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• . ' Among some heavy acoriog in Melbourne on the 30th ult , when the heat was extrc m?, special maution should be made of the East Melbourne total of 321 for only four wickets against Fitzroy. A. E. Trott made 121, F. Lavor 67, P. Lewis (not out) 66, J. Harry 29, and H. Sfcuckey 22. ' . ' The weather tlr's season has been so broken, at.d the cricket has consequently been so muuh interrupted, that the Selection Committ.e of the Ofcago Cricketers' Asaoci&tion were ptaclicjillj thrown upon last year's form when they sought for something ta guide them in the choice of the team that is to meet the New South Wales representatives this week. It will be scan that of the members of the team eight were included iv the Otago Eleven who were victorious over Canterbury in February last. The three places which wire filled on that occasion by Harper, Currie, and Parker are now given to Bcddington, Johnston, aad Wtlla. Harper has not plaj ed so far this season, and Currie 13 in Sydney, so thtt in any case their places, would have had to be given to other players. Johtston is ona of the few players •who have this season revealed good form, and if Boudingtou w<-re smarter iv the field his placo would have been a cortninty from the very start. The substitution of Wells for Parker will I beHt>ve meet with pretty general approval, but I tm not perfectly satisfied that it is wise. It may turn oat to be a judicious change, and I shall be pleased find it is so. * . * While on the subject of the eeltction of te&ms I should like to draw attention to the fact that a local paper a few days ago mentioned that, in the opinion of one of the selectors of the New Zealand taanf, such and Buck players were certainties for places in tie team. It seems to me to be so highly improper that one who is, as one of the uelestors, supposed to occupy for the first time a judicial capacity should, while the constitution of the teim is under consideration, give publicity to such a statement that I think the incident (should rob bo allowed to pass without at least a word of protest. It was added that the "four bowlers" of the New Zealand team "wilt ba more easily named oftes the Cantetburj' and Otago matches against New South W ales." Two, of the alleged ceitunties cf the team are f.iir'y successful bowlers and the others all handle tho ball, and the reference to " the four bowlers" yet ta be selected seems to indicate that what I feared might happen is very likely going to happen and that the batting of the team is to be saciificed to the bowling. • . ' The Senior Cup matoh Carisbrook A and B was continued and concluded lash Friday, when the A team won by iOS ruus on th« first innings. Scores : A learn, 138 ; B team, 33. * . • A match was played between the Waitahuna and Milton clubs &t Waitahuna on the 11th Milton going iv fli-afc, aud Using all out for 21 runs. Waitahuna followed, when after obtaining 116 runs for the loss of one wickat they elected to dc-care the innings closed, allowing Milton a second innings. When time was called the Miltqn players had lost five wicktts for 17 ruoa. The Waitahuna Club fchu? won by 95 rurs on the first innings. NEW SOUTH WALES v. OTAGO. The Selection Committee of the Otago Cricketers' Association on Saturday evening chose the following team to represent Otago in the match this week against the New South Wa'cs team :—: — J. Bak<r A. H. Fisher H. Boddiogtoa J. Hope F. D. Clayton W. Johnston A. Clarke ' A. G. Rains A. Downes C. W. Rattray (capt.) F. Wells NEW SOUTH WALES v. NEW ZEALAND. A Christ church telegram states that at a meeting 'of the New Zealand Cricket Council the secr'et&.iy reported tbat Mr KitU-iy had been tiu&ble to act for Otago on the Selection Committee and Mr A. M'Donald had been appointed. The Hawke's Bay Association wrote protfßtii'g against the action of the council in hole. ing i ut a hope that a match a^aiasl the New S-'uth Wj>l(S team would be arranged for H&whe's Bay, provide! no second match agaiust New Zealand was played, aud afterwards substituting a match with Auckland though that association failed to guarantee the sum required, while the Hawko's Biy Asiociation's guarantee was immediately forthcoming. The Hawke's Bay Association also complained that it was not consulted in regard to the selection of the New Zealand team or the appointment of selectors. It was decided t j reply that no particular' pressure was brought to bear on the H»wke's B*y Association to give a guarantee, though it had been pointed ont that in the event of Auckland declining finally Hawke's Bay might be prepared with a guarantee. Mr Jones was appointed umpire in the New Zealand match, and it was resolved that the representatives in this match ba presented with caps by the council. Arrangements for the entertainment of the visiting team were made. The following 27 names have bnen submitted by the various cricket associations from which a team should be picked to represent the colony against New South Wales at Christcharch on December 30 and 31 and January 1 : — Auckland.— Dr J. G. Pabst, E. Wright, J. A. Kallender (bowler). Hawke's Bay. —H. B. Lußk (batsman and bowler). Welliugton.— A. R. Holdsbip, R. Blacklock, F. Ashbolt (bowler), E. F. Upham (bowler), R. C. Niven (wicket-keener). Nelson.— C. Broad (batsman and bowler). Marlborough.— W. J. Crawshaw, Sharp, Bailey, Andrews. Canterbury. — A. Ridley, J. D. Lawrence, L. A. Cuff (batsman and bowler), A. M. Labatt (batsman and bowler), W. Pearce (batsman and bowler), H., De Maus (batsman and bowler), J. TJ. • Collinß (wicket-keeper). Otago.— J. Baker, A. Clarke (batsman and bowler), A. Downes (bowler), A, Fisher (bowler), J. Hope (bowler). Invercargill. — W. Robertson (bowler). Rains has not been nominated for Otago, because it is doubvf ul if he can get away, but Mr A. M 'Donald thinks so highly of his play that ho will make au effort to secure his services for the team. Mills and Neill, of Auckland, are also unable to obtain leave. SENIOR CUP. Grange v. Dunedin. The match Grange v. Dunedin was continued on the Caledonian ground. On the previous day's play tho Grange had scor. d 168, and their oppouents hid lost four wickets for 22. Claffey, Beck, and Skitch were the only players in the

Duuedin team who made any stand against the bowling of Parker and Downes, and the innings closed for 66. Following on, the Dunedin showed an improvement in their bitting, and thair second inuings realised 104. This loft the Grange with 3 runs to get to win, which were got without the loss of a wicket. Scores :—: — DUN£DIN. First Innings. Sicond Innings. Croxford, bA. Downea 0 nob out 7 Kinvig, b Parker ... 3 absent 0 Aitken, bA. Downes 8 run out 13 Skitch, c Johnston, b c Johnston, b Parker 12 Parker 3 Malcolru, . l t Hajdon, b st Haydon, b Parker 2 P.irker 0 M'Crorb, bA. Dowries 7 c Jolm-ntu!), b Parker 16 Fieldea, bA. Downes 0 run out .., ... 14 Beck, not out 13 run out 33 Claffey, st Haydon, b Parker 16 b Parker 13 MVLean, h. A. Downes 0 c Johnston, b Parker 0 Extras „. .„ 5 Extras ... 5 Total 66 Total ... 104 Carisbrook A v. Opoho This match was continued on Saturday, the Carisbrook team winning on the first inning?. The score book was unfertuoattly mislaid, snd Carisbrook h-ul scored 165, and on Saturday Opoho could only respond with 111, or 55 runs bjhind their opponents. In tho second innings of Carisbrtok Fishfr and Hope gave the field lomo leather hunting. Fi»her scored 37 aud Hope 33 (not ou!.), Rjittray was not out with 10, and at the call of time Carisbrook had lost one wicket for 98 runs. Oauisbrook B v. Albion-. This match was concluded on Saturday and j woa by the Cuis'jrook t-am which bad floored ,129 in the first innibg*, to which th-j Albion responded with 58. On Saturday Fisher andHarraway, bowling unchanged, dismissed the Albion for 57 runs (Anderson 12 beit<g top scorer), and thus won by an innings and 14 runs. • JUNIOR CUP. Uuim Steamship Company v. Mcraington was played on the Oval, and remited in a win for the latter by 27 raus. The ecore3 were: — Union Steamship Company, 30 ; Momington, 57. Htndry with 10 runs was top srortr for the Union Steamship Company. Payne (18) and Fleming (12) reached double fi ;ures for Mortiiugton. Gregg, Smith, Payne, and M'Farlane bowled well for thair respective sides. Carisbkook D v. Opono. This match was played on the Oceana Club's wicket ab Montecillo. Carisbrook won the toss, and, batting first, made 93. T. Cjoke (20), E. Macassey (13, not out), J. Smith juu. (12), and Hurtnett (11) all played well for their runs. Opobo replied with 53, lh)mpson (11) being the only batsman to reach double fuurts ; thus leaving Carisbrook winners by 40 luns on the fist innings. E^pie aud Jelly bowled btst for Opo^, and Hartnett and T. Cooke were well on the spot for Carisbrock. Cari <brook in their second innings had knocked up 53 for th:ee wickets at the call of time, T. Cooke (26, not ont). The match Grange v. Albion was played on the North ground, aud after a mGBt interesting gime the former won by one wicket and 1 run. For the Graueo Cunningham (22), WiUiami (13), Heelip (11,~ not out), and Torrence (11, not out) batted well, as did Macdouald (15, not out), Robaon (20), and Cocbdtt (13) fot the Albion. Cunuingbatn (five for 20) end Corbett (seven for 36) bowled well for their respective sid^s. THIRD CLASS CHAMPIONSHIP. | The match Grange v. Dunedin ended in a tie, each Tide scoring 48 runs in the firat innings. Sligo (13) and Keist (9) were the highest scorers for the Grange, (17) and Wilson (7) doing chit-f service for Dunedin. i Moir and Crosbie (Grange) -and Hobson, Fielden, Prebblcs, and Wilson (Dunedin) did the bowling. A peculiar coincidence iv this match was that the Grange ou going in the second timo again scored 48 - three inniugs of 48 each. The High School met and defeated tha Opoho, on the Asylum ground, by 22 runs on the ficst inniugH. The Opoho could only make 29 (Honeydew 13 not out) against the bowling of the btolbers Fither. The School began disastrously with four wickets for 6 runs, but Marsden c*me to the rescue with a well played 24, and the innirgi cksed for 51. NEW SOUTH WALES v. CANTERBURY. The crickot mutch Canterbury agaiDS*; New South Wales was commenced on Saturday at Lancaster Park shortly after 2 pm. The afternoon's play was fonaparaUvely monotonous ond uninteresting. The wicket was good, but the outfield slow. The weather was fine and brig'.t at tho start, but it very toon became overciat and gloomy, and a cold east wind springing up compelled the Australian visitors to din heavy sweaters. Canterbury batted firat, snl tha Now S.uih Wales men, who are ■evidently firm believers in the emeaiy of the " off" theory, set to work to get rid of their opponents The latter bitted carefully throughout, with the result of threa hours' play only producing 124 runs. Numerous fine hits wore made without scoring, owing to the good fielding of tho visiting team and the harmony existing bttween the style of bowling and the position of thß fieldsmen. PUy was very slow except when Wilding was in. The veteran slogged away merrily, had a life in the field, and scored several runs by unexpected snicks, but played with his customary pluck and dttsrminaticn at a pinch. Liwrence played a fiae innings, and his cutting was superb ; but tame batting was shown by most of the others. The team may be eaid,to have had bad luck all through — Cuff was out lbw, C. Ridley played on, De Maus was bowled off his pads, Pearce was caught at the wickete, the general opinion being that he was not out, and D. Reese was run out. The visitors, though, worked well in the field. Pryor, Poidevin, Cobcroffr, and Furness in the outfield were very good, and Burton at the wickets was exceptionally smart. Noonan's bowling was very steady and almoifc all on the offside, making scoring very difficult. The visitors had scored 18 for one wicket (Cobcroft) when time was called. Scores :—: — Canterbury.— First Inninga. Cuff, lbw, b Noonan ... ,„ ... 6 Lawrence, c Pryor, b Hume ... ... 26 H. C. Ridley, b Noonan... .;, ... 10 De Maus, b Noonan ... .„ ... 2 Labatt, c Walford, b Hume ... „ 10 Collins, c Burton, b Hume ~. «.. 2 Pearce, c Burton, b Noonan ... M 1 Wilding, c Furness, b Hume ... „, 33 A. E. Ridley, b Hume „. 14 D. Reese, run out ... ' ... ... >~ 8 Fowke, not out ... w ... ». 6 Extras ... ... ... ... *.. 6 Total ... «. ... ... 124' BOWLING ANALYSIS. Balls. Runs. Mdns. WktsNoonan M ... 168 31 14 4 Shea ... ... ... 54 27 1 — Ridge 66 16 5 — Hume ... „. ... 126 34 7 8 Cobcroft 18 10 — — On Mouday the ficsti innings of New South

Waloi closed for 194. Canterbury la their Becocd veatore had scored 151 for two wickets (Caff 75, Lawrence 6) wheu the stamps were drawn fur the day. NEW SOUTH WALES v. QUEENSLAND. The cricket match Now South Wales v. Queensland was begun to-day. The former batted first, and at the call of time had lost five wickets for 3*l mm. The chief scorers were : Mackenzie 76, Donnan.4o, Gregory 43, Youill 40, Walter* (nob out) 91, Gould (not out) 31. The pitch was very fast-, cors-quently the scoring was rapid. Frequent changes were made in tha bowling, but lha Welshmen treated all alike. Neither the bowling nor tho fielding of the visitors was hardly up to the intercolonial tt^ndard. December 14. The first innings of the New South Wales team aga-nst Queensland closed for. 435. The additional leading scores are :— Walters 150, Gould 53. M'Glmchy took thrre wickets for 93 runs, Coninaham four for 175, Hoare one for 29, O'Brieu one for 46. In Queensland's first innings six wickets nre down for 214. The chief scores are :— M'Donnc-11 65, Couingham (not ont) 119 The batting oE Walters, an exVicfcoriau, wag a fioe« display of fast and aggte^bivo cricket. He was at the wirkets for four lnurs aud hslped to put on 283, He gave two hot chances wh'ch were not accepted. O'Biir n'a was the ouly bowling which was not thoroughly mastered, ond he helped to keep down the runs, but had little luck, several chances being missed off him. Percy M'Donnell and Cjiiiiigbani opened for Queensland, andbegan to make thirg* -warm from the jump, M'Donnell especially giving an exhibition of his old dashing form. The paic was cot separated till the board showed 105, of which M'Donnell -hid made 60 in 48 minutes. His score included two s's and 16 4's. His last 40 was made up of two s's, seven 4's, and one 2. Afterwards Coninghatn could get no one to stay with h : m, though he oontinued to pile on runs by careful and vig. urs cricket. Ha showed considerable improvement since he was last aeou in Sydney. He gave a difficult chai_ca after he bad made 9. FIXTURES FOR THE AUSTRALIANS. London, December 11. The following cricket fixtures have been arranged for the Australians: — Test matchos : June 25, July 16, August 10. Against Eoglish counties : May 11, Hampshire ; May 14, Essex ; May 25, Yorkshire ; May 28,<hive ; Jane 1, Oxford ; Juue 4, Gloucester ; June li X Marjlebme ; June 15, Yorkshire ; Jane 25, Notts ; June 29, Yorkshire ; July 2, North of England ; July 13, Leicester ; July 20, Derbyshire; July 27, Surrey; August 3. Warwickshire ; -August 6, Kent ; August 13, Sussex ; August 17, Surrey ; August 20, Gloucester ; August 24, Somerset ; August 27, Lancashire ; August 31, Thornton's Eleven ; S9ptember 3, South of England (instead of 251h). No mention is made of matches against Gentlemen or Players. The Sportsman, CDmmenbing on the fixtures arranged for the Australians, says that a few, of them will clash with important English t*mfcche?j but ' it will not have a very serious effect; on the season as a whole. Matches with tha GcnUeraon and- the Players wilt be arrauged. During the meeting of secretaries at which the dates were arranged, Mr Alcock stated that the counties should undertake to liberate their men for tho host matches with the Australians otherwise the visifc'woaldbe useless. Dr Grace supported him. Mr Henry Ptrkins ■ also urged that, unless the best English elevens po?sible were got together for the test matches, he would be incliued to advise Mr Alcock to cancel the tour. Before the close of the meeting Yorkshire, Derby, Notts, and Lancashire promised to fall hi with the desired arrangements, and it is believed that the 9 l hsr counties will follow their example.

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Bibliographic details

Otago Witness, Issue 2181, 19 December 1895, Page 45

Word Count

NOTES BY SLIP. Otago Witness, Issue 2181, 19 December 1895, Page 45

NOTES BY SLIP. Otago Witness, Issue 2181, 19 December 1895, Page 45


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