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—In thtf SouWof frahcS, especially in £hV! flA«pr re%ibn^families live comfortably,' and '< even reach prosperity, on one acre of land; g V e acres is a large farm. But it is all utilised,- a U cultivated, and all brings income. Tbe'saW careof 10 acres here would 1 soon prove ,"lo acre,s enough." . * . y,, v ,—li appear^ that there is an aggregate o£' 0ver ,£4,000,6000f foreign capital, invented in American mines. —The duration of sonsumption, that used to be tw;o yea,rs, i& now ,10, years, and ■ in.-its PAriier stages^the illness -is 1 how (held 'to-be J — rt -'- V ' —Three hundred miles an hour is the pronoged speed fos ithe electric postal-railroad of Jhefuture. - '■'"-'' —'■>-" }1 '■'^^U\ —A company has been formed in Pjbila-. delpnia to bore into the pyramids by means of the diamond rock-drill. >»( —London society is taking up the v phonp-, graph. ■ fidisbri's "agent is'ovefwhrilniea, Wic^i applications, for the use : of the instrument for afternoon and evening entertainments. . . —London, at a moderate estimate, drinks 125,000g»i of milk a day, or 875,000 gal a week ; and as a cow 'can be safely , set down v to yield' lOgal a week; there is a foim^dable herd pf .87,500 cows required to furdJ3h the Ixjndoh^milk supply:. Of these, 50me. 14,000 are kept within, the London boundary. —The' name I" Gotham" was^ first giye^n to' New York by' Washington Irving and James K. Paulding in " Salmagundi," in allusion id the fact, noted by them,.tbat New Yorkers were accustomed to /regard ■ themselves/as iftr)Beacreß,jwith()ut due justification. The use of the term had reference to the nursery legend concernipg ■ the " Three Wise Men of ■ Gotham " ' vrti6 hi we'nftb sea in Ja'bowl;" ', ' (l( l ' —A French engineer has recently invented an improved ,key, which, it is said, 'simplifies .and 'renders lasting the.tuning of stringed ingfcruraents^ Tne ' violoncellists of : the Grand Opera at Paris have had them adapted to their instruments; „ t .'.''".,"' '

— Dr J. . M, Edmonds, in &, paper m a dental monthly,' advocates the' 'implanting metallic roots in the jaw, and the building of artificial teeth upon them. He believes that this method opens new possibilities for dentistry , ( "By planting' tw& metallic capsules . la the rear of ;the jaw,and tw'p in the forward portion, he "thinks it practical to lay a foundation for 'a' 'complete set of permanent teeth. ' ' •— Hampered 'as she i& by the national reluctance to .sanction,,, qpmj)ulsory military trainingr-we do not ineantconscriptiqri^-and burdened, ad she is by:her idea of pecuniary fairness, id^'s resgltiiig in k cruel and needless amount .Qf'djsa'd-weighti Britain does not get the powerful army/she ought to get for ' her money /'but she does get, or rather will get — for^there are stills bad r bre^ks in., the, chain ot\ her organisation—^^;,' reasonable amount of safety.-^^peptator. ' V '■■ , \ ,' j —It iB asserted that the grain'most largely usedior human consumption is riqe. >Hun< dreds of 'ntifiibns'df~'pe'ople chiefly subsist' on it, and its consumption is constantly increasing. Ijb ( v* the^prnicjpal „4^ p^.at least on^third of ''the human 'ra'de/'-'^ ' t>J ' : '■'< ii " —It ought not to 'be n'eoessary every d&y to print 'evidence df "the bad effect of oiga--rette-smoking pr^ growing youths, but the, evidence, oft 20$ doctors .before the Michigan Legislature 1 ft worth heeding, and they each cited cases of boys being dwarfed,* made in-, sane, killed, or rendered incapable of speech, and the professors of Michigan University also testified 'at length of the effect on the students, who were made stupid by cigarettes.— Wateibaty American 1 . —We have jmbre ' than once commented upon the fearful ,|pss of life which annually occurs in Indijj; through snake-bite. It has recently been|| 'computed that there are' in that country MB separate speoies of these < reptiles, but/less than one-sixth of these are poisonous? 4 .it-is stated that an effectual barriei^i^Xth'eir'' entrance into a house is afforded by al ine of carbolic powder strewn across the dobrwiiy. —Innocents' Day or Childermas Day, is an 1 anniversar^oDserved on the 28th December since a very"' early date in memory of the slaughter of/the^dhildren of Bethlehem by the Il'I 1 ' order of Herod^ with the purpose of destroying the infan|t Christ. In the Eastern or Greek GhurchJ'jbhis anniversary is observed on the 29th" bf .December. —There -is a curious nauseum in the city of St. Petersburg which contains all the Imperial "and 'State equipages'; the most interesting - among .which is the brougham in which the. late Emperor was assassinated. The back-is all" in ruins, and whenthe door is opened and the visitor looks inside the sight is, a shocking one. There are splashes of mud'* -on it.itill. The vehicleS/ls, ke^t covered, and the caretaker unveils it with the greatest veneration, and epeaks.of.the fatal daj in a hushed whisper: *' "'' —Roast bat is said to be far from despicable, though the North German regards the man who eats a, rabbit as little better than a gastronomic outcast ; and wjiile the negroes. at the West Indies devour baked snakes and

palm worms fried in their own fat, nothing wilLinda4 c tjhem'M diniejbn., rabbit. The Ttivks shitdder 'at trie' 1 thought of eating oysters. The Chinese love rats and black puppies, but draw, the line at alligators; a bold 'experimentalist ; has declared" Wa 'constrictor <x> taste very' like veal.—Standard. ,/, - <V " —The least estimate places the Queen's scrapings together at considerably over .seven , millions, which 4. per< cent. , will jieldover a quarter of a ( million per annum clear of all household or dther expenses,' •aad of her two personal estates at Balmoral •and JQsborne— and still she does not contribute one penny to the revenues of the ■countiy—not even to income tax, which •every poor clerk receiving £150 a year has topay. — .English paterfamilias and their offspring have become fairly fanliliar in the course of the last few- years witii caramels, as well ag • people .with -a' sweet tooth generally. The popularity of this piece de resistance among American' sweetmeats is largely dpe to the QWquitous'iwtdmatio box, four companies *o^ielK]Dg"' caramels through tJie. agwoy.sL "Ottawa, and ,23 t OPO gross packet^ have - toefi^Jold last y4fe;jAsm 'i Hi' &U\? ■ \ 7-The superiority. oi.BngJijih cotton "in great measure due to the humidity of m omtey pf'i yarn^wqrfe „: w^en;

• ' -—Prince Bismarck, in taking leave of Cap-, tain Wissmann previous* tolifs deparfcurefoij East Africa, is said to Jiave advised him) <' above all, to keep on, -a good footing with the English." /?' '«' , { \ —A debate is now, in progress in the Koumanian Assembly- upon a land bill, which, provides for the lending of money tolpeasahts for theipurppse of buying; land, and $so for the acquisition of ; ;or large- prof prietors bn the part, of tliei Government for distribution among the farmers.' ' " ' ; ' —A Sister of Charity died recently' at Strasburg'after having ' served for ?3 >,ye^rs i(itfcluding^the year df the siege) in the chief •ho,|pital of the city. The funeral was 1 made the occasion of .a,, public demonstiation;pf ref spect, in which' Protestants < and .Catholics alike joined. S't^'V ,•■ ;<r ,''•'' "•*' —The Nicar^guaL, route is praised as being cheaper -and, healthier than the Panama. Good winds can at all seasons of the year be relied on by vessels bound for Brito, at the f .Pacific .terminus, of, the iPaaama route ? while 1 , ;b^ing4o?tneidaiiQß,rthere s axe inatfy monthsWring Vhfclr -Panama I ' can only' bet'eached by. steamers. _____ ' : —The average cost of laying Atlantic cable&'has beetf ajsp'ut.:£ssO per mile^j s< '!> —^ifs HumpHroS^iWard's husb&nd, as'-tjiey now^'call the^tLon^ba'; (Times' atrt cr)ticj is building a large c'quntly-hbuse at Haslemere'. Gbssips' say he dugHt ir to 'call it "'Elsm'ere BEouse." ,■• «.» > • ■ ')j » ''',— The lie'asbn' why soldiers are taught to bump the saddle instead of rising in the stirrups as civilians do, is that the former m ethpd - gives a ( more uniform' and), regular 'appear!an'oe'tp horseman. , 'i-:, 1 ' ■ , —The Queei, prior to her departure for the. Continent, 4t i^pa^d, summoned a learned jjrandit from' her, Indian e'mpir.e to assist her atucfieYin v liindpstariee. ifa'gis Abdul Khan just arrived from India's '• coral strand ", in time „toac,company,,her, tp -;where 'the lessons were to go on< undisturbed by cares of 'State: 1 ' ' ' "",,.'', ' >— Nearly, ,(jpO t . different languages are spoken "in Europe. , >• 1 i'—^Native [ Christians iin Japan; most 6i them with average wages of less than' 25c ft day ( ,^qontr,ibu|ed, Ja?t,4jear 27,060d0l to mission work. ■ (■( ■ 1 , J *- . —A soldier desiring ato ' leave the army •during the first thr'^e rn'otitHs^of 1 service may 'qlo so ,6n payment of ; afterwards thb amount becomes £1&. " ■> •<■/"! —It is estimated .that. of the £60^000,000 sunk in the- Panama Canal bubble',' lo per ti^nt.' hasgorie 1 t^tFrenchi'bankers^e.per cen|. has been paid in bribes 'to "the French pres^, 10 per cent, has gone to the: inner 'members of the.cana 1 ! riti'g]%ho'iia)v^hadi ihe giving piit bf/the c^ti'acts, andrn^^^ tbe'.'b'alance sftas^pne.tip'ep.ricti tfoMrifo'sitioTß,', :,It,is estimated that less than one halftdf-Che work has even ! tt6w be'en^dorfd;'' ! — It is computed.i that.^Qf f every I^oo.^oo , men and wom|p borhi^l^of ,the. ; f ormej^h 1 ,112 pf^ie latter will reach;'thea|e df XVpy — L'brd Wol'seJey'admdhiihes 'tHe cadets af'Woplwioh^ta Tshulg^self-conceii;, which, he 1 says,' is thebesetting sin of British offi,cers.\> ; ■' .- . v .—The,, misery ,in L^ndpn,M simply^mc^i. culp-ble, 1 and',ye't'n^,' ju^rds" tHfes 1 'bby >J|lm'feror '• ; ot^" China' i i&''%>ending hundreds of thousands" of pounds "oii~his nuptials, "thie Lord Mayor of London sends, £13,000 out df the metropolis to relieve the digress of thß piff-'taued Tartar^ Dickens surely never -exaggerated. •'' ' j < ' —A Lord Mayor of London is about £5000 out of pocket by the expense^ojyris year c f office , „' •^'.'i,'? J '' J '* !^vi - —All the lead frork ab6ut thjijrecently discovered Roman baths in ,EDgia!nd was in a wonderfully perfect, state, of- pfeSeivation. -~An .ordinary- . railway . 'sngins possess< si the strength of 900 horses^;* h'Jj <1 —It is reported that a.NeW !S! S i drk physiciai t, feeling "out of sorts," consulted ifive of hs medical brethren in tulra^pllirnwhat ailed him. Bach one gave a, 'different opinion <if* his case and recommended different modes of treatment. He believes t6e> were all

wrung, f ,m i '* I — There ' is a firm in- Rcgerit.street, London, which roakes corsets especially for jgentlemeii ; and it Is that it has officers of tie Guards, the OoldStrearns, -, tmS the 17<|h Lancers among its customer^. ,4if,i;i —The Empress-Begentp£olsnajhas issued a decree ennobling three generation's of the ancestors 0f,,. Sir Robert Ha|rt, .Msrho has fbr many years been at the the Chinese Customs department. We ftose thepid gentlemen appreciate the distinction conf upqn them, and feel duly grateful to" 1 , their illußtrbus descendant for securing it for them. l — Systematic . rooki'shooting 'is to take place in Northumberland during the nestirig' season. The birds having become too numerous to procure their food* in an ordinary way, are said to prey upon the eyes of young lambs. An attempt to catch the rooks while in a state of .intoxication from eating barley steeped in whisky proved a failure. )

—Mrs Talbot, of Washicgton, has been very successful in teaching the street; arabs tfye use of tools. Although rebelh'ng against the routine of school life they can be taught to work and soon become' self-supporting. She is aided' in , imparting instruction by th|e Howard University. " „/>. < —Many Southern women are engaged jjn the effort to establish industrial schools in the > South Ameriofin States." Woikidg singly and in societies they" have managed to give the movement an'immense impetus. Without them but ''little 1 would have been done. * , - ' >) ? \ „ ' r — : The police authorities, estimate that, the thieves of Great Britain steal property worth £7,000,000 in the .course of a year, . , I — Pr&fessor Charles S." Hastings, of Yale, his discovered a new, combination of glasses for the telescope object glass which eliminates secondary chromatic aberration. It is expected to revolutionise astronomy. The professor declines to ' give the .details of his discovery now, but .says it is a definitive aolutipn of the, problem which, ocoupied the. minds of scientists ; for a century.

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Otago Witness, Issue 1957, 23 May 1889, Page 37

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MULTOM IN PARVO. Otago Witness, Issue 1957, 23 May 1889, Page 37

MULTOM IN PARVO. Otago Witness, Issue 1957, 23 May 1889, Page 37


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