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JIUS WfGXzS / T"S c firstl an^ oremos^ °^ fabrics for imparting charm and dignity to its fair wearers. Moreover, its rich \ JH vBS^J^LJHm I ®^^J^^^M//^L J. appearance, light weight, and sterling wearing qualities, proclaim it tho desideratum for Promenade, I, ■■ jß^^ Visiting, and At Home Toilettes, while for Children's Dresses it is unsuoyassed. . ' wasa&sa^^^ '^^"•^ Pill!! 'i!W RICH AND RARE NEW COLOURS FOR PRESENT WEAR. l| Marvellous Effect ! ! /fa lustrous blue black. i Preserves and Rejuvenates the Complexion. X THB Q UEEN Bays:— "LOUIS VELVETEEN is the very best make on the market." < ( £50 to 1)0 given away in PBIZES to Besidents I 1 ' LADIES SHOULD REJECT ALL SUBSTITUTES. i' *.££^&!^^.! aiß^£o*. Ft 'HHk (>( > T>R. REDWOOD'S REPORT. I Jl^^^^^fe' «»««,«,, «r i x . ..... „ , „.„ M .. !.*«.-,. II 11I 1 "*■' JUVENIA SOAP ia PERFECTLY PURE ami ABSOLUTELY NEUTRAL, and I < LOUIS Velveteen can be obtained from Drapers and Silk Mercers throughout the Colonies. ' ( is of the highest quality.-t. rkdwood. ri..u., f.i.c, f.c.s. B GRATEFUL— COMFORTING. S U ■-. Wj u El'l^'lC' llSlllcß lit ~ . , . — / SULL MUSIC BIZK AND GUARANTEED COHHBCX. 9 B A UIIII U 111 / No. SONGS. A A *J V W V W AAI ( 49 Call Ma Back Again. 253 — < f A|M Starlight Nell. 267 Then You'll "DTJT7 AT/"PAGnn / i' SU»# In Remembot Me. 238 WhiU .fcSJtlliiAjKjb Ab ± . C - ( J|K Wings. 410 Who's that Call"By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws / A <*"ir-r »R-f -b-v -?-? I-*, •mrTf* -n W-TTW T/^STtIT-n C S^ Ss.* ii^ i? B 1° et - xx T4ll_ T 411 _? 0n ?oS ll0 '» which govern the operations of digestion and | A \KT f\ TVTTs o*l3 Tl» IT T lIH TnTITI»T TVllJ' ) Ksl Reached My Heart. 427 A nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine f £\ lA/l IIM I I 3"« l t\. H I I I I iVI Pf IJ I I J I IM l> I \ WiH MB LlttU In an Orchard propertiei of well-selected cocoa, Mr Epps has ) jQ, V f \JSj9 UJIJ±.V±. tU -LJ 13A.JL1JLJ±\J±.±.\ JLJ, ) \*& MR Grew. 628 Bogie Man 666 provided our breakfast tableß with a delicately- \ \ e g@pr Gipsy Countess (Vocal Duet), flavoured beverage which may save us many j { .^STT^I «« ™f Dlv ? r *S «<?*« Tr heavy doctors bUfs. It is by the judicious use of ) C«-=fc. ewr=« CW?=« >?=« ey»eM*> Tifh «|rf? H»» i?^l «Vf=%«Vs)«^ ««* /F* J Or 18 Copies, Bfc glvw la F. 66»Maggit such articles of diet that a constitution may be \ iTll IUP I Il« II SI . //*\, l\\ «L * IkS^'' TirTl) irJir Jl ILtf-*' S CATALOGUES Murphy's Home, gradually built up until strong enough to resist / 2sr=</ i-VStS *TTfH «* - — B/C »T*«f *W«//f^ *Tr = zZ'*wF*ar Tr C POST FREE V™, .— .^ „ — 7, v ,ir * , every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle S Ir^fj ITS)-. I * fc |f I) jFjA I^* Jl^ jLJU J)J[ Jslr»i« ) PIANOFORTE.-473 Athalle i March («fn^l. maladies are floating around us ready to attack f 155-4/ «J^»^yß \^ $^*fe'«s««^tsWlKse> #^^' W&^Sbpo «s^B I*^l R (. wo^n). 627 Old Gold Polka (very pretty). wherever there is a weak point. We may escape / / American Lancers (popular melodies). 671 many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well \ . \ March of the Goblins Blue (lively). fortified with pure blood and a properly-nourished f - ~ "-"^^ -~- -~- .-^ - r^rv^wr - x y^g HOLBORN MUSIC STORES, frame."-See article in Civil Service Gazette. 1 -^, r— Csa B ffl OESRI 1 0S& H■■ «% Are admitted by thoasands to be worth above <15 HOLBORN. LONDON, E.G., ENGLAND. Made Simply with Boiling Water or Milk. ) Bj ti~ j" OIJHR^ 'O Oil 1 O U.Q^ea » Boi for Bilious ami Nervous . pss &» paa B _ gS S^lH j^L B** ■ n H ii^ ) Disorders, such as pain and wind in iho '> uowto Xjoarntneuanjoinxagu* juaoy iicoawus Sold in Jib Packets by Grocers, labelled thus:- ( ( |1 BL *_ O1 1 In| IW| Vf 9 BL L U »too»«ch. Sick Headache, Giddiness, Full- S&s? 18451 Trade Supplied. [Est. 1815 Eusßr Etaa ft«a uhwm mm ■ -»«^ w h wia ■■ -^^ y nesg an( j iwe u m g after meals, Dizamcss and / Mll BASSFS FPPS SL CO ' • Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Flushings of, A ■—,„— _—.■■■ "k LIOBB 01 Appetito, oDorxncss 01 isrca-tii, ■ 'I . /""^SfiESE--^ ~HrO oe TO USp HOMffiPATHIO CHEMISTS, f —. - - .— . ) Costiveness, Scurvy, Blotches on tho Skin, f I\!EVER mm^^^^^s^U^ 5 > IP?ir^B"/nkllflaßlKlStf% nil ■ f% Disturbed Sleep. Frightful Dreams, and all : ) V ..Sc^PWHIiS^S^ LONDON. ENGLAND. S Pl»^ pP 1 1 BJB MH^ fLf Oil 1 V Nervous and Trembling Bensatiomi, &c. S RlsPwumHr !!^^ (. L?y. !£» p3p 3 g n |j^ jiji HR3B h% S^ II I «^ ) The First Dose will give relief in Twenty C \ «^sa^amgsg^^^^^ g^ ( UM r A^Wam%J§ (I I fllfl %Jf S D MHW ( Mit>etes. This is no fiction, for they have / Mr. HBNRY ■ ~~~ w J vizi* w£a sxm >«»' m ) fi QUH j^ j n thousands of cases. Every A IRVING- writes from, Cough in 10 Minutes. I C ( gufiferer is caroestly invited to try one Box of \ H w cr^ 0&l esbx m^ " I find your Mb jII VW IWPWBWWaBBH I C ( these Pills, and they will be acknowledged to ( i^, il 1 ! &^ Razors excel*&34&*£[£Jl.W&fflJt££S2&Bßßk 1 f \be A W&WWI %^ |J si lent. \ -i The most Safe and Speody Remedy ) OK» ialtJ 1 § finiW IVP I 1 InLi^^ For Females or m ages th«so phis an- .• r;!n' llJ 's., n .'' t l :'k 1 i;!;|^ J |^^ a g^ J «»» J Invaluable, aa a few doses of them carry ofT \ LSSSSiStJ^giag? 1 .- -Sfj ll|l|T|l||lN7APnilPUQ\ v t til gross humours, opt* all obfetructione, smi t _ jinrLUEil£H, UUUUrIO, > N = bring about all that^s required. NoFomalo / i rATT^Q tTAUDQUWrCC! Shn / _™- ~ — _ — . ». ,-.. _ H ) should be without them. There is no ni«.!i- A CV ninciTC iinnri nenrcor tit ( lULDo, fIUAnOMIiOO, &C. ( i^ff'ff^lflllililil'Cl I O cine to be foand to equal BBECHAM'S < ( EXQUISITE MODEL. PERFECT FIT, (\ IM THE MIIRQCRV IT IQ IMVAIIIARIC V tUt %m Is H loa F» llfll Hi | | ( PILLS for removing any obstruction or ( GUARANTEED WEARi \ IN lHt KUHbtKI II Ib INVALUABLt. \ X I 1888 M IMI rt B Il_ i-O "regularity of the system. If taken accord- / T ■— ■ < Immediately it is taken Coughing S %J? gas is« 1118 I H I B IfatfaV ing to the directions given with each Box, ) (PATENT DIAGONAL SEAM.) i Ceases, Restlessness is gone, and (- ■ they will soon restore females of all ages to (| x^S«wtS?|*\ /i b n b 4 Refreshing Sleep ensues. ( sound and robust health, r rf^OjJ^cAiSi mTTTI \§l» mS ] Jfr. HIBD. vmLZAXS. Gmn<l TO««. Z>«f.. trrito : / ?° r ,, BJl;VeB^B J l; VeB^ S* 01 ! 11 !?. 11 ' Dfcertj™. (i( i M^pSf 'I' H W WJO Wi i In my experience of fifteen years I have found nothing \ ___ __ -_„ _ _ _ -— — | - — j^. f^^ IB SB ■ iPt > and all disorders of tho lIVCr, they net like '| «»K»V U&W&HW XXL JLJ X OtwW i !^ c .T UU B to £Stt,^' nd ' nnWl S fti!Frty Sii'O Oil I O °>«g'c, and a few do ? es will b«. found tc I I il J sold by all CUomlatgatlß.ua. and 2«.9a. f X* 5 ! E■ H M llfi ■?& fr^ I I I o\ \ WOrk wonderß n P on the mos * Im PO r n ti>J 't < IMM M ™^ f Prepared only by a. Hatma* js Co., London, England. J BM 8 H HI IE #^klW| tt^ H BLIaW (organs in the human machine. They 1 WWM® 1 •mioioioio Agents- « V B^ Rbß ■■ MB' ■B■ ■■ « ■ ■ ■ ( strengthen the whole muscular system, re- \ I 4: iQSi(I4 BaßHffn^ P 1 2 I Kemtthow?b. Pitoggßß & Co., AnekianJ. % - j' ( store She long lost complexioD, bring back ( //arrMv^. Wviivbl I " i» — MSß^B— l—a — ■ ) ( the keen edge of appetite, and arouso into J //rafcMl^^v Patented in Enrfand an<i I ■ > actson « wit^ the " sebud Of health ' tbe ? fJlfllWSSk on the Continent S 1 *-% a Ttmrrkxv « • • m* SOB sm i«% ft n n nei| «^ MBk B ■ ■ ) whole physical energy of the human frame, I. Smi htm M^^ f OAUriOJN 111 i^ |F" I gj II M llfl'&fl WSU I I %^ i Thes9 are ffLCts 1 " 1146^ b y thouson^s. i' Will not split in the seami { «^^^ V^ V^ >N^ X^ >-^ 1 |s% gfH g ram JS IjaaH «n^ wt^ I I I ■« ' embracing all classes of society; and one of i nor tear in tho fabric. a .. V ill If hj,a Ir& Syfl & M 3 I IL_&_^Jr ) thebest guarantees to tho nervous and de- X m^^ ..„„„ «.,,^ — ! " El^rt WTQFPI? AT " (f( f WFfaßiß^lirllWl%# ■ ■ *"""^ # bilitatedia BEECH AM'S PILLS have the ? THE QUEEN SAYS :- i\ IWSVII IWSil%l^«li I largest sale of any Fatent Mefticinein tho A "Admirably modelled, exquisitely neat ana 41 .J&fftSb^. «. n . nn ...«_. l i world, | strong, and the workmanship all that could bi ! 4K^S»l!wi (TBADH MASK) / fc ( desired." I AND CORDIALS. ] D C LU iI n III © riLLOiAu % tt Ztß^&r::Z tB^&r::t B^&r::i r Zl 33 T int \ &(^^Mh^£3' 4\ riONJJ to .prlng «p. many ef them DTTBBLI S ) %mfi^^tefc--<^' -p? I: | de in , W . "i" 1 i ssssassssa.^ tas&r^is S nrrnniil'O fill I G P " p " cdb7 i J?!'>4 b lf 2 toseethatthaTradaJSMkioftheMONTSßßßAT \ IJ M_ i_ 1 B B-^ fll ilfl %& B Q S T II SI GCII il !!■ I Colours and shades in Italian Cloth. Satin Coiihl, t OOMPANT (Umlted), and tn« BOLB OOH- / W%. a B^ aB Hb iWi H» a^ | g & B^ < Mm ** ■** * ( also in the New Sanitary Woollen Cloth, at Prices || iIGEBES, an on tho Oapinl* of each Bottle. Ths A ÜBmLaOl I Tall 3 %S a BeSSßW^^' ST. HELENS, LANCS. Jto Suit all Purchasers. " word •• Hontierrat " b also flnly Begiitered as n C B» r Baa S»a ■• ■ » » «■ •■ . V ■B«ajiE%p->-- r»<f\ii p» rvifssr* Al a || TridiUark. LccalpraoeedlncswiuU Instituted J A TH&Eh. GOLO RSfeDAi,£f. J tjaioit all portOUSinrrinalDgthM* Trade UMk». '| M Caution.— Beware of worthless imitations. \\ — — | k (, Every (jenuino "4^ & N Coiscfc is stamped "Y&N 2 WrtOlO, ilimi A \ A PATENT DIAGONAL SEAM No. 116," in oval 5 J BATIDSOH BWI., 535 SosSNt fttMt, Bycla«7. '| . < : — ~r» —> t^ r< ■ rr^ — = . « — f . ■ ■ ■ .1 | "> on the lining. ] mJl^^M^oST^nib >^^ < ,^ h^ <> .. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«.♦♦„♦♦♦♦ -«««•••••«•««« DoM ri»°*r*»««^««« f^ROWLANDi' KALYDOR?f —^ tTtoS "smra pmht M^^lMSb '$ AND REFRESHING MILK FOR THE jEr^^. J. JCaJCM >& larif JL affiS jS3AAi^ -M, &g*J&.& : 3sk «fe s^ ¥-^^^ffl liUSKJuAriillS UiiUiNlU I kwbbock-b mum i.i>>u.i oax. .^r?!, A HOS-GHITTiT TOOTH POWDER. I. WMteoa the J @IZ% ""TSSESS^ESSSSSIZS^SSLS?**""' JtS^l f Teeth, Prevents Decay, and Sweetens the Breath. Ask any > E3S'4s3fe&?J KJiTnrraH^CJSt^W k»»ob*»»*« KU4«Rwta« E»«.J.wi<t». P'^^ITEH % KUWLATJUb MlltLEbjOlZU, HailOlrtraraenS,LOnaon)l!flglail(l. < p BSGrasMWCsaK'eai Kfla.»*jp aa:*»&ti»i43 oax. ■?*££■> aT**«s I —^— — — ■ -i — | VAADE MAPK* s.w**-a asii««fe Si: O B B B ©• 1) Kcibbuck's Paints, Oils, *nd Yanilshes are tii« 1)684, and therefor©, tho cheapest, | uran-BMANT jamb* ulistih. | THOMAS HUBBUCK AND SON, LIMITED, J A^^^fe^ r^rS^'^^ir^^^Vu^^S^^ J "♦"Siig^r"* s^» LIME S^.. LOMBOIT, SLC3- !""^^T^ I if WILL HOT TOUCH THE HUMAN HAHD. X -« ATT riT> T3B A 'SvTT^ T TT'P'PTr 9 A fPTTJ^S ATT ( #^ /? eonu!n« Without tho 6!gQ*ture» B. 3. JAldriH nnd J JAM Si- ) |KFX*.AJJ V#A» JJ&VA&.i.IA/ dfaa W **«.«-* h^-s.-. -i •**.» wi«a W^^^^ llf p^^^^P^l^^^^^A,^ S i: Pra^a?od «Epv»a3y foj all SdaAi of MHaiag Maefeiaery, I / • / V.-Si-W-.-.-vSREd V-. eillngtonjiiOOKß.TO^iaiTT.RndCo .Melbrmm^. X " " n^^^^^; »5^ f * J<i****t*mr&*^& gjh)siA,ii:kS BRO?. Sydnry, Brisbane. Hnd Ltuacec^on; E3H? (' !U sTT r\T> T-s t-» 75 -kt r\ V*. 7* YTVp-PC? 5 TTK T> "RTTOtTTrO 1 ' j^Sh^^P^^s { .^^^ '^HT* ftHr-^S^lO^j, S| TRADE HAKK. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEIT^ 0? THEIR NAME AND TRADE MAEK. TIIASE MARK, ) Box*'* SSAWUFAOTL'«BK o? i.HH ofiioiHAL Aiiy osi.3 S| Tliese Goods can 1)0 obtained from all Wholesale Iroumougcrs and Dealers in all the Colonies. )j ••&aEIi'ISEyLISTS»> M ?A2lS€sS!'j:-(. BSSSSS.SSSr^jD. « AHSTBAIiIAISr OF5 l ICJC-34 Q.UJLEJST ST.. MHSIL.B<Z>XTES,JSr.-gI. Printed «r the Ot»*J DiOy Tlmw tnd Wltncw Newipswri Oamway (Lli&lted) by Jpsuw Lw, of Elrfn road. Mtf nfawton, OH paftllßhod by Bobut Nobl* Aj)ak», of High itieet Rojlfb. M the Re*lit«ed office of tha Company Dowllng/Htah, ' »nd Mnonndrew luieii, Dunedlp on XHVRSDAY, toe loth any of August 1899

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Otago Witness, Issue 2008, 18 August 1892, Page 48

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Page 48 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 2008, 18 August 1892, Page 48

Page 48 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 2008, 18 August 1892, Page 48


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