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' 1 rcsla Sced§. ■' ;< Fi»4«fc (Seeds. SEEDS for the Farm and Station. Peren- !. nial Byegrass Seed, inported and local grown. I COCKSFOOT, ITALIAN RYBGRASS, aad TIMOTHY. CLOVERS— Whit© Alsfte, Cow«ass, Bed aad Trefoil. . s I TURNIPS, Rape, and all Seasonable Seeds of best quality. MANURES — Superphosphates, Bo&edast, Maldon and Chesterfield Island Guano. Our Vegetable and Flower Saeds are iv great variety, and popular because reliable. • , 40Ggal Iron Tanks, Barbed Wire, Standards and Fencing Wire. . ■' ,-. i.'i.v NIMMO & BLAJR, 24s ' Bonedin. JOHN HISLOP, AND JEWELLEK, (Exactly opposite the Bank of Otago), FRINGES STREET, DUNEDIN }egs to inform the public that he is in constant receipt, by every mail, of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, for which this house is so well known, being manufactured especially for Colonial use. THE JEWELLERY DEPARTMENT ceu tains a choice selection of Earrings, Bracelets' Brooches, Chains, Lockets, Rings, Pins, Studs' and Bohemian Garnet Work ColoaSal Jewellery, Manufactured on the Premises. Chronometer, duplex, horizontal lever, verge, and other Watches, accurately repaired, and guaranteed. Ships' Chronometers rated by transit observation. J. H. being a thorough practical workman al work entrusted to his care will receive the utmost attention. QAM UE L oITr &" 0 0., GRAIN, PRODUCE, ami COMMISSION AGENTS, STAFFORD STREET, DUNTEDiN (In the Premises lately occupied by Messrs Murray, Roberts and Co., and nearly opposite Provincial Saleyards,) Consignments of Wool, Grain, Grass Seeds, Sheep and Rabbitskins, Tallow, Chatf, and all Fanners' Produce received for sale on commission in Dunedin, or shipped to London or Australia, if desired. PROMPT RETURNS & LOWEST CHARGES Heye for Sale all Farmers' requisites, viz. ; — Woolpacks, Comsacks, Binding Twine, Clover, Grass, and Turnip Seeds, Fencing Materials, Guano, Sheep Dips, &c. 7ja Rlueskin Agricultural inui Piistornß ( Associ»tion. EXHIBITS of FRESH BUTTER oue week old, for SHOW on 14th JANUARY, are to be taken to the Secretary's House on the Sfcb January, between the hours of 4 and S^ foi stamping. General entries will be received b;the Secretary at the Saratoga House on TUESDAY, 11th January, from A to 9 p.m. Entries subsequently received by post (envelopes bearing postmark of that date) will be accepter!. EDWARD JOHNSON, Seeifitary. Blufiskin, Dumber 27, 18S(J. .".Id WWMAM'B FRIJ£NI». THOUSANDS USE THEM. NONK SHOULD BE WITHOUT THEM. MRS DR STUART'S. &\tmmis Female Remedies. THE LADIES 1 TONIC, CN and 4s 6d pei\ bottle. fiPIUIS excellent tonic enriches aud purifies JL the blood, improves the appetite, restores colour, tone, and vitality, thereby removing headache, debility, nervousness, weakness, and the depressions from which so many females suffer. THE LADIES' CALENDAR (OR FEMALE) PILLS, 2s 6d and 4s 6d per box. These Pills are justly esteemed for their great value in preventing discomfort, suffering, and inconvenience, and for periodical use are the most reliable and prompt medicine ever brought to woman's aid. THE LADIES' APERIENT PILLS, Is 6d per box. For the relief and prevention of headache, billiousness, giddiness, constipation, liver com* plaints, indigestion, pains in the chest, back 5 and sides, &c. The above are endorsed by thousands of J Mothers, Milliners, Dressmakers, Barmaids, j Domestic Servants, Shop Hands &c., &c., as the | greatest boon, meeting an urgent and long-felt want. Sold Everywhere. Sole Wholesale Agents for New Zeatand-^- ! THE KEMPTHORNE AND PROSSER i DRUG COMPANY. I2n

"r***<*v~' - Public Notice*. ~ -" >v . Howard's Twine Kinder. FIRST PBIZE MACHrNE in Tasmania, Victoria, and' New South- Wales, beating M'Cormlck' Buckeye, Wood, and Hornsby at Ballarafc, December 17, 1886. - . New Pattern for 18S6. More Efficient, 3impler, Lighter, iMtfr Balanced, and Stronger than ever. Wiih numerous improvements, making, It is believed, a Perfect Machine. Winner of £oO prize at Shrewsbury Trial, August, 1884. We can also supply Machines of last year's pattern similar to those referred to In accompanying testimonhils. al? EXCEEDINGLY LOW i- KICKS. An Expert, will t>-"in »ttenilnnco during harvest. '•Newton, West Taieri, March 13, 1986. " Gentlemen,— The • Howard' Twine Binder which we purchased from you this season, has given every satisfaction, both iv the • iittinp and tying, all the sheave? being regular in size and no •' baby' 1 ones, lb is also light in draught, two horses being need, except in i'xt e^tionaby heavy crops, when we used throe. We can recommend the Machine with all confidence.— Tfour.i truly, " J. and Johs Dow." " Mataura, February 9, 1856. Dear Sirs, — I am glad to inform you that the Machine has been started among green oats for chaff to my r-ntiro satisfaction, and will cut very low if required.— Yours truly, , »" Eobeut Barclay." For further particulars an d prices, apply to COSSDNS & BLACK. 3ld 'Engineers, Ac, Cmwf-ird street, Dunedin. mHE PERPETUAL TRUSTEE, ESTATE, JL AND AGENCY COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND (Limited), With which are incorporated the Firms of Gillies, Stjjeet, and Hislop, and Connell akd Moodie. Subscribed Capital £108,345 Paid up 24,277 DIBECTOKS : The Hon. W. H. Reynolds. fIf.L.C. W, Downie Stewart, Esq., M.H. J. Aitken Connell, Esq. Thomas Moodie, Esq. Walter Hislop, Esq. Manages •. Walter Hislop. Offices : Corner of Rattray and Vogel streets, Dunedin This Company is empowered by Special Acl of Parliament of New Zealand to act as Executor and Trustee under a Will ; as Trustee under Marriage or other Settlements ; as Trustee in place of other trustees wishing to bo relieved from their trusts; as Agent for Executors, Trustees, or Administrators, and as Attorney or Agent for persons resident in the Colony or abroad. The Company undertakes the Investment of Money on real or other securities ; tbn Collection of Rents, Interests, Dividends, 01 other income; the Negotiation of Loans; the Sale and Purchase of Properties either privately or by auctiou ; and tbe Management of Estates. The Company has For Sale and To .Lease Properties in all parts of the Colony, full particulars of which can be had on application at the office. Money To Lend at lowest current rates. • GBOVBS AND COMPANY ' ' WANTED Known— ThaTGROVES and COMPANY have reopened business as Carriage Builders, Stuart street. WANTED Known — The British aud American Carriage factory is situated in Stuart street, next Martin and Watson's. WANTEQ Known — Buggies, Waggons, Phietohs, kc, built to order at lowest prices at Groves and Co.'s, Stuart street. Stock always on hand. • WANTED Known—That Carriages, &c. built with all improvements at the British anil Amt-i'ican Carriage Factory, RLuart stirfoh. A trial Knli( > .il.f i i'l. MRS GILL. MRS GILL- is now showing the Largest, Finest Stock of Millinery ever imported. TT ARGEST Stock of Fashionable Millinery JLJ and Trimmed Hats to be seen in the city —5s 6d to 20s. FINEST Assortment of Millinery Bonnets fashionable shapes, latest styles, newest shades and colours— lo.-! Cnl to 30*. BEi'OliE the Summer Holidays nothing wiJl repay oue so muoh as a visit to Mrs Gill's, ' ICASE of Infants' Cream and White Pelisses, richly Embroided— from 5s 11 d ; Infants' Sun Bonnet?, latest styles. DRESSMAKING a Specialty; First-class Fit and Style ; lowest possible Prices. — MRS GILL, 13 and 15 Princes street. 31d . MKS, DKKAVKH. "T" ADIES wi.shuig to Learn, the Scientific J_i System of Dress Cutting should .apply early to Mrs Dreaver, Dunedin; THE Classes commence again oii, Monday, 10th January. Ladies can learn the syste^a, thoroughly jn three weeks. - - , j^^..^ "mJr|^ .DRjBAVER is the, only .Teacher, of JLxJL iiabove 'System'-- in Otago. '.Taufht ■ till perf^ecfsSgr" 35.;- r ";•*•! < - 'J V ;; k - % B;a

A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEECHAM'S PILLS Are admitted by. SZ O•» A a\. thousands to be worth a Guinea aB ox *£*/ >J^ «\ i^ OUB an^ ner * /H// \lP\ vous disorders, such # j>l, I \ as wind and pain in iWnnntTniTm \~A\\ tne stomach, sick I ' /PATENT I' I headache, giddi|M*| r»i ti ■#» IWlneps. fulness and It 3! PILLS. /W I swellingaftermeals, Ik»\ /c* I dizziness and drow\v3\ /*»/ siness, cold chills, vCaV y ■*?# flußhings of heat, V%>\. ■ yw/ loss of appetite, Vvj ( V»*^ i^-i'ftS^r shortness of breath, kSh^!s'^ costiveness, scurvy, blotches on the skin, jfaRT disturbed aj,eop, «BBR> ' frightful dreams, and all nervous and trembling sensations, &c. The fim dose will give relief in twenty minutes. This is nofiction, for fcheyhavedoneit in thousandsof cases. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one bos of these Pills, and they will be acknowledged to fie WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For females of all ages these Pills are invaluable, as a few doses of them carry off all gross humours, open all obstructions, aad bring about all that is required. No female should be without them. Thero is no medicine to be found to equal BEECHAM'S PILLS for removing any obstruction or irregularity of the system. If taken according to the directions given with each box they will soon restorefemalesof all ages tosoundandrobasfchealth. For a weak stomach, impaired digestion and all disorders of the liver, they act like *• MAGIC," and a few doses will be found to work wonders upon the most important organs of the human machine. They strengthen tho whole muscular syefem, restore the long-lost complexion, bring back the keen edgaof appetite and arouse into action with the ROSKBUD of health the whole physical energy of the hiunim frame. These are "FACTS" admitted by thousands embracing all classes of society; and one of the best guarantees to the nervous and debilitated i s, Beecham's Pills have the largest sale of any patent medicine ixx the world. BEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH P7LLS As a remedy for Coughs in general, Asthma, Dimculty in Breathing, Shortness of Breath, Tightness and Oppression of the Chest, Wheezing, &c, these Pills stand unrivalled ; and any one labouringunder any of the above complaints need only try One Box to prove that they are the best ever offered to the public for Asthmatic and Consumptive Coughs, Hoarseness, and Oppression of tho Gtoest. They ■ speedily remove that sense of oppression and difficulty of breathing which nightly deprive the patient of rest. They give almost instant relief and comfort to those afflicted with the above distressing and, when neglected, dangerous complaints. Let any ' person troubled with any of the above complaints give Brkcham's Coush Pitts a trial. The most violent Cough will in a short time be removed. Cautiojt— The public are requested to notice that the words " B'sbcham's Pilis, St. Helens," are on the Government Stamp af> xed to each box of the "Jills. If not on they are a forgery. < Propared onl^-and sold wholesale and retail by the proprietor, T. Beecham, Ohemiat, S«. Helens, Lancashire, England, in boxe'i at Is. 1 Jd. and 2s. 9d. each.— Sold byhj) Druggists md Patent Medicine Dealers thraaghoijt»tl*e Colonies. ffr N. B. — Full directions are givaa with oach bix.

Public Notices. v ajß thanks. MB BRAITHWAITE heartily Thanks the Public for the Increased' Support given .tuj Miice he opened the Book Arcade, due no loubfc to four causes : — 1. Everyone can come in and go out when they lifee without being asked to buy. 2. The mammoth variety of new and attractive articles, including books, at prices that defy competition. 3. AU classes treated alike. 4. The civility and courtesy of our manage and assistants. An average of 10,000 persons have visited the iook Arcade every week, or 760,000 persons nee ifc was opened 18 months ago. Everybody ■Iniits it to be the finest sight in New Zealand, i) J uot excelled anywhere. Two New Departlenfs have just been added — viz., the latest kitisb. aud Continental Novelties in GOLD and SILVER JEWELLERY, uid Beautiful Glassware and Other Ornaments

10,000 BABGAINS ! 10,000 B AEGAINS ; ! ! " 1b,068 'BARGAINS !! ! |3P JTTST FOR FTJIsr. To crowd our Bhop with Buyers we offer Hats, Scarfs, and Hosiery at about Manufacturers 5 cost. If you want to save money go to HOSIERS, HATTERS, AND SCARF MERCHANTS, 95 (JEOME STREET. DUNEDIN.

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Otago Witness, Issue 1834, 14 January 1887, Page 36

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Page 36 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 1834, 14 January 1887, Page 36

Page 36 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 1834, 14 January 1887, Page 36


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