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'• -' ' y "^ Business Jnotices. . ._... .-_.-,„,- „ . ,-,».» .«*.!-... „-^,>. ,.^,..Bnfluiess,JNotioes .-•.-^t.-^-^^vr.. «*««•.».■., ,. w^o«»« i^«Bnsin©ss«Kotio6s.^«^»^' Matt ' k *-"-' fldßßl^^^^^BS^^S^^M^^^Hßß^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^BßH^^^^^^^^^l^H^^^^^^^^^^Sß^^lH^^^^^^^^H^^^^^H j?^\ a i**^YTyfl4f^ifm f^iiyii l .^^^fll^^^H^B^^^ fIU * ■■ J v * * .^« ? * j^^^^^^l^^aift.^^^l^^^^B^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H^^^l^^^^^Bi^DlßM^K tB W wrfll ■Jrmwßitß aJr for G-out, Rheumatic mUr " -^B'" * * " 'iw" " ' ' i^H^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^3M%Sil^ral Tlia Universal KemSfty ior. iicianyoa: the St6iaach, Children, Delicate Fe- .; : - 4j lt | 'Ffffl'' 1 HI I I Hladacii©, heartburn* Indigestion^ Stfttr Eructation S ; . f a &*^|& I^_ Jg.A. Ij iH JB »_ iH "M ft Jk Kfe II lil fl '(fli 98 8 l^f MiyftPwwmmim \S'. v for every form of /i^IMM BRP?!Hr?PWPS Tlßt»l^i—iA'.w*^MjT l ßt» l^i—iA'.w*^Mj .. .: So3d by all Druggists and Storekeepers; >■■,-■! vfi"^ 5 ''^ N „.-•, <. >7Mif/l(K HI 'Mil'l < A"'#ll*Jl II N*B* ASK FOR DINNEPORD'S MAGNESIA;' W&,"W^ SKIN AND RI Ofln 7 .^W HImUU^AUhIAM^I AGENTS: KEMPTHORNB, PBOSSEB, & CO. A^^^^^ .V < D "-^^^ 7^s^^ I^^^HH^^^^^l^HH • a \ m- ' * ' ' 'DISEASE " ' O EOOMMENDEB by the m^t dbtia £\^f X - ... W/ B i b\i g^dihdd XB6iub6Tfl of thd modloftl pro >%rlr Mjf%mr§ mrm fJfWS /t^% M&MMfA niK/mi rr^ AAnAri n #<-■■- an admonition to the pimLio. fa&£rMiwi§'lßgJ\Ql iiM¥</I PI IVI PLES to SCROFu LA Aa u.^ m«y 'i^mu dw^> I &JJB Mjm [ MM- mJ\jM V*W* \^f MM* VOr ■ Blfll UIUV IV WVH\/| %JfLmi\, Sobhapps, the rmbUc wUI h*ve to take apeol* B , a >T''^ a * MM ™ Mlllll WßMßßilft)rfltfffflTTßll*^^ rvISFIGUEING^HUMORS, Humiliating Erup. rtUTICURA RESOLVENT, the new Blood Puri- . -«> ',_ -^~ ' „,.<■. t ' .'. ', A' tions, Itching and Burning Skin and Bcalp \_> fier, Diuretic, and Aperient, cleanses'the Blood > - • ■ t ~ ***,'■ mmsaiim^m^^ "they have m eotm," DIIV III UHI C H B|B BjnfA^fiYAH |@ BKaf Q^J Thw is the universal opinion of everybcOv ■«*• eases of the Blood, Skin and Scalp,' with Lobs of it 'cures speedily, permanently, and economically. , . . W% El M, ' , ■B<|l UL. k I|B| m^Bjyi BH WWm Brftk^H ' -lias tried- ' -' Hair, from infancy to old age, are cured by Cut*. —; : 1_ Vlf I • ll'llvaJi Bii f&W^ SWHSi 0 fln BE^i> I ' 4K. r\ AA A T--r«» f - ' ' CUIU Resolvent, ,tho new Blood Purifier,; inter. ' Cuticura, the Great Skin Curb (a Medicinal B A'^tJEßti tMj^JA^.Jm tBHI JHffhV— <<B ' DK> bOU I I C nally, and Cutiouka and .Ccticuba.Soap, the Jelly for external use), instantly allays Itching and jmfIHWSB — -^ BSSBSB^MP^a9e&i^^wOHB3nBBBBBBBHffiy | i *• greaA Skin Cures and Beautifiera, externally. Inflammation, clears the Bkin and Scalp of Humore, Bm iB B BjßC* imiiiMiiiß^M—iiii^imnniiiiiininiiii I 5558 SfltiC AAIfIU lifER Oil 3 Q ' ; "~ — ] Sores, and Dandruff, destroys Dead Skin and Flesh, BCBB B ■ B 1 , B".^^ • V^wHW^^fP^^^mT^BP^^^^WS^m UILIUUU Hill* a.IVE.n r3loE»Ot Agonizing, 'Itching:, and Burning; Skin heals Ulcers, Sores, and Diachorging Wounds, re- ' BIPUf B B B*tBtoS&8 ' ' ' BaH BH WM mSSklft m m^^mstmrWm r. bilious and livor oompjaints, indigeatioa. DiseaHee, Eczema, Tetter, Ringworm, Psoriasis, stores the Hair, and beautifies the Skin. ™ r " m """ ™" IS4 9@B ffi™# B.ff^inHH^ w ? n<i, BpasmMourTreath, nerVous depression. ') ? "«*«», P™F JP». Dandrnff, and Delicate Irrita> ' ■ ; ;■ = : , s , DALGKTY ft-OOMPANY, LIMITED, 1 irrHabilHy, laßßitnde, loss of .appetlto, dyßpepslß., ' tions pecuHar to both sexes, tastantly relieved by a CaHcura Soap, an exqni BJte8 Jte Skin Beautifior Dnnedin Agent*. BBJfiiWfMltfffißifwmg^ henrtbum irMdinem dizziness^or the eyes', &c / « wa ™ bath with Cutiouba Soap and a Bingle ap- and Toilet Requisite, prepared from Cuticuba, ■ VT "* ■ ' WBBBnEßSßßmrm9rßLlm&\M3nuß*m beino &h miW and tonin in thrir action ao they plication of Cuticuba, the great Skin Cure. This is indispensable in treating Skin Diseases, Baby IBfflQißrw ll B JS ""tSI Aro eortain in -"heir corativo effects. repeated daily, with three doses of CoTictJRA Re- Humors, Skin Blemishes, Prickly Heat, Rashes, An English Physician writes s — "MAJraA Cars is ! JraSf* Vki Hg ra«| HB ffitT^» Brag! I§&\ira PTiPPAR^D rv ■ solvent, win speedily cure Itching Diaeasea of Sunburn, and Rongh, Chapped, or Greasy Skin. mildl.v energetic, free from griping, and to be de-■WffjftjffiV^ff-j^ eiiueAat!i r "* i , the Skin and Scalp, when all other means fail. — — „, , pended on when a certain aperient Is needed, It ii gfifffemWrmmmtmU Hfm 1 1 WMMI wit mmgfmnmmlltVltiMtTlß "^ s LAMBERT, London,' • : :—:: — : Caticnra Remedies are the only real Blood also an effectual Worm Cake. - 'Pleasant to th* >a»te, l^^^mrxmmiA&mmjrmMtmuuwifmtwißmgMiMmiifMjfmivft I& bottles ONLY 1b U<L. A Magnificent Popular Work on the Skin, Purifiers and Skin Beautifiers free from mcrcurv, its easy administration strongly recommends it* WWftr n • • n~, I ' "^•♦^ vm»«i» with Engraved Plates, is wrapped about the Resol- arsenic, lead, zmc, or any other mineral or vego- ÜBe." , .:,, ...... } SSm 3® mEM «™a WSm^^^Sß^Sm Tho ge ? mne Br6 - in^ ee 2 packages, ,wth WnvMiW vent. Also, one hundred Testimonials, solemnly table poison whatsoever. Guaranteed abßol.,^lv Iflaai^S^i^i^BiHßVßHPSHnß WJBea vsad&k Bw BBBH BMEfca»>^»^«9 T h K ?** & l BWOra t0 bc ' ore tbe British Consul, which repeat pure by the Analytical Chemists of the Slate o"f lOffl fl HMBHMBHfITKHVIHHI M|Jj|^JJ^Efflß Inßiß i h - f^ ? TJ „ "^ Btol "y : X hav " e ' been a terrible sufferer for ylars Massachusetts. UU II IfA 111 1 ■I H B tfli S/il " "T ..— ■ i — -.. — .— -^ — .' "—" — — ' '"' " ' . - - ■ - j— «* , obliged to shun public places by reason of my dia- OnTtCTntA 50etH • lflr»<> hoxpd 41 nn "fr-Tn-V^i' KSIIIBBBB HBB»HBKoBB*BM Hill* U'^?UiEVJNJEI«Ii> - , , '.' have spent hundredfl of dollars, and got^^no relief Aynte,^SonttWate B ,R. Towns RRfflfflnßuimMCl^^JiVßn The oldest nerve pathologist practising/ i™" 1 *, J^f -^Hn^SS ll^ JwJf^n? iin!!^ - & Co> » ss y dne X > Victoria, Felton Grirawade & Co., ■BHNSRVVImnmCBHBRIiXHB m Australia, registered 1852,1iig., quallfled /mUEiSu&&^ l?Zt i,-S? f a !?* y « K^f? V a^ oodl . a i Melbourne; fionth Australia, A. M. Bickford & iiWw*kinlt¥lli^%\lMsCTa\WwaWl by ti-perience, MU, and special study, a well- P U •» ? y ho . I f^ le 1^ Sons, Adelaide; Queensland, Elliott Bros. & Co., mRB&MB2KU§EBBBMMMBEMUS known writer and wrwttaA vuterity on Ncr- j^T . " "^^& ' Sand m^SSS^^'' How^ are Brijba ft c. Ne w Zealand, N. Z. Drug Co., Auck- . ,i "a. awtaud mo^aKi-eeabl^perieut^uown. X yous, Heart, and Skin Diseases, whose tKmSSSb^i- . lWaeases, „,^ land and Dnnedin.; • j( jv , Ikstrcfass-. Family Meaf6rni'tor'ievery i 'a ioußehold.i ouBehold. lodgment and skin have been cordially aoknow. « fIESEPP-' 1 '- ltlH\ * •• - Or ABDBtess with Stamp, Pbjbpabed bt the '^ '• "Highly approved by .adultsijreadily iakefijjy chll* |^VSL£S%^3^^^ fl^K^.'. HrV *' Towns & Co -' Sonth WaJCB - [Potter Drog^ChemicalCo.Boaton.U.S.A, " fi 33 of all daeses, and ready sympathy with, ■ffffll' '" ' „-,., .. like oil. Un»urpas»edasa digestive tablefc,and to«»* kM («f^bt^^T tohC " ' X ]^Hff»^^PF mmß ' ' ; " >'"*'• '•"'.' ' - as. sugary ana; p*jk^i/^o. .suit,' fti", Treatment, direct <w3 conrf»<uit<mat, ac» f^CTßßW|yTHHrWißßlßfßß^^mm^M7i™* '* " 4tJf - ■"> '"' '• ■ ' Jl " . ' ' ' in sgflMMa&Bifcflag " HBBWWHB' ' :; 'a9Ul^>%«^ ii||anhood restored practice so extensive, that it is only hi the interest .i : MlHwßnllmifßßlßMh BUBUU ' ' " «Bk ' WHO VTHIr A remedy for tha CUBE of NERVOUS EXHAVS* of patients, and to save tnom from falling into -'H|HIHBHBHHI^HRk^^^^HH r 9 TIO3, PBEMATOBE DECAY, fee., haa at latt h&^6b^ d t^il&Uo^ 7 &^w^S-J^K^K^BBB^^^^K^K ' S}T ' '" : c J '>*WKPr^-" }i ■ "W' x ' discovered a aimple SELP^JUEE, which, for hißn'Saoaudaddress. „ ' • V^IHH^HMS^Hf TAYLOR BROTHERS call the attention' of consumers to the HIGH SUSTAINING AND f^J^l otsnSormg htmanity, he will •end Consultation free and confiden- "^Hh^B NUTRITIVE POWERS possessed by rithi. tne rrescipnon which uujusjj him. Ad« SfeAi^aF.r.a&atfa' ; MBpMßßp|imi HfUVKFOPATHin MARAVII I A HflnfiA «^wtSJ£ trestmont,wbiohwUlbeß6ntbypo6t. ~ ' . , .> '-■' - ■'■', ■■'''< ■'' IIUIIIMbUI ftllllU %A Illrlllfiff ILaLif'l UUUUrif Be sure to state in which paper you observed tht Address :- DR. JOHN (TCONNELL, > . c .-^ — Beresford Ohambors, 52 Oasttewa^i^t., Sy*i?ys OOLUBLt OHOGOLATt. SS^S^SL S,nitt.'»%^E£g — _______ l: . L I_^_ These articles being prepared with great judgment and skill from the choicest and sausfactorvtubsututtis ' . * ""' growths of the Trinidad and South American Estates, compare advantageously with , WATTrTITT A T Tf *C| >" ""■'■■" '■'■ ' 'i^uw" ""'"^.aJ- ■■^hjim^iii " ii ■ ilium the w^nctions offered by other houses, and a trial is strongly recommended befbre fc) V»l wXTt rY t fliff O — : —"'— -^ a preference is finally given to any other description. jr^f^W*^ I 1% MW** F% jt* ■■ «ft jlJ^ V VHfi&M% TAYLOR^BROTHERS, EMULSION F* ,'TnWuTi '„'" „...•?' >:i^l^ ' MARAVILLA, HOMOEOPATHIC, ROCK, FLAKE AND PEARL Tni^Sn^ntZ^rT^hT^lT w™. * A ;lfflfl^ ' ' CO C OA MANUFACTURERS, l \\WMr * Bricfc Lane and Wentwortli Street Steam Mills, Spitalflelds, London. ■* »2»S5s2S VaSp!"^ "^ pr ' ■ ' r » All the virtues and curative qnslities of the Oil are T w/* tnm T^w^.^^^ * »*k » w«. V ««■ n-*v«. w , O retained in a palatable form for the treatment of I*l4aH T-rvK«¥lA/AT 4 flYi I*T\/W^K 4 ill* May be obtained in Labelled Tins or Packets throughout the Colony. / General Debility. Waating Dieeaseijn adults and ill \yJTl A ,L#4J\Jl li\ \jI\JU UA V Ell\ v/1 12 - , ~ >' ' , , .~ •", children^ Consumption, DeoUne, Affection* ef the ABSOLUTELY PURE, NATUBAJDLY PALATABLE, ANDEXTBAOEDINAEILY EFFICACIOUS , ' i JS!Tu£Ti^Vb^^SSTSi IN CONSUMPTION, THROAT AFFECTIONS, AND DEBILITY OF ADULTS AND CHILDREN. I _ - : _ '" ' ' "'L f™*™™"' , — , , »TP^ 9 fl B SotJTHAii ßros. * Babclat, Birmingham Ingland. Dr. SINCLAIR CfOGrHILL, /" In Tubercular Disease, possesses greater the- II #1 B *' m H ' WholetaU— P. HATMAK«ndCo.,Dunedin Welling Physician, Hospital for Consumption, Ventnor. ( rapeutic efficacy than auy other Cod Livor Oil." fl fl^^4b% 4« VfJ^W |7<M AVfV M H too Aaokland and OhrUtoharoh X& Sir G. DUNCAN GIBB, Bart., ' M.D., f '"' "A remedy of great power in the treatane'ntot I Iff 1■ 1 I ill 11 1 ■ 1/ 111 1111 I H ' ' ' Physician to the Westminster Hospital. \ many Affections of the Throat and I/arynx." ■■■■■■ la If 111 I ' 1%. 11l I Iflff ' flfll ~ " — "■SS^fSSSS^S^SfIfc* 1 -"- { B^J£itßSSßßaa&.s f *■"»*-•• JL/vJJ. U JVU imyll I 1 blaiks wht i'!ii,s. nr. GEORaB. SAX7NDERS, C.8., f " A valuable remedy, especially in tlao Wasting' 1/ *" "" H l " * m , .Jj ". „ , Late Dcputy.lnspeotor-Gemral, Army HospitaJs.X Dibeases of Children." q,, . TTTT < n <^niV >^ "PTTRAPT of SOAP 1« H fhe great English Remedy. Sold ONLYin Capsuled lmperiai, Half-Pints, Pints, and Quarts, by all Chemists ana Storekeepers. T>,,^ C rtO^ f1,,-'*^-- v A o<lilxr eAI«Yie A I«YiI A H G6ut, Rlirumatism, Sciatica, Sole Consigneea-AJNSA.H , HARFORD & CO., 210, High Holbora, London, XUTe DOap, ID. HUB rOWUer, reaauy BOIUDIG H an< | UllllbaSO. CAUTION— Besist mercenary attempts to recommend or substitute inferior kinds.. 1H all Waters — Hard, Cold, Soft, OY Hot. ' - R ALL sufiferers from the abovo complaints TTnrfHnTi'si Ev+rnpf nf Snn-n ir iirpH fnr all H -"^ eitfaer of recent or lo "S standing, are * ? . Jiuason s XiXtracb 01 ooap is usea ior aii v advised to use blairs gout nn <i kh^tj. ■ , -1,1-fin T^Tasllillfir Gl6aHßiH^ & ScOlirlnSr With SXGSLt H MATIC FILLS They can .bo relied upon a« -i^^^^fe^^^ j x • •' •"' m» ■ Ti> jl wr ' ■■ ■^ finlloß *' wfe an^ effectual remedy «ver offered -"^^^^P^w advantage) SayiHg Time) LaDOUr, & Money) H to the public, and have been universally used /^T[^mo^s^^^^^^^\ -cbt bpbcial A»poi»TMßirr CAMiAQK-BtriLDEE fi9 performing Cleansing Work in the most H enoa many year * w AA^g^^^^^^gA/A HBEioBiLBwoyTHBGovEBNoiioFN^.) thorough manner. Try a ftuarter-Pound B Har^3«tj'BOobidßrfonewhave«itKorfa»d t^l^^^^^^^Cj Be^MXLra^wo^a^.^^ Packet (of any Storekeeper) and ■ « SdfLndonTtobo irap O r^i SS the X AfVWVV A V^OtV 7 Prizes at aU the recent shows, and trie Slnclaii B Government stamp afhxed to each box of the V. KA^ \ /V i/\x\ -\/ Combination Buggy was awarded a Special Prize al MHi*V ■•■ V ■■ ■ Bfl K^nuine medicine. *^^^ILJ -*L^y^Jto»^~Ci \Lr tha Wellin g ton Bxhibitioa. A large quaetity of A # ■ I ■ I H ' n Eugl aiJ d at 18 l^dand 2s 9d per box, «BK1&»' -— «■ ' W^i" American Ash for Sale. M # i^mb^ tell I wmjm. t^^wm B H obtained of any chemwt or stores b the AusMAKE SIICLAIR, V A|l TIT II I \T T\ fl ill I ■ traUan Colonies. . CSACHBUILDEH and IMPORTER, GEEAT KING" STEBBT.DUNEPUS »nd fl 111 I Iflff I' "I I ■% 111 IUU B 1 WAEH STHERT. O AMARU. ■ l#xll iflf iliiA 1% 1111 ,g ■ ■ ■ ". " : _ " m ' ■■■ w wTI,w Tl,T 1 ,* 1 11" 1 *»^«**^^ WW ■ I.poo XI N G RANGES. "O.EION" ;^g^^^K^^Bßß^Bll. THE BEST REMEDY FOR INDIGESTION. ivonVt^klorv^Sl^tv^^y. ■. OOAL, Hy^H|~ CAMOMILE PILLS are confidently recommended as a simple Remedy* mTm .inn Tn w.pmwph •. » . „ _.^ fl^'y'JWffljgg^SSrS^aßßfflWflMnnMflWlfll' / or M ''l o n f !WMC/l IS tne cause Of nearly aU tne diseases to which we I.^l in price— One Guinea per year— 'fb*. • fm^v^Bßtscaß <»* subject, being a medicim so uniformly grateful and beneficial, thut it SSri^ riL ® F *™. £ A £ X*™™'K *™™' ?B^ILBB * V «ttfcii««C6 called the "Natural StrengtJiener of the Human Stomach," 1876 Pubi^ti n^ S% "" # lljggjljg^ (f NORTON S PILLS" act as a powerful tonic and gentle aperient; are morning at i>nn«Hn)-r,ive» iau>»i IRON FRETWORK AND l i^llM^Q^^^ niad in iUir °P eratio^ sa f e und&r an V circumstances, and thousands of '^^^^^a^a^JL^ "T," GENERAL OASTINQ3. Persons can now bear testimony to the benefits to be derived from their use, *«-; gutecription : ..o«e guinea Per , ,u,nw,^- — as they have been a never^ failing Family Friend fnr upwards of 50 years; "Sm Sar^rSf S^lf T' y) '^ J *,- |i;: ' npiinn wwwwrtfPPTk -.-,* * . * < -T J v -unum. ftampl c copies t>ent Free on ap[«luu CirAitt.b & 4 Jf JfifiUi&w. - . . 0oM*»B»WlMfl*l3 t 1id,28.9d 4 |'lle.wcH >^anafo^iV,Blei«forH«h«Wffho«e L !° n - POT6onß,.deoiroua.of;6!ibicT-it-« ll g>.io tt». H14 1 Q 'XT A, <T< "IZ"> T -/\* '.'/^ \Tt ' '"* " * — ',- A| ' ; I = £ " '-•'*•* abovewiU please send their name? and adiln«*» Souilieii^ F<vautfrr. 'str^e^ U*Uaedl«. I Pto]?,?^ an w^s«&i«v ' ■»-««. ... a*.

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Otago Witness, Issue 1834, 14 January 1887, Page 39

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Page 39 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 1834, 14 January 1887, Page 39


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