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Fat Cattle. — The entries for this, week's sale comprised 199 head, *nd this number proved ample for the requirements of the trade. Competition was only moderately active, and prices about the same as last week. Be»t bullocks brought from £8 to £10 2s 6d (one special animal £10 12s 6d) ; ordinary, £6 10s to £7 15» ; light and inferior, £3 10s to £5 15s.— Wright, Stephexsojs, and Co. sold 95 head as follows : For Mr Alexander Mortimer, 6 prime bullocks at from £<i 12s 6d to £10 ; for Mr James Matheson, 6 prime bullocks at from £3 12s 6d to £9 2s 6d ; for Mr William Kirkland (film drove), 7 bullocks at

from £6 12s 6d to £8 2s 6d ; for Mr Robert O'Neill (Strath Taieri), 20 bullocks at from £7 7s 6d to £4 17s 6d; for Mr Robert Robinson (Greenbank). 8 prime bullocks at from £8 5s to £8 10s ; for Mr James Wylie(Outram), 6 bullocks at from £6 7s6d to £7 7s 6d ; for Mr R. P. Botting, 13 prime cows at from £s l2s 6d to £7 ; for Mr William Hastle(Greytown), 6 bullocks at from £5 17s 6d to £7 17s 6d; and for Messrs J. J. MAuley, Alex. Douglas, Wm. Cochrane, Wm. Lindeay, R. Sinclair, W. Townley, M. Laverty, and others, 23 cows at quotations. — Reid, Maclean, and Co. sold for Mr G. Wallace, 6 extra prime biniocks, from £10 to £7 17s 6d; fora Southern client, 6 prime bullocks from £9 7s 6d to £8 18s; and for Messrs J. Bhand, W. Kirkland, J, Thompson, J. Sibbald, and others, 12 cows and bullocki up to £7 7s 6d.— Donaid Reid and Co. yarded 93 head, and sold for Mr William Kirklsnd (Blm Grove), 14 prime bullocks to £10 15s ; for Mr John Marshall (Balmoral), 6 prime bullock* at £8 17s 6dto £9 2s 6d ; for Mr James Shand (Outram), 21 prime bul Vks at £7 to £8 10s ; for Mr James Thomson (Green Hills), 6 prime bullocks at £9 2s 6d; for Mr J. Dickson, 3 heifers at £3 15s ; tor Mr A. Douglas, 5. heifers at £5 *a 6d ; for Mr Thomas Kirk (Kirk Hall), 8 cows at £4 17§ 6d; for Mr William Shand (Keith Hall), 16 bullocks at £8 to £8 10s ; 2 heifers at £5 17s sd ; for Messrs J. and J. Dow (Newton), 2 heilers at £7; for Mr J. Thompson, 5 cows at £5 2a 6d ; for others, 7 cows at £i 10s to £5 15s.— H..M. Driver (on behalf of the Mutual Agenoy Company of New Zealand, Limited) sold, on account of Mr James Shand (Abbotsford), 7 prime bullocks at up to £6 7s 6d. and 6 cows at up to £5 12s 6d ; on account of Mr Wm. Hastie (Grey town), 6 prime bullocks at from £6 15» to £7 ss ; on account of Mr P. Williams (Kaihiku), b prime heifers at £5 7s 6d ; on account of Messrs S. Townley (Burnside), and others, 6 cows at up to £3 15s.

Fnt Sheep.— Only 1533 came forward, the result no doubt in a great measure of the recent bad wenther. For this small number there was very brisk competition at prices from Is 6d to 2s a head better than were current last week. Prime crossbred wethers brought from 15s 6d to 17s 3dj ordinary, 14s to 15s ; light, Us Od to 13s 6d; prime crossbred ewes, 13s to 15s; medium, Us 6d lo 12s 6d ; (light, 10s to Us. — Weight, .Stephensow, and Co. sold 301 as follows:— On account of Mr Alexander Morrison, 56 extra prime crossbred wethers at 17s ; on account of Mr Q-. P. B. Poynter (Toropuki), <J5 quarterbred wethers at from 14s Cd to 13s fid; and on account of Mr James Logan (of Greenvale), 180 crossbred wethers (medium weights and quality), at from 14s to 13s 9d. -Donald Stronach (on behalf of the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited) sold on account of Mr James Johnston (Pukerau), prime crossbred wethers at 17s 3d to 15b 3d ; Mr Audrew HaYvey (Waikaka), prime wethera at 17s to 15s 9d ; Messrs T. and J. Taylor (Wairuna), orossbred wethers (nice quality) at 15s 9d to 13s 9d ; Mr Thomas Latham (Gore), prime crossbred wethers at 16a 3d to 15s ; Mr Andrew M'Loran (Milton) and others, medium crossbred wethers at 14s 9d, and owes at 12s to 9s 6d.— Donald Reid and Co. sold for Mr Walter Blackie (Wyndbam), 120 prime halfbred wethers at l£i 3d ; tor Messrs A. and J. Brown (Mataura), 122 prime crossbred ewes at 14s tid to 15s 6d, 47 merino wethers, 10s Qd ; for Messrs W. and T. Kell (Waitahuna), 36 crossbred ewes at 13s to 13s 6d; for Mr M. Fleming (Sreytown), 149 merino wethers, 8s 3d to 8s 9d. —H. M. Driver (on behtlf of the Mutual Agency Company of New Zealand, Limited) sold on account Messrs M. Patercou (Ksihiku) and others, prime crossbred wethers at 17s, and prime crossbred maiden ewes nt 16s 3d.— Rkid, Maclkak, and Co. sold for the New Zealand Agricultural Company Limited (Waimea), 36 Erime oroisbred wethers at 16s 9d, and 15 prime alfbrod wethers at 15s 6d; for Mr G-. M. Bell (Wantwood}, 48 crossbred ewes nt 15s 3d, 40 crossbred ewes at 13s Bd, and 24 small halfbred ewes at 12s fld ; for Mr D. -Murray (Orichton Park), 70 crossbred ewes from 13s 9d to Us 9d, and 50 halfbred Southdown ewes at Us 9d; and for Mr E. J. Palmer (Otakla), 128 small halfbred ewes at 9s 6d. Privately during the week was placed 1800 prime crossbred wethers. Pigs.— Only 92 penned,- most of them porkers. An excellent demand was experienced throughout the sale, and prices obtained were decidedly m advance of those current a week ago. — WRIGHT, Stephknson. and Co. sold 41 as follows :— Extra heavy weights, 1 at 85b, and lat 82s 6d ; 28 porkers at from 33s to 225 ; slips at from 16s to 18s 6d.— Rbid, Maclean, and Co. sold for Mr Williams (Green Island), 8 from 27s to 21s ; and- for Mr T. Allan, 8 from 25s to 6s.— H. M. Driver (on behalf Mutual Agency Company of -New Zealand, Ltd.) sold on account Mr James Smellie (North Taieri), 9 suckers afc from Us to 13s ; on account of Mr O. Hanson (Caversham), 1 pen porkers at 17s Cd. Store Cattle. — lhe market does not display very muoh animation, and the sales made either privately or at public auction are limited. At the same time, any suitable lots offering at the Burnside saleyarda do not fail. to find buyers at prices comparing favourably with those obtaining for fat. — Reid, Maclean, amd Co. sold privately during the week 60 head mixed cattle. 8 tore Sheep.— There is no demand of any consequence for these in the meantime, neither are there very many suitable lots offering, so that no transactions of any importance are passing. Wool.— Locally there is no business doing of any consequence. Sheepskins.— The weekly sales were held on Monday as usual. There was a numerous attendance of buyers at the different sales, and they competed spiritedly for all descriptions ; and, notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather, combined with the fact that supplies at the Burnside Refrigerating Works have been much heavier lately, the demand seems to be on the increase, and, considering the sloppy state some of the Bkins were in, prices on the whole showed an advance on last week's. Country dry crossbreds, low to medium, brought Is 2d to 3s 7d ; do do merino, Is 3d to 2s 8d ; medium to fullwoolled crossbreds, 3s 9d to 5s lOd ; do do merino, 3s Id to 4s 6d ; dry pelts, 2§d to Is Id ; butchers' green crossbreds, best 4s 9d, 4s Bd, 4s 6d, 4s 3d; medium, 3s 9d, 3s 6d, 3s 3d ; quarter backs, 3s Id ; green merinos, 2s lid to 3s Id ; lambskins, to 4s 3d. Rabbitskins.— The market continues firm at late quotations, with a brisk demand, all lots coming to market being spiritedly competed for, and the usual keen interest continues to be centred in the proceedings. We have no further advices with regard to the position of the market at Home. On Monday a good catalogue was submitted, comprising various descriptions, which were all deposed of at slightly over last week's rates. The following are the prices obtained!— For suckers, 2Jd; summers, bid to 85d ; autumn, lOJd to 13§d ; early winter, 14$ dto 15§d ; full-furred bucks and does, 16d to 17d per lb. Hides. — There Is no quotable alteration to note in values, nor in the position of the market generally. A moderate demaud continues to exist, all Bortt being saleable at prices according to weight and condition; heavy weights, however, free from scars, receive the most attention. There being no outside market to leave a margin, shippers in the meantime are disinclined to operate. We quote, for inferior and bulls',, ljd to 2d; light, 2jd to 2{d ; medium, 2Jd to 3£d; heavy weights, 3§d to 3fd per lb. Tallow.— Several lines have lately been shipped for tho Home market, which has assisted in keeping prices steady here. It is satisfactory to notice from cablegrams lately to hand the firmer tone of the London market, and, prices slighly advancing. At the moment we have no alteration to report on theposltioriof thisroarket. The dunand for localconsun.ption continues brisk, all odd lots coming to hand being easily placed. We quote prime rendered mutton at 18s to 19s ; medium to good, 15s Gd to 17s ; inferior and mixed, 13a to 14s 6d. Rough fat is in good request— inferior at 8s to 9s ; medium to good, 9s Od to Us 6d ; best caul, 12s to 13s per cwt. Grain.— Wheat: Owing to the gradual rise In the price of this cereal at Mark lane, millers seem somewhat mure auxious to do business, and are now picking up all available lots of prime quality still left in store, which are limited. Parcels could now be placed on the basis of labe quotations; but until present stocks are furth jr reduced purchasers will not be inclined to operate to any extent at an advance. There is still a considerable qusntity of second-rate wheat in agents' hands, which is only saleable at pries about equalto Jatequotations.and no indications of any material improvement in the near future. We;quote prime milling, red straw, and white velvet, 3s to 3s 2d; choice Tuscan, 3s 3d; medium (nominal), 2s 6d to 2s 9d ; whole fowls' wheat, 2s 3d to 23 sd ; inferior and broken, Is 9d to 2a 2d (ex store, sacks weighed in.— Oats : The tone of the market has in no way improved since our loit report. While a fair demand exists, buyers are not i inclined to give the prices now demanded, and only on rare occasions last week's quotations can be realised. Millers, since the rise, have considerably cnrtailed operations, and are only purchasing to meet direct orders; whereas before the advance heavy consignments of oatmeal were shipped all over the colonies, which cannot now be done. Shippers of feed oats are completely out of it, and will not .be able to resume business until prices are lower or a much stronger demand with .a corresponding rise outside takes place. We quote prime milling (stout and bright), lo UJd. to 2s; extra choice

perhaps a ihade more, but Bales are" few; short bright feed, Is 10|d to Is lljd; medium and discoloured, Is B|d to Is lOd ; Danish and long Tartars— clean, fit for seed. Is lOd to 2s 3d; black, Is lid to 2s (ex store, tacks weighed in). — Barley: Only the choicest samples have any attention from maltsters. Medium is unsaleable for malting, and can only be placed for milling, and a considerable quantity of this description being available, millers are not inclined to purchase except at a reduction. There is no demand for feed. We quote prime malting, 4s to 43 3d; medium (nominal) milling, 3s to 3s 3d ; feed, Is 9d to 2s 3d (ex store). Byegrass Seed. — This has a little more attention, but sales are with a few exceptions confined to almost retail lots at the following quotations : — For machine dressed, 2s to 2s 6d ; undressed, Is 9d to 2s 3d (sacks extra). Cocksfoot has same inquiry, but the business pasting is limited, at from 3|d to 4jd perlb. Potatoes.— The market has been more fully supplied during the past week by tome consignments from Canterbury, which have slightly eased prices for the time being. Stocks, however, are still low, and last week's quotations obtainable, which are — for prine northern Derwents, 75s to 85s; southern, 70s to 75s (aacka weighed in).

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Otago Witness, Issue 1916, 10 August 1888, Page 18

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WEEKLY STOCK AND PRODUCE REPORT. Wednesday, August 8. Otago Witness, Issue 1916, 10 August 1888, Page 18

WEEKLY STOCK AND PRODUCE REPORT. Wednesday, August 8. Otago Witness, Issue 1916, 10 August 1888, Page 18


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