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London, August 26,

During the Blackfriars fire a black mass comprising many thousands of rats crossed tbe Thames and were drowned, as they failed to scale the embankment. The fire did not affect Messrs Nelson Bros.' premises. The Navy Estimates amounttoLlß Tbe outlay on shipbuilding is placed at L5,393,G42, and on armaments at L 730.000. Mr Chamberlain is negotiating with a view to having the proposed union between Canada and Newfoundland remain iv abeyance, as the former declines to assume the debt of the colony and Great Britain declines to assume the liability of a selfgoverning colony.

Yarrow and Co. have built a torpedo boat, tbe Tokol, for Russia. She has a speed of over 30 knots ; the highest yet attained. When tbe P. and O. Company's steamer Rome was 300 miles from the Australian coast the charcoal in her refrigerating room was found to be on fire. Nine hundred sheep had to be taken out before it could be extinguished. There was no panic on board. It is believed that the charcoal was on fire before the steamer left Sydnoy. The engineer reports that a portion of the butter has been damaged. Portion of the consignment of chickens by the steamer Damascus sold at Is lid, ducks at 2*. and turkeys at 5* di. Fifty crates of rabbits, to arrive by tho steamer Nineveh, have been sold at a shilling a piece. August 27.

Owing to the outrage on Baron Rothschild the Scotland Yard officials are watching noted Anarchists in London and foreiga clubs in the south.

Lord G. Hamilton, Sacretary for India, states tbat the case of the Lancashire cotton spinners would be referred to tbe Indian Government to obtain their views. Personally he considered no excise duty could, counterbalance tbe import duties on English cotton goods.

Bubear, tbe sculler, beat Perkins by a length on the Thames course. The Shabzada will vitit Cairo. The Russian authorities have expelled the Jews from Vladivostock.

Grave troubles have been caused by brigands in Sardinia. Large stretches of forest have been set on fire by them.

August 28.

Lord Salisbury is pressing Belgium to explain the hanging of Stakes, a British trader in Congo, without judicial trial, by Major Lathaere on a charge of supplying arms to Mahdists. Two of Latbaere's officers protested against the execution. Belgium disclaims its responsibility for tho Congo. Some Belgian papers admit Lathaere was indiscreet, while others justify his action. The British press, however, demand that a stringent inquiry be made. Mr Chamberlain considers it is premature to legislate for the division of Queensland. Owing to the discouragement of Mr Balfour, Leader of the House, Germany is unlikely to convene a bimetallic congress. August 29. The fire on board the s.s. Rome was confined to No. 3 cool chamber.

Mr Justin M'Cartby'a appeal to America for funds for the Irish party is a failure. Baron de Worms is mentioned at likely to succeed Sir W. Robinson in West Australia.

It is believed that Now South Wales could easily obtain a loan in London on favourable terms.

Sir S Samuel is pressing Mr Chamberlain to allow the investment of trust funds in colonial securities.

Ten Vegetarians have been convicted of complicity in the Kuoheng massacre. The Chinese officials are assisting in the inquiry. Reports are publiihed stating that General Alfaro, tho iasurgent leader in Ecuador, bai taken Quito, the capital, after a severe battle at Ouenca, in which many men were killed. Mr Planfeett, M.P., eaggesta that tho

Unionist and Irish members should unite to form a committee to draft a scheme during the recess by which tbe pressing needs of Ireland would be settled.

Meßsrs Henty Broadhurst and Keir Hardie are debarred from attending the Trades Union Oongress at Cardiff, as only working delegates are admitted. The Agents -general of Victoria and New South Wales desire the assurance of colonial Governments that all frozen meat will be inspected and certified as fit for human food before beicg exported, otherwise there will be great danger of injury to the trade.

A summary of the committee's report on the Bank of New Zealand, cabled by Dalziel's agency, has created surprise and consternation among shareholders at Home, especially in view of the Hon. Mr Ward's assurance of the improbability of a further call being made on them. The officials doubt the accuracy of certain of the figures as telegraphed. August 30. It is reported that 40,000 persons have died at Pekin of cholera thin month.

Tbe announcement of a New South Wales loan has not affected stocks.

It is reported that Prince Christian of Denmark is engaged to Princess Maud of Wales.

A German torpado boat sank in the North Sea, and 13 persons were drowned. Preece's Point proprietary mine (Haurakl) has been registered in London, with a capital of LI OO,OOO.

The Balgian Government have secured a vote of Parliament denying that Belgium is responsible for tbe hanging of Stokes.

The Times thinks that legislation authorising tbe investment of trust funds in colonial securities is very undesirable at present. The Emperor of China, in deference to remonstrances, has cancelled the appointment of Viceroy Lin *s commissioner at Kucheng. A leading French statesman is said to be implicated in the bribery charge against Senator Magnier, editor of L'H! vehement, and it is asserted that Magnior was allowed to escape because it was feared he would involve tbe statesman. #

Messrs M'llwraitha_ndM'Eachern, a Qneensland firm, are forming a Queensland chilling and packing company with a capital of L 150.000. They propose to erect works at Broadmount Harbour, and have isruad a circular that it in imperative to export sheep and horses from the central districts.

A gentleman from Australia is visitiag Cardiff to ascertain if a suitable depot c&n be procured for colonial produce in the event of opening up a direct line of steamers between Australia and Cardiff. Tbe Bute docks offer to grant every facility. In the chess tournament L-wker is leading with 14.| points, Tchigorin next with H points. Li Hung Chang has beon appointed Imperial Ciiancollor, and Waay Weiu Viceroy of China.

American bimetallists concur that the prospects of an international congress on the question at present is hopeless. Great Britain and France modify tbe terms of extradition enabling accu«cd to be examined without arrost. The modification is made applicable to Dr Hois.

August 31.

The Lowestoft Coast guardsmen captured a Belgian trawler poaching in Yarmouth waters. The capture was only made after a vigorous fight, in which many were injured. The American delegates to tho British Trade Oongress urge the workmen of England and tbe colonies and America to co-operate to secure fair wages and hours. They consider that to have 10 or 1.1 hours for a day is criminal ; and say that they foresee an era of fraternity which no human power can suppress.

A deputation of Parsees waited on Mr Chamberlain and stated tbat there ware 100,000 British-Indian • subjects residing in South Africa, and that they were discontented both with the Cape and Boer Governments bocause they were refused votes, and were prevented in varions ways from tr&dirtg. Mr Chamberlain said it was impoisible for him to interfere authoritatively in tho matter, but he was willing to negotiate with the view of ameliorating the condition of the Indians. September 1.

News has been received that Lieutenant Casßait and 19 Belgians were killed by tbe Mahdists in the Adda district. »

The steamer Southern Cross, from Sydney, has arrived at St. Vincent. Up to that time 11 of her sheep and 15 bead of cattle had died.

Japan has consented to accept L 6,000,000 additional indemnity for the evacuation of the Liautong Peninsula.

The Queen of Belgium, while hunting today at Spa, was thrown from her horse, and received iD juries to her bead. Though confined to her bed, the wounds are not believed to be of a serious nature.

Lord Salisbury claims that Kiengcheng and both sides of the Upper Mekong tributary to Burmah belong to England.

The affairs of the Bank of New Zealand have not affected colonial Government stocks.

The new smelting company are arrafiging a contract for 50,000 tons of sulphide ores annually for three years with both Block X and the Central Brcken Hill.

Tbe Russians have arrested Mr Macartney, the British agent at Kushgar, for crossing without a permit the Berka Pass to join, the Pamir Commission.

September 2.

Tbe Statist considers Mr Reid's banking proposals indioate the fear of another ran, and will not raise New South Wales's credit. The paper doubts whether tbe time has arrived to invest trust fundß in colonial securities.

Pilabery is leading in the chests tourney with 15£ points, Tchfgorfn 15, and Lasker An athlete ran 220* yards on a circular track at Chicago in 21 4-5 seconds, which is a world's record for a track of that shape. The French press is greatly irritated at the prominence given in Germany this year to fetes in commemoration of the FrancoGerman War.

The Times hopes the present revival In trade will relegate bimetallism to the background.

The Russian Government have refused to allow the German residents in the country to celebrate the anniversary of the fall of SedflQ.

Paris, Angaet 26. s The Paris police are convinced that! Anarchists planned the outrage against Baron Rothsohild. Thirty persons were arrested on suspicion of being concerned in the affair, and each was compelled to submit a specimen of bis handwriting, with a view of comparing it with the address on the envelops. The examination, however, proved favourable to the prisoners, and they were all released/. Jacobsky h> improving, and the doctors think it will not be Decenary to remove his eye. August 29.

It is reported that the Dake of Orleans abandons the Royalist propaganda and ceases to subscribe to the Royalist press. Senator Maguier, editor of the L'Evetjement, who was summoned to appear before the Chamber on an indictment oharging him with accepting 100,000 francs in connection with the South of France railway scandal, is said to have escaped from his residence concealed in a basket of dirty linen. Scores of detectives were watobing the house at the time.

Angnßt 31.

The French Minister for the Colonies stated in the Chamber of Deputies that he was not aware that the Governor of Noumea was negotiating with Admiral Bridge for the oontrol of. the New Hebrides.

September I.

While bathing at Biarritz the tide swept Alexander, King of Servia, and iiis swimming master out to sea. The young King, who exhibited great presence of mind, managed to save himself, but his attendant was drowned.

China has agreed to pay France four million francs (LI 60,000) for tbe outr«ge at Lzuohuan.

St. Petersburg, August 30.

Zukhnoff, in Smolensk, bas been burned, and 1000 persons rendered hcraeleis. The fire occurred through the explosion of a lamp. The sanctuary at Riboid was burned, and Hi pilgrims were suffocated and many injured.

Brussels, August 28.

In the Chamber of Representatives M. J. de Burlet, Minister of the Interior, in reply to a question, denied that Belgium was about to resume control of the Congo. A union, be Bairi, existed on condition that B -Igium did not exercise sovereign rights.

In the Chamber M. Lorand declared that the hanging of Stokes involved a serious difficulty with England. The whole of the Urmwini region was in a disturbed condition. The negroes were revolting againit the oruelueß of the Congo officials, and the lobs of 70,000 lives bad been involved. The Premier (M. de Burlet) contended that Congo was nob annexed, and that Belgium was nob responsible.

September 1. The Belgians assert that Stokes was executed at Kilunga after confessing ho bad promised to assist tbe Arab chief Eidongi against Major Lothiare.

Shanghai, August 26. Four ringleaders in the Kucheng massacre have been executed.

August 28. The attacks on missionaries at Walu continue, and converts are brutally whipped. August 30.

It is reported that Japan accepts 30 million taels for evacuating the Lfaatong Peninsula.

September 2.

The Chinese Christians in Fokiea are brutally harassed, and their houses have been burned. Tho officials refused to interfere. Sixteen of the Kuchong rioters have been beheaded.

Washington, September 1.

An excursion train was wrecked at Macon. Georgia. Several persons were killed and 60 injured.

New York, August 19.

It is reported that Hawaiian delegates will attend tbe opening of the United States Congress to appeal for the immediate annexation of the Sandwich Islands. Mr Hillburn, a Oalifornian member, has pro* raised to propose tho appointment of a committee to inquire into the matter.

The chairman of the National Democratic party in the United States declares that they do not intend to make the silver question a test issnfl of the elections of 189G, neither do they desire to juggle with tho tariff, aa the present prosperous condition of the country is quite satisfactory. Mr M'Kinley con--, siders that there will be no necessity for a ' change in the tariff for two years. Ban Francisco, September 1.

Owing to nine deaths from cholera having occurred in Honolulu the steamer Monowai doe 3 not stop there.

St. John's, September.!.

Tbe report of the Newfoundland Commission shows that the distress is not specially severe.

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Bibliographic details

Otago Witness, Issue 2167, 5 September 1895, Page 16

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CABLEGRAMS. Otago Witness, Issue 2167, 5 September 1895, Page 16

CABLEGRAMS. Otago Witness, Issue 2167, 5 September 1895, Page 16


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