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Me4ifftl Medical, Medical. - Medical. Medical. , <■ m » r — '. — ~~~ " ' "~~~" " TT 01^ THE BLOOD IS THE LI?B ' - < PBPFIR'S QUINI^B ud IRON TONIC. ■«? TUST PUBLISHED (NEW EDITION) OREAT BODItTY STRBN"GTH. , \m^ kJS'WTZ'l'A dtftM Wl Price One ShiUing (post, twopenoe UREAT NERVE STRENGTH. ILL LJJL JL' ML —II ffi?wEsw If IHJ. IM-!ill K^K'i^^^l extra) in any stamps. tiREAT MENTAL STRENGTH. I IInB S^TiTIl iM DKSI ll l l>9 S<i fllfi I M 9HSQ Xt J Ml, liTnlTmiP HMMMJU-^-JUL— MJMMJWMiI^^M^M GREAT DIGESTIVE STRENGTH. |Fi"^ V* inr+ w # TT !■>■ ■*! )P wa y »a»AWJ i>— y J| iwhorh t" AMI r T% B«^BiiSi^^iiiffiWlWWßWM PsrvEßs quinine »ud iron tonio ENGLISH ■- i ■ i „ r iT^in TF miiii iiiiiimi UlHulH^ulMmffiS INVIGORATES, ' ' .jjm ■ |_ 1] J'jl I n ~WSR K*ltA MiIJMIiJB jk7Jj I »mI MPBttKIBMPWIfgTWfiSRWI HHnHHIBi^IHHHPHHI supports, IHi T il3Bi]KiHk:l3V^sH n«l ■ wi "^ 1 fa^ I Kill IRlißMlflSt^B^BMgtfianl HHkVv A sf«S«y |^lvVS^^H sustains • ißiiAP!^ ifiit i— -i ™i > -ss-fMt— =- ■„- ■¥ ■ n MBiEßliimiwiWT^MWiisw i^nnSMSWafl«i3^H ' .-, :, ROBUST HEALTH. _^ This Medicine is the most powerful _ ■» . I.' ■-" nHHHBBranSHHBBBHB PBPFBR'S QUININE *nd IRON TONIC. ._- \#CA» Health Eestorer and Life-Giver ever Largest Sale of any Medicine in the World, .DR. LA MEET'S Work on " The PhysioCURES NEURALGIA, JUBILEE YEAR. recorded in the annals of Medicine, and Overwhelming testimony accompanies every logy, of Marriage " describes how the poweri WEAKNESS, ; . . as such is regarded by medical men, who bottle, proving this to be the greatest medicine o f manhood are lost or auspended, how they JJSSbS?^ SJnEHw have a knowledge of its effeots in quickly ever discovered for e*n be .re-invigorated and maintained' nntil GENERAL DEBILIIY. FIFTY YEAES OF restoring health and strength to the most Cleansing and Clearing the an advanced period of life, »nd is intended PEPPBRH QUININE and IRON TONIO xxxxx w shattered frame. As a NERVINE, (for ,' • Blood • to enlighten thousands on most important** INCREASES STRENGTH OB '£ULSE, UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS ! restoring nervous power), it far surpasses from all Impurities. Cannot be too highly mbjeotß, in regard ,to which they are f GIVES FIRMNESS TO THE MUSCLES, > any other preparation. It is most especi- recommended for' Scrofula, Scurvy, Skin entirely ignorant. It also contains many Biffl^^^ B JSI?oSi^iVJw TIC wM ally serviceable in all cases of General Diseases, and Sores of all kinds ; it is a never- valuable hints and instructions (derived <«Vritar'K rpWf"- 110 "' AN " Weakness and Debility, Depression of failing and permanent cure. from a long and successful practice) for the UUUtt,&c. ' ' WM nAAI/F'O ss P irits ' &c " from whatever cause arising. '?* p^es Old Sores ' „ . treatment of the. various disorders arising . PEPPERS QUININE .rid IRON TONIC, IIU KIIIIKr A Hence Jt is a boon to the young, the Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck f^ hofc climate,, sedentary habite, or th» , THE REGOGNISED TONIC. Ilill nUUHfi V middle-aged, and the old. It is adSinis- Cures Ulcerated Sores on^the Legs folUes and indiscretions of eaVly life. REC ffiS^ ED BY LBADING - tered with 'marvellous effect T the P ' Where a 'secret infirmity exSts, involving ATw?Vß?ffirir.NmMrnsiTiOM A ■ Li TVTT T d following Diseases:'- S cSous Ulcers not. only the happiness t of one life, but also ItomichT'-Btopping inking sensations, removes SCURVY AND SPROT^TTT A aTE Mirture is peasant to the compulsory single life, local and pnysicS fedtgestion. heartburn palprfatum, cures dys- BOOTTT AND SOEOPULA, t^ warranted free from any, debility, etc., Have their a OBlA* jjepo^^constitutional fl ala<M T^lltTl'M StiStaLc! thing ' iniurious to the most delicate akd lUxnoA ojlvsu, the germ of whioh ~b ttre. «th, and energy. Bottles sold everywhere. VAIQ |1 U I I VI I* LIVER COMPLAINTS, constitution of either sex, the proprie- planted in early life, and the bitter fruit WrT^ DD f g , PcP TT PP o e SnJ 0m °' y UlJlni JjIIaIIi AND ALL DISEASES of the NEEVOUS tors solicit sufferers to give it a trial to SS wko aSkw^T Bedford Laboratory, London. MVIUX XJIAII.IA I SYSTEM, whether arising from a se- test its value. J^ ibove^ork may be obtained' by p^st SULPHOLINE LOTION CLEARS THB dentary mode of life, unhealthy occupa- /CLARKE'S WORLD-FAMED BLOOD from Dr. LA MERT, 86 Latrobe-street ea»^ SKIN, tlon ' m salubnous olunate, or any other - \J MIXTURE. ' nwt Ruuoll-street, Melbourne. REMOVES PIMPLES. npHESE WELL-KNOWN FAMILY cause. «Carlton,near Nottingham, Feb. 27,1883. All conreipondence saomdly private and REMOVES BLOTCHES and SCURF. .JL MEDICINES have the LARGEST It is sold m Bottles at 4s. 6d. and Us. ♦« Messrs the Midland Counties Drug confidential. m> CURES ERUPTIONS. SALE of any English Patent Medicine in each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Company, Lincoln. , Dr. LA MERT can be consulted by letter ATTACKS OLD SKIN DISEASES. the World. Since their first introduction Dealers throughout the Colonies. - M Gentlemen,— Some (10( 10 years ago w personally -at his address, in the AftibSULPHOIiINE LOTION in • PKW DAYB in 1836 the sale has been continually on , ■ my wife became lame with ulcerated w»l OKI.T, from 2 till 6 o'clock. * CLEARS OFF RED ERUPTIONS, the increase. Sir Henry. Hai-ford, . i&s^^&s^Bmmm—assai 'L egs * I *«« d every recommendation Coniultation s\»e— One Pound. . SPOTS «d BLEMISHES. Bart., M.D., when President of the Royal 1 ll^liSJlll^ 4d^sl ' oo f **& md f^ * large V**™ ° f r onnq. essfsss^^ =^s=e»^ iJiSSiSfJSj S?S a JSSSSfS ST T^LrJSZ DERS SDLPHOLINE LOTION attack* old deep- iv all cases of Pulmonary Consumption, Ifjl W■lß"f ll W M 3j| B betwixt five and six years I determined * W TeetH. ■ seated Skin Complaints, eczetnm. psoriasis. and weakness of the system, from what- Js— *MHaSSSK==5-- " ~ to, try your Blood Mixture as a last caution to PiracHAsaßfi letter,, pityriasis. scaly formations, ulcerations, ever cause arising; and they are now 'CIRCULATION resource, as she at that time appeared fee. All irritation » allayed, these unsightly recommended by the principal members W^ ss VfW s WTT i WWrS i 9 f^ffYSSl tobe at death's doer, and had to be put fTIHE value of this well-known Family Sections quickly yielding io the parifyiuß effect of the Medical Faculty. ■ ZM vI B 111 fKI to bed, having no use in her legs, and X" Medicine has been largely tested in all parte of Sulpholine.' Sold everywhere. Bottles, 2s 9d. «^SS«-«-ftSS-BS=!sfe*eft« lam thankful to say, after taking 13 o f the world and by all made/ nf\™Mv fn* QULPHOLINB.-AN EXTERNAL SKIN As ALTERA-TONICS and HEALTH ( , of „ smaU bottl^she experienced nl^rf^^^JLSSS'S! CT RJSMSUy. RESTORERS they have no equal, and v .perfect cure. This is now fonr years tensive sale has induced spurious imitations. BEAUTIFULLY FRAGRANT. are now in constant use as effectual For all who wish to preserve Health ago since the cure was effected, and some of which in outward appearance so closely COOLING *nd REFRESHING. Remedies in all the best Households in it is invaluable. It consists of 172 pages, there is no sign of the complaint re- resemble the original as to have decided many PRESCRIBED by LEADING PHYBI- the World, wherever tho English Lan- gives a full description of the Solar Elixir turning. I may add that it had cost purc hasers. The proprietor therefore feels it CIANS. guage is spoken. < and Oriental Pills, and is an admirable tw scores of pounds trying one remedy due to the public to give a special caution against ABSOLUTELY PURE and HARMLESS. LJi 1 — compendium of medical science and in- i T LS^ wnkH the use of such imitations. . ~ SULPHOLINE.— For the COMPLEXION. , „ forsiation. Every Household .should StSm* you mv sincere thanks.— l am. Purchasers are therefore requested carefully. SOFTENS and PRESERVES. [tiTSWSiwrWmYmS tA fji Vl possess a copy. It will be found a priceless Sntleman yours aratefuflv to observe the four following distinctive GIVES a HEALTHY SURFACE. 9ij VSk ■m.BIU ilmffl boon to those with limited means. " s "C B characteristics, without which none are COUNTERACTS EFFECTS of WEA- W *"MTT* m ctt Hi m\ GRATIS of all Chemists and Patent «F B —You may make what' «se of Genuine:-- omnnn THER. . , Medicine Vendors, or POST-PREE from the above you think fit, but in the , r \J n every case, the words JOHN STEEDEMBELEISHES and IMPROVES. \jffA J I J !L JJ H»I U ■ W+W DR. ROOKE, SCARBOROUGH, EKG- event of advertising it kindly keep MAN, Chemist, Walworth, Surrey, are enCJULPHOLINE LOTION renders the most llliliak'l fil WJIB^W LAND. - " back my n«m C . You. c«, UweveT gXiotet G ° Vermnent Stamp amXed * ItopecuUar property^ to make ,th« .skin claar, other for quickly relieving and curing |KBf \\* JSP > I^ll *>&»».» , W fB^JSBH2f £ %£■ spelt with ?."? 'Si mS 7 ! P.l^r« INDIGESTION and COSTIVENESS, BALSAMIC CLARKE'S WORLD-FAMED BLOOD two" eh's." Bold everywhere. Made by J. Pepper and Co., QTOMAPTT IWJfA tfJ hi ilil UAVJ I n «l tJ ' ' , MIXTURE. 4. The manufacture is carried' on solely at London. „ ., WIND and PAIN m the STOMACH, I # fl | lH S 8 31 !H 1 1 S 1 "West OrcaaU, Coventry, January 6, M«3. Walworth, Surrey. PEPPER'S TARAXACUM and PODO- DIZZINESS and PAIN in the HEAD, IRh *Ai i) BBJaStSLffi^ ■ j.t.'t.YJ} "It is with pleasure -I write to. in- Sold in Packets by all Chemists and Medicine PHYLLIN: A fluid combination for FULLNESS OF THE STOMACH t ' • n "- ' - -a a~i i form yen of my eomptete euro. I Vendors, at Is ljd and 2s Od each. ,derangement-of^he>liver. By gently stimuli, AFTER MEALS Is specially recommended by several bw« been afflicted for six yean jwtk Sold by Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co., Dun3 *-lfo»>.action of the liver ahi slightly moving the iujjiauo, eminent Physicians, and by Dr. Rooke, «leers extending fttm my ankles to edin, Otago. bowelß the heavy, drowsy -feeling, headache, FEMALE COMPLAINTS and Scarborough, author of the Anti-Lancet. »yhips. After haying been under tite ; - Dftin beueath the shoulders, at the chest after Irregularities of the System— A It has been used with the most signal two head doctors in Coventry, wad Specialty! Specialist* l ■ »atinir unpleasant taste, and other indications Positive Remedy which never success for ASTHMA, -BRONCHITIS, toed aumerous advertised remedies, ' -of dyspepsia are removed. Taraxacum aad fails. CONSUMPTION, COUGHS, INPLU- all ot which failed, I proceed a Urge Er*w »n Nature : «ke compels y«« t« "Podophyllinaregafer than calomel or blue pill. BILIOUS and LIVER COMPLAINTS ENZA, Consumptive NIGHT SWEATS, JJ t a J^JS» taSS^V £%t ** »•»•»» the »oc«ptano«. d vi= o o* qa R n \A i™ *n nii«miaffl Tnsifit xsi-uj.wuo ana -ux vuxv ±a, Qp TT ms -or ruvn aTTm}rr\n?aa received great benefit directly I took . — — . . "~> ,'< 7 t ? emUt8 ' Inßlßt DISORDERED STATE OF THE 55 Sato „s} *?,?T wfS^S^ !t ' » d ***m- to teU yen that one mHIRTY years sine, whe^Dr Smith first ■ -onhavmgPeppers. V „ BOWELS SSSJS^ i jSrV-S. Affectlons ?f? f the large and two smaH bottles completely X commenced practice here, it was thought < -w nPKVRR'R- SULPHUR HAIR BB- „ . ana \- tLK| oJ-«o J -« . cured me, knd'l have net got a sore by medical men that to bea specialist wasdeTj 6TORER BUljruutt "*"* ™" PILES, &0., &c. Sold in Bottles at r Is. Ud., Ib. 9d., «pon me. lam now able to walk rogatory to Hie professional m«n, but this, like . "^"^ '■*! THE' SUREST -' • t> j. i i j j j 4s. 6d. and lls. each, by all Chemists without mycrabch and stick, which I most other innovations in scientific and lay /\ " THE SAFEST* Sold m Boxes at Is. l|d. and 4s. 6d. each, and Patent Medicine Vendors. Wholesale have not .been able, to «to for six years, matters, was found rather to aid than to bt THE BEST. ' by all Chemists and Patent Medicine by JAMES M. CROSBY, Chemist, You can' make use of my name any- "infra dig." to that profession' wherein th« "- v a -wTHE CHEAPEST. ■ Vendors. Scarborough, England. how you like, so thankful am I.— specialty was practised. Lallemand and Ricord 'ti noirVwß'a- SULPHUR HAIR BH- Yours traly, Jacts HpeHßa." in France, and Action in England, were foi Ij 9 STORER "produces, perfectay natural pfLARKB'S WORLD-FAMED BLOOD 3 SftJS-J CfwIfSS bSSSZ Valour. The gradual change .is certain, and for ~ BNT t freo for 12 8t fj MIXTURE. £k^d up S Td%S ? by S whS ;_ removing, scurf, beiutifyinj [and oleansmg the GRATEFUL— COMFORTING. NATURE'S DESIGN : A Treatise on * North street, Audenehaw feear Manchester), pretends to have any knowledge U tan;, cauamg-it to grow wherevw tiun, Lock- Neivous Disorders, Celibacy, Woman, Mar- January 10, 1882 Unch of the profeision which these gentlemen ;„,,«'» « unrivalled. JLarm bottles. Is 6d. Bold - riage, How to (Choose a Partner for Life so as lo flt affords me g«at pleasure^ to aM specially devoted themselves to. It was th« >.-. *rerywfc-«re. Made only ia Lon^oii. , Sja f niIOJO fl Hf|A ft live happily; also tho Injury caused by the my testimony to the wonderful effects s » me with Erasmus Wilson, the " Bkin Dootor." i'sj=r. „„_ , kl ...=^ rPH ,\ ,\ ilil III! A Uaß of 'i lobatc o a » d Alcohol, &c, &c 4 - of your Blood Mature, which has recen tly knighted by her Majesty. .-.-•-•!. V CONSUMPTfdN^^irS LlillU UUUUftI Ad«lre» tt „ QrT ny „ w f^Lkk ffcSPfJu? woSs whkh Years since it wa, the same with Dr L. L. HYPOPHOSPHITEOFLIMESPIUJP , , R. T. SKLBY, M.H., and ankle. I Jjdteui woi^^.whwh SsilTH of Melbourne who praot i Be d (« did ;-V; -V - is M»> a i^%years' successful trial, th, T=>T? TP A T^- XP A cjrn , X Oastlereagh street, PJ^vente d me f ollowing Lallein|Uld Ricord M a 8 5 eciali8t . xx i n befP^^raii^rairorv all remedies in SI^EI-^KIF-A.ST. 160 Redfern, Sydney. We W^lVe dS rent infirmaries oa B es of diseases and habits which product i^V~ CON^rOTJfONiand AXL CHEST and "By a thorough knowledge of the natural Uw a M„ w »fl ,S H *fc«nt Zto^T Z Hymptoms of Nervous Affections, of Skin, ErupV ■ -;- LUMJ>ISEASES., Under its influence which govern the operations of digestion and nutri- " Iff KA ¥^ Til FOR A.JLT,. S W mduced to try your 813 tfons, Prostration, and make human beings in- ••■■-' hlsi^isf;; sassassEsassss hollowats k£\5H4S»3 ■ Geimault- ht On, Paris. Sold by. all which may save us many heavy doctor's bills. It is PTT r S AND OINTMENT % **»« time I had taken nine or ten 6el l» 2n2 n th « othe 5 hand » m Eruptive Diseasea - Chemists. ,' . > by the judicious uue of suoh articlca of diet that » riLL,b AIMU uirs l miirs x . bottles I was comDletelv cured Mak« and Secondary Forms of Affections ; in all ol^ . >.^- > £ constitution maybe gradually built up until atrong THE PILLS Purify the Blood, correct all wh-teler vou^like of^this ' f orth« fc he«e cases how necessarj- it i» to -haye 1 the - DUSART'S SYRUP OF LACTOPHOS- T^SSiS^ZtS&^JS^^^ Disorders of the. Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, and JSSSTU^ ofher mS^ereS.-I am! Specialist who has devoted his whole lifetime - PHATE OF LIME enriches the blood Stack wherever there is a w^eak poTrt wTmS Bowela, and are invaluable in all complaints in- JSremeotHSJ Ma » to the studying andpractising in this one branch and 'strengthens and restores all the vital escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well cidental to Females. ...,,.,, » John Wilmams " of his profession. Hence now, after so many energies'. Phosphate of Lime is the sub- fortified with pure blood and * properly nourished THE OINTMENT is the only reliable — years, all minutiw are familiar to him, and stance most necessary to our existence '"me."— See article In the CivU Service Gazette. remedy for Bad Legs, Old Wounds, Sores, and f^LABKE'S WORLD-FAMED BLOOD symptoms whioh (it is not unreasonable to supand is iudispensable for 4he formation of Blade simply with boiling water or milk. " Ulcers. For Bronchitis, Diphtheria, Coughs, \_j MIXTURE. pose) may not strike the general practitionsi the bony arid muscular system. . .... ... „ . „ ..„.„ Colds, Gout, Rheumatism, and all Skin Diseases, Skin diseases, eruptions, blotches, at once, nowj from constant practice and - - Dusart's Stbttp is of inestimable bene- »>W in j-lb packets by Grocers, labelled thus :- it has no equal. - spots, pimples, pustules, boils, car- observation, make D* L. L. Swxk master otthi - et to Convalescent, Oeij, or Weakly JAMES EPPS <fc flO Sold by the Proprietor, Thomas Holloway, buncles, ringwormß, scald-heads, sore subject, ar ' .-• People, and Rickety Childben find in uv,, 78 New, Oxford street, London, and by all eyes, erysipelas, itch, scrufs, disoo- The medioal profession-that is, the mow it the calcareous elements required for HOM(EOPATHIO CHEMISTS; .medicine vendors throughput the world. locations of the skin, humours, and ÜbewJ-mindeT of them-have likewise \ecog- ;.. ..%SKtf& 5T5 To S ;. te london, England. »»«, ,^^^^^_ Jsg 2?ftsS jam g-J*aA -fiTSSCIS-TS v ; £si?sr/«;s tssM*mßmM^ »ssg;» ffttiSTSi l s.srs'sa!- , ExcEsseT of Youth Dusaut's Syeup DENTAL NOTICE. S^PS^Sfi^Sm JBiiS^Rnf SSS^f^S-^S'S O^ T ? ALL of the profession who devotes' his time to th.t arreste Diabrhcea.ik Children, and is • jllnnnT? T^Pmm W^f^^r^(tt\\j[ — Weanse the vitiated blood whenever and to none other For instance the "chest adapted; to^ Mothers whUe Suckling _. HAV]g arrangements with Mr •H U U Tl^^wSnilUU^ nil - SSmJf*{« .£ in^T* 11 ? 68 bu " tin S doctor" would on 'no account attend w a«-ASTHgAfHOARSENESS.-^GIMAULT'S in connection with my own practice, for the V\aLU^>^ ' feehngs. will teU you when. Keep g^ " * J^ . INDJ^.JDIGARETTES OF CAN- purpose of supplying ' V—^^ your blood pure, and the health of the bi L L Bhito M fai tho«« who rennire threatA «iCWCA.|ave been tried in the ARTIFICIAL TEETH OF THE BEST Electricity, the Only national Trca^3■ system wulfollow, JS te {SS^fBSETSS-S '• -iS^ — -sfssc^—- ir^si^At ST'Mi^fTn ELOOD SB^Tsf ?£-S ■FacialNbdralqia, and Sleeplessness GREATLY REDUCED FEES. oility. or functional disorder • should aend at onoefor The Great Blo«d Purifier and J«J; ( 30 ) yy 6 *™. ?? r "tice m this colony, OwTifYnr-r 't^ Piw -T>lwt« R«l^ ? K,r oil Thn Tpnth and Matprial* will be eaual to ° ur " plain Boad to Health" and other printed »*»«#**■»*»»• wi * h * practice extending throughout not .only pffiiE? •' ' Soldby ,r n if inmvowfnr^tic^ and al?Work' matter - ". per riding, you ehould be persuaded _ ;_ .. _ " e * tOl ! elP » , the Colonies, but in Indiaf China, Fiji, and even Chemists. ._»..... 150 those used mmy own practice, and »v Worlt to try the R^lonnl Treatment, you will never regret Is sold in bottles 2s 9d each, and in cases con- in England, he claims ought to be imfficient to " and LIQUID "l Fr E D BOOT. i &JS^S^^SS^&'^ l £^^ Kfffct "a^maSnt^curf fn STSSw rT mirequirin g such ? km- : XJrn^^^ o sttw^tttfhsw w>affi^r^r aw^r*^ 1 ?: ' o^o^o^ — -_ £H d ££ . e^ aSawssa^^ 1^ lA^aftn^ja^^^ , x > most inoffensive remedy in /^NE BOX of CLARKE'S 841 PILLS- — — ' — : '■ : * jrr»pnei»r», ho pogdeggosj u j f or o t ner tSfiei affections-- <* .^rl.^^the treatment of Acute and \J is warranted to cure aU deransement. T^RBE BY POST, fer six penny stamps, a rnwnrw iwn twtSt avi» notTvrmi-c ««"«• Nervous Diaease— no one in the profer ; „.,.', ,s.- Ohbonic -Diseases. These ot the urinary organs in either sex (acquired o. X? Medical Treatise by that eminent French »» T t2 n7«S awv fi f J? eUKTIKS "ion ban enjoyod so muoa public confidence. ," ; Capsclbs have not, like constitutional), gravel Mid paiat ia the back Hospital Physician and Parisian Specialist, Dr * gU ° OMyA^y. Ltncel», B»gla»d. „ } MatlOO ' Copaiba the inconvenience of -Sold in boxes, 4s 6d etwk, by all chemists RABONSKI, showing sufferrn how they may TRADE HARK, « BLOOD MIXTTJRH." D R I«. I«. SMITH, 11 ? 6 *' The Wqnid i» Praprietors: The Lincom and Midland Coui cure themselves of Nervons Debility, Lost Man- /CAUTION— The proprietors will take im- ' Consultation Fee by Letter, £1. fcw-i -.^nsed in,rece#,and the Cap- ties Drug Company, Lincoln, England ; Whole hood, &c.,&c, without consulting a medical man. \j mediate prooeeajngß against all persons ■•didnaj appropriately packed aad fern '•» . /.illo ß^ 68 ? 1 .^ 16111 . 0 ?®' 0 ) 1 ? 011100 * 868 - Reagents, Barclay and Sons, London {and al —Address: Parisian, P.O. Box J66, Sydney. pirating fheb? Trade MMk'" Blood M«tur©" -. •" W«C the oivilised globe. i r Bold by all Chemißts throughout the colonies, the wholesale houte*. 84i "A boon to all desiring' self ■cure.'"— Medical Labels, Wrappers, 40., in A ivertisements or T■ 3 "~~ '- r-"Ss&RP&l£i <t.> .**>_ t - '■ - - Re^'M. .17 in.aay w.%y mfringßg their righto. ' . - *hh JS T &>-. .-,

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Otago Witness, Issue 1832, 31 December 1886, Page 40

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Page 40 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 1832, 31 December 1886, Page 40

Page 40 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 1832, 31 December 1886, Page 40


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