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OR fl WIIFfIRn HAITS ffcßB 111 AT Iltf Wßß"^iiffl niAASlMlPin^f THE GREATEST HEALTH-RE-un Hi fglltunu nfILL O B NJL a H |dVH ifclWl!! ili^i iiWMSw storing remedy yet • 'rtgP&TJ' "WITHOUT ■4F**H The Best Preventive and Blood Purifier in the World. The treatment is unfolded iv the HEALTH PAMPHLET, a prescription of 48-pages. Price (posted), LI. Many thoustndg <t3Pfcs^ JL 3VEESDXCX3VIB> *^*^"^ ■"■ who have purchased the Pamphlet would not give up the use of the treatment for all the money in the World. "Dr Hall says :— Let it be distinctly understood of the new treatment. I consider Dr Hall's state- Cut this out and sign with one witness, and are amazed to see me out tripping about in the constitution has been renovated and brought into lhat this is no scheme of quackery to draw money ments as true in every particular. He has in my send with £1 to Dr Halls agent, Geo. H. morning and looking so well. I would not give first-clnss working order by my blood being made out of the afflicted, nor is it any sort of a patent opinion made the most valuable discovery of this Nichols, Shortl.ind street, Auckland (opposite up the use of Dr Hall s treatment for all the pure. Life now is enjoyable. Words cannot exmedicine humbug, since there is not a grain of or any other age for the purpose of combating Star office),* who wi'l forward the pamphlet by nionoy in the world. My statement can be corro- press all that ought to bo said in favour of this tnedicine of any kind required in the treatment, diseased action in the human system, be the type return mail. borated by several storekeepers in Nicholson hygienic, health-restoring process, which I am takes directly hold what it may I consider the price —^w»w« street-Very truly yours, M. O. CutiibeutsoN. mire stands unrivalled m the world. If I had it of the worst classes of dyspepsia, liver complaints, merely nominal when compared with the inestim- TESTIMONIALS. before I got ill it would have saved me from all headaches, constipation, heart disease, incipient able value of the discovery. It is just as accessible (Copy.) Mephan Ferguson, Esq., Engineer, Leicester my suffering and a large amount of _ money. I consumption, diabetes, and Brighfs disease of the to everybody under his method of selling it, by 50 Ca j street North Melbourne. street, Melbourne, 23rd April, 1892. am perfectly sure ■ of that j. I .have received enough kidneys, including fevers and inflammation of the first requiring a pledge of honour, as would be M , T> Hall's A^nt Dr. Wilford Hall's Agent, 5 Gertrude street, lungs and other internal organs-not by attack- adocto^s prescription, for which he might charge Mr Hern, Dr Hall s Agent. Fitzroy. that I would not take all the money in Australia Ing these so-called diseases directly, but by radi- the same price. In both cases the remedy is free Dear Sir,-I have been a sufferer for the last 30 Dear Sir.-While in America, about eight a, nd be without it-Very truly yours, T. A. cnlly neutralising and renvving their causes, to all who are willing to pay for it. . . . It is years from bile and bilious headaches, and have mon ths ago, I purchased one of Dr Hall's Health SXn^ 7T"«j 11 vi t • 4. * thus allowing nature herself to do her work un- without doubt the true secret of longevity, and is tried almost everything and obtained no relief, all p amp i lle & A & ns 1 ha d previously experienced v ictona Foundry, 7, 9, and 11, Victoria street, Impeded. as valuable to those in health as in sickness, pro- the doctors treatments having failed. I began to atta & s of giddiness, &c, I determined to put the T fcSSlnn, , JftJ ul l«f i!"' S, T We now simply repeat that the new treatment moting sound sleep, perfect alimentation, free- think I should never be better. I was advised to treatment into immediate and practical applica- ,J^ a J™ r U™??} ll £ "5 «&?_) &/?£*' P'sJXSVi acts so radically and fundamentally upon the dom from weariness under exertion, and a sure try Dr Hall's Hygienic Cure, and the result is mar- ti j had no difficulty in applying it, and to fe f /Iw Irt t' Wifv Iw T t JaHh vital circulation, without the least danger to the protection of the circulation from impurities.-J. voUous. Mine being a very serious case, having that ! surpr i se d a t the truly wonderful £>' Y/Jnnefit ftSm ite «o anrt S»vp inSElf Zm most delicate constitution, that there is not a Huestis, M.D." suffered so long, 1 had to be very careful But re | H it 8 following its adoption would only be ex- S^Hnd ft to nSw i^fh 1 Sr3^^?« form of disease that-flesh is heir to which will not OVER -- 000 UNSOLICITED TESTIMONIALS now X ,f(s, f( s yc . ars 7° u °S er tllan h « n ., l + c , om " pressing myself mildly. In fact, I was astounded. ?l™* cd i lt re °?ffiJ! n e t q V 'ites tnonev well he ftfiWl-pfl favmimhlv in thp Tiatient by an in- v v jua, a>,wni vlNftUljl^llHiUv lNftUljl^llHiU iMiiowiiiAua. menced the treatment. I have applied it three fc: nr< , 4h Pn T i,,vi. rwrmimnnHofi nil mv fripnild to them. 1 regard tne amount 1 paid as money well tellS us^ a <S ms Method of trXent y (A large sheet posted to any address.) times a week for the first two months, and twice gn<^ tj "j"^ ff h f satLfactfon of laid out-Youw respectfully, William Phillips. In selling this pamphlet we are obliged tore- These Testimonials are genuine, and any one a week since, and am now as free from all signs of se eing several of them follow my advice, with the •nvwnwr-wa quire a "Pledge of Honour" from those purchas- can have a proof of them. Sick persons can cure biliousness as though I had never been troubled mos tbeneficial results iv every case. lam still „ x«r « • « , V^l' • ing it not to show or reveal its contents outside of themselves, and be free from doctors or medicines with it, It is with the greatest gratitude I ex- recommen dinß it to every sufferer I meet, and sev5 cv - £• 4; • Crisp, Geelong, Victoria, their own families. This is for our own protec- for the remainder of their lives. press my thankfulness for the cure.-Yours truly, wi n con sider it my duty to do so, until your Rev. S. Knight, Wesleyan Parsonage, Prahran, tion, and as the ;only means by which our just Joseph Harrison, . nut and bolt maker at Health Pamphlet will be so widely known that it Melbourne. rights in this discovery can be maintained. JOHN HERN, Carlton Foundry, Leicester street, Melbourne. w m be a crime to be ill. You may depend on my g« v - £ Nail, Balaclava Melbourne. Doctors, of course, who purchase are not debarred -nmTTiirv ctpttft iri<?T MFT -ROTTRXF Nicholson street Footscrav 13th Adul 1802 doing all in my power for the sake of suffering pVIp Vl tw n 'ai^ !fp' wf°n, mC from using the treatment in their own practice, 30 BOURKE STBBBT BAST, MBLBOUBJSJs., Wicaoteonsti^ looteciay, utnApm io.«. humanity to spread abroad your wonderful little Key. T. W.Dunn, Albert Park, Melbourne, providing they do not show the pamphlet or do , Is appointed by Dr Hall to be his Mr J.Hern.-Dear&ir.-I am delighted to give k There is no beating about the bush with Rev. G. A. Weller, Bendigp, Victoria, not reveal the rationale of the treatment .» AGENT FOR AUSTRALIA; iH it is plafnconcfse, and fan readily be under- EPn«e, Esq., of Price, rfogarth and Co., ElizaDr Stevens, of Syracuse N. V was the first .._ lreatment has done for my distressed body during ,tl n j an H nut intn nrarHri> hv unv nnc Thpfirifc beta street, Melbourne. MVt^ho^^aTedtton'ewtaitmeni^ AND AT SHORTLAND ST., AUCKLAND the last seven weetaL "avo been a great suf. CM. Hall, Esq., Dentist, Exhibition street, more than 20 years ago. In writing to a friend, mn^.it,. Shr nm/ri ' f f r er for the last eight years from rheumatics in conßide iing its great value. I still continue the Melbourne. about a year ago, he lives the following:- (Opposite Star Office). all my nerves, neuralgia, and constant recurring tw^nMntfand^ attaining a perfect state of «?▼• Geo - Falkingham, High street, Prahran, " Nearly 20 years aeo in this city Dr -. .^ j -ZT" __ „ ,_. , ... bilious attacks, with most distressing headaches, vp.ui, - n H viVmir nltr>rrpftif»r unhnnpri fnr Afv Melbourne. , £Steßg*aa±af&jdb S Kil?S»^&iS sa^s^KK^if m s SlsESisSl^s oLMB&F- *r*™*ssSasreffisstftesitfSS l s SF^£! B lHSii3i sissf -—*«»> "*• "— «^rss»fe»a»s time of his first mention of it to me I have been who will certify that Jam Dr Halls ge nume various drugs and patent medicines. I took Dear Sir,-I believe that I would render a !g ood, Publishing Company, Limited., Melbourne :- entirely satisfied that it saved him from a linger- agent, and not infringing on mm in any way. Seigel's Syrup twice everyday for over a year, service to poor suffering humanity by giving a "Dear Sir,— l have used Dr Hall's remedy for mc consumption and death. I learn that he has T also 11 bottles of Warner's Safe Cure, four large true statement of what Dr Hall s Hygienic treat- some months with beneficial effect. I havo alao persistently continued the treatment to the present PLEDGE OF HONOUR. bottles of Clement's Tonic, and still I was getting ment has done for me. I have been a great answered a great number of letters of inquiry time— 4o years in all— and that his present health Be it known that for the purpose of obtaining seriously worse, and thought my end very near; sufferer for the last 10 years from Rheumatism from friends, to all of whom I havo been iible, and vigorous condition may rightfully be com- from Dr A. WILFORD HALL the knowledge of but for my loved ones I would have been glad to and a complication of other ailments. My suffer- without hesitation, to recommend the treatment pared to the "bloom of youth," though hois his hygienic discovery, and for his treatment of have died. May God bless Mr Hobbs of this city ings have been very fearful at times-from the for almost any disease. This remedy is not a new nearly 70 years of age. The tests I have made of health and longevity, with the pamphlet unfold- for calling and telling me what wonders Dr Hall s crown of my head to the sole of my foot. On a quack cure, but a genuine and Bimple thing that the treatment upon myself and in my practice of ing the same, I hereby pledge my. word and new cure had done for him in a few days ! Seven sudden cold change in the weather it would must commend itself to the intelligence of every the 20 years past have convinced me that great honour not to show the pamphlet or reveal its weeks ago, when I procured Dr Hall s Health cause a great lump to rise on each side of my person who uses it. It has accomplished wonders practical benefit will be derived by members of contents to anyone, nor allow it to be seen by any Pamphlet from you, I was getting rapidly worse, head, and so severe was the pain I could only for many of my acquaintances in this city." the medical profession and others from a careful person; nor will I use the treatment with any and had lost all hope of being better. My hus- move with greatest care. I had suffered so much study of the rational* of the treatment as dis- others except the members of my own family, band and I were astonished at the wonderful new and se long, and took so much iodine and potash, Charles Birch, of El Dorado Springs, Mo., covered by Dr Hall, the details of which he pro- from each of whom a promise shall be exacted not discovery disclosed in the book. lat once deter- and bushels of various kinds of drugs, enough to writc3 18th January. 1892 :— poses to give in his forthcoming book. A debt of to reveal the treatment to others. mined to give over everything else, and give it a kill a hoisc, until my system was fairly poisoned " Dear Dr Hall,— l bought one of your Health gratitude will; surely be due him for whatever This pledge does not debar the physician who fair trial. _ I have carefully carried out the dircc- throughout I felt and looked old and miserable Pamphlets about two weeks ago, and havo been scientific advances he maybe able to unfold in the may purchase the pamphlet from using the treat- tions, which are easy and simple ; and now what at 42, and I felt sure that the beginning of the end practising the hygienic treatment daily since. I line of assisting nature to ward off disease, and in ment with his patients, provided, however, he it has done for me is most marvellous. I cannot had commenced with me. My veins were have doctored for years, and no doctor ever helped the restoration of health.— R. F. Stevens, M.D." does not show the pamphlet nor reveal to them find words to express all the praises it deserves, knotted, and I told my doctor that I felt paralysis me or could tell what ailed me, and I myself did Dr Jesse Huestis, of Columbus, Ohio, referred the rationale of the treatment. Irom helplessness, seven weeks ago, lamup at a setting in on me, which it proved to be. _ ' notknow until this morning, when I passed about to in our personal statement in April "Micro- c . , ... At -,a quarter to G every morning doing my household At this critical juncture, through a neighbours one quarter of a pint of gall stones. Now I would cosm" as the second M.D. to whom the new treat- &ignea tnis aay 01 10 duties. lam really almost like anew creature, persuasion, who had rapidly been cured by Dr not take all I am worth and give up the use of ment was revealed, writes to a brother physician I used to be kept awake night after night with Hall's treatment of a serious attack of influenza, your treatment, for it has done me so much good. who had inquired of him concerning the pamph- „,„„ pn pain. Now my night's rest is enjoyatflo. My I obtained aDr Hall s Phamphlet from ypu, and —I remain, yours truly, let: — Aaaress x.v biliousness, sick headache, and neuralgia have now, after five months use of the wonderful "no " Charles BIRCH " "You need have no doubts concerning the merits ONE WITNESS for ever gone; the store people and neighbours medicine" cure, I feel like a young man at 20. My And hundreds of others. NOTICE,— THE FOLLOWING AFFIDAVIT AND EXTRACTS FROM LETTERS CONFIRM J. HERN'S APPOINTMENT AS AGENT FOR DR A, WILFORD HALL'S HYGIENIC PAMPHLET •'- [Copy.] Wilford Hall's Hygienic Treatment for the 4. Mr John Hern has been fully authorised to agent, do solemnly and sincerely declare that Dr any way, being still in full force. And I make Queen street, Melbourne, 10th June 1892. Cure of Disease Without Medicine." advertise and sell the said pamphlets in all WILFORD HALL, of New York, America, this solemn declaration conscientiously believing t i,™ +*,;= a tifi^ e « *ii -r>«A 2. That John Hern has been specially author- c Tha t M*r HeiVTs^iillv authorised to a»noint APPOINTED me as his agent for the sale of his the same to be true and by virtue of the provisions ceJta^letters &B? A^Wilfo'rffilf^New «?<* b > »* A Wilford Hall to give up the 5 - Agents 6 m lustrX fS "thS saleTSr Health Pamphlets all over the Australian colo- of an Act of the Parliament of Victoria rendering York (Hall and Co.), to John Hern, Esq.', of Mcl- t °V f J'rt^ll^ij'Si.u -™uw Hall's work. ' nies. This appointment confers upon me the persons making a False Declaration punishable bourne. »«.«•!• of selling the aforesaid pamphlet, with a jam convinced that the letters of appointment right of disposing of his pamphlets, as instructed ; for wilful and corrupt perjurj .-Declared at Mel. In this correspondence it is clearly stated :— wlo * aueviailOD 0I bickucss. are g enu j ne . further, to appoint sub-agents, and also requests bourne, in the colony of Victoria, this 11th day o 1. That John Hern has been duly appointed Dr 3. That it is Dr Hall's desire that no other (Signed) G. G. Turri, F.M.I.P. A. me to devote myself exclusively to the bus'ness. June, one thousand eight hundred and ninety A. Wilford Hall's agent for Australia for person whatever shall clash with the said I, JOHN HERN, of 30 Bourke street, Mcl- The appointment, which bears date 23rd May two.— JOHN HERN, the sale of the pamphlet entitled "Dr A. John Hern in any way. bourne, in the colony of Victoria, commission 1891, still holds good, and is not invalidated in Before me— ALEX. M'KINLEY, J.P.

Business Notices. MINERS' GUM BOOTS— Wholesale and Retail. —J. WATSON, Importer, George street, Port Chalmers, and Lower Uattray street, Dunedin, has on hand (direct from the makers) the following brands of Mining and Fishing Thigh Dull Finish Rubber Boots :— Empire, 19s 6d ; National, 22s 6d ; Union, 255 ; Stout's Snagproof, 26s 6d ; Stout's, with leather soles, 30s. Knee Boots, 15s 6d, 19s 6d, 21s, 22s 6d, Wool or Rubber-lined. One pair posted to any part of New Zealand for Is extra. Letter orders promptly attended to.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2007, 11 August 1892, Page 14

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Page 14 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 2007, 11 August 1892, Page 14


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