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So much intere&t has been displayed by the public generally in tho recent show at Tahunt Park that some further [critical notes regard' ing it seem called for.

The show as a whole was more than up to the ordinary standard, both as to number and character of exhibits. Perhaps the most prominent points of the display were the Leicester and Lincoln sheen, tbe Ayrshire and polled Angus cattle, and the shorthorns, which latter though not numprous wore of excellent quality. Ths heavy horse claps wa 1 ? also very well represen f cd, and if somo of our friends from O.imsru — the Hon. M. Holmes and Mr Re-id, of Elderslie— could make up their minds to pit their highcbss stock against tho?e of the Southern breeders, it would be exhremely interesting, and not only interesting but instructive. It is p. wellknown fact among breeders that n person can never judge his own stock simply by seeing his to-clay and somebody else's to-morrow, and that no judgment is of any use whatever unless the stock are actually placed alongside each other, We were pleased to notice that the Hon. M, Holmes, both in Leicesters and Lincolns, gave the public the benefit of inspecting the very excellent sheep he has of late been breeding. Mi Holmes for some years abstained from sending aheep to our show, and we may say we are satisfied the Agricultural Association here are very much indebted to him for haying brought his sheep in such strong force this year, anc we trust that not only he, but Mr Reid (oi Elderslie) and Mr Menlove will next year appeal in the show ground iv the Lincoln -liaises. It is a pity that the two last-named gf-ntlemen die not seek to enter into the competition this year We ar>; «lad to nntic, however, t):>.t :a Leicf no. Mr Reid had a considerable number of entries and showed some Fheep of very excellent quality Mr Menlove, in cattle, has always been a con sistent shower, and we hope that he may con tinue to give us the benefit of the splendid shov of shorthorns he is able to make. Thu Nev Zealand and Australian Land Company are o cpurse one of the main stand-bys of the associa tion, as they seek always to make the larges possible number of entries in any class for whicl j they have stock suitable. Mr Shennan, ii merinos, has been well to the front of late, anc

itpt tl;o j o.'uling viz , Mr Giuvn'o foal at, foot), Mr i Alir-n's Lidy ora M-icdonald. lacking in ih:t in cu to or Wo k'y left cut of - v-.vm- in for a rvtiitinl'y the *•.'-, fUiy aud Mr -t:i r .u.L-er l- got by v i i, tl-; wJIV. A c , ,-ZUkes L' L'l .v-.IL-b'ir. 's ; <-. The prizes littributed. Mr ;.ii:e poiijts, Mr lit, Mrs Fiodhty jb, and Messrs r each. Messrs \n, and Mrs VJ. ispl^.y of blood prtract&d mo'-t i»g the younger j horses of any s-liy intr-re c tjng l'on ?.i<t\ C/iip:h }-ri:-;- -winner, s with Le Loup. good substance h'in lv re some brc P-k down for into a v> ry big as h.i is, he c Loup ; and it rt” Will-known mc'ition, fcho'iid Jg"? L'aptiin p for tho urht h tiiiid jilico.' red, 'oat in ookmg colt by H( ads, beat Mr .h the ycprlingn delighted, the t, by Gorton— 5 t praise. Ihis .od utver been whole chestnut, n, and peems to bil nil. Mes.srs against Lord, and is a limal. lie was v ard condition ;h warmly com* ace. The ficsfc or with foal at yrdom, a mare st^r to Kimber.rr.yr. Sac is a ,v >.« f-ho'vn with i same owner's Th.'re were no d fillies, bus in J. M'Lean and fjain in^t, the s beff % re-iu net Ilr ?I'L :•).',- waid, is ru (Xh.'is 'Almost the srs iS^phenson by (la.logi».( l a.logi».n — )O.*. tpociaiou. h, LIU. pre^entr/ion in j hor~.i.'F. l^ive .vn, Mr PihoJts' vx\>u , takiiig a a ])cctty close vu' tiiid" Mr J. vcuYt v, de^Krve'l '; ' •> -liO<»Il, bill n 'l p] u O Litvd* 1 tl' d a lot of ■'1 <'i-i iioi> come ovi ot ci'jgc.Tb Dr 13a- ch dor's >. l\lr Fulton'b ob \vero second 5 i^um X !!y was vlli I'lfva force i w:- t 'c .'xc.-p-|i>dgctj fi'etu out ;i>st-i -tlof •in ■' boi.'-.-'fi tlii.'. ■;.-iru X"i i and 1 jv. i.!-.- oi I • .!•.!.• Zwcr.-, '[ • \'it^nf '!- c l.iti'-i'.-liaU'l v. iy err di'Allo ii a I>Ai\kcl1 > Ai\kcl th" ;."!ic.u(,' ] both .-..J ' !I hu L-S, fiii (.xff'cdinpJy ».- :*o aiso a deiLl'^t -v?o :v bis g.-K-rally co'nio'i's, ;. K > jnijjjit zi among the "b Yi'imft Dis>J an the Mtaa'i c~ not cond ii th' ■> elr.s=. \ '"ivc;] T h' t: 1 a ur3l-e1..-s jr ),v'w with k 3t.;on, which ho .'. and Trlr V\. I »y.!j r ivi*ly. The I ii aood, ?Jr o v-r-l after a i-'i j :<\ Mr critic-lookir.jj cr th'f." \i ars> J kher wes tir?fc weli-bre-d, and ghout that tho i awards. Mi imper, won tho rs, v.hich woie ir*. was second, i included some 3 types. Tom condition, but 0 is of Prince )od competition jidings, and the reditable repret'ies were niacls a 13 hands, and ous f- % .ces of the onies round the id one that the 3 fi%e that came or poinea uuder lecimcns, owned ther three were was upon these, .tclges bestowed rj r in the class 'orward for the best adapted for mber was contwiird, to the no were on hand on stated, how.o entries or co people — nearly ound in fact — f hunters over table jumping, ," secured first second, and Mr was such generin thn contest some difficulty, three flights of 3ood, who will Bugler, and Mr 1 third. than formerly, l in all classes, >etition was exboar of any age, rsb and second ill that could be ; Rowe got first Auvergne Bros., :a, Leuston, and we took a firt>fc »•, beating Messrs lass ; but all the

this eLar, ru<l she I.Uo obtained the ur.4 prize ct Oaumu. Mrs W. Diack was again f u-x-,-^,-ful, taking second prize with a very gooii t-amply of bnfcter, ar>rl Mrs Jeffrey's cxhibib was placed third. There were ai-o numerous entrie3 of powdered butter, many of which ware greatly J approved, and in this class Mrs John Mackie J took tha Qc-.t prize. The designs in fancy butter | n"T3 very i cat, hut there were only t*.o txmbitor* and foc.r <-xhi!.its. Thfc iirft and t-erwJ .-.wards for f»noy b.ifcte.' fell to Mrs V/. Dwcfe. Jn th'j fourth chW, Mrs !<'>ew sjcul-oci the fint i;rizß for 101b 01 prime salt butter. Wish resrard to exhibits of clicrf, the judK-'s informed the secretary (.f th'j association mat, in their opinion, there should be 'lUtineb classes for cheese 2, 4, 6, 9, and 12 months old and frr over a year ct\<\ and that cheese for the English market should' be from 551b to 701b, and for local ami Australian u?e from 351b to 401b, and S'ilton cheese from 121b to 161b. The r-i^s al*o thought tb at there should b;> uLtiiict classes for pale and coloured and white cheese, and that it should he judged by general style ar-d r.opearanc 1 . The exhibit of che-se were tolfaMy numerous?, and the quality was good. F--T old and for new cheese, the Omimi factory rock both first prizes, the Inch-Clutha Dairy Company being second tor new cheese._ Th^re was also a special class for cheese, in which none but tiie factories had entries, and nearly all i ''3 factories in Obago were reprcs^i'ted.^ The cvtcit of inducing the factories to enter for the competition iv this ela?s is due to the Manager of the National Mortgage and Agency Company, who sent a .special circular to oho various factories inviting them fo send exhibits. In this cla=s tbo. Bruce Dairy Factory enne first, an Ithe Inch-Clutha second. The other ,-uvarus v.ill be found on rofemico to the piize list. I-IAI.IS AND BACON. There was an unusually large display of ham 3 and bacon, although there were not very nr.ny exhibitors. The brooked hams wr-re, on tbo '."hole, rather belter cured than the green onrs; and This remstr!- ;:!. o applies with regard to the smoked P-ud green bacon. Very fc'f, if my, of the exhibits were, however, of nrsl-elass quality, and some of thera werf certainly not at all fit for show purposes. A number of ihe exhibits in all classes appeared to have been badly cure.}, sind with a few exemptions uofc sufficient atti-n-Ihn serm;.u to hnvi hhcii paid to fer;c!in<> 'ho iueat. Messrs M'Donald and Miller sf cured Grsr, and second prizv-s for smoked bacon, and Messrs A. and J. M'Farbuie the third. In green bacon, however, the tatter linn took the first award, M'Donald and Miller being second, and T. Baici third. Both in smoked and green hams ?>ir Bares carried off the palm, securing firs'", prizes, A. and J. M'Failaue taking the second in each class, M'Donald and Miller being placed third for smoked and A. A'lun for green buim. The smoked ham? exhibitf-i! by Mr B.iles were nofc only well cured, bub the moat prer-cnted tho apposranc of having been well fed. Th< ham-, however, were not bo well dre'-^d rs some of tho other exhibits in tbo show of inferior quality. Tbe honours for rolled smokr-d bac:>u fell to Mr A All-in, vho unrrowiy h n n' v Mt 1 W. Wri^hr, Messrs A. hiiu J. ?T' Variant' beiv-t t bird. In green rol!?d b'tcons Sir T. Bate-, ago in eaii" to ih-i front, Messrs A. and J. M'Farlan-) }i^vii;>- to he content with second prize. The only cotnpi tltor.i for rolled beef hums were iMesT-i M'DoM'ld and Miller and SVEi^r.s A. and J. M'Favbne, the first; pcizs b&i.jg carried off by the. former firm. AGRICUI/lUHAI PRODUCE In tUs class Messrs Nbimo and Blair were tho only exhibitor. 1 ", they hav'ng on view a very fine collecticm of ganlen seed?, also some extra exhibits in tin way of sicks of rye^ras=; sevte of dift\;reiit vrriesie.', cocksfoot, Timothy, linseed, pr.iir'o {zw;:-, a collection of Ntj'.y Zealand France, ii.Kl other kinds of ?<vds. The exhibits attracted a good deal of attention from visitor* ti the show, although r.ofe entered in th'j fame c!.is> as the above. Mr (4r-or:je Mittho-.y.'i also i xhibi^C'd l\ very good collation of seedh, including diflvre >l ''av : etifs of ryegnss, eockifoob, O.p? b'-u-ley, chrimpion swocle, and groen-top yellow turnips. Ting LIODEL DAIRY FACTORY. One of iht: gre^t fitbv.uiions fit the show was llr-i me I .: ' dairy, which shown in working order by Messrs M.'Ponaod Slruttftrc, of Ciiribtchuu'i. Tbe ditrcrent machines v.r-ra shov-u at work !:i a 1 ir^-e mi'iVfife, which \vas crowded with P'-onlc • 'i:')-:>. g the v\ hole ai'ltiumn;, a..d it muit. have l»c"iii v uniqie f'^lit r>> m.'f.r i.>v.'n-.pjoplv-:o 'i'o ;'>« TKim t-x'racte-I iVum tho ncv milk by I'li^chuK-ry and quickl;, turjiid into batter. Th^iirm h tv,- four sh<'s of the de Lave! separator, cp.x-'Jn.j in cipariiy horn thf 1 haml-pop'er or.c, \v!ii.'-a [)p{f> tbrou^ii lSgnl per hour, 10 tlu* Al, which will separata 00^ -d in the same tima. An impi'fA'cinciil in tlie driving po-.ver i-> applied to ihu hr>' iii.ichine, in tho shape of the f-tcara tLiL-iiin-.-, which Oc.^s av.-c.y v/ith all glaring, ■'.'ca-n being him ply ccr.vjyi-,1 fi-oaa a boiler dine', to a isrbinu wheel fitted under tbe iiiachii.ti in the m:\in syiudio, which by this ■iiicans cjn be mi-do to run up to 7000 rt-volu-tiow per miuiite. Tho v,oll-!a.o\-a "Dulaiteusc "' :ui.l foui other styks vi' Lubber worker 1 ! are exhibited, and also a lai'^a and varied assuifcmt:ni of churns, &c. io>: cl.viryiiig purpose';, in ij.'hiiicti.jn with V\ • d^. Livel ci'e-iin s-Lpiir.'tcr, it »i>ay bo renjprked that an attempt has Lt-.-n 'nadoto briujj dijereuie on it on ..'jeouut of t!u~ milk beitjg loli> .'0 poor as to bo injurious to the clva? th:t f>:ed on it; ai-U ie :^ stated I ha', a great uvmy c-ilws h:tvc di ,d in To.sin^ni". in oou-eqiuMfie oi' thi-i. Kt-tci'i-ig to this question, h v--!i bo iji.-iei.tii!>; to (polf vhv dia ('oloiiifct 'pjs a> out i>i. That jourtid 5.13 .•>:—" T"is is t-imply coiifumiiig the favour- ;<. l Av i\p'jrf;; --.hich dr.irypini give v.ith regard to the i:icre:i'-.j of but>r 'n;, fho u-.o of the &eparator. I'hr-y cannot Lave their cake and tat. it; neither ran they feed calv-a with buttttr which they sell. We do not make these remarks with a view of discouraging the n.-c of the Feparators, b« ( j rathr-r the revs-rse, as the poverty of the bkini milk is a high recommendation. Wbai we would urge is some additions ba made to the skim milk iv order to restore tLe nourishment. Those who grow linseed would find it advantageous to use such, as it forms a very fair &übstitute." NEW ZEALAND MANUFACTURES. The entries under this heading were not numerous, there being no entries in the classes for Foap, saddlery and harness, preserved meat, tweeds and coatings, and other articles. Collections of artificial manure were exhibited by tbe New Zealand Drug Company and by Messrs Murray, Roberts, and Co. The pev/.e v*a» awarded to the former, whose exhibit was considered to be exceptionally good by the judges. The judges further expressed an opinion that in future all such exhibits should bo subject to an analytical teat. The dram pipes exhibited by Mr J. 11. Lambert, of Kensington, were highly commended, as were also Captain Hayter's patent feeder for rearing motherless lambs, and Mr P. J. Belief's exhibit of Kellowa and Oo.'s starch and blue-black and commercial black writing fluid. The ales and porter have nob yet been judged. EXTRA EXHIBITS. The extra exhibits were so numerous and interesting that probably many well worthy of notice will be passed without special mention. Messrs Nimmo and Blair had a capital display of seeds of numerous kinds, both colonial grown and imported. None bub practical farmers or experts could form a true estimate of their value; but of the admirable manner in which the different varieties were exhibited there could be no question, while the standingof the firm was a sufficient guarantee that in point of quality all that was possible had been secured. A very attractive display of goods o3c various kinds was made by the New Zealand Hardware Company. Some of the exhibits v/ere great novelties, and they were all such as were of interest iv connection with the association' 3 show or o£ vety general use. The collection of edged tools entered by Charles B. Edwards, of Invercargill, were not shown. Mr J. W. Faulkner, of Dunedin, had some exhibits of flexible fled netting for sheep and ornamental ironwork, in which neatness of design and Fkilful workmanship were displayed. An exhibit by Mr H. Edwards, of Oarnaru, afj-nuitetl nmiciflftrah] exhibit

we'lalut all shows in Australia— 2. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8-iuoli i ingle, e.vil r.oa-srretching double fly, copper bound ; pure extracted clover honey, one solid block pure white of 1201b, from the German Bay ayiary ; and Harvey's patent airtight butter tins, which require 310 solderiDg and were used to pack butter at the creamery in the .slow ground, Tho Drug Company and Murray, Robert? and Co. exhibited well - known sharp dipt. ; Mr Hayter's patent feeder for itotherk-ss hmbs was shovn in operation ; and Mr J. Edmonds brought before the public his baking bik! egg nnwdars, which made a aeas and novel exhibit. CARRIAGES, &c. The show of carriages buggies, &c , was a very goorl one, thr re being a greater number of exhibits than usual. J. ROBIN AMD CO. Messrs J. Robin and Co. showed a very pretty mahogany and a=h tandem dogcart with tips and and compensating epiings; also a convertible double buggy, the back seat of which is so made that it will slide in instead of folding. The vehicle may be converted into a dogcart by letting down a foot rust. Among the firm's exhibits was a novelty in tho shape of a baker's deliverj' c?rt, the special advantages of which are that the driver can sit undf-r cover, and that the sides and top are carried higher than is usually the case, so as to hold more bread, aud do away with tha need for an extra canvas cover. The other exhibits inclu-Je a Bartlesclen car— a sort of Jow dogcart for the use of ladies — with the wheels protected by wings, and having an adjustable shaft ; a queen's phaeton, with gracefully curved lines ; a Berlin phaeton ; rustic cars, family wagons, and wagonettes. The whole of the vehicles are nicely paintt-d, of excellent workmanrhip, and well fiui .hod off. HOROERN, BRAYSHAW, AND "WHITE. Messrs Hordero, Brayshaw, and White also had a good display of vehicles on the ground. They exhibited a nice light wagonette, with a drop front, making it easy of access. The vehicle is built with steel plates all through, thus combining lightness with fetrongth.and tho vehiete is provided with a spring which takes the brake off tht> wheels when not iv use. The body of the vehicle i 3 painted black, with gold and blue lines, and on each side there are seascapes and scroll work, finished of! and shaded very nicely. Tho under carriage is painted lake, picked out with sbraw colour with red lines. The wagonette has an English fore carriage, which enables tho machine to be turned in its own length. A combination buggy exhibited by the firm can be used cither as a single and doubleseated buggy or 03 a dogcart. The firm also had on view a number of single and double buggiss, station wagons, wagonettes, phaetons, and varnished dogcart?. One of the buggies is painted lake, picked out with blue and red Hues. The plate handles arc silver mounted throughout, having brown shell-baud patent hubs. Two of the single buggies are fitted up with Warner's patent wheels and steel tires, and one only weighs 2£cwt. The rarriages are all of firstclasj quality, and are nicely finished cif. J. AND W. STEWART. Messrs J. and W. Stewart bad on visw dogcarts, gigs, huggi'-P, a station wagon, and a combined hose-reel and ladder carriage. They exhibited a nice light rustic gig weighing about 2iowl, tho frame cf which was constructed of ash with vrabufc panels. The vehicle was so burg as to ride ps easily as a four- wheeled trap. A double buggy shown Ly the Fame firm was nicely painted dark green, picked out with vermilion and lined with oian^e colour. Among the firm's other exhibits was a station 'wagou ; a rustic dogcart; a tilbury, hung on brscos (rondo to ride very ecuuly), and painted dark green, picked oul with or<mge end red. MARK SINCLAIR. Mi* M'U*k Sinclair showed a patent combiuation accessible boggy, a special feature of which is that a step may bo let down at rhn side, rendering tho vehicle easier for ladies to gee into tb-Jti ordinary buggies. The buggy may he converted into a single or double buggy or a dogcf.rt, and it took a special prize at the recent Oamaru show. A " Sinclair" combination Lnggy with cradle springs was aleo en view. A great feature about this vehicle are the cradle springs for which Mr Sinclair is sole agent here. Ths '-pringe took a first prize at an Inventions Exhibition in London, and it is claimed for them thac they are tbo ea-.ic3b ruling springs known. TLe other exhibits shown by Mr Sinclair include n var-D\-,hed dc^cavt oa cradle ppriegs, a piueton. a station wf.^on, and a lilbury. OTHER EXUIISITORS. Mr Walter BeaOle had a spring cart on tho ground for exhib' lion; Mr W, H. Mathicson a fa-lies' pbeeion barouche v.'irh exU-usion top ; and Sir Glaister a etaMon wsfjon with hesit lazybaebs, a b-uket phjetoa nicely trinnnfd inside with leather, and » rustic dograrfc built of kfiuii aud U.ickwood. Mr J. P'lathtws s-howed two fieetwoort dogc:.ri=, r. park phrefcon, a village cart, a nicely finished double buggy, and a station wagon, built so as to combine the qualities of lightness and strength. PRIZE LIST. HOKSKS. DIt.VUGHT. Cup or specie of the vnlua of £20 for the largest }it?ze-taker indraught horses— ll Gawn. JutV.ts : Messrs J.vm-s Scott, YiVJcoikoi ; 7; M'Au'ey, Totara ; and (J M'Donakl, IMeiulale. 3"ev;a-d3: Messrs Cr Dowso end Jos. Allan. Entire horse, 4 years old aud over. First prize, £i ; :eirmd,£i; thin], commended — P Alsmgan's British J-iou (imp), 6 .\c-u-s; siro Argyle, dam Barlinp, by Prince ot Wales ('Hi), 1. Jame-i Grow's Sir Kol'err.', foaled 25th December Lord Salisbury (imp), dam Norah, by i-apoloon Juan by Sir Colin Campbell, 2. !2n< ire horse, .5 yeais oI<T. Firs 1 , prize, £i ; second, £2 ; tiiiid. coiumenrted— \l Mu'.r's Clan-Gordon, by PriVce ot G-latnis (imp), dam by Cox's Pride of ScoLUrui (imp},i. li Gawn's G lancer ; siro Lord Salisbury (imp), dam Scotch Aiuiu; (imp), 2. E 1 Rhodes' Uonr.y Brcast-Juiut, sire Young Banker, dam Princess, 3. Entire horse, 2 years old. First prize, £3 ; second, £1 • third, commended -James Cullen's Young Maraui's of Saiisbnry, 1. C Stevenson's Piida of Waitaki ; sire Pride of Scotland (imp), dam Bell, by Sir Georo-" Grey, 9. J and J Allison's Commodore ; sire Souter Johnny, dam Blossom 11, by Taieri Tom; bred by exhibitor, o. Colt (yeai-ling). First prize, £2 ; second, £1 ; third, commended— Mrs C Miller's ; sire Laird of Kilbride, darn Darling, by Kapoleon III ; bred by exhibitor, 1. R Gawn's Salisbury's Pride ; sire i ovd Salisbury (imp\ dim Pride's Darling (imp), 2. F Gawn's Lord leinpleton ; siro Lord Salisbury (imp), dam Duchess 11, by Sir Colin (imp), 3 ; Maro in foal, or with i\ml at foot. First prize, £i; spcond £2; third, £1 -R Gawn's Queen of Quality, 6 years: sire Lord Salisbury (imp), dam Jess, by Ivanhoo (imp). 1. B Charters' Glascow Maggie; sire Prince, dam Taieri Lass, 2. X B Fergusons Nanev; sire Emperor, dam Maggie Gray, by hir Oeorge Grey (imp), 3. „...„. a Dry mare, of any age. First price, £± ; second, £2; third. £i—W IJouins-in's Maggie, 1. W Robinson's Princess Alice, 2. Malcolm Alacfarlane's Fanny Fern • sire Pride of Scotland, dam Fanny, by Prince Criarlie— Patch ; bred by exhibitor, 3. A E Wallis' Darling, 4 years old ; bred by J B Sutton ; Bire Extinguisher, dam Diamond, commended. Filly, three years old. First prize, £3; second, £2 ; third, Jgl— "iMm Allan's Lady Annio, by Wait-a-Wee.dam Jess, by Prince; gd Bell, by Emperor, 1. W Patrick's filly by Salisbury, 2. A Bannatyne s ■; sire Ben Lomond's Champion, dam by Sir George Grey (imp) ; bred by exhibitor, commended. Filly, two years old. First prize, £3 ; second, £2 ; third, £1— Mrs C Tindlay's Flora Macdonald; sire Lord Salisbury (imp), dam Nellie, by Emperor, 1. Mrs C Miller's Taieri Flower ; by Laird of Kilbride, dam Taieri Lass, by Taieri Tom ; bred by exhibitor, 2. R Charters' Jewel 4th ; sire What's Wanted, dam Jewel III ; bred by exhibitor, 3. Filly, yearling. First prize, £2 ; second, £1 ; third, 10s— Mrs W Barr's Florentine, sire No Surrender, bra Flora by Vanguard, 1 ; Mrs O Findlay's Violet, sire Lord Salisbury, dam Dinah by Ivanhoe, 2 ; R Charters' Jewel V, siro What's Wanted, dam Jewel IU, 3; Alexander Ballantyne's , sire Banker (imp), commended. Pair of mares, the property of one owner, which have been regularly worked. First prize, £3; second, £2 ;* third, £I— W Robinson, 1 ; W Patrick, 2 ; It Gawn, 3. ( Pair of geldings, the property of one owner, which have been regularly worked. First prize, £2 ; second, £L ; third, commended — J Duthe and Co, 1, 2, and 3. Gelding, three years old or over. First prize, £2 ; second, £1 ; third, commended— J Duthle and Co, 1 ; W Patrick, 2 ; H Alexander, commended. Town carriers' horse, mare, or be shown in harness. First prize, £2 ; second, £1 ; third, commended— J Duthie and Co, 1, 2, and 3. S*nir of town enrriers' horses, to be shown in harneps. First prize, £2; second £1; third, commeudp.d -J Duthie aud Co, 1, 2, and 3. Spring van horse, up to one ton. First prize, £2 ; second, £1; third, commended— J Duthie and Co, 1 ; Neill and Co (Limited), Prince, 2; J Longworth,

; ton, dam Lady Emma, foaled October 7. 1837, 1; ' tfj'henson and Hazletfc, by Albany— Fallacy, 2; C J Gore, by Sir Garnet, dam Kleptomania by Bungarribae oui of Carnation (imp), 3. Mare in foal, or with foal at foot— W H Taggart'a Martyrdom, by King of Clubs, dam Martyr, 1 ; W H Taggart's eh m Lady of the Lake, by Slcdmere, dam He^ Merrilees (with foa!) by Le Loup. 2. Fiilv, two years oUI — Stephenson and Hnzlotfc I enter id their b f by Albany— Fallacy, but diJ not show. Filly, yearling— Hon G- M' f.e-an's bay filly by Rubezahl,damL:iciy GerlMidp, fcaled 14th October ISB7, 1; Stephentou suul Hazlelt, by Cadogan-Titauia, 2. CARKIAGK HOKSIIS. .T>vlgcs : Messi-b J 'strouach uud D Corsau. Pair of carriage hoises not. under 35} hands— J I Rhodes, 1 ; Hon'lt Oliver, 2; Johu Roberts, 3. Pair of buggy hor.iei — Walter Belcher, 1; S Myers, S. , , Dog-cart hor»e, under Ibk hands— Dr Batcnelor, 1 ; John Fulton, 2; A A El'Mfiater. 3. Single bugsy hoi-se— Jl^ia, Maclean, and Co, 1 ; Dr de Zoiiche, 2 ; \V Patriclr, :i ; Dr Hockeu aud W H Cul.ten, commended. Four-in-hand team, to be diiven in a drag— Tbe only entry wa3 W X Taggart with four greys, and who took both prizes '.IY-ndemteam— i Z-Tvers. 1 ; A AM'Master, 2. JIACKXEYS Jivlges : Mcsers J Hronach and D Carson. Ilaoknev entire liorse, any ago-W Chatters, 1; M and J Allan, 2. Hack, niaro or getting to list— H M Driver, 1 ; J Patrick, 2 ; W Patrick, 3. Koadster or hack, over Ust.. to ho shown in saddle and lidden— S Myers, 1 ; AAT Master, 2. 3 ady's hack, thorougi-ly broker., to ba shown in 6idp-s«ldle aud ridden— \V Belcher, 1; W Kobinson, 2 ; Dr All-in. 3. Lad.v's hujiter, to be ridden by a lady over three, hurdles - S M;> ei s, 1 ; WH Tisggart, 2 ; S Mj ers, 3. COBS AND PONIES. Judges : Me3sis J Stronnch and David Cirson. Olais stewatds: Messrs W L Philp, E l± Hart, II Gonrloy, J Roberts, and H M Driver. Pony entire horse unfler It lnnds. First prize, £l: second, 103 ; thmi, fs—C I) Crossley'a Aladdin, 1 ; M and J Allan's Tom Thumb, 2. Cob, mare and gdlding, not. exceeding 14£ hands. I'Mrft prize, JSI ; secomt, lt>s; third, ss— Mrs & Matthews' Lucy, 1 ; Or Chick's Cot, 2; L Eutledge's Hebe, 3. boys' ponies. Mnrp. or gelding not, |above 13 hands. First prize, £i ; second, 10s ; third. ss— J Aikman's Punch, 1 ; J J M'Anley, 2; Misi C L Miuiucel]. 3 ; A T Pri"e's Bobadil, and Geo Faris, highly commended Mare or gelding not above 11 hands— Or G Ru6sell, 1 ; J A M'Douald, 2; S Rutherford, 3. PIGS. First prize. £1 10s ; second, 10s. Judges : Messrs It B Martin (Dunedin) aud 11 Mitchell (Oaranru). Class stev/auls: Messrs J F Pealce and John Orindley. BKRKSniHK BREKD. First Class : Best boar, any age. Three entries — 3 Glatkson, 1 and 2 ; M and j Allan, 3. Class lA : Berkshire boar, under nine months old. First priz.3, £2 2s. Thrde entries— James Rowe, S£ months, by Abel, dim Blpck-haired Susan, by Tolkoa; bred by D'Anvorgno Bros, 1. D'Auvergne Bros, ;"J months, by Abe!, dam Violet; brod by exhibitors, 2. D'Auvcrgne Bros' Jolly Boy, seven monUis, by Abel— Pride of the North; brod by exhibitors, commended. Second Class : Best breeding sow, i'ny age. Five entries— D'Amergne Bros, Pride of the North, 2 years, by Tekoa, dam Pansy (in pig) ; bred by cxhiLitors, 1. * D'Auvergno Bros' Black-haired. Susan, two ye-ars old, by TpLoi, darn Pansy (in pig) ; bred by exhibitors, 2. S Brookes' Lady Emma, Nugget, dam Pansy ; hied by James Rowe, commended. 'J'hit'i Olass ; Best sow, over six mouths and under nine months old. Four entiies -- Jianes Ros'.c'a Rebecca, eight montlis ; sir.-i Abe 1 , dam Lndy Canning (imp), by Duko of Gloucester; bred by D'Auvfrgn ; ]3ros, l. D'Auvergne Bros, eiglil months, by Abel, darn T,a<ly Canning; bred "by exhibitors, 2. B (Jlaik?on, commended. Fourth Class : Best sow, under six months old. Three entries — D'Auvergno Bros' Queen Mab five and a-halr months, by Abel, dam Violet ; bred by exhibitors, 1. D'Auvcrgtro Pios' Duchess, fivo and a-half monllis. by Abel, dam Candy; bred by exhibitors, 2. E Clarkson, H. YOjIKSIHRK BREED. Fifth Class : Beat boar, auy ape. Six entries— M and J Allan, 1 ; A C Thompson, 2 ; D Johnson's Jumbo 11, sire Jumbo I, clam Countess II ; bred by James Jiowe, commended. Sixth Class : H^sh breeding sow. Three entriesJames Uowe's Fl'ira A, 18 months, by V/orsley B, dam Flora I, b.v Englishman, served by Jumbo, October 10, 18SS ; bied by exhibitor, I. James Ro ve's Miss Jumbo, IS montlis, by Jumbo (imp), dam SnowfLike, by Couqueior; bred by exhibitor, 2. A C Thompson, 3. A>'Y OTHER TIIAX BaKKSIfIRB A>'D YORKSHIRE. Seventh Class : Best boir, iinysgo. Three entries — S Gartoith. commended. Isi»hch Class : Best breeding cow, aivy age. Four cntriei— M and J Allan, 1 ; S Gartorth, 2. Ninth Class : Lit<er ol pigs, of not less than 6, and not to exceed two months old. Four entries — D'Amergno Bros, by Abel, dum Lady Canning, pigfted 29!h September ; bred by exhibitors, 1. James Rowe; bred by exhibitor, 2. E Clarkson, commended. VAT l'K-3. IVnUi Class: »'en ot three porke:s, urder six months old. S=\eu entries— D'Auvergne Bros, by Abel, dam Candy, rj months ; bred by exhibitors, 1. D'Auvcrgne Bros, by Abel, dam Lady Campbell, <lh months, 2. J:».moi Rowe, d months ; bred by exhibitor, commended. Eleventh Class •. Pen of three porkers, under nine moi-ths oid. Two entries — D'Auvergne Jivoa. b? Abel, dam Lady Canning, 8£ months, 1 ; E Clarkson, 2. r A\ fifth C!as<> : Bacon pig, any ngo or breod. Three entries — Jumes Jiowc, Xi months, 1 ; D'Auvtrgue I2ros, S months, 2. DAIRY PSODUCE. BUTTfiR A>"D CHEESE. Firifc prize, nob less than £2; seond, £1 10s ; third, £1 ; fourth, lCs. Judges: Messrs X Meadows (Kngland), W E> Gwnt (AmericO.^nd J U fcie.'tt (Dunedin). Cl-ns stewards: I\lessi-3 W D Sutherland, W Wnght, and JL Gillies. 2ib but f pr, without salt, in Jib rolls, without any distinguishing mark or print— Mrs G Ilutchison, 1 ; Mrs W Diack, 2; Mrs 'iV Jeffrey, 3; Mrs D M'Donald, i; Mrs J Faiibairu, commended; Mrs Bathgate, commended. 21b poAdersd butter, of salt to lib, in §!b rolis, wiihout auy <IN' Mif(ui c hinf; mark or print — Mcs J Mackie. 1 ; Mrs D M'Donald, 2; Mrs M'lnlosh, 3; lur3 Coll M'Donaid. highly commended. Best collfction of fancy butter made up for the table, to be decided by quality n\ d design— Mrs vf Dinck, 1 and 2 ; Mrs ' Coll M' Donald, 3 and 4. Tcu pounds salted butter (in jir), lr^ salt to the Ib— Mrs 7J*Kav, 1; Mrs Gf Hutchison, 2; Mis A M'Gv-egor, 3; Mrs Laidlaw, 4. Two colonial cheeses (old)— Omimi Dairy Factory, 1 ;')nch-Clut.ha Dairy factory, 2; Mrs CollM'Douald, 3 ; Mrs J Findlay, 4. Two colonial cheeses (new)— Omimi Dairy Factory, 1 ; Stirling Dairy Factory, 2 ; Mrs Col! M Donald, 3 ; Mrs Pugh, 4. SPECIAL CLASS. Two colonial chee=es (factory made)— Bruce Dsiry Factory, 1 ; Inch-Clutha Dairy Factory. 2 ; Gore Dairy Factory, 3; Waianiwa Dairy Factory, 4; Omimi Dairy Factory Company (Limited), highly commended. HAMS AND BACON. First pme, not less than £1 lOe ; second £1 ; third, commended. Judges: Messrs T H Green and T M Quinti. Class stewards: Messrs 17 D Sutherland, W Wright, and J L Gillies. Ist Class: Side of smolcrd bacon, cured in New Zealand -M'Donald and Miller, Ist prize; M'Donald and Miller. 2; A and J M'Farlane, 3. 2nd Class : fide of green bacon, cured in New Zealand— A and J M'Farlane, Ist prize; M'Donald and Miller, 2 ; Thomas Bates, 3. 3rd Class : Two hams, smoked, cured in New Zealand—Thomas Bates, Ist prize ; A and J M'Farlane, 2 ; M'Donald and Miller, 3. 4th Class : Two green barm, cured in New Zealand—Thomas Bates, Ist prize ; A and J M'Farlane, 2 ; A Allan, 3. sth Clas3 : Rolled bacon, cured in New Zealand (smoked)— A Allan, Ist prize ; W Wright, 2 ; A and aud J M'Farlane, 3. Cfch Class : Rolled bacon, cured in New Zealand (green)— Thomas Bates, Ist prize ; A and J M'Farlane, 2 ; Thomas Bates, 3. 7th Class : Rolled beef ham, cured in New Zealand —M'Donald and Miller, Ist prize; M'Donald and Miller, 2. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE. Beßt collection of garden seeds— Kimmo and Blair, 1. NEW ZEALAND MANUFACTURES. Rope, the best assortment from flax grown in New Zealand— M Donaghy and Company, 1 . Twine, the best assortment from fhx grown in New Zealand— M Donaghy and Company, 1. Artificial manure— New Zealand Drug Company (six specimens), 1.

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Otago Witness, Issue 1933, 7 December 1888, Page 2 (Supplement)

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REVIEW OF THE SHOW. Otago Witness, Issue 1933, 7 December 1888, Page 2 (Supplement)

REVIEW OF THE SHOW. Otago Witness, Issue 1933, 7 December 1888, Page 2 (Supplement)


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