Eight entries— R. Gawn 1, Mrs Miller 2, James Gow 3, R. Robinson c. Mare and two of ber piogeny. Three entries— R. Gawn 1. R. Charters 2 Family class for five yearlings (colts or fillies) by one sire. Three entries — A. Douglas 1, W. Robinson 2. Champion card for best draught entire of any age. Three entires— W. M'Phewon (Earl of Fife). Champioa xaarc or iilly, any age. Three entries A. Sim. LIGHT HORSES. Judges : Messrs D. Corsou (Kaitang p ata) and J. R. Mackenzie (Pomahaka). Attending members : Messrs George Rutherford, W. Smith, and R. Cullen. - Thoroughbred stallion. One entry— J.Anderson Thoroughbred mare, in foal or with foal at foot. One entry— G. Ruthven 1. Thoroughbre.i mure, dry. Three entries — N. Reid I, G. Ruthven 2, James O'Donnell 3. ' Hackney stallion. One entry — J A. Duff. Hackoey entire colt, 2yrs old. Two entries — J. A. Duff 1, G. D. Robertson 2. Hackney brood mare, in foal or with foal at foot. One entry— J. Wright 1. Hackney filly or guiding, 2yra old. Six entries — R. Charters 1, W Scott 2 J. Gow 3. - Hackney yearling.* Fuur entries— J. A. Duff 1, J. Grant 2, J. Mitchell 3. Carriage stallion. Four entries— John Lindsay 1, T H. Riibsell 2. Weight-Carrying hack, up to 14st. Seven entries— Dr 'Allan 1, J. Jeffs 2, J. Nichol 3. Weight-carryiDg hack, up to list. Eight entries — Mrs J. Brown 1, H. Price 2, D. Sutherland 3. LadyV hack. Five entries— James Gow 1, Mrs Tsa Sivauson 2, Mrs Potter 3. Pony, mare or gelding, not above 14 hands. Six entries — Mr Haye3 1, Mrs Swansou 2, G Cowie 3. Pony, mare or gelding, not above 12 hands. Two eutries— J. Duncan 1, U. Gawn 2, Pair of buggy horses, in vehicle. Two entries— F. Armstrong 1, J. Jeffs 2. Single buggy borae, in vehicle. Four entries — N. Reid 1, W. C Todd 2, J. Jeffs 3. Spring cart horse, in harnesi, up to lOcwt. Three entries— W. Cox 1 and 2, J. Williamson 3. Milkman's turnout Four entries— W. Cox 1, .— Shale 2, T. Gawn 3. Best shod riding or carriage horse. One entry — R. Campbell. Best yearling colt, by Merry Stanton. Two entries— John Grant 1,.C. Wilkie2. Best yearling filly, sired by Merry Stanton. Three entries— J. A. Duff I, J. Mitchell 2. Hack, to be judged after clearing 4ft hurdle. Six entries-Dr Allan (Linburn) 1, E. H. Reid (Dunraven) 2. Hack that clears the highest bar. Three entries— H. Alexander 1, J. Allan 2. SHEEP. BORDER LEICESTER. Judge: Mr Jas. Ross (Palmerston). Attending members : Messrs R. Cullon and R. Webster. Ram, four-tooth and upwards. Five eutries — John Allan 1, Wm. Grey 2 and 3. Pen of two rams, two-tooth or under. Four entries— W. Grey 1, J. Gow 2, J. H. Allan 3. Ram, two-tooth. Five entries — W. Grey 1 and 2, J. Gow 3. Pen of two ewes, four-tooth or upwards, in milk or with lamb at foot. Three entries — W. Grey 1. Jas. Gow 2, J. H. Allan 3. Pen of one ewe, four-tooth or over, with lamb at foot. Four entries— J. Gow 1, J. H. Allan 2, J. Gow 3. Pen of two ewes, two-tooth. Seven entries — W. Grey 1, J. Gow 2 and 3. Pen of one ewe, two-tooth. Nine entries— J. Gowl, W. Grey 2 aivi 3 Champion card for be°t, ram— J. H. All»n. Champion card for best i>.we— J. Gow. BOMNEY MA.USH. Judge: Mr Wm. Mmhßll(Balclutha). Attending members : Messrs J. Kennedy and A. Hastie. Ram, four-tooth and upwards. Five entries — Mrs C Miller 1 and 3, J. Gow 2. Pen of two rams, two- tooth or under. Two entries— Mrs C. Miller 1 and 2. Ram, two-tooth. Four entries — Mrs C. Miller 1, Wm. Grey 2, J. Gow 3. Pen of two eweß, four-tooth and over. Three entries— Mrs C. Miller 1, A. Dow 2, J. Gow 3. Pen of one ewe, four-tooth or over, with lamb at foot. Six entries— Mrs C. Miller 1, William Grey 2, J. Gow 3. Pen of two ewes, two-tooth. Seven entries — A. Dow 1. Mrs C. Miller 2 and 3. SOUTHDOWN. Judge : Mr W. Marshall. Ram, four-tooth and upwards Two entries— J. Patrick 1, J. Wyllie 2. CROSSBRED. Pen of four ewe*, with lambs at foot, One entry — A. Stevenson 1. Pen of five ewe hoggets, two-tooth. Seven entries — D. Andrew 1 and 2, W. Blackie 3. FAT SHEEP. Judge : Mr Charlei Blackwood. Pen of five fat sheep (shorn). Six entriesPeter Williamson 1 and 3, A. Douglas 2. Pen of five fat lambs. Six entries — Mrs C. Findlay 1, A. Douglas 2, J. Patrick 3. SWINE. Judge : Mr Charles Blackwood. Attending members : Messrs J. Gow and D. Manson. Berkshire boar. One entry_ — A. Anderson 1. Berkshire sow. Four entries— Thomas Craig 1, William Cox 2, A. Anderson 3. DAIRY PRODUCE. Judges : Messrs W. Moore (Miltoa), T. Arthur (Lawrence), »nd W. Stephf nson (Dunedin). Two pounda fresh butter. Twenty-one entries — W. Cox 1, Miss Jane Jaffray 2, Mis Thornton 3, Mrs John Findlay o. Two pounds powdered butter. Twenty-one entries— Mrs Thornton 1, Miss Jaffray 2. Miss Gow 3, W. Cox c. _J3alt butter. Ten entries— W. Cox 1, Mrs «norutou g, Mis J. Ouihto&iL, Mrj R, Muiv c
Fancy butter. Three entries — Miss Agnes Kempshell 1, Miss Esther Kempshell 2, Mrs W. Allan 3.
Sanaplo of old cheese, made by exhibitor. Two entries~&lws? Tweed 1, Mrs John Findlay 2. Sample of new choose, made by exhibitor. One entry— Miss Tweed 1.
Sample of old cheese, factory made. Three entries— Stirling Factory 1 and 2, Inchclutha Factory 3.
Sample of new cheese, factory made. Three entriesr-Incholuthft Factory 1, Stirling Factory 2 and 3.
Six oat c*kes. Nine entries— Miss Tweed I, Miss Ksther Kempshell 2, Mrs Campbell 3. Six girdle scones. Twelve entries— Miss Gow 1, Miss Grace Grow 2, Miss Smellie 3. Six oven sconea. Thirteen eutries— Mrs W. Allan 1, Miss tirade 2, Mrs J. Nimmo 3. Bakers' bread (three pau loaves). Five entries— P. S. Taylor 1.
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Otago Witness, Issue 2230, 26 November 1896, Page 14
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2,081SHOWS. Otago Witness, Issue 2230, 26 November 1896, Page 14
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