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I GLYCERINE SHEEP DIP | ■AWARD'S POWDER DIPJ , MW? l\jf'j> r'^SSSESaSSSsE t Best Wool Grower in the Worldi Cheap, Safe, Reliable, and Handy, i 414 1 *^T>'i>filllO lIPTI JP r PT' T^T they so closely resemble, while the peculiar fll Vnmilir Olirrn mn ' X'*****^^^'^^^**^'*'******^*************^ ! : r ~M«^sM^lmS^l^^, sl«vfr<>ll \iifL ■i»LIi | ,di 3 arrangements resulting in the fast woven nile 9b niVnCDIMr OlirrrS mn !• •- P P P y< T tFTkWKem&I 4* O* ** if* Sk V l Wffl&&B&S>Sfo* ie is unequalled, and in fact for all purposes » uLlUrnlnir nHrrr IBIr llMirillfinnin nntlßinrn mn7 H«,.aJO%?*%? S» ■•■ fP»-fii fa ▼ for which Silk Velvet may bo used wo specially "XT UL I UL.IIIIIL yilllLr Uir HAYWARD S PfiySfDER DlPi WTT'¥k IbIBIiIIm ♦ recommend the "LOUIS" VELYETEE^ 9 Destroys all Ticks and Parasites. Ilftl winllU U IU Is UfLll Uit x g qJJ VV.yy'il X vS^^Sfl^^lj -v - . ...— g^ niVnrniUf Olirrn mn • ' Kills all Parasites & Prevents Scab. <> «r»r-* ,^« ' •• ! 4 LUSTROUS SILK FINISH,^ ULIULRINt SHEEP DIP iiHvurjinnm nnuinrn mn? BREAKFAST. | "" equal to velvet, in '|T ' " Cures Scab and all Skin Disaasfla in HAY WARD U POWDER DIP iV "By a thorough kno-irledge of the natural laws -which ♦ tf^sM£*ffiL Cfpfifc • $$§ f%RI3NTAIi BLUB BliAOKandf vjures ocaD ana au Oion X»lßeaseß in lirtl ¥inillU» V I Ull O govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and 4 JU^BS^Mft^k^M WHy* W *st 50 Lovely Shades 1^ Sheep, Cattle, and Horses.. Improves Growth of Wool without 4 1 ty a * S ar ?, ful a P§^ cat i° n of the fine properties of well- T -i-^u^^m&i^^h M^dx%>l ' ' PIVPPPSMC QUCCD lIID iH^fc^ - $i^ ¥^^R«kl^V^A^ U N^^ou??nd°SrS^ NESS » ULYutniNtonttrLlßr ■• A* aTe m W n ? a , vy dl i ct ? rsl b , mß -- Ifc isb ? tho judiciouil v^«»w^^-^ V olour ana Drapery. LnpoLous MLs^thCold HAYWARn'Q PfIWnFR RIP IS"^ 11 *^^ TlomnH£a^H-^v«iDiQlv«»Bl fe xNon poisonous. ixuxes witn y-oia |IHIB|AfILJu rUilULri Ulr. O tendenc y to dIBCMe - Hundreds of subtle maladies are + T^^kWi&^^JMkfMWftnß v?ttic--t&'Zisk&L v i * * — Satisfaction. Water, and makes a Greater Return ■■■"■ " " . „ ~ , " , TJ. yfloatiug around us readj to attack wherever there is, T e l^^^^mS^'^ ! -'^ i <'*':' l¥ ' f ,C"TTTrnAT>T-m -nTrt-ri att 9 fnr Hn^rnf TlmniTitr thon antr «fTi Q « -^ Specially Prepared for, and Mixeß ya weak point. We ma; escape many a fatal shaft by V /; v 4^i^^^4^S^m4j&K^®^^^V^^^^ &XJITABLB FOR AL.L OCOA- X tor uost of pipping than any other cS readily with Gold Water 4 keepin ? ourse v^ s^ ell %«H with pure blood and i ♦ t#^ <^^r^^M^^^^^^?%#^l^'f & sions of Wear. Rfc Dip in the World. reaaiiy men, oow water. t prO perr y nourished frame.--" civil ntniu Gazette.- } m W NOTBAlnadditlontoQlycerinoandotherWool. NOTE -Saves expense of Fuel, cannot vary in l ta J^^^^^^r^ StS i^f Only^ : \''o W£i^MM'^^SMMMSl M Adelaide " Exhibition, 1887, this & Properties, a large proportion of Castor Strength, and being a highly concentrated prepare- A ' Mp -.p ppq^. - ' „ ' +Mt , rlt ™ + ♦ ' \K4f Celebrated Velveteen was awarded- W 3 Oil, a noted Lubricant to the Wool, has recently tion, and Packed m handy Packets and Cases to <> JAMES EPPS& Co., Homceopathie Chemists, ifMffi&sr Flr<?t -o^^ ««,„/! rn«7nn,« «♦ IP added to its composition, making it practi. suit the requirements of New Zealand Farmers, X London, England. J (4%W2*tr em^^^^SSSsSS^^wSS^ «x«« x « Grand Diploma Of J| cally UnrivaUed for Wool Growing purposes; it also affects a great saving in transport. X ' f '^§2sai»SS^. l^PW&W^^^^^ff%C^l^^ ' First Order Of Merit," fe mln Iron Drums of 20 lbs., 50 lbs., and Sold in Packets to make 25 &50 galls. 4 -«"-«-*-*'*'^^'^~^*v^*>^^ ♦ Wi^^^' MMMM^^^^^m^^B for exceUcnco <>* Fi » ish an d Superioiity lbs. each. Price 4s. per gall, for of Solution respectively, and in Cases o Z W/l^ii^^mW^Mi^^mf^^^^^i . over aU other makes. & (10 lbs. to gall.), a reduction containing sufficient of either size], <m a A mMm&FW W^oV\Wm^^^^^^^^f^ '"' " ■■' "., fL J,on large orders, when 1.000 galls', packet to make'l,ooo galls, of Solution. )1 v 1 «*<«) I • A -^"'< 1 „ r iTC .'' y ,, yar ? ? f the 9 c . nuine 6 « a « <^« name Jm can be made for £3 10s. Price on application to Agents. V S^y^lWt^)^ % J^^W^^^^^^P^^ /-ouu,^ and the war v guaranteed /rom, tht fL 4 Manufacturers : TOMLINSON & HAYWARD, Lincoln, England, f I m^MmS^^K^k C "^^Su^'^lveteen and do fe Agents :-TKE NATIONAL MORT&AaB & ACKSNCT CO. OP o ' %T tl ' | |a^^»ir^' not be StoSSf FSvSJs! F jS NEl^ ZEALAND, Ltd., Duaodia, Oliristcliurcli, Tiiaaru, & lavercarg^ll. <> <> i „„ Eequcst your dra per to procure samples 1/ » Ibh £L nJaffcJ^ißoi ° i! ""^' Jl^'" '"'" ''■"" *~ "" ""— ,' ' * v ls a i'f'e T i sl!? > £* q " I 1 SAIIHB . THIS I ~~< I &LOVH-PITTTWS I THIS oeS2S PYRFTff* tJTJLIw V£| ■iL Jb m XJN UT K>. lairriMi TuuTiAnr xvy^^"^**^ wALINE pIl v .^™.»— ■ ___ Jj It strikes at the <> | " ♦ Heat, Loss of Appetite, Shortness of Breath, Costive- f ' #^%M|fnr\ C J ROOT OF DISEASE, improving digestion by I PE^^Ulllffl 9 © OSIS@ t ness Scurvy, Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, I /»?«ilSvim W w clearing away obstructions from the Stomach, V OKiiini^jOaaSßi O a ila&M^Affa ♦ 2 rightful Dreams, and all Nervous and Trembling b /fflwi/nllM IMvymk ny .M . Liver, Kidneys, and BoAvels, and at the same |> | ♦ Sensations, &c. The First Dose will Give Relief in f MwM Wvlvll I 111 \wa Mark. B time renovating the Blood, eradicating poison- « Oil 1 d « * Twenty Minutes. This is no fiction, for they have f 111 \ llffl V ous and feverish humours, cooling and oxygena- O£i£lJ'Hlffßiai « B ILilaOi * done it in thousands of cases. Every sufferer is T If in I Ms! ting it. It is the I i J earnestly invited to try one Box of these Pills, and % \W r* 1 .GREAT SAFEGUARD & CURE for most | I PFFPHAWI'^I PIS 3 * they mil be acknowledged to be | Climates, and is most efficacious in Fevers, V _ _ _ „ ♦ ~~ ~~~~ <> TUC PFRFFfiTMN OF SHAPF FINISH /t niIRARII ITY r w ..^ •i-z-^'ii >-• 11 -« t- i mi • , & E*>i fi lol ff 3 /^a RE! SS 03 IRI B P^ RD H /^ ♦ (i ► '" L ' tnrLUI lull ur Ullnru, rill lull. Ot UunnulLl Il( J levensh Colds, Smallpox, Measles, Thirst, I; OSlßffa HJ B| Bftff | ? O O|B I <&| ♦ TTTnTirnTT i HTTTTITTI 1 I T»mr t\ ANfl APPRHVPfI RYTHF WHfllF Pfll ITF Wflßin W 4 Headache, Sea Sickness, Vomiting, Bilious- I OEiS^WKiliiwi O rSLLd H I W [IR TH fl IxTTTIxTTfI A A PflT I AHJJ « UVhD BY IHt ""lILt FULITE WORLD. ness, Constipation, Indigestion, Heartburn, A\ ♦ II UXUIIL H UUlllJLljtl H HUAi i Over 5,000,000 already Sold. W Cholera, Eruptive or Skin Complaints, Blood $ ¥% IC F 011 iIH OiiS© t ♦ m * v.» * «™ i i-t. i. » i. , . k tt Poisons &c y E><h[llS ia Mi PWI O 1 ii_l_O ♦ — — — .. — __ rTo bo had of all Dealers throughout Australasia. W^ 4' The H. W. LIOTLE, Madagascar, I ESTr^PSM^iJa OSli© ♦ Far Females of aU ages these Pills are invaluable, IW S THfISVISftN Rfl I Til L J3 writes :" It is particularly suitable m re- > I"! II 11I 1 Is3lI s3 l B B^i H l*f i lii I ♦ as a few doses of them carry off all gross humours '? 18S<V ' 11 ' ilUlliOUil OC UUij L I Uaj & « " ducing the heat of the system fiom which J Brilfifa W B SaKlaWB ♦ open all obstructions, and bring about all that is i London MamifaPturPr<? » J " new arrivals in the Tropics always suffer:" | Faf a ß ßß^BSii^fn§^ nifl-'i A ♦ required. No female should be Avlthoub them. There f l^onaon, maniliaCtUrerS. V Mr. YOUNG writes, under date Octo- A &l &» B» | rr g 5 ! M I^3 E^ii 15^ * is no medicine found to equal BEECHAM'S V See that ovory Corsefc is marked "THOMSON'S m> b*r 12, 1886 :« For something like fifteen I i l^i m ß aa^BSrigWß rHSBii^H ♦ PILLS for removing any obstruction or irregularity % d oiS?SiriM. TrßdoMnrk> L "years I have constantly taken your j \ p=^ B^fJ^/f^H 0/S ES^SSf^ Sf^3i B (5^ !! of the system. If taken according to the directions X v****^*.^**.*^^.*****^^*^*.**^*^*.**^*.^, > " Viavf X ,— __ ii _-, ici i- • • » llijilla fien B M KSK 1 * Q | PIE nor have I had a doctor. I have also f | . UElo aHBi ye' H 0 ettaEaoi'v'i „ doses will be found to work wonders upon the most ii Mff&^maß^WM^jßwWw^B|^iijffiM n ffi "given it to my childi en, and to it I attribute l| F' ;^l? /^ilJJ!lllfP€^ Oill^ '! important organs in the human machine. They <> |^wpl^y^y^^r^rK^lM^3K3 * " doctor for them since they were born." fi j v tl^'Eca&a'S»£'HßijQHQi3^ H ISa&a^i <> i ong i osfc complexion, bring back the keen edge of ° H | Jff 1 HiHLfelJyiiaiM| L f 'lT SAVED MY LIFE IN A DIS" 1 I flii 9(^ <> appetite, and arouse into'action, with the rosebud of X iL 2 " TANT LAND " writes C. FITZGERALD, til I K : '^ I? UJiTS/KPBI O H SLLo f health, the whole physical energy of the human a ■ w^SSM T % Esq.VformeVly in Albania. ? ? L-? u^to^H BiTHhWH Srf WE^^^u J; frame> These are facts admitted by thousands, i> K^H^^|| Vl l • J^l k QTATIAM DRnDRIFTORQ ClftpE/ 4 \ $% W* *T p. ELR £1 P-^ ?ft US! PCi <' embracing all classes of society ; and one of the best <► ■ 1 I lIQI H .««>«.iff/ ION / KO ir KIE TP R5> ' rLOCtI i r;ir^HßTs&.?v! 5^ I^ll ii\ n guarantees to the nervous and debilitated is $ aflfl&g±gSSftai»aJa laU \Eftm\ m 4 MASTERS, and all residing mUp 1 1 lsh*h!Ui&ltikvi W riLL^a | BEECHAM'S PILLS have the largest^saeof any I I^SE^ffl^^'^lW^ Ik 1 Oil I O I PatentMedicineintheWorld g ° fanJ | H^MSij^l ¥il •! C without LAMPLOUGH S PYRETIC v. rf-^ UnU n Y-j &si Sm''! B*^Bl 7 /» B■ II J a SALINE. It prevents the ill effects ♦ LU? I^=^J^ fa "a B S i 0 H BaHaUa \\ — _— <> f^mj^BfaSßT^ I*J* IKH J of drinking .water not absolutely Jj B^"pe»^aHfflGsni^ fP^sa B iRs II FULL DIRECTIONS ARE GIVEN WITW I 9 m pure, at the same time forming aI | tec? :L: L f P HJ%£MW, k" %. Pi I B I EACH BOX. X --*^*.*,.<.< L 5gK xaost refreshing drink, quenching a|! tiJiia&aMj2 hu aeWa 1 is3«afts^B !! . _J <> "S 6 *^ l^ 8 8 118 811 M ff% II f tairst, and adding to the home $ j -, mDaniA . « j; „,., , 6 | HIS 8 lU3 nA I Ula W % comforts of such secluded life. Ask <* \ [k^i^^VVAMl^L PPI I X o y Dru 99ists and Patent Medicine Dealers in \> ||JO I O ftU II L h your Merchant to send regular sup- J i L^lLEsai^ii Srugga 1 H»|L)Ob | fhe Colonies, in Boxes at Is, Ijd, anrf 23 9d cacA. X cURHn nfsTAXTTSTrBY ET Ji plies with your other stores. See %i\ \ % lI S a Pn9A Prerent. Decay, e.rcs P abundant medical and other testi- KM \ % h (l.Bb v Extraction, fil^pi«« Nighia t mony with each bottle. &sf — — — ' — "" j *~~ v ~~ w '"''-* l/www m „ „ _ * . * ,^rT Binm«»BiM k Ji May be obtained of all Patent Medicine Vendors. » \J^^^i^^^~^^^^^-^^^^^-^— '=^»r7i'iirTS^i ■—^— — ■— —^— — j— m— i— — — -— _ — ■ —^». T rains romOT6d b T bvntkr>9 nrKVINt $£§ The Physician to the Royal Chelsea Hospital pronounces JEN3H!N'S to be "tlie<y They ft perfectly, an i are far superior to A * __» t best and cheapest. Patients who reject other Oils can take this." $ the other Corsets I have tried.— Signed, £ T^Syn|JTF^'^F^Tr7"tf7B'TO6r' ai jjS£ W 1 5 #^ ==a \^-^^ i .p^^^^^^ maeie coze ip A mp-vrm. TSTtTTTiTI I "D A TT^TfTI Z 1 Ir^w^^^S «0 WJtlllJ!i ZiIJNU JrAINT> 1 • RAND i^^^^i • I W^^SllW mtrn lf P 1 11 5f SvhbucVs White Lead, Oils and Varnishes, HubhwMs Colza Oil, ' f J • ===^ | flit WOSI^^^BBXJOKI'S PALE' BOI3LE3D LI3iTSEBID OIL, f I H 111 HIM "^> w Hill? I llf H |"\ I I I ° Jl , iinilik PATENT if /& P J\ty\ Beware of Counterfeits of their Name and Trade Mark. * .#^^t?s^v m ji>Aiiii>iili i> viVA/ Ail ii Ull vlUii Jf I\m diagonal seamj^^l thomas hubbuck & son, nGft E 1 S'l^fifi^ 3^^^SJ^^S^^J-r?^ «fpl|BP CORSET {^Sh l^ , 0/A^^.^^o^to^ WZ& I J large coloured posters exhibited on the walls. TJie psi-fecLly fresh liver* obtained in tUs ♦ llfy^J li^'JP^ Will not split in the <> 0 24, LIME STREET, EC, & HUBBUCK'S WHARF, RATCLIFF, F way make a B\veet palatable oil, perfectly different to oil made from stale livers, which of <► d 4|m^ Seamß nor tear in Y^^ D^ UAR.IQ LONDON. ENGLAND. I"RADE MARKf 9 i^^X^^^^o^^l^^^ZuJ^^tZZ^^l ' -«* |^»** MHMHIMHiIHI .1 | "cshsx.^^eet £i SB .«-. j exquisite model. ?HOKSES.-LIEUT. JAMES'S BLISTERS 2 Because it tastes "nice." Consumptives and Invalids derive new life and vigour from its ii PERFECT COMFORT. ]► O^fVGKV You may turn your horse to grass i or ma loose ibox or yard f -nrni^ricvfui i. -rtn.i--iii« r ™-~ +• - <i GUARANTEED WEAR A *dt«73££3&B§P&t!?>~ - 1 immediately after the application without a cradle or other K "^ wonflertul nourishing properties. ' » '? bUAKAMItfcU WtAK. <> 4/^^^^T^^^^ 1 ' restraint, AS NO HOBSB WILL GNAW IT. It will never* <f|» Tm rf-« tt -scs»' T=r= cr 3 -BT *w<r -n->. — Tis<irrs'3'<n>i«r 1^ Thk QUBKIT says:— "These Qorsetß a« a new T yC^P?l^i-*"5^S^K%W?t blemish. The hair turns in ten days. It may be used to a T J departure. The material is cut on the cross, am 1 . [ nowever young. m <^ Recommended by the Physician to the Eoyal Chelsea Hospital as "The best and cheapest; I. the component parts being also arranged diagonally ; />/p. _^. IT WILL NOT TOUCH THE HUMAN HAND. Jh Patients who reject other oils cm take this." ' X tht seams have no strain. They are admirable Xss CSA> /> O k% r< *• T ll6 -? 01^ 011 *? continue its Accustomed Labour. T „__ J$ THE LANCET :—" Bxcollout quality, no taste, of much value in wasting diseases."; ** Beware of worthless itnitationl Every genuine •» iUt *^ -^^/»5 EXTENSIVELY USED 54 YEARS. F BRITISH .MEDICAL JOURNAL :—'-Children tak&it well." ' Y& N Ooriet" is itamoed " "X" & HT Patent Diagona *]^ ~ -Mfl Agents.— FELTON, GRIMWADE & Co., Melbourne and Wei- » <1 y«S!B?K 3> '^ M »* - °"- ««■« 6 "«^ ' , ♦ V #* ; s^!^fc^^l.»^ ! ?™ipSoßSi ysSlLfifiW^V^ RctiUl in bottles, in Carton Cases, cadi bearing the Trade.Mark - ®^ Thre,e Gold Medals! !.!— New Zealand Ex < y N^. J& PROSSER and Co., Dunodin, Otago, and Auckland. 1 oz., X /^W-WMVf^sfev ,™ + , ,-„.,.„ „.. „ / „ hibition. London International, 1831, (Highwi i y Is. 6d. ; 2 oz. 2s. 9d. ; 4 oz. 55. ; ilb. 95. : lib, 16s. Advertised in W <[§■ *' plntS ' ls - Pln tS, 25., Pints, Ss. 6d., Quarts, 6s. 6d.^ Awtrd) Edinburgh 1886 <> "Bell's Life" 54 years. '", ' „ ff 3 SoldbyallChemi.lß. - <> Sold t v all Drapera Ladleß » Otttfittera , O ■ TKT. 3BC. JT^aSWCJESS, " • f \b»^^^^^^^^^^^^S^ SI ' IAS "^ -■ ■>•*/? OF THE ORIGINAL & ONLY " CEHUIHE BLISTER," STANFORD FARIHCDON, BERKS, f

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Otago Witness, Issue 1915, 3 August 1888, Page 40

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Page 40 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 1915, 3 August 1888, Page 40

Page 40 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 1915, 3 August 1888, Page 40


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