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RIVALS MANY -EQUALS NONE. FYFE & 1011, THEOREM BARfiAi DISTRIBUTORS ONLY WE ADDBpS : 68, f§ \ mi 72 r JffIQSGKB STEEIT, DTJNEDIN. :■' ~ - I»A.IfcOEX.S CARRIAGE I»A-II>. IMPORTANT NOTICE and Ouming, the Ori^inafow of the Great Parcel Distributing System, while thwiking their Patrons for the very liberal patronage bestowed on them during the past six years would earnestly Caution- them from being, deceived by IMITATORS <fc OU'MlN»"iir^Bkensive Buyers Of Ooldnbl and Foreign Gdodß for which they, pay CASH and -feet LAEGB. iDISOOUtfTiB Whence feom'a point of yaiue .their ,GqojJs(,hav;^na t EquaL ■ Ai -Mi* Gaming 1 has left Idr London, in order to personally superintend our business there, we are confident of offerinfc-ih fuMre^befcter thin iVer. lo 6ur continually increasing buiiness gives us .• free hand to buy verj large parcela— in fact, quantity is no object if the price is right. We therefore ask your liberal support, knowing that you cannot possibly equal elsewhere the value we offer. . . . , Post Office Orders, and Segues to fee made Payable to^Eyfe Mi fuming. C&h 'orJSrotesmay U Seiitin Eegistered Letters. OOUtfTRY (JHEQUJBS MUSTHAYE BXOHANGE ADDED. XU,^ OBPJB&&" MUST liM ACOfIMPANIED WITH POSTAL ORDERS, OHEQUErOB NOTEa

FYFB AND CUMING would call the. at- >»HH 'L4DIBS' PARCBt, *M, PoifFree J^AXFTIPnii^, StLK-ElNia&«^?4B3fc, 1 l^ m^S a ! im a T^T TT RB^ B J P ? ST FOR 3s . 6^~ A ?P lendi J tentionof their country patrons to the Xto any address -in New Zeaiatfd, eMfcin* p dss^ %f E f atvfe«N DRESS-equal in If VETEBNS.-Special Purchase. A hand- X 1 satin de chnie, wear-resisting, mn-projrf Testimonial in the centre of their Parcels. F. the foUowing useful lots.— l Lady's Black, apptarance and wear to % Bilk ,v^lvefcrW*b Lin-.. spme,Te?veteen Dress for SO*. This Parcel con- (with latest styles in crook and knob and Chold hundreds of simUar testimonials Plain Norfolk,, or Braided, Cashmere .Jersey jngs.> and ITranmfngs complete for % This tains^ ISyds lovely Velveteen^ in new shades handles). This marvellous i bargain sent Post from'alHrf«ts"of'HeVVZeaWna. '"Send for a J&ket,"three sues, Smail Lady'e, Medium, or. parcel containt I2ydfl rich silk-finifified fait myrtle grenat; sultan,car^nal,brown,terra cotta, Free to any address— oarefoJly and securely Parcel, ermine 1 it, show it to Jour friends, and Large; 1 Pair Nice, Flexible, iPerfecfe-Fittmg. pUe velveteen in the following flhadefr-^myttle, ftc./ftc; 3yds tinsel Trimming,- 6yds Lining; packed. if you are not perfectly satisfied you can return Coraefa ; 1 Lovely Trimmed Long-cloth chemise, navy, , grenat, maroon, terra cotta, new' red, and : and 2do« pretty Buttons. F^ee by Post tor ZUa. „,„., , . ■ it and have your mosey refunded. - 1 PairKnioker Drawers trimmed embroidery, mid and dark brown; 3/ds new tinsel^ Q»mp :—: — \\ — — = — : ' .5 * v -r- r » • ' 1 Plain Night Drew, 1 Pair Black Kid iTBp (for trimming), 2do« pretty Buttons to match, /^TENTLEMEN'S 52s PARCEL sent by Par- • iw> . mr , ...-.^-.^ ' «„„„«,«.„ "1 ! •. . - •■- ' rr Gloyes, 3yds lovely washing SUk Neck Ribbon, and dyds of liaing for the dress. The, complete 'fjf* eel Post— l Suit any size of real Colonial T ADIES' MACINTOSH or DUST CLOAK FVPR! Awn nn*rr>f«'S Vto 1 DRESS any "colour. When ordering this Pa.Tc«l kindly parcel sent, carriage paid —Rail or Posfc-for Tweedr-?the most wonderful suit you have ever -1-i (in fawn, grey, or brown), 6s 0s free by parohl oontVinn' Swi dafk\SiD«d state Si«e of Jacket, Corsets, and Glove* .Yw SSt. When ordering please mention colour re- wen ; I Woollen Undershirt, 3 threefold Linen post to any address. We bought 500 Macin- • Bte^GkAVd?fa^W%a)n^eoSEd will be pleated, with the Extraordinary Valaa quired. Velveteens are the latest novelty in Collars, 3 pair Merino or Woollen Socks, 2 nice toshes *t half landed coat price-the quality . Hy,wiorpan»i^oßs. . -{ j^ containß a . beautiful Twied Uliter in I. Spring Bank, order; we guarantee-satiflfaction; Don't 5 think Kindly ; mention bizq when ordering. rt — t; V- - - •' — T~: ~ i the , new Russian Cloak shape, threw sfssc— I May 19, 1891. .w^are goiog to make anything out of you ; we , •1^... • (.wwi. rirtorawfa extra large ladies, medium ladieo.'and IHiSSBa Fwji and, Cmasa. , f>sj want you* confidence, and when you are in \ v. : W*iQLMM,«z}&P* ( 22 S > junall ladies; abeautiful Fur Boa for the neck, Wlil voa Dleftie '„-,. the Velveteen Dunedin-oaU andsee ub and takebaoktothe rr , EE NBW NiIV Y BLUB PRINCESS "£L I SS^o^fwkKCTmaSn l n V P fc f wwm 2?S et * ?&?£< pS (Se ae^u^^dTpl o?yiS country^ome of our itartling bargains. T^»^OHB^EJAOTt22!S fgjggyaerstf srev mHBtADMgHALg6OINiii^ 8 pSSE3?ksrass±! W* s S3E a SSSS fiSSrMKS* Bail or^Port for 15s. T I^^f «f i^SKLYi J.S M» send foi tliem "arid they ttiink yoir Parcels JJ^^^iSjjSSfa J? tefcZS wonderful Jacket sent Free by Post or RaU for - f :■:■"■■ — : : r- HvL^7n Zl ij^L^wf^L fiSPiSS? «c very good.-Youw truly, ffifc*ttff g .lS fe l« t£™K 5- Ud. You wiU be delighted with this wonderTweed in three sues— v«., extra large laaies, I * ■ v ».r««i. with the buiineM we must clear them at once. f n ]h*Mr»in Rand** nni» m wah«B»ni« sn tWFfI AND OUMJNa'S NO. 2.-, medium ladies, atfd smafl ladies. .Sent Free by M R^&Sr'ir^w This valuable ahd splendialyassorted parcel toatoSP^ ' JaT "W.iWritoed DreJs-the lateit Wrt.« BMjWriOi.W.; In ordering please ""ftSS&JSST 1 "eot, carriage paid, for 20s. mßtoCk> "a&4&££^ ' tote^ Chtf^ th^ WWa^ W^^- l.n^Mi.^^^SSaaaarfi «LACK 1 SPECIAL BIG _ m mnvaa k , .r , v ? sSSSSSSiV^S BLANKETS SHEETS AND.QUILT H^ I -fif S«tST iß^l^S^ttfifiLZS . bySst%vSaS^.^^K^Parcel war- JEt P/^EL, f i^ali&g. 1 pj.r MgW t ' ■j,;• i; N i-J r/turertSto^MßlaeJrCi^mW^and^iwai^nd ©Jovm in tariffed blickfl ; .ny site. Post free raafedto%i**Biti.f action. « ~'» V-^ Am B^.W v41v 41 WP VrHC^BTH^fll VHLVHTHBNSt VHi-T burcountryeußtomerß*yds lovely Black Cash- for3s9dj 3 pairs, 10s Ud. f^sr^^^^^-^ J b»;%^ge siae-white honeycomH V -B^ESSSi ffit mere with Wintag attached, Byds Lining, and — *—: ■ *— very heavy make jl pair of good white ,«. J AV EW B ffioM'g ,?do«pretty Buttons, for M. We guarantee ------------------------------- THE MAIDS' ULSTER PARCEL, 7. « ■f^SMj*^-*^*'* W^« lotthI otth >****« UR SPECIAL VALUE BLANKET PARcontains a pretty stylish Ulster in "»"'*»" *^> ** ; c black, sflk-finfthed Jndeetructible, fast; pile, ?*"* J ft? - < y \J CEL, 2ss (Beatitifyoucan), contains 1 pair useful, good-wearing Tweed, Sisea to fit girl *&, % ".' -I <-..;' Veiveteen ;i 3yds beaded, Oinap'; 2dox, pretty >vmiii nTTrrn'R Ttr.RTWifti'iixßnßT, «on double-bed Yorkshire Witney Blankets, syda from 10 to 15 yean of ag% In ordering XTID §L%YJB.Mp4tafpar special brand, iftfftoni; ana^ydsLinin^ -Thrwholelolaent T tains DrettvstvlMh^Ulster^o? little S "twng unbleached twiU Bheeting, and a hahdplaaM give length of back and measurement XV llasaWneh EdrGloves-lovely, wft, Free by Post or Bail, 20s. Velveteens art very £ m^\ P ll!%trla»i^ «ound4he chest. Maids' UllkrFarOfil SfiOt Fr«!i perfeefc-fittiag Glove. Sent pott free for ss«d; /ashipnable, both for trimmings and complete dve^encthof^kandmeMuMmentronDdi^e Oarriage paid to the near^tailway station for !VFoilorß^! V Foilorß^o f .]ljs!|^ f^^^^^^pairifor^^ „..«;. .#sfrf.%* | y .- ;J «^{ SESTwJSS PoflMrmU far 6 B^^ *'A*M^FU *"*

r , . \ BUT ONLT £N6LM W4TCHEB -BUT ONLY ENGLISH WATCffIS THB tUßOaafi^/AisrD M 9 & GOOD WATCH M^AHSMONHT i ; rl \ ,BAym AIjTBI-DW^I^^TME^IB AYOIDBD% ? A GOOD WATO^In6U^9 PLEASURE, And forms a Good Investraeot j-feut a Bad One leada to Worry, Loss of Time, and Money, World-famed BngUshLevers'BDJoy^afeGpttfidence of the World. TSeiiSap^o^i^Mid^alae oTerOtfa'eH«Qd^eirPopatarity inßviry Olim6ft ttipßest Proof of their Kxceyenpe and fiiue-keepiDg QaalitiesV Spend your Money Wisely, and Secure the Best Value by Purchasing from the Manufacturers. ,-,..- „..,... STBWABtf DA-WSON^^Oo/Bqi^livliißTers^giMji^aftetnrSo? byTheiriselves. Are Imported by Th^seTves. ArVS'old by TL^seWes RBMBMBBR there are No MIDDLEMEN inUJXftCs's System, and No,Retail Profits. v • j llt ." '• ■---•--- " J " > B.lJ.ibbl's&ysi«mmalrM^ne'Watbb; , Sng'* go AJnlam.fiHw iWlfeeVi Trial B, D. A Oo.'t Syittoi finMrts «h*iWitoh ' :/ .B;*.' A Oo. > s : |yiS£'Apt)eals> Sense B. D. ft Oo.'s System GuarantMt the Watch S. D. ft Co.'s System Sells the Watoh _ §. D. & Oo.'t System goes Direot to ttfrtTfar - • ' - ' S.D.& tfo."* System leads tbe Van of VlOgrMß 5.1 J. ft Oo.>,Sy»tem Secure*. Ton Satisfaotjen . ■• whUe Competition lags Behind " |.S;*CtoH^femH»a^**6¥«etffll«6W "♦ ) -•-"*.— •. -- FIFTY THOUSAND T^SriMONIA^B from Wftren in All Parts inPratee of ' STEWART; DAWSONS & CO.'S II VERPOOL ENfILUH LEVERS. . XJQ & p. ft Co.'i Crystal front English Lever, much recommended for Colonial . V tJJie..T i as#a?Kfelme. fiighesTQaaKt^;' weUw«th£s. ' X»Q lA a B.D. &Oo.'« Grand Liverpool English Hunting Lever, every known im*w *VS p^TementidbH Balance. Defies all competition. Cheap at £6 6a. \l' . ; Beware of imitations: ■, >. --„..' . . jgA lAa 8. V?k Co.'i Sape'rD Ehtlish Hnnttnf Levers, 3 pairs extra jewels and real - -\f * •'.cßwnometerbalaneejtperfeotion.y Cheap at £7. . " l . £5 1 0« B. D. *Co 7« Magnificent Keyless Hooting Levers ; nlftfaest quality. Air, * v ?» damp, and dost tight. Worth £8 Bs. jD-TZ IAo s B. D. ft* OVs f-plate Bnflisb Hunting Leven. The model watch. Bxtra- **** *w» • ordinary value. £6 lOS B. D. & Oo.'s Grand |iplate Centre Seconds Chronograph Levers, Thon* *^^ sands in weat ; wfthput equal. Cheap at £10. , > £10 lOS 8.D.& Oo.'s English Double Minute and Seconds Independent Chrono* ** - CT graph Lever ; all English. The best sporting watoh in tbe world. Match- «> , less value. £1 9g fid. s - P> & C°'' a Sterling Silver Defiance Watches; the best lew-priced . ■ "- watch ever made. Hunter's ditto £1 16s, Ladies and Gents. BTBWABT DAWSON k\ CO. also invite Special Attention to their Splendid Stock of Ladles' ' and Gents' English Gold Levers in Every Variety, at Pricw Unapproachable. 8. D. Jl Oo.'s ladles' BnglUh 'Gold Lerars, US los S. D. ft Oo.'s Gents' Halt Chronometers, £35 S. D. ft Oo.'s Ladies' Hunting Gold Levers. £11 10s -B. D. ft Oo.'s Ladies' Keyless Gold Levers, #14 10s S. D. ft O».'i J9eflts' GoW Keyjef s Hunting, «18 10s 8. 0. ft Oo.'s Ladies' Gold Watoh (keyleit), m 10s ' B. D. ft 6o.s««nts' Bngliab Double Gold Chrone- S. D. ft Oo.'s Gents' ■■filth Gold Hunting Levers, , gt»pb*,.«s7 los andigso; ' . ■ «»10s |. D. ft Oo.VG«nts' lnfliik Gold Lever, «M 10s JEWELLERY. JEWELLERY. JEWELLERY In ALL THti NEWEST BLHGANT LONDON DESIGNS, Imported Direct, by 8. D. ft Co. Haw oontignments by every ateamer. The largait variety in New Zealand. Every article of gauranteed qaality, and about half the usual colonial »rioe«. a^tt* Kas*lTe«old.A3b«rt*, rfromlOs to 170* Gents' G*U Doable Unks and Studs, to., frtm 17s Ef*^tiM^ l &"&"%* iJSSKr Brooch and Barlag. In B.t». tromO UdH' 5S# Victoria Pattomi; from 46. to 90s e»tolts«d Ladies 1 GoM Bangles, Hsw DMlgns, from 8s Mto 86s Ladles' SHym Breochei, Hew Designs, from »6d to W^eeld Bracelets.^ handlomTfrcm ». to BrMeleti ,^ ,, M j« aii Sold ß3U.Brtc*h and Barings'; tifoa'aSs ;to fOi Ladies' BlegantSllver iAerts^Ts 6dto 17s fld a .,MW > lro»4.idtO % .^5k n »>d Udl«7 Gam and Sngagemint Blngi, fram its «d to Locfcta, Seals, *0., fplendld Assortment, from Si to wJEg and Keeper Blngs, from llsU« 10s - 1 Sterling Sllvtt Match Box* fro* 8s 6d to 40s Triton at weH a« raffdenja in Dcutedin will dp well to aall aed In»eet«nr Magnififlent Stock, ftto^ratod Pamphlet of Watches and Jewellery sent Post Free for M,in stamps. Watches foSrend fwe in any part of the Colony for Is 3d extra. AU orders and correspondence pleMO •^^Kmunuvu* % ca*u tiKecs stieet 4 whiedw.

0.1.C. THEPMPERY AMD , KMGRAL IMPORTIHfI COMPANY NEW ZEALAND, LIMITED, D.1.0. mHßCQMPAN|rj#ve ? now opened D.1.0. X Verj BkteruriV«s ; Bhipraents DJ.O. throoghout every Branch of their D.1.0. Large Business, and Invite Impeetion D.1.0. and Comparison. D.l O, isxtfs i - D.1.0. SX.^k3KnE£STJ9 - D.1.0. (in English, Scotoh, and Colonial), JM*9. # - lluu^elsi Gonnterpanei, Sheetings, D.1.0. Towels, Table Olothi, Hollands, ShirtD.IO. fogs, Flaanelottos. Sia COLONIAL DRESS TWEEDS. Dm -r~ D.1.0. f ANCT? DRESS GOODS OF DfO. 4 EVERY DBSORiriION. £1% Mantles, Cottnmes, Van, Millinery, n i n Underclothing, Baby Linen. DXa HOSIBRY. D.1.0. D.1.0. Gloves, Laces, Handkerchiefs, TrimD.1.0. miagß, Men's and Boys' Clobhini and D.1.0. Mercery. D.I.G. , , — ■ g;l;g: HOUSEHOLD FUfiNISHINGS. D.1.0. Carpets, Floorcloths, Furniture, Bed0.1.0. steads, Spring Mattresses, Crockery, DJ.O. Glass and China Ware, Cutlery. D.1.0. "i 0 .- HOUSEHOLD IRONMONGERY BUD 0F Dxo! BVBRV.DEBCRIPTION. DJ.O.' •ardeo Toolf, Bpadei, Rakes, Hedge D.I.G. Shears, Scytbes, Lawn Mowers, Dairy D.1.0. Utensils, 40* *0,, 40., D.1.0. — D.1.0. The Company beg to draw attention DJ.O. to their Large New Addition, where a £-J-£. MAGNIFICENT STOCK L'.I.U. - qj ■ j g{g; FANCY GOODS \ D.W. of fitvery Description may be found. DJ.O. - — - g}o. GOODS Dxa WMOUIALI WAII^HOUtI PRICES. DJ.'a TBBMS NBT CASH. , HIGH & RATTRAT STREETS, P. LAINCI, 8 aiLLENSTHm, Manag«c. CJtwiwaaa of DUatt—

AUTUMN NQPSEII&S 1891 AUTUMN NOVELTIES AUTUMN, TOJSLTIES 18&1 AUWMN NOVELTIES AUTUMN NOVELTIES 1891 AUTUMN NOVELTIES BROWN, EWING, AND CO, Are now, showing in the various department! (ex-Tongariro and Araw») tht Newest Productions for Autumn and early Winter Wear. Mr Ewing, who gonjinjies the Home buying, has taken every advantage of J the depression existing in the manufacturing districts, and the values now procurable from as cannot be equalled. Where not convenient to make a penonal selection kindly send for samples and quotations. ku^|^_^Bav d^BW ß^p^^pk a^p^^o|a^^p^^^a^^fi^^^p^^oK^ B. E.k CO.'S Bpeeialtiai Firstalaa.DMifmaking B. B. k OO.'B Specialties EnWoi TaUorihg ■-< B. B. k OO.'S Spcoialtiea Firsbrdaa Mantle Makfag B E.k OO.'S Specialties First-class Millinery Makinf B. B. k CO.'S Specialties Acourate in Fit B, B. & OO.'S Specialties PerfeofcinCufc B. B. & CO.'S Speeialtiea Boonomtcal is Wear B B k CO.'S Specialties We Make a Rale to Tarn Oat B. B. k OO.'S Specialties Everytnine ia Al Stjle at B. E. & OO.'S Specialties , The LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE. GENERAL DRAPERY AND HOUSE FURNISHING OT THI NEWEST A BEST DESCRIPTION. BROWN. EWING, AND CO., PRINCES AND MANSE STREETS, DUNSDIMT.

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Otago Witness, Issue 1949, 2 July 1891, Page 9

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 1949, 2 July 1891, Page 9

Page 9 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 1949, 2 July 1891, Page 9


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