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• . ' The written authoritative report by Mr Morton Ctvmpbell on the New Z-alaud colliei, which I itatod last week had ' been promised me, is not yet forthcoming,, and 1 fc*r thai in lieu thereof we f-ball have to be sati»fi>jd witfa the following extracts from a revert of »n interview by "Faucier," of the New Zealand Mail :—: — Mr Fked Hog en's (Johnso.vvillk). Mr Campbell eaiJ of the Gowan Bank keniuls :— Tho thing that struck me was the ex- , csllent position of thesrj ktnnels. The kennels : are situated on a bank, which ensures pood J drninnije, and the position is well hheltored from , the wind, and Rets plenty of sun. If the dog* can't live and be healthy hero they will not be able to live atij where. The dogs, which aru in tfie i pink of condition, reflect fcroat ciedit on both Mr ' and Mrs Rogen and thrir nun, all of whom are , most attentive to the dogs' \vaut3. The kennels . themselves are well built and perfectly arranged. First Shot (by Newmarket ltuff -Newmarket i Faith) was the first dog brought under my nofico. / I thoroughly examined him, and I have no hesi- i tatiou in pronouncing him the best dog I have Been in the colony. He is a grand young dos, , with good leg* and feet, g"O(l expression, well- / carried ears— m fact, a grand " raking" dog, who should make very well. His coat was, ai far as I could judge, good, though he was rather out of j coat at the time. c First Gun (by Newmarket Ruff— Zealandia) Is rather on tho small Hide. A showy sable and • white, hhort in face, good on feet, with the best ( of legs. < Newmarket Faith, an imported bitch, is an excellent brood bitch, but aa ihe was hartvy in pup j she was looking her worst. I cannot, therefore, pass judgment on her. i Great Gunner is a nine months old dog, a trifle j on the " bitchy " side, although he has a great deal of quality. j Others in the kennel I had not time to take I notes of, but there were some good ones. „ Mr F. A. Kkbbell's (Wellington). ' Mr Campbell said :— J Newmarket Hull by the well known champion Great Gun (of England) out of Newmarkot ° Gom is very much like champion Christopher. Having seen his stock I know that he Is most fc valnable for stud purposes. He is a dog I would £ breed from. The white about this dog's head , makes it look coarser than it really is, but hcyond doubt the dog carries his ears better than any *j other dog in the colony. * Mr B. Wark's (Curistchurch). ' Of the well-known Rimu kennela Mr Campbell Bald :- J These kennels are well situated, and. as Mr (

Wtrk has plenty of ground and other facilities at his command, he should breed some of the best does. Champion Young England is a really good dog. but I must confess that First Shot is a bettor. Unfortunately I have not my notes on this dog by mo. Rimu Victor at his age is a wonderful yonng dog, but It is difficult to say how he will turn ont He promises to be a " first-claasor." At Mr Wark's kennels I noticed great cleanliness, and I was also very much struck with the neatness of his kennels. I found that Mrs Wazk was as onthusia tio as her husband about the inmates of the kennels, which fact, no doabt, to a large measure accounts for the well- cared- for appearance of the dogs. Mr Biogs's (CuristciiorchX Opawa Don, said Mr Campbell, is a do? vrhicft I must not leave out. Ho is a good useful dog for breeders who want bone for bitch 38 whi--h are in need of it. I saw Opawa Don at Mr Biggs'a busines* premises, where it was difficult to tea the dog to the utmost advantage. As far as I could make out the dog was fairly correct in points, though somewhat thick in bend. Mr J. H. Jowitt's (Dunedin). The Renfrew kennels I cannot Bay much abouC, Mr Campbell remarked, aa Mr Jowitt (who, by tho way, I consider, takes the premier place among Dunedin fanciers) was changing his residence, and half his kennels were away. Mr Jowitt is a man who has the good of the fancy at heart. • . • Af regards ' other Dunedin collies, ••Fancier" merely quotes Mr Campbell's views as expressed in these columns a fortaigbt back. Mr R. Trtogs's (Wellington). Briti-h Venus.— Unfortunately, *aid Mr Carnp> bell, on my return to Wellington I went to hare another look at this bitch. She was right out of and looking her worst She is a promising biti'h, nd fahould mate bettor with Newmarket Ruff than with any dog I have seen in the colony. Mr friggs, I find, is a vice-president of the local kennel club, and is a renlly hrat class fancier. *.' "Fancier" futther wr'tcs :: — M Having in my mind the fact that the collie was thrown out of the ring by the judge at Dun' din on account of his colour, I asked Mr Campbell, ' How does colour count in judging a callie ?' Mr Campbell said ' Any jwipe w u!d know that colour count* for not' ing. If a collie were born tbc colours of the Campbell tartan, it wonld wfn if it* points were correct.' Will 'Terror' pie-ase mark this ? " Just 00 ! I did not trait the anival of Mr Moreton Campbell to axpress myself exactly an he has done. ' . ' Centralisation again. — Mr Campbell has promised a s<lvtr challenge cjp for co'i>p- Citron amongst th j Wellington fanciers. Thscup will be sent out to Mr H P. Tuckey with instructions for the competi ion. I trust that this little pieoe of nevis, which reaches me from Wdiiogton, is not qu'.ta comet. It will bo 10 much more interesting should it transpire that the cup is for competition amongst the Now Zealand fa ioy generally. • . • Mr H. M. Evmh ban disposed of hifl Sb Bernard d<'g, St;. Elmo R .v, at a «ood figure, to Di- Phillip James, of Willington, N Z. This i-i the retmlt of advert'bting a g.od dog in a leprtscntat ivo sp -rtiug paper. Fanciers should take nutc of this. ' . * The following I^™ graph referred to in laefc issue was accidenfcly l-f6 out: — Under tho Ltaaing of "Judging Wild Bfi. s^," Mr J.)hn Pvoc'or, the judg« at the receut chow held at Need aux, writer to tho Ft >okkp<:p'-.r :—": — " The judging bsgan with the D <gu(;« do B irdeaux. The first dog, with a man on each ftidn, fame into the ring quietly enough, bat thesfc mi made stiaigit for the fi'Sft, and notwithet&ndi'g the full strength of two povvei*' ful men, I thought there w^ul] have been a SRiiyuinar} one muter, so I wnfc to the asttint« of th»- nowfiomorf. I h d 'ojiprii.g quickly b*r.k, as the bruto loured and his orb- g'e>>rned fire ill- on me. Ropea were produced, noil we got [hn two dogs into opposite co n^rn. The other dogs were brought in with additional precautions, and there I sto d, surrounded by tiz demons of destruction, scarctly darirg to mi ye." Mr Proctor further siya :—": — " I gU>e the first prizH to the dog whero tulldog ch«ract«r predominnted Fli« head and shuuhkrs wi-ru something ci orn'.oux, any a'nount of heavy wrinkle, treirie.idoua stop, thick, deep flnws ; fcho none very broad and largo, feb far bnck. The teeth were simply fearful for size, and looked like tiger's claws." THE NEW ZEALAND KENNEL CLUB. The anounl m"^ in,,' of the club rill he held on November 5n x« at 211 Hertford utrraafc, Chr : s'< huroh, at 830 p.m., for tho pury< so of receiving the repoit &u<l b*l-nco 'he«ti, consiilprii.gitiuud uoata to rules andregnlation««if *htoh n.tiooof motion h»B been ginn, tofixp/acaof next anuual meeting, to elect president, hon. trcflfurer, hon. andior, and aectetary far tho enßiiii gyr^r, s.ud buy eta« bu.sineis which m»y be br >u#ht b fore the meeting. v The following notices of motion hare taen received by the secretary : — By tho ChrUtchurch Dog Society.— That the secretary bo elected by and hold oflkn during, the pleasure of the executive. That no delegata shall represent more than oue affiliated club. In culling special meetings seven days', instead of 21 dayj 1 , notice shall be sufficient Two prefixua of tlio same name not to bo allowed, even altnough dihtingtiisthtd by a sejiarute number. On and after Jiinury 1, IB9i, no name shall be registered without the aflix of the la^t two numerals of the y>-ar of birth of the dog, as declared on the registration form, such affix to be U3ed on all orc-ifions aa forming a portion of the name so registered. In ci es whero, at the time of registration, the date of a dog's biith is declared to Iw unlcnown, the la-t two numerals of the year of registration with prelix of the letter Ufchull he Ufed. By the Wellington Kennel Club : — ReguUtion 1, live 14— That the words "or number" be ;ruck out [This re'fen to double prefixes, and is the fame aa tho Chrititchurch notice.] .Abo to move That the resolution carried at the mating of the New Zealand Kennel Club in November 1894, fixing the headquarters of the club at Christchurch for two years, bo ro-cioded, and that the headquarters be removed el-if-where. l?y the Duuedin Fanciers' Clvb :— That the resolution carried at last meeting of the club fixing the headquarters of the club in Cbrigtchurch be rescinded, and that they be forthwith removed to Dunedin. In calling special meetings 10 days' notice be given instead of 21. [This is the same as Chmtchnrcb, which prop s*-s to alter it to f.even only.] Tn alter Regulation No. 2, by inperting that all dogs nnist be the property of the exhibitor "fourteen days" bofnre the date of entry, and not us at present at the date of entry only. To alter Regulation 14 by inserting the word " eight instead of " six," thus making it that "no dog shall be qualified to compete in a champion class that has won less than ' eight' points at ahow3 held! under the rules of this club," and alao "three* instead of "two" of Buch* prizes must be won at two point shows held under the rulea of the ctnbv To alter Regulation 15, which will then read that "no dog shall be entitled to bo called a champion that has not won a first prize in a champion class ' with opposition ' at a show held under ths rules of this club." It seems a goodly programme to bo got through in one night, bub a great number of the notices should be agreed to on being read 1 . O'c or two, however, may cause a little dweuffsion, but I will return to these by-and-byd. Meanwhile I would invite the opinion ol fanciers on the various notice? already given. I understand that the acting secretary ha« nob yet reoeived tbe books, &0., of tho clab from Mr GomifilU thelafeflsotetary.

NEW ZEALAND POULTRY ASSOCIATION. A special general meeting of delegates to lhe N* Zealand Poultry, Pigeon, and Canary Astooi&tion was held on October 10 in tho Christchurch Fanciers' Clubroom. The delegated present were: Meau-s J. Rose, A. L. Myen (Danedin), W. G. Bcumelberg, 8. C. Keetoven (Christchurch), F. Rogen, B. B. Bristow (Wellington), A. Walker, M. Douohne (Aa<blsnd). A. Gapes (Nelson), J. T. M. Honwby, G. Andrews (Sou'hland), B. Sttvens, A. Walker (Aahburton), C. Laffcrty (Sydenham). Mr A. L. Myers occupied the chair. Tbe meeting was called at the request of the Dunedin F&ncitrs' Club to reconsider the decision of the association meetiug at Wellington r* championship trophies. Mr Lsfferty moved — "That the decision of tixe Wellington mecliug be upheld." Mr Donohue seconded the motion. .■Mr Hornsby moved— '• That it is in the best hihsrests of the association that the Dunedin Fanciers' Club be placed od the same footing, re whining ohampiori ships cs the Christchurch Cfub— i.e., that the pr?z s be won on the first judging instead of twice." HTr Andrews seconded the amendment, which was carried aft<r a lengthy discussion. Mr Asdiews moved — "That 30 medals be given at the next championship meeting." Mr Rose scoouded the motion, which was carried. On the motion of Mr Kesteven, seconded by Mr Rogtn, lhe medals were divided as follows : — SiVeen to tho poultry, ton to the pigeons, and four to tho canary classes, to be allotted as under. In tbe poultry classes to the best cockerels of the following brteis :— G*me, Spasith, Dorkings, Leghorns, Cochins, Brahmaa, Mmorcus, Ltiogßh&n at.d Orpiugtons, Polish and Houdau, Andalutim, WyandottS3, Hamburgs, gatue bantiujc, any other vsriety bantams, Pekin and Ayleebury drake, Rouen and ai.y other varioty drakp. In pigeons the medals were allolt'-d lo birds rung with the New Zealand 1695-1695 rirg, as follows:— Car.'ii-rp, barbs, and dragons ; sLort-faced tambler«, clcau-lfgged long-ff.c:d tuu. biers, featber-lr^gafl tu'nblers, Jacobins, Autwerps ebort-fscerl, Autwerps long-faced, f entails, owlff, turhits, aud Oriental /rillf. The tenth medal was allotted for any other variety of ptgef n not mentioned above. The four medals forjfeiuiaries were allotted cs folljws .• — Norwich plju?»|he»d, Norwich crested, Scotch and BelgaS^k'ij other vaiiely. Mr Hoiuisby moved-^" That tbo secrctiry o&H for tenders for tho manufacture of the medals." Mr Rofcen seconded thß naoticn, which was carried. The opinion was eyprwflsd by the meeting that it wou'd be well if the Dunedin Fencisro' Cloba wru.ed out ide judges for their show. Tbo qu- sUou ot j igeon rinps If r r.cxt season was letc iv tbe hanrs of Mr Bri^tow, sucretary of the New Zc-a'and Pigeon Aesrca ion. The inc-tting then tenniuated.

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Bibliographic details

Otago Witness, Issue 2173, 17 October 1895, Page 32

Word Count

NOTES BY TERROR. Otago Witness, Issue 2173, 17 October 1895, Page 32

NOTES BY TERROR. Otago Witness, Issue 2173, 17 October 1895, Page 32


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