3 The March show in connection with the Taieri r Amateur Horticultural Society was held in the 7 Volunteer Hall, at Mosgiel, on Saturday, and . was very well patronised. Something like 454 1 entries were received for the show. This is somea what of a falling off as compared with the March l show of last year, when there were 530 entries. | The decrease in the number of entries was con3 fined to cut flowers and fruit, there being a f slight increase in pot plants and vegetables. fc The best sections of the show were undoubtedly r those allotted to fruit and vegetables. The display ms.de in both of these sections was exceed- • ingly good— indeed, much better than that made 3 at the recent Dnnedin show. Some of the fruit 3 was of excellent quality, and the s ime remark " applies to vegetables. A special prize of a silver 1 medal was given by Mr Charters for the most 1 points made in vegetables at the March and 7 January shows, and this was carried off by Mr 1 D. L. Christie, who also secured a special prize : for the best collection of apples, pears, and • plums. Some very fair pot plants were shown ; also some very nice out blooms. Conspicuous P among the latter were two stands of dahlias sent ' [ in for exhibition only by Mr H. M. West, of the | North-Bast Valley. These were similar to those noticed by us in our reportof the Dunedin show. In addition to the flowers there was a fine exhibit of honey — extracted and in the comb j. — on view. This was shown by Mr W. C. Brown. Daring the afternoon and evening the visitors to the hall were entertained by a number of selections on the piano, which were contributed by ladies and gentlemen at intervals. The following is the prise list : — Pot Plants.— Beat one plant soarlet geranium Two entriei— Alexander Sino'air 1, W Smith 2 and 3. One light fuohsia. Two entries -S Sinclair 1. Alexander Sinclair 2. One dark fuchsia. Four entries— S Sinolalr 1, & Thompion 2. A Sinclair 3. Four plants ferns. One entry — Mr G Howell 1. Two tricoloured geraniums. Two entries —Miss Smith 1, ? S Sinclair 2. Three pot plants, distinct genera. t Three entries— W Smith 1, S Sinclair 2, Miss B M'Kay 3. - Two plants geraniums, light and dark., » One entry— James Orosbiel. One liftht geranium. l Five entries— S Sinclair 1, James Crosbie2, John Brown 3. Two plants balsam, distinct varieties. Two 1 7 entries— G Thompson 1, W Smith 2. Two plants 5 petunia, distinct varieties. Tbree entries— Mi»s C Nimmo 1 and 2, A Sioclair 3. One plant show' • pelargonium. Two entries— James Crosbie 1. One ■ plant fuohsia. any variety. Two entries— Mr G ■ Thompson 1, James Cro&ble 2. Two foliage plants, distinct varieties. Three entries— S Sinolalr 1, 1 James Orosbie 2, G Thompson 3. One plant , geranium, double. Six entries - John Brown 1 and a, G Thompson 3. One specimen plant - James • Croabie 1, Miss B M'Kay 2. ' I Special Pbwes.— By Mr Sinolalr, for be»t pot t plant grown by boy or girl at sohool on the Taieri ; , Hon J Fulton's second and third prizes for same— Mist l M Sinclair 1. Miss Nellie Slnolafr 2. Miss Lizzie Sin- • olair 3. By Mr W L Christie, for best two ivy-leaved 3 geraniums, distinot variety— Miss O Nimmo 1, John! ) Brown 2. By Mr Fulton, for best one light and on<s I dark fuchsia— Simon Sinclair 1. j t Cut Fiowbbs.— Six bloom dahlias, ilx distinct T varieties. Two entries — Mrs J Bendle 1, William. Smith 2. Four spiked gladioli four distinct* ' varieties. Two entries - James Crosbie 1 and 2j • Two spiked phlox, herbaceous , two dittinob varieties 1 Two entries -A Sinclair 1 and 2. Six blooms holly3 dock. Three entries— John Hendry 1, Jat Haughtia I 2. Four blooms show pansies, four distinot varie-. f ties. Three entries - Mrs B J Reeve 1 , Jas Bendle 2 j Jas Nanghtle 3. Six bunches annuals, .aix distinct " varieties. Six-entries— W L Christie 1, D £ Ohriitia' t 2, H Christie 3. Four, trusses verbena, four distinot - varieties. Three entries— W Smith 1 and 2, Mrs fi t Charters 3; Three 'splkei penstemons, three distinob , varieties; ' WSmitkl and 2. JOL Christie 3. Three . blooms dahlias, three-distinct varieties. One entry - •- W Smith 1. Three spikes herbaceous plants, bulbous B inoluded. Five entries— W Smith 1, Jas Crosbie 2t2 t t A Hendry 3. ' Four blooms asters, other than quilled! 1 Seven entries— J Bendle 1, W Smith 2 and 3. Four T bloomi African marigolds. Three entries— W Smith' , 1 and 2, D L Christie 3.. One hand bouquet, not ' more than 7in acrosß. Three entries -0 Nimmo 1 • and 2. Three blooms roses, three distinot varieties; t Four entries— W Smith 1 and 2. J Orosbie 3. Four 3 blooms quilled asters. Five entries— J Bendle 1, [ W Smith 2 and 3 Six blooms French mangolds. I Six entries-A Taifc 1 and 2, John Brown 3. One table bouquet. Four entries— X Nimmo 1, Miss Or j Gow 2 and 3. Four blooms pansies, fancy. Three 1 entries— J Rendle 1, Mrs BJ' Heeve 2, Ja« Naughtie • 3. Four blooms' carnations, four distinct variei ties -H" Christie 2. Three bunches antirrhinums, j spikes on eaoh bunoh. Four entries -D L Christie . 1 and 2, W Smith 3. One bouquet everlasting flowers. Five entries— Jas Freeman l, Miss G 3 Gow 2, Mrs D L Christie 3. Four trusses gera- > niunu, four distinot varieties— Jas Crosbie 1, O , Nimmo 2 and 3. Collection out flowers in stands I and tubes, not to exceed 20in x 40in. Three 1 entries— Miss Kirkland 1, D L Christie 2, Mrs , Inglls3. Bridal bouquet, not more than 7inaoroßß, • Four entries -O Himmo 1 and 2, Mi»s G Gow 3. I Bpergne of flowers. Three entries— Miss Christie 1, C Miss Diokie 2, Mrs G Howell 3 Six bunches of j phlox drummondii, three spikes in eaoh bunoh, six r distinot varieties, Five entries— Jag. Crosbie 2, Mist . G Gow 3, • Spkoiai. Femes.— By Mr A B Falconer, for the ' beßt buttonhole bouquet— Miss G Gow 1, Miss M i Inglis 2, Miss Eliza Christie 3. By Mr B Cuddle, , for best ladles' dress bouquet— Miai Belle M'Kay 1 i and 2, Miss M Inglii 3. By Mr M'Leod, for best , ladies' drew bouquet, made up by children attending sohool in the Taieri— H Christie 1, J Sinclair 2. H Curtis 3. By' Messrs Pryor and Sons, for hest collec- - tiott of annual* of not less than 12 varieties— D L i Christie 1. W L Qhriatie 2 and 3, By MrW A B • Stenhouse, for beat six double zinnias— D Z, Christie 3 2.- By Mr WA. B Stenhouae, for best single dahlia— l W L Christie 1 and 2. By Mr J Christie, for best bloom of dahlia— J Bendle I, H Christie 2, By Mr ■ W Burns, for boat bouquet of everlasting flowers— % J MnWL Chriatie 1. By Mr W Smith, for the beet ■ 12 cut blooms-D L Ohri-tio I. Wli Christie 2. J , Hendry 3 By Hon J Fulton. M.1i.0., for best bridal . bouquet— Miss O Nimmo. By Mr Crosbie, for best six bunches of ph'ox drummondii, three spikes in \ each bunch— D L Christie 1. By Mr S Tumbull, for 1 most points in cut flowers— W Smith, 34 points. , Vbqhtabi.es.— F«ur stalks of rhubarb Bine » entries— J Rankin J, J Naughtie 2, J M Taggart 3. t Two rueumbera. One entry— D L Chriatie 1. Two r vegetab'e marrows. Eight entries— Miss O Nimmo 1, W Brigana 9. Four sprigs of parsley, shown in wafer. Eleven entries— D Mackie 1, O Bjmrao 2 J ■ Hendy 3. Twelve kidney notatoea. Eleven entries l — H Chiistle I and 2. L M Booker 3 Twelve round . potatoes. Fourteen entries— T Millar 1 J Swan 2 , X Bickie 3. Three stalks of celery. Four entries— . Alexander Sinolair 1 and 2, 1) L Chriatie 3. Best , fourleeks. Six entrlea^D t Christie 1, Alexander Sinclair 2. S Sinclair 3, Four garden fcurnips. Three • entries— D h Christie I and 3, W Brigans 3; Pour 1 L°, nß , ? ar £ 0t8 ; m Sf ,? entries -A Talt 1, Alexander > Sinclair 2. A Talt 3, Four Intermediate carrots 5 Nine entries— Alexander Sino:alr 1 and 2, S Sinclair 3. Four roots-, Six entries— J Hendry 1 and 2 I Alexander Sinolair 3. Four parsnips. Ten entries— ' Alexander Sinclair 1, J S Hankin 2, J Hendry 3 » Six onions. Eleven entries— A Taifc 1 and 2 F » M Nab 3, Twenty-four pods of beans. Six entries— . J Ross 1 , D L Christie 2 and 3. Heaviest six onions. . Four entries— D L Christia 1 and 2, A Tait 3 , Heaviest four leeks. Four entries -S Sinclair 1 and ■ 2, J Hendry 3. Heaviest late cabbage, Three > entries— G Murdooh 1 and 2. W Brigans 3. Best red i cabbage. Four entries— J Hendry 1 , W Brigans 2, J ; Kendry 3, Best Savoy. Three entriei— J Hendry I, A Taifc S and 8, Beat stook of green kale. Two entries D L- Christie 1, H Gall 2. Best basket of ' vegetables. One entrv— J Hendry 1. • SPHCiii. Pbhjep.— By Messrs A B Falconer, for i best irqall basket of vegetables— J Hendry 1 By Mr i O'Grady, for best -two red oabbages— W Brigans 1 [ DI, Christie 2 Cprissa given byMr-a Hobertuon). By , Mr M Hendry, for belt two oaullflowers— A Sinclair 1 , By Mr A Sinolair, for- heaviest . six - oniona-^D L ; Christie. By Hon J Fulton, M.L.O, for best collect) on ' 1 of vegetables— J Hendry 1. By Mr Knotfc, for" best ' ! vegetable marrowi-Miis G Wwmo, By Mr Knotfc,
b for best collection of potatoe.- P Shaw Grant 1. By ■ ntn t ?,t v.v '. J , M Sutherland, for the best »lx tomatoes— i ?^?^ rißMel ; B yMrWOarnoroir.M.H.R.,for best three stalks of celery— Alex Sinclair 1. By Mr I t% 7m'T med T 1 for the moßt P° int9 In Teßel tables at March and January ehowß— D L Christie, 46 point!. ti/^iV B ',* dd IBI BB se^«-a5 e^«- ap l )les ' Ni neteen entriesMrs J Allan 1 and 3, Mrs J Freeman 2. Six kitoben apples. Twenty-three entries- Jas Dow 1 Alex Gibaon 2 and 3. Six dessert pears. Fourteen eu-tnes-Miss Belle M'Kay 1, Mrs B Todd 2, W O Todd | 3. Twelve light coloured plums. Seven entries— W C Todd 1 and 3, Mrs Charters 3. Twelve dark coloured > plums. Three entries-W Smith 1. Miss LM Booker | 2. D L Christie 3. Six apricots. Three entries— J Allan (Taurina)l. Mrs X Toad 2. Six peaches. Six : entries-Mrs O Flndlay 1 and 2, KJst B M'Kay 3. One bunoh of grapes. Five entrieg-% Wedderspoon 1 and 3, Mrs Ulmmo 2. Best collection of fruit. Three entriei— Mrs J Allan (Hopehill) 1, Mrs B Howell 2,W0 Todd 3. Heaviest six dessert apples. Eight entries— Mrs John JFlndlay 1, Mrs J Allwa 2. J Hendry 3. Heaviest six kitohen applet. Eleven ' entrlea-J Dow l, Miss Beid 2, J Swan 3. Heayiwt ' «ix pears. Three entries— Mrs B Todd 1 and 2, JBra Blaekley 3. Heaviest six peaohes. Pour entrieg— Thos Miller 1 and 2. John Dryden 3. Heaviest bunch of grapes. Bive entries— A Wedderspoon 1 and 3, John Brown 2. Spsoial Pbwes.— By Meeara Thornton and Bridger, for best collection of hardy fruits- apples, pears, and plums— D L Chriitie 1. .
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Otago Witness, Issue 1934, 19 March 1891, Page 5
Word Count
1,933TAIERI AMATEUR HORTICULTURAL SHOW. Otago Witness, Issue 1934, 19 March 1891, Page 5
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