(By our Southland Agricultural Reporter.)
President. J A Mitchell, Esq.; vice-president, A Beaven, Esq.; directors— Messrs A Dunlop, T Surman, J Turubull, II Carswell, J Fleming, li Grieve, W Keith, John Irving, W A Lyon, J Hatch, J M'Orostie, A Drysdale, J W Hamilton, R M'Callum, J Russell, A L Wilson, J Lindsay, J Gait, J B Sufctou, J M'Keichar, G A Birch ; secretary, R F Cuthbertson; yard superintendent, H Carswell.
The nineteenth annual exhibition of the Central A. and P. Society of the Southland district was held on Thursday and Friday, December 10 and 11, on the Association ground, Al'lneruy's Park Reserve, Invercargill. Favoured with an average description of weather, the opening day being cold and showery, succeeded next morning by a pleasant genial atmosphere, this old-established exhibition has again come off with its usual success. The total number of entries reached to about 550, being an increase of about 20 over that of last event, which, considering the hard times, is very satisfactory, aud must encourage the management and members generally to renewed exertions for the ensuing season. In numbers the most striking features were a lamentable falling off in Ayrshires, and a more than correspondingly great increase in sheep. Thjs renowned dairy breed of Southland, for many years the strong feature in the cattle classes here, has fallen to 17 only, being a deficiency of 25 from the last numbers. In sheep, on the other hand, the cheering total of 129 entries, showing an increase of about '52, quite recovers the untoward balance. The particulars approximately are: — Present entries : Meriuoes, 35 — increase, 29 ; Liucoln, 16 — deficit, 2 ; Leicester, 35 — increase, 5 ; Romney, 16 — increase, 6 ; Downs (anew class, entriespreviously being amongst sundries), 16 — increase, 14 ; crossbreds, 2 ; aud fat, 11 — increase, 1. Shorthorns, with 22 entries, steadily maintained their position by an increase of 3; while the remaining cattle classes added 9 more to the good — or atotaleutryof 65 cattle, the backsliding being 13. Horses pulled up well, draughts turning out to the number of about 30, being rather over tho old figure ; and the light brigade ranking up to over 60, or a surplus of about a dozen ; total horses, about 92. The entries of pigs amounted to 10, with an increase of 2 ; poultry, 28 — increase, 9; dairy and farm produce, 46 — deficit, 26; implements, manufacfactures, &c, 187, with a slight decrease. In point of numbers of exhibits, therefere, it is thus apparent that this standard institution is hi a vigorous condition, and that if the progress may not be termed brilliant, it is at least steady, and, on the average, well sustained.
Nor in quality would a similar' or, perhaps a higher, description be inaccurate, for the show of sheep was unanimously declared to be the best ever seen in the south. Not only so, but thoso in a position to judge declared it to be superior to the same classes at the Dunedin or Oamaru exhibitions. In support of this, it may be mentioned that the champion ram and other distinguished Leicesters at the metropolitan gatherings of Canterbury and Otago were brorl in Southland. Messrs Sutton's Lincoliis maintained their well-known Colonial reputation, and the merinos were in exceptional numbers and quality. Shorthorns were of fairly average excellence. Ayrshires were well up to the mark, and included prizetakers at Dunedin. Hor&es were of the usual description ; pigs were a decided improvement ; poultry, much as usual ; dairy and farm produce quite equal to former exhibits ; and implements, &c. of the most varied and interesting sorts, including a fair sprinkling of novelties.
The general arrangements were very complete, the ground was in good order and much improved, and, as already noted, the weather on the second and principal day was charming. The number of visitors on the first day, when the judging of cattle, sheep, &c, took place, and matters generally were shaking into shape, owing probably to the inclemency of the weather, the higher charge of half-a-crowu admission, and the unsuitable railway timetable, was discouragingly small, and has seriously affected the financial results of the meeting. Matters, it is needless to say, were made worse through the new rule whereby members of the society were permitted to pass in their families, some of which mustered up to alarming dimensions. Perhaps a compromise of half-price for members' families would be preferable. On the second and greater day, when all the agricultural world and then.' wives and sweethearts are supposed to turn out, there was yet a noticeable falling off until during the afternoon, when reinforced by the town contingent. About 2 p.m., when the greatest number of persons were on the ground, the estimate made was about 3000. As was to be expected, the gate takings -were considerably deficient on those of last year, being £96 odd as against £138, a falling'-off of £42. The first day must bear the blame of nearly the whole of this — £14 only being taken as against £48 the previous year. No doubt considerable dissatisfaction exists in regard to tho present arrangement of two days, and possibly that may have had something to do with the roduction in the attendance, and certainly it was the cause of the short entry of Ayrshires. In despite of this, however, and with tho dimensions now attained by the exhibition, the advantages of having two days much more than counterbalance the drawbacks. One day only may be very well for mere sightseers, but it will gradually become more apparent that the business to bo transacted is now too largo and important to be hurried through to reasonable advantage in one day. In consequence of this popular dissatisfaction and consequent disposition bo undomito tho whole afl'air, it became expedient to enter more closely than usual into comparative details, in order to correct prevailing false impressions. At the same time the attention of the management may with advantage bo drawn to the usual state on the second day of those classes judged previously, notably to that of the
Ayrshires, which even at the best is nothing to» boast of, but on the last day is utterly demoralised, numbers and prize-tickets awanting or mixed up, and generally in a state _of chaos. Later visitors of a retrograde disposition naturally place this to the debit of the new-fangled plan. Mr Scully catered very fairly under difficulties under the grandstand, and Mr Gregg supplied refreshments and. fruit. Amusements pure and simple were chiefly represented by Antonio's Jugglery Troupe, whose industry was laudable, if not the hideous and other noises they made until overpowered during a portion of the afternoon by the pleasant and welcome music of the brass-and-reed band, whose efforts were much appreciated.
HORSES. — Draught . Judge: Mr W Boag (Christchurch). Stewards: Messrs Dunlop and Drysdale. Best Entire, three years old and upwards— James Cattanach's Accountant (champion), 1 ; Calder and Clippies' Lord Beaeonsjield, 2 ; Peter Barren's Vanquisher, 3. Seven entries. Best Entire Colt, three years old— J Lindsay's Fanner's Pride, 1 ; W Marris' Heart of Oak, 2. Two entries.
Best Entire Colt, two years old— James Taylor, 1 ; T Patterson, 2. Two entries. , Best Entire Colt, one year old— W Marris, 1 ; James Smith, 2 ; M'Kercher Brothers, 3. Three entries. . , Best Brood Mare, over three years old, apparently in foal, or with foal at foot— W Marris' Flower, 1 ; W Mariss' Polly, 2. Two entries. Best Two-year-old Filly— \V Marris, 1. Two entries. Best One-year-old Filly— W and X Gray, 1 ; J E Hunter, 2 and 3. Three entries. Best Draught Gelding— Jas Smith, 1 ; W M', 2 ; Charles Milligan, 3. Three entries. Best Mare or Gelding, under 15 hands highBarney Milligan, mare, 1 ; M'Kercher Brothers' Blossom, 2 ; Charles Milligan's Bess, 3. Four Thoroughbreds.— Judge : Mr D Corson (Tokomairiro). Stewards : Messrs J Russell and M'KerBest Entire, any age— H J Smerdon's Atlantic, 1 ; John Spratt's Hilarious, 2 ; Thomas Lampert s Alluvium, 3. Three entries. Best Entire Colt, two years ojd— George Stewart, 1 ; W Keith, 2. Two entries. Best Stallion for breeding carriage stock and weight-carrying hackneys— Archibald M'lntoshs LorS of the Vale, 1 ; W Marris' Golden Butterfly, 2. Two eutries. _ , Best Mare or Filly— J llussell, I ; W Stark, 2 ; George Stewart, 3. Six entries. Best One-year-old Filly— C Basstian, 1. One cn itoADSXERS.— Judge •. Mr D Corson. Stewards : Same as thoroughbreds. Best Roadster— W ahd J Scoular, 1 ; D M'Laren, 2 ; Dr Gloss. 3. Five entries. Best Roadster, under 15 hands— J E Hawkins (Messrs Wilson, Tame, and Co's cup), 1 ; Andrew Mitchell, 2 ; A Macintosh, 3. Three entries. Best Pony, under 14 hands— W Guthrie, 1 ; It Russell, 2 ; *L Rodgers, 3. Five entries. Best Pony, under 12 hands— D M'Farlane, 1 ; A Dimlop, 2. 'Two entries. Best Light Harness Horse, 15 hands and upwards — W KF A Fraser, 1 ; J O M'Ai-dell, 2% Dr Gloss, 3. Eight entries. Best Shod Horse, heavy and light— A Dnnlop, 1 j A Dunlop, 2. . • Besfc Light Harness Horse, to be driven m harness, under 15 hands— D M'Donald, 1 ; A Macintosh, 2. Four entries. Best Pair Carriage Horses, to be driven in harness — J O M'Ardell, 1 ; J C Ellis, 2. Three entries. Best Lady's Hack, any age, to be ridden by ladies only— Jas Fleming, 1 ; 'Don M'Leod, 2 ; Jas Smith, 3. 'Five entries. Best Jumping Horse— John Tennant, 1. One Siiv'er Cup. value £3 3s, presented by Messrs Walter Guthrie and Co, for the best light harness horse, not restricted to &ize, to be driveu in the ring — W li F Fraser, 1. Eleven entries. CATTLE.— Shokthohn. Judge : Mr Geo Scott (Waitepeka). Stewards : Mcbsi-s Fleming, Wills, Jenkins, and Maltby. Best Bull, three years old and upwards— Charles M'Dougall's Duke 'of Gordon (champion), 1 ; Wni Patterson's Hastings, 2 ; John Grieves, sen, Ten Bus, 3. Six entries. Best Two-year-old Bull— A Beavens white bull, 1 • C Basstiah's two-year-old, 2. Three entries. Best Yearling Bull— M'Lean Brothers and Cos Marquis, 1 ; A Beaveu, 2 ; A Beaven's Prince Biby, 3. Four entries. Best Cow, in calf or milk— H Carswell's Roan Gipsy (champion), 1 ; II Carswell's Rose of Wyndhain' 2 ; A Beaven's Butterfly, 3. Eight entries. Best Two-year-old Heifer— A Beavens Fairy, 1. Three entries. ' Best Yearling Heifer— A Beaven's Snowdrop, 1. One entry. „ ,~ „ Ayrshire.— Judge -. Mr Jas Gemmell (Oamaru). Stewards. : Messrs J W Hamilton, Thos Scott, and Thos Cumming. ... Bull three years old and upwards— W RauKins Ayrshire King, 1 ; W M'llwriclc's Blue Ribbon. 2. Three entries. Two-year-old Bull— W M'llwrick's Blue Ribbon, 1. One entry. Yearling Bull— W Raukin's Prince Charlie, sirw Ayrshire King, dam Miss Cook, 1 ; John Bain's Gleneairn, sire Ayrshire King, dam Clarinda, 2. Two entries. "* Cow, in milk— W Raukin's Miss Stewart, by Ayrshire King, dam Duchess, 1 ; AY Philpot's Princess, 2. Four entries. Cow, apparently in calf, not in milk— W Rankin s Duchess 2nd, New Zealand Herd Book, 1 ; W M'llwrick's Snowdrop, 2 ; H S Hunter's Lily, 3. Four Heifer, two-year-old— W M'llwrick's Countess, I. Two entries. ' One-year-old Heifer— W Rankin's Ayrshire Lass, sire Ayrshire King, dam Daisy, 1 ; W Rankin's Violet, sire Ayrshire King, dam Daisy, 2. Two Judge : Mr. Geo Scott (Waitepeka). Stewards : Messrs Fleming, Wills, Jenkins, and Maltby. Bull of any age— One exhibit. No award. Devon.— Judge : Mr George Scott (Waitepeka). Stewards : Same as for Shorthorns. Cow, in calf or milk-— J M'lntosh, 1. One entry. Polled Askus.— Judge : Mr Geo Scott (Waitepeka). Stewards : Same as for Hereford. Bull, three years old and upwards — Morton Mains Co, 1. One entry. Two-year-old Bull— Hon M Holmes, 1 ; Morton Mains Co, 2. Three entries. One-year-old Bull— Morton Mains Co, 1 ; Hon M Holme's, 2. Three entries. Cow, 1 in calf or milk— Hon M. Holmes. 1. One e V\T Stock.— Judge :Mr Geo Scott (Waitepeka)." Stewards : Snnie as for Herefords. Fat Bullock— D Murray, 1 and 2. Six entries. Fat Cow— D.'Murray, 1 and 2. Five entries. Pen of Fat ' Steers,* not less than three— Hon M Holmes, 1 and 2. Two entries. Pen of Three Fat Steers, not over three years old — lion M Holmes, 1. One entry. Cnossnmu).— Judge : Mr Jas Gemmell (Oamaru). Stewards : Same as for Ayrshire. Best Crossbred Cow, adapted for dairy purposes, in calf or milk— J W Hamilton, 1 and 2. Three ci Snceial Pri/.e.— Silver cup, value £10 10s, presented by the B and N Z M and A Company to the exhibitor who counts the largest number of points m Shorthorn cattle— Mr A Beaven, 13 points. SHT3ISP.— MI.RIIso. Judgos : Messrs Rutherford and Grant (Timaru). Stewards: Messrs It M Callum. J Humphries, and W Menzies. Ram, four-tooth and over— Alexander Robertson. 1 ; A D Johnston, bred by exhibitor. 2 ; Rowley and Hamilton, 3. Eleven entries. Two-tooth Ram— Alexander Robertson, 1, 2, and 3 ; A D Johnston, bred by exhibitor, commended. Ten entrips. . Pen of Three Ewes— Alexander Koberlson, i ; aD Johnston, bred by exhibitor, 2 ; Hon M Holmes, :? ; Rowley and Hamilton, commended, bix en- ' Poii of Three Tun-tooth Ewes— Alexander Koberlson. 1 -, A I) JohuKion. bred by exhibitor, 2; R M'Kinuon. ;?. Fight entries. LIXCOL> .—Judge :Mr G fieott . Si tnvarch : feauie as lor Merinos. „ . Ram, tour-tooth and oxer— W Mums, 1 and 2. two-tooth— W Marris, 1 and 2. Four entries.
Pen of Three Ewes that have nursed lambs this season— W Harris, 1 and 2. Three entries. Pen of Three Two-tooth Ewes— W Marris, 1 and 2. Three entries. Leicester.— Judge .- Mr D Murray (Piikerau). Stewards : Same as for Merinos. Ram, four-tooth and over— lt Grieve, bred by H and T Little, 1 ; J M'Crostie, 2 and .". Seven entries. •Rani, two-tooth— X Grieve, bred by exhibitor, 1 and 2 ; M'Kercher Brothers, 3. Thirteen entries. Pen of Three Ewes that have nursed lambs this season— M'Kercher Brothers, 1 ; R "Grieve, 2 and 3 Six entries. Pen of Three Two-tooth "Rwes— li Grieve, 1 and 2 • M'Kercher Brothers, 3. Seven entries ' Bomnkv Marsh.— Judge: Mr G Scott. Stewards: Same as for Mennos. Bam, four-tooth and over— Hon 31 Holmes, 1 and 2. Four entries. Two-tooth Ham— Hon M Holmes, 1 ; F B Boyd, 2 Six entries. ' p ea of Three Two-toolh Ewes— lt F Outhbertson. bred by L Threlkeld, North Canterbury, 1 ; Hon M Holmes, 2. Four entries. Down Shhbp (any breed).— Judge : Mr George bcott. Stewards : Same as for Merinos. Ram, four-tooth and over— Rowley and Hamilton, Shropshire Down, ] ; D Murray, ' Southdown, 2. Four entries. Two-tooth Ram— D Murray, Southdown, 1 and '2. Pen ( of Three Ewes that have nursed lambs lint, season— John Grieve, Hampshire Down, 1. One entry. Pen of Three Two-tooth Ewes— D Murray, Southuown, 1 ; John Grieve, Hampshire Down, 2. Three entries. Crossjjrkd Sheep.— Judge : Mr D Murray (Pnkcfau). Stewards : Same as for Merinos. Pen of Five Half-bred Ewes, any age. by any rani out of merino ewes— John Grieve (Hampshire Down ram), 1. One entry. * Pen of Five Two-tooth Half-bred Ewes, by longwoolled rams out of merino ewes— Rowley and Hamilton (by Shropshire Down ram), 1. One entry. Fat Sheep.— Pen of Wethers, .not less than live— W Catherall, 1 • Organ and Co, 2. /Three entries. Pen of Five Merino Wethers— Alex Robertson, 1. One entry. Special Prizes,— Silver cup, value £15 15s, presented by the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company for the best pen of ten wethers, long-woolled or crossbred, most suitable for the frozen-meat export trade— J W Hamilton, Leicester anc*. Merino, 1. Five entries. Silver cup, valued at £15 16s, for largest number of points in sheep— W Marris, 20 points. Silver cup, value £5 ss, presented by Messrs Carswell, White, and Co to the exhibitor who counts the largest number of points in horses, cattle, and sheep — W Marris, 32 points in sheep and horses. CHAMPION PRIZES.— Best Thoroughbred Entire, Association's medal — H J Smerdon's Atlantic. Best Thoroughbred Mare- or Filly, Association's medal— J Russell's Tibby. Best Draught Entire, any age— Association's silver medal — James Cattanach's Accountant. Best Draught Mare or Filly, any age, Association's pilver medal— W Marris' Flower. Best Shorthorn Bull, Association's silver medal— C M'Dougall's Duke of Gordon. Best Cow or Heifer, Association's silver medal— H Carswell's Roan Gipsy. / Best Ayrshire Bull, Association's silver medal— W Rankin's Ayrshire King. Best Ayrshire Cow or Heifer, Association's silver medal— W Rankin's Duchess the 2nd. Best Merino Ram, Association's silver medal — A Robertson, Waitepeka. Best Merino Ewe, Association's silver medal — Hon M Holmes. Best Lincoln Ram, Association's silver medal— W Marris. Best Lincoln Ewe, Association's silver medal — W Marris. Best Leicester Ram, Association's silver medal — R Grieve. Best Leicester Ewe, Association's silver medal — 11 Grieve. • Best Romney Ram, Association's silver medal — Hon M Holmes. Best Romney Ewe, Association's silver medal — R F Cuthbertson. PlGS.— Judge : Mr Thomas Ayson (Wyndham). Stewards : Messrs Irving and Metcalfe. Best Boar, any age, Berkshire breed— A Macintosh, 1 ; Organ and Co, 2 ; Organ and Co, hon cer. Four entries. Best Sow, any age, Berkshire breed — R Treloar, 1. One entry. Beßt Boar, any age, White Yorkshire breed — R Treloar, 1 ; C Basstiau, 2. Two entries. Best Sow, any age, White Yorkshire breed— ll Treloar, 1. One entry. Best Sow and Litter, any breed— J C Irving, 1. One entry. Best Fat Pig, showing most weight and symmetry—John Russell, 1. One entry. POULTRY.— Judge : Mr W Souness (Gore). Stewards : Messrs Irving and Metcalfe. Best Black Spanish Cock and Hen — B Russell, 1 and 2. Two entries. Best Dorking Cock and Hen— W Batchelor, 1 ; S H Warnock, 2. Two entries. Best Black-breasted Game Cock and Hen— J Ward, 1 ; S H Warnock, 2 ; D M'Farlane, hou cer. Four entries. Best Duck-wing Game Cock and Hen — D M'Farlane. One entry. , Best Brahmapootra Cock and Hen, dark— W Batchelor, 1. One entry. Best Brahmapootra Cock and Hen, light— W Batchelor, 1 ; Mrs Macdonald, 2. Two entries. Best Cochin China Cock and Hen, buff— W Batchelor, 1 ; J B Greig, 2 ; S H Warnock, hon cer. Four entries. Best Poland Cock and Hen, golden spangled— W Batchelor, 1. One entry. Best Poland Cock and Hen, silver spangled— W Batchelor, 1. One entry. • Beat Bantam Cock and Hen— J A Mitchell, 1 ; R Russell, 2. Three entries. Best Turkey Cock and Hen — R Russell. 1 and 2. Two entries. Best Gander and Goose — Miss Irving, 1. One entry. Best Drake and Duck, common— D Sinclair, '1. One entry. Best Pair Carrier Pigeons, any colour — Hugh Irving, 1 ; S H Warnock, 2. Two entries. Best Pair Faintail Pigeons, any colour— R Russell, 1. One entry. Extra Exhibit. — Houdans— J B Greig, 1. DAIRY AND FARM PRODUCE.— Judge : Mr J Templeton (Wyndham). Stewards : Messrs John Mitchell and W A Lyon . Best Pair Cheese (old)— George Dawsou, 1 ; Mrs Hall, 2. Four entries. Best Pair Cheese (new)— Woodlands Dairy Factory, 1 ; Mrs Jamieson, 2. Two entries. Best Fresh Butter, samples to consist of 21b, in half-pound prints— Mrs Hall, 1 ; Miss Warnock, 2 ; D Sinclair, 3. Nine entries. Best Potted Butter, in jars not less than 31b — Mrs Drain, 1 ; Mrs Jamieson, 2. Nine entries. Best Salt Butter, in jars not less than 51b— Mrs George Fyfe, 1 ; Miss' Malcolm, 2. Nine entries. Hams, &c. — Best Cured Ham — Palmer and Metcalfe.Jl and 2. Seven entries. Best Flitch Bacon — Palmer and Mefccalfe,*l ; J Leckie and Co, 2. Two entries. Best Rolled Bacon— J Leclrie and Co, 1 and 2. Two entries. Best Beef Ham — J Leckie and Co, 1. One entry. IMPLEMENTS.— Judges : Messrs Allan Gait, sen, A Hannah, and It W Jones. Stewards •. Messrs A Dunlop, J Russell, and R Grieve. Single-furrow plough— Cowper and Wilson, American plough, 12-inch rolling coulter, commended for small plots of ground. Double-furrow Plough— Carswell, White, and Co, gang plough, hon certificate ; Cowper and Wilson, sulky-plough, with steel points, hou certificate. Harrows, flexible, or not less than four-leaf— New Zealand Implement Co, hon certificate. Chain Harrow— Whittingham Bros and Instone, hon certificate. Broadcast Grain, Grass, and Turnip Sowing Machine — New Zealand Implement Co, 1. Reaping Machine, back delivery— J W Hamilton (Wallace), 1 ; Carswell, White, and Co (Hornsbv), 2. Winnowing Machine— Carswell, White, arid Co (Richardson), hon certificate. Corn-bruiser— Cowper and Wilson (Bentall), hon certificate. Farm Cart, with hame— Huffodine and Sons, hon certificate. Curd Mill— Cowper and Wilson (Corbett's;, hon certificate. < Cheese Press— Cowper anil Wilson (Corbett's), hon certificate. Set Five Cheese Vats— Cowper and Wilson, 1. Churn — Cowwrand Wilsou, oak, 1. Dog Cart— James Straus, 1 ; John Bath, a. Single-seated Buggy— H J Smerdon, 1 ; W H Muthieson, 2.
Double-sealed Buggy — John Bnth, for country use, 1 ; Jas Strang, for country use, 2 ; WII Mathieson, for towu use, 1. Light Station Express Waggon — W H Mathieson, 1 ; John Bath, 2. Farmhouse Cooking Range— W J Harvey, made by exhibitor, lion certificate. Combined Heaping and Binding Machine — Nine entricsi No award, as the machines could not lie seen at work. Light Pour-horse Waggon — W II Mathieson, lion certificate. NEW ZEALAND MANUFACTUIiES.— Judges : Messrs Allan Gait, sen, A Hannah, and It W Jones. Stewards : Same as for Implements. Bonedust— New Zealand Drug Co (ordiimry). 1. Collection of Baskets — A Muir, 1. Assortment of Twine, suitable for grain binding, mace from flax grown in New Zealand— M Donaghy and Co, 1. Collection Casks made from New Zealand timber — Cowper and. Wilson, 1. Collection Drain Pipes— W M White, 1. SPECIAL EXHlBlTS.— Whitechapel Cart— John Bath, 1. Spring Cart — Huffadine and Sons, 2. Suit-acting Chaff-feeding Box— C Basbtian, commended. Pottery Stand— ll Sneyd, 1. Stanhope Waggonette — J Robin, highly •commended. Lady's Phieton— J Robin, highly commended. Hooded Ph.Tton (by Robin)— H J Smerdon. highly commended. Superphosphate tan Bones — New Zealand Dmg Co, lion certificate. Superphosphate from Guano— New Zealand Drug Co, lion certificate. Garden Manure— New Zealand Drug Co, lion certificates. Blood Manure — New Zealand Drug Co, hou certificate. Bones for Vines and Trees — New Zealand Drug Co, lion certificate. Nitrate of Soda — New Zealand Drug Co. hon certificate. Seeds and Manures Stand — Whittingham Bros and Instone, hon certificate. Seeds and Artificial Manures Stand — N Z L and M A Co, hon certificate. Stand Sheep Dip — J Hatch and Co, hon certificate. Two Supplejack Chairs — A Muir. hon certificate. Verandah Seat Chair — A Muir, hon certificate. Two Perambulators, wicker — A Muir, hon certificate. Thomas Sheep Dip — Carswell, White, and Co, hon certificate. Collection Seeds — Carswell, White, and Co, hon certificate. Family Waggonette — Huffadine and Son, 1. Stand' Sheep Dip— Murray, Dalgleish, and Co, hon certificate. Self-locking Steel Standard— New Zealand Implement Co, hon certificate. Patent Field Gate— New Zealand Implement Co, hon certificate. Hansom Gab — W H Mathieson, lion certificate. Family Waggonette — W H Mathieson. 2. Lady's Pony Ph.-cton, Physician'& Phreton, Buteher's'Cart, and Collection of Carriage Work— W H Mathieson, 2. Strong-room Door, made by exhibitors — Cowper and Wilson, 1. Gorse Knives, made by B Edwards, One-tree Point — Cowper and Wilson. , Garden Plough— Cowper and Wilson, hon certificate. American Potato Digger— Cowper and Wilson, hon certificate. Improved Bar Frame and Section Beehive— John M'Cluie, 1. Silver cup, presented by Messrs Wilson, Tame, and Co for the best roadster uuder 15 hands high — J E Hawkins.
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Otago Witness, Issue 1778, 19 December 1885, Page 11
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3,843SHOWS. SOUTHLAND A. AND P. ASSOCIATION SHOW Otago Witness, Issue 1778, 19 December 1885, Page 11
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