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By P. Romptbr. May 11. Dear Fasquin.-Tlus has been essentially the musical week, concerts and meetings of musical Eofietiea filling the diary, M a perusal of the lowerdown portion of Whiskers will show ; and with all this the Opera House has been kept goiDg by the Mostyn-Dalziel Dramatic Company, so that Wellmgtonians wbo have of late complained so much of having "noplace to go" have had enough and to spare in the way of pleasant ooc-patiou or dissipation for their evenings. After a very dull interval the diama is again nith us, though it le in ft very in?lo. form ; yet here it is, and interprettd by the Mostyn-Ddlzitl Company, from Austra ia. "Humanity," by Sutton Vane, wpb the opening p'.ecr, running for two nights. Summing is up, one of our ciiics Eays :— ".Altogether 'Humanity' is the Crinriual Code in five acts. It is punctuated with murder, iHiimimd with incendiarism, chaslcnsd with ahduction, and glorified with subornation and perjury. And didu't the audience clap the hero and groan the villain whenever it had an opportunity, and lautrh heaitily and long at Trotty's quaiutnetses, Sally 1 * iugeniom villainy, an! tho shifts of her gin-loving fpou-e ! There ie abundance of sensation, and one p.ut'cularly strong scene, in which the precious pair thrust Trotly into his own celhr and then set fire to his house; the hero (Jack rercues him from amid the flame, which Jeaptupall over the stage This particular piece of incendiarism was 'ptrsonally conducted' by Captain Kumaley, of the Municipal Fire Brigade ; but it was so realistic that it moved the audience to au enthusiasm which mpde them demand tbat Ttotty bo incinerate J all over again, and took tho Opera House directors pell-mell down the dre3s circle steps." Miss Mobtyn is a real gem of a boy actress, and is in every way tinted for .such partß ; Mr Daniel doe.s his woik as leading man well, too; and the whole company giv« evidence of careful and frequent rehearsal. There are several singing turns run into the pitco, which proved atti active additions. The Mo*tyn-D.ilziel Dnmatic Company ore hard workers, producing every other other night a change, and four or five act plays at that, such as " Humanity," "Ransom," and " Cast Adrift,' ■which has been this w. ek'« bill. Next week tho Eame quick order will be maintained, and prices are now reduced to "Dunediu fares." " Ransom " is the work of Miss Dora ftlostyn, nnd she has the mostyn it. As Tom Chivcy she plays the boy to the lifr, but I can't'go so far as one of our critics, who says she is superior to Jennie Lee in " Jo." Oh, no ; r.ot for Jo. There only exists one Jo, and all others aie merely imitators. Mr Wm. M'Lean, secretary of our Opera House Company, is at present on a trip to Australia. The Alexander - Blaney - Fisher concert at Thomas's Hall last Monday was a very mcceEsful affair all round. Mr A. is a good elocutionist, MUs Blaney has quite won the hearts nnd ears of our concert-loveis, and of course Miss ITibherbn salary following. At a Wednesday pop tho trio had the assistance of Miss Cl*rice Brabazon and Mr Horace Stebbing, and again did The Wellington Garrison Band will be repreBented at the Bands' Contest in Timaiu on October 1 2, 3, and 4. The first and second prizes have been fixed at £75 and £10. Messrs T. Tallis Trimnell (Wellington), Wallace (Obristclnuch), A. Grieva (Melbourne), and Yon der Meyden (Sydney) have been nominated for the position of judge. For almost the first time within the recollection of the oldest inhabitant, the Wellington Public Hall Company (Thestre Royal) got a quorum at its annual meeting last Monday, the Hon. W. W. Johnson taking the chair. Everything passed eff as defied, and the meeting dissolved in "smiles" all roiu d. E tter late than never ! although this fme it is the totally feiven-up and unexpected that has happened in the information here following :— " The statement of receipts and expenditure in connection with the Musical Festival held last October is now to hand. The receipts from all sources amounted to £825 8s Id. In payments to vocalists JEl6l l4s was expended, in payments to instrumentalists £117 Is 6d, in rent of Opera House £SO, end in advertising £80. Out of the proceeds of the benefit to the conductor and secretary £J5 was surrendered by them to the fund*. The total exptnditure comes to £825 8s 4d." Asstts : bay £40 worth of props. Mr M. Marcus, hte manager of the Belle Cole concerts in New Zealand, is about to bring through the colony Miss Owen Davies, an elocutionist of merit, who will give a series of drawingroom entertainments on the German-Heed moiel. Amoncbtthe artists with Mi-s Davies will lie Herr 31. Kiihl, a slide trombone pUyer, and Hcrr G. Handle, a viola virtuoso. I hear that Miss Laura Fisher's recent benefit at the Opera House realise d the clear sum of £G2 10i, £0 that our contralto's friends treated her loyally and liberally. The annual meeting of the Wellington Opera House Company was held last Monday afternoon, Mr W H. P. Barber presiding, and from his mov-inz-adoption-of-report speech, I gather they are well satisfied with their position, a general reduction ia the working of the funds and house expenses resulting upon the year's transactions, and the house being well let, the rent account ehowing a balanca of £2019, asainst £2065 last year, which was the bc3t year ia the company s history. The mortgage has been reduced during the year by £1200, and now stands at £5803, as ogainst £7000 last year, and £8000 the previous year. The future is full of promise also, as I gather that since tho end of the financial year the house has been occupied 21 nights, and islet for a further 123 nights, making a total letting for the present year of 144 nights, which number is quite up to the average,as Mr Barber said. The retiring directors were re-elected, bo that the board of

■ directors remains unchanged— in fact, the whole Btaff was re-elected. On Tuesday evening the 'Tafels of this city gave one of their pleasant sociables (the third) with that atrocious title " Genii schtcr Abend" (niada in Germany !), and a3 it was an invite affair it is needless to add there was a full hoiue, and in a musical sense it would be essier to say who wasn't than who was there. Mr Robert Parker has undoubtedly profitod by that ehaku g uphe got during the last festival rumpus, for not only did the "lafels, on the whole, show that their conductor had taken off his usual "rush," so evident on former occasions, but in conducting the Festival Chorus for their next season Mr Fnrker is taking far moie pains than hitherto. His past work bad generally "Notime tofinish" writ Urge all over it. Undoubtedly he is the best wielder of the baton in this city, and it is & pleasure to Eec him doing himself justice. The annual meeting of our Orchestral Society was held on Wednesday evening. The report for the past year says three conceits were given during the teason, at which 10 complete orchestral works were performed, including two symphonies —viz., Beethoven's No 1 in O and Haydn's CL«k in D. Hummel's Concerto ia A Minor for p.iauo and orchestra was given at the concert, A. F. Hill's Air Vaiie for violin and orchestra at the second, and Uan3 Sitt's Concertstuck, op 46, for viola and orchestra, at the third, Mrs Holt, Miss Grace Kennedy, and Mr A. F. Hill playing the solo instruments respectively. The overtures comprised "The Whipping Boy" (Hil ), " Marttana" (Wallace), "l'reciosa" (Weber). '"Raymond" (Thomas)— given twics — and Final's Cave" (Mendelssohn). The other items consisted of "Le Cid" ballet music (Massenl), entr'acts' to "The Whipping Boy" (Hill), "L\ Colomb" (Gounod), "Mignon" (Thonia<), "Pear Gvnt Suite," third movement (Giieg), and " Vortpiel" and 'Sicilian a" to "Cavaileiiaßusticana" (Mascagui). The honorary roll of members numbers 100, active 3fi. Ihe balance sheet shows £5 10=) Cd to credit. The receipts were £135 5? Id, including members' subscriptions (£9l lls Cd)and cssh takings at conceits (£l7 5= 6J). The principal items of expenditure wesc— Rei.t of Opera House, g.s, atid_ attendance, £44 11s 4d; and rent of practice room, £26. The asstts amuiot to £100, and there are no liabilities. The election of cfTfe-bjarorß resulted tlmsly :— Patron, his Excellency the Earl of G'a-gow; president, Mr B. Poarce ; vice • presidents— Messrs W. Gill, F. Grady, and A. F. Castendyk ; conductor, Mr A. F. Hill (reelected, to whom the meeting passed a hearty vote of thanks for his past valuable services); hon. secretary and hvasurer, Mr T. W. Pilcher (who was re-elected, and received a special vole of thanks for past services). The Chairman, speaking to the motion, said Mr Pilcher had worked indefdtiguably in the interests of the society. From cxpei ience he was in a position to say that he would almost as soon mn a joint stock company as officiate as the secretary of an orchestral society. Mr F. Grady, jun., was reappointed hon. librarian, and Mr S 11. Kennedy was chosen auditor. The following committee \va«i appointed :— Mef&rs J H. O. Sch\v.u - tzß, G. A. K< nnedy, A. Hotop, T. H. Sewell, W. F. Parsons, D. T. Stuart, snd O. Hill, sen. Next week, at the Wednesday pops, to be given in the Skating Rink, Wellington is to have the novelty of the Living Pictures introduced by the Mi-ses Ai'derion under the management of Cou M'Gninness. Fred Duvnl has passed through to preparo the way up noi th for the Pollard Lilipulians. The sou'h of Christchurch portion of tho tuur has been abandoned, and the Christchurch season extended. To-moirow week they give a Sunday pop in this city, when we will see the last of them— perhaps. By the way, Tom Pollard had better beware of WliMigfuei, or ho might get Bushed by the R.M. therefor having pci formers under the age of 10. It c.ime hard on Donald Dinnie to have one stopped, but what about T. P. if all the kiddies nn ler 10 he has were stf.pi ed, and he pot a fine of £5 for each. Tho Children's Protection Act will startle 'em. Thursday evening was a great time at the Amateur Gymnasium, and I am indebted to the courtesy of its manager (Mr Sam Mathews) for the cppoitunity of seeing the finest exhibition of athletics it has been my pleasuro to enjoy. (Readers of this item will find the full notice of the programme over in our Athletic Column. — Pasquin.) I miKht add hero that the Rizzio Brothers, whose ring and tumbling turns were fcuch an attractive, if not leaning, feaiiue of the evening, are three joung Wellingtonians, known among men as, W. Dean, R. Gamble (who is very now), and W. Ulark (ye young man of muscle at d a Rood bearer). Their season with Filzgprald Bro3* Circus has given them a neat finish and they are now the genuine, iirst-clafs article in the g\ inuastic line. Mr G. H. Salisbuiy tolls me he is marching into the interior of Otago after campaigning success- j fully through Canterbury, bis company comprising Professor Montagu and the Galatea Fptcialty Combination. lam glad to hear that G. H. S.'a digestion is Al at the table (crayfish, please I), that the weather has been salubrious, the audiences smiling, and that the latter, with him, have "Search(ed) the p&geof history," by "Bradsbaw's Guide" in "Dublin Bay," and I hops he will bob up serenely every time, and that the good people of Obago(all Scots are gran' folk) will give the show a iiberal hearing. A par from last Monday's Times says :— " MiGeorge Leitch has proceeded to Sydney in company with Mr Willimn M'Lean, to engnge a firstclass company and staff, and procure the scenic aiti-ts and mechanists for the production in Wellington of 'The Land of the Moa.' This drama, the cop> rig' t of which has been secuivd thioughout Australasia and Great Biitain, is the woik of four year:!. It was always Mr Leitch's wish to give the first performance of this spectacular play in Wellington, and to the credit of tlic city a syndicate has been formed in response to his desire Wellington, therefore, will cUim the credit of giving the send-off to the New Zealand drama, which is said to combine historical episodes, a powerful storyi fctrong characterisation, and excellent comely, and will show some of the most be.uitiful scenes of this colony. Competent mcD, we understand, have pronounced the work to possess all the elements of a mo«t popular and financial success, and its production should rnatk an advent in theatrical annals. All Mr Leitch's well-wishera will join heartily in the hope for its success." To the above "Lorgnette," in the Mail, gives additional interesting item 1 ?. He says :— ' One big efiect to be produced in this piece is, I am told, a presentation, with all the weird realism that is possible, of the now famous Tarawera eruption. Other plays to be produced during the season are ' A Prodigal Son,' ' Golden D<*ys,' and ' Auld Lang Syne.' Of all these plays the stage rights have been temporarily acquired from Mr Leitch by the syndicate. Mr M'Lean tcok with him, I hear, a heavy credit on a Sjduey bank, and no money will be spared to ensure a really good all-round company being engaged. The season is to commence about the middle of June." Last week the enthusiastic theatrical amateurs of Hawera played " Gairick" to good biz The Masterton Amateur Operatic Society has decided, with the aid of the new conductor, Ilerr yon Keisenberg, to give " Les Cloches de Comeville" as their next season's bill. There are two interesting cables in to-night's paper, and I am delighted especially tbat Miss Jimelia Wood is getting on so well in Paree, also Mif^s Crossley, likewise across sea, see ! (Oh, cease, or you'll fetch down their high C's I) The other item concerns Miss Pattie Browne, who in London town hai struck the fancy of Ed wardes, and goes in as one of his "Artists' Models." By the way, " Last Call " (who calls back to remembrance pleasant shades) tells us that Pattie is getting plump as a— as a— ab, patie I Here goesDear Miss Pattie Browne, Of far London tawa (Of Australian renown), I hope you won't frown To see it set down You've increased a few poun 1 On your weight. WelJ, you cannot be cursin', For your purse, with yourpurson, Carries uew freight 1 Mr J. H. O. Schwartze, who presided at the annual meeting of the Orchestral Society, spoko of the apathy displayed by Wellington instrumentalists, and said that it appeared matvellous a'udincomprehensible to him that, in » city lute this, with a population of more than 30,000 In-

habitants, comparatively co few found it worth their while to become membos of the society. Miss Laura Fisher and Mias BlaDcy, after doing exceedingly well here during the past week, have gone north to give a few concerts. .1 don't know who tbo name of Professor Batlowski covers, but he makes his flrat appearance in Now Z.aland at the Upp9r Hutt next Wednesday. lie is supported by Captain Graham, the liou tamer. Pei hays when you were at Echool you know a boy who, when he on for a fight, would make it a condition tbat he was to do the hitting and "no hitting bock." Well, that boy has grown up, and sought the shelter of tho Cloth, and he was at a concert at Kilbirniu (one of our suburbs) last night. Mr Walter ll*\ bittle was reciting "The Reception, 1 ' and then- but hero is how the Post tells it :— " A well-known local clergyman and hi 3 wife were piesent, aod appeared to thoroußhly appiecute the first poition of tho rccitati' n, which satirised the Squire, but when tho reciter proceeded to satirise the Cloth, its rfpresentative got up and flounced out of tho hall, exclaiming aB he did so to the orgauiser of the concert-, Is this what you bung people down here for — to listen to disgraceful proceedings like this?' The incident ciuaed some s'-naation." Mr A. W. Day, a leading member of tho 'Tafels, is leaving us for Christchurch, and the " Student's ParliDg Song " was rui g at him on Tuesday night. If Chris'cluirch would cnly send Mr Knight up to us it would be a fair swap, though it he to turn Day into Knight ; but, no ! it i* quite another exchange. If tho moon wero made of green or any o'her che-sr-, it would be quits, for we get the iUiinl. Noticoit? I have oiten w ondered why the Festival Society and tho Orchestral Society didn't join forces, and aupposed the profet>t-ional element in the latter wou'dn't mix wi'li the ainateuri»hnt-ss of the fo'iiKT. A par in the annual icpntt of the Orchestral Society, issued this week, says:— "lhe society was aeke.l by the Festival Choial Society to provide the orchestra for their concerts, but as the commi'tee had cn'ered into obligations with its subscribers extending over the season, it waa consider, d that the application could not be enteitxined at present. Overtures were alw made to the socitty to amalgamate with the Festival Choral Socioty, but th& members at a special meetincr dtcidcl that they could not see their way to fall iv with the proposal."

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Otago Witness, Issue 2151, 16 May 1895, Page 37

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"WELLINGTON WING WHISPERS Otago Witness, Issue 2151, 16 May 1895, Page 37

"WELLINGTON WING WHISPERS Otago Witness, Issue 2151, 16 May 1895, Page 37


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