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Stock and Station Reports.

Mr Donald Stronacu (on behalf of thu Now Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agetiey Company, Limited), roports tor tlics wool: ending July 11 as fol-1-jws:—

, Fa l ; Cattle wero in small buoj ly, only 112 head being yarded, chit-fl y Jiicdmrn, with a few pens fair to <Ood quality Ever> pun sold under brisk competition at adviirK.od lates Bullocks bion<j(\', fioru to £U 17s Gd, and cjwh £'■» 12s fid to £9 15s. We «ol i urafta on account or various vendors— builf.cks at from £) 15.S to £X 12 < 6d ; cowb, £3 12n 6d to £8 <"s Od; t«I quote piimo beef 27b 6d, medium 2>s 6d to isj per 1001b.

i'at Sbeeii.— Tho supply forward to-day — namely, 3274 -bi-iijg much m oxi'eds of number required, the dom.uid was dull, and prices suffered o. decline of from Is Cd to 2b pu-r head ou weeß'u quotations. The total comprwdt>oi>mKrinos\iiHl -2474 croba'iroua of medium to yooil quulitj ; medium uroubbreiia fetching 10a 9d to 12s Gd. piime dv 3^ to Ids 9d, and merinos 8s Gd to oi. We sold en account of thu .New 2-alnnd Agricultural Company, 120 coHsbreds at 11a 9.1 to Via 3d; Air John Duncan (Clierry F.irin), 6/ do n.t 13s 3d; Mensra Wayne a d Leary (Akiu.'ie), 104 do at ,td to 33a Oil; Aleoois Aitki.n und Milue (Gorej, 34 do at i'2s ; Mr Alexander Thomson (Kikanui), 203 do at 10s 9d to 12 a 6d ; Mr Muelc (Teanaraki), 1M do at lls to lUi 9d ; and quote mutton at 2jd per lb. Fat Pigs.— Fift.v -two were fonvard, and sold, under good competition", at from 15s np to 70s. Wool. — Beyond having received catalogues of tho first day's sales of the second series of London auctions for the present year, from which very little can be gathered as regards prii;e-<, we have nothing to report cuecpskins. — At our weekly sale on Monday we offered a large catalogue. There was the usual attendance of tho trade, ard biddings wure fairly animated. Merinos were in good demand, and brought higher prices, whilst crossbreds suffered a decline. But- hers' crossbred:) fetched 2s Bil to 3i 9d ; da merinoa, 2s 8d to 3^ Od ; station and dry cro^sbreds, Ik 6d to 3s 6d ; do merinos, Is lid to 3s Id ; crr>^Bbreds in bales, 4jd per lb.

Rabbitbkins. — We cleared at auction and privately several lota at - for light and niixeu, Is Id ; full furreti, Is 3,yi to Is 4d par lb. Hides — The demand is quUe equal to the supply. We have no alteration to note in values, and closed all to hand at recent quotations

Tallow. Our catalogue on Monday comprised 6 tins mixed, which sold at 23s to 23s 6d ; 1 cask inferior at '/2s, 1 do medium at 26s Cd, 6 do at 27s 64. 16 do prime mutton at 535, and 15 bagd rough fat at 21s 6d to 22s per cwt.

Ura>n.— Wheat: The markot is quiet, without any quotable change. Of prime milling very little is offering, but th« inquiry continues sufficiently active to take off a'l parcels of this description coining to hand. Second-i lass milling is dull of sale and difficult to place. We quote prime milling velvet and Tuscan 4< 2d to 4s Sd ; red i-traw and sir h kinds, in hard milling condition, 3s 9d to 4s ; medium and soft, 3s to 8s Sd ; sprouted only worth fowls' wheat price, and tnay be quoted with the same at 2* to 3s. data are in large supply and dull of sale, except blight atoufc milling, which are in request for local use at about late rates. Feed are only in very moderate fiemand, all our dealers being fully supplied, and shippers not feeling inclined to further operate in the meantime, very fe* sales are beinir made. We quote primo milling Is iOd ; bright stout feed, Is 8d to Is 9d ; medium, Is 6d to Is 7d ; inferior and discoloured, Is to In 6d. Barley of good mailing quality is in fchort supply. The demand, however, is ii ot str. ing theiefore but vur\ little business is done. We quote prime malting 4a 3d to 4s Cd; milling and feed not much inquired for.

Messrs Wright, Stephbnson, and Co. report for the week ending July 11 as follows : -

Fat Cattle. - The supply was a meagre one, only 132 head being yarded, including over a score little better than stores. The majority of the cattle in weie only of medium quality. Owing to the shortness .of the supply, bidding was very brisk, and prices' obtained fully 2s 6d per lOulb better than last week. We sold, in all, 86 head, as follows :— For Mr William Patrick (Balmoral Farm), 18 bullocks ao from £9 17s 6d to £11 178 6d (average £10 10s per head) ; for Mr Spencer Thymes (Brockville Farm), 20 cattle— bullocks from £9 10s to £11 7s Cd, and cows from £7 17s 6d to £9 15a; for Mr T. W. Leslie (Timaru), 13 bullocks at from £6 to £8 6s, and five hoifers at £7 15s ; for Mr W. C. Jenkins, seven bullocks at from £7 to £8 7s 6d ; and for Messrs Donald M'Maßter, r i homaa Morris, M. Fitzgerald, W. A. Todd, Thos. Aitcheson, and othera, 23 head, chiefly cows, at up to £7 per head. We quote best be> fat 27a Cd per 1001b ; medium, 22a 6d to 255 ; inferior, rather loss Privately we have sold 80 head for forward delivery.

Fat Sheep. -An over-supply— 3274 being penned, including about 800 merinos — caused price* to fall from Is 6d to 2s per head below last week's quotations. We sold 1623 sheep as follows :— For Messrs James Smith and Sons (Greenfield Estate), 433 prime crossbred eweß at 12s 9j, and 96 do smaller at lls 9d ; for William Gardiner, Eeq. (Tapui Downs), 201 merino wether* at from 8s 6d to 8s 9d ; for Meiera Murray, Roberts, and Co (Gladbrook Estate), 237 prime crossbreds at from 1-s to 13d 3d, and 273 prime merino w ethers at from 9s to 9s 3d ; for David M'Kellar, Esq (Brooksdale Estate), 298 prime merino wethers at lroui 8s Oil, to 9d ; and for Mr William Bissett (O^u^aru), 8D merino wethers at 6j. We quote prime mutton at from 2Jd to 2Jd per lb.

Pigs.. Only 62 penned. These sold at full rates. We disposed of one at 72b; six at 70s; and one at 593.

Ho< ses —We held our weekly saio on Saturday last as usual 'The entries were numerous, but mostly dealeis' lots. Good draughts were in lair demand, and a considerable number changed hauds at prices, however, scarcely equal to late rates, owi g no doubt to the tern porary absence of one or two expo>terg fiora the market. We quote fir=t-clas-' draughts at from £35 to £45 ; medium, £25 to £30 ; light do, £15 to £20 ; good hacks and light-harness hordes, £16 to £^0: medium, £10 to £12 ; li«ht and inferior, £3 to £7. Wool.— There is nothing of importance to report in this market, business being characterised by the dullness usual at this season of the year. Sheepskins.— Large numbers continue to come forwaid. On Monday last at our weukly sale we submitted a full catalogue, consisting for tho most part of butchers' skins. The trade was well represented at the eale, and prices continue to advance proportionately With tho increasing growth of wool. The improvement in values is mure in the ease of mcrino3 than of coarse-woolled ekins. Current; priced are:— Butcher^' green skins : Cross-brrds, 4s, 3j 9d, 3s 7d, 3s 5d 3s 4d, 3s 3d, 3s Id, 3s, and 2s 8d ; merinos, 3s 7d, 3s 6d, 3d 6d, 3i 4d, 3s Id, and 2s 7d. Country Bldns, from tsd up to 5s lid for full-woolled merino.'.

Hides —Heavies are in good requtmt, but lightweights, owing to thoir abundance, are comparat.vely dull of sale. First-class large, clean, thick hides— free from face piec-.s, shanks, ears, and other offal unfit for tanning purposes— find ready eale at up to 4Jd per lb ; whilst light hides are worth from 3d to 3Jd pe. lb. During the week, at t^uutations, we have sold 97 hides. Tallow.- There exists a fair local demand, hut almost no export inquiry. We did not offer any this week. Current quotations are :— Mutton, £33 per ton ; mixed, £29 to £31 ; inferior, £^5 to £27; rough f ot. £22 to £23. Grain. Wheat : The demand continues weak, and prices are in consequence,' if anything, easier. There are really no declared buyer»— a fow. sales of email lots of prime quality are the only transactions we hear of. Nomkally we quote prime mil ing' at from 4*i to 4s 3d per bushel ; ordinary, "8s 6d to 3s lOd ; interior, 3s to 3s 3d; fowls' wheat, 2s 6d to 3s. During the week we have told 4:00 bushels, Oats : Milling samples are in demand for local use, but feeding q .alities arc dull of sale, even at reduced rates. Current values aio— lor prime milling from Is lOd to Is 10 id; for prime bright short feed, from Is B£d to Is 9£d ; and for ordinary feed, is 7d to ]sßd; damaged, Is 3d to Is 6d. We have no transactions to report. 'Barloy : Brewers having full stocks are not buying ; there is, consequently no local demand. (During the week, for export, we have placed 3,1,00 bags stout barley (discqloured) at a satisfactory price' Nominally w.e quo(je_

well-filled bright malting barley at 4s 6d per bushel ; ordinary samples at from 3s 6d to 4s Id. Mewa Maclean and Co. report for fihe week ending July 11 as follows :— Fat Cattle.— lOt head were yarded for to-day's market, and with the exception of a few pens the quality was very medium— and in fact some of the linos weie little better than stores ; but on account of the small number, forward, and the trade having no stooka on hand, competition was brisk, and a very considerable advance on late rates was obtained. Prime bullocks brought from £9 10s to £11 17s 6d ; fair to good, £5 5i to £8 16s ; cows, from £5 10* to £9 15s Wo sold 14 head medium- weight bullocks on occonnt of H C. Cameron, Esq. (Bulyondale E-rtate), a(. from £6 15s to £8 2* 6d ; on account of Mr J. Milne (Waureka Junction), 6 head at-for c iws up to £8. 155, and for bullobks £7 10s to £7 l.'s fad; on fn'count of Mr R. Bremner (Maungatua), 9 head bullocku at up to £7 2s ed ; and on ace mnt of other vendors, 5 head cows at up to £8 2s O'l. We quote prime beef 27s Cd to 30s per 1001b. Fat Sheep.— A very full supply was forward today—viz., 3274, 2474 of which were crossbred*, and tho balance merinos. Tho greater portion of Uie crossbreds were prime and heavy weights, while only about one-third of the merinos were prime, the remainder in both classes of sheep being moderate quality. In consequence of the large numbur forward, pricus) receded by about 2s per head, and unless several lines had been taken by graziers a still further reriu;tion would have been the result. Crossbreds brou ht from 8s 6d to 15s ; merinos, 7s 6d to 10s 9d. Oq iiccDunt of J It. Seddon, Esq., 245 crossbreds at from 129 3d to 13s ; on account of Mr J. Wilson (Balciuthi), 74 do at 8s 9d j on account of Mr S. Wright (Stirling), 40 do at lls ; on account of Mr John Bruce (Brighton), 81 do at 10s 9d; on account) of tho executors of the late James Rutherford, Esq. (Summeihill). 10*! do at 13s fid; on account of MrW. H. .Miller (Manuka Creek), 68 do at 12s 9d ; on account of W. Miller, Esq. (Mount Stuart), 73 merinos at from 10s 3d to 10s 9d, and 71 crossbreds at from 103 9d to 13s 6d. We quote prime mutton 2d per lb. Fat Lambs. —Eighteen were penned, and sold at from 8s 3d to 8b 9d. Pigs.— A small number yarded -viz., 52, principally porkers. The prices realised were for porkers 25s to 355 ; b^con pigs up to £2 15s. Country Sales.— We held a cleaving sale at Mr W. Alexander's premises, South Dunedin, on Tuesday last, when everything submitted fouud buyers a& satisfactory prices. Horses —On Saturday last we offered a fair number of horses of all descriptions, with a brisk demand for young draught mares and gelninga. All of this class found buyers at satisfactory prices ; but for medium light draughts, as well as hacks and light harness, inquiries are not brisk. We quoto heavy draughts £35 to £42 10s ; medium, £25 to £30 ; good hacks hit 1 light-harness horses, £15 to £20 ; medium, £0 to J612. Sheepskins.— Our weekly sale was held on Monday, with the usual attendance of the trade, from whom thoi c was good competition. We cleared a fair number of all descriptions of skins at batisfactory prices. Dry cros-.breda brought from Is Sd to 3s 8d; do merinos, Is 4d to 3s 6d ; butchers' green crossbreds brought from 3a to 3s 8d : do merinos, 2s 3d to 8s 4d. fude3 are in fair demand, previous quotations being well maintained — viz. from 3id to 4Jd per lb, according to weicht and condition. Tallow. — Values reported last week apply to-day — viz. : well-rendered, up to 325 ; rough fat 235. Grain. — Wheat : There is no change to report. For prime milling there is a fair inquiry, from 4s to 4s Sd boing obtained ; but for medium parcels the demand is i lick, the value being 3s 6d to 3s 9d if free from sprout ; fowl feed, 2s 3d to 3s. Oats : Prime milling and parcels for seed are in demand, but only a moderat) inquiry for heavy bright feed, while ordinary sorts arodull of sale. , Wo quote prime milling, Is Od to is lid ; feed, Is 6d to la BJd ; discoloured, Is 2d upwards. Barley : Prime malting ia saleable at up to 4s 6d per bushel, but feed is not much inquired for.

Messrs Donald Reid and Co. report for the week ending July 11 as follows :—

Fat Cattle.— Only 132 were yarded to-day. These were nearly all medium quality. The salts opeued briskly, at an advance of 2s 6d per 1001b for all sorts, ai.d closed firm, and in some instances demands were unsatisfied. Bullocks sold at £6 to £11 17 a6d ; cows, £5 to £9 15s -or eaual to27a 6d per 1001b. We sold a small draft for Mr W. M'G. Murray (Wairuna), at £6 17s 6d to £9 16.", and privately 30 head at full rates. Fat Calves.— None in.

Fak Sheep.— The market was supplied with 800 merino wethers of good quality, and 2474 cro3sbreds, most of which were only medium quaility, and chiefly ewes. Prices throughout the sales were Is to 2s a head lower than last week, and with difficulty the yards were cleared at the reduced rates. Crossbred wethers sold at 12s 9d to 15s ; do ewes, 9s 9d to 13s 6d ; merino welihers, 6s 9d to 9s ; do ewes, 4s to 6s 6d. We sold for Mr Adam White (Heddon Bush, Southland), 104 croßsbreds at 12s 6d ; for Mr Anthony Paterson (Herbert), 96 crossbreds to 13s ; for Mr John Allan (Holmes, East Taieri), 63 crossbred ewes at 10s to 12a ; for Mr Hugh Fraser (Palmerston), 46 merino ewes at 4s 6d ; and for ilr J. H. Nelson (VVaipahi), 47 crossbred ewes at 9a 6d to 10s, and 39 crossbied wethers at I6s-the top price of the market. We quote mutton 2sd per Ib.

Fat Lambs. - Only 12 in. these we sold for Mr J. Allan at Bs.

Fat Pigs,— Fifty-two were penned; the bulk of these were stores. , A few porkers sold at 40s to 765 ; otheig, 10s to 335. We sold for Mr J. Mitchell (Titnaru), 3 at 60s, 2 at 455, 3 at 335, 11 as 245, 8 at 158, 9at 103, 1 at 22a 6d. We quote pork 4Jd per lb. Wool— All lots to hand were sold on Monday, as follows :-Arhy and Co, 1 bale 3rd combing scoured merino, I4jd; 1 bale black, 9d ; T, 1 bale greasy mixed, 7Jd ; Q, 3 bags locks and pieces, 2Jd. sheepskins. -On Monday we again offered a full catalogue, consi-ting chiefly of butchers' green lots. Prices ruled about same as last week for crobsbreds. but well grown merinos showed a slight rise. Crossbreds sold at 2s to 39 6d ; merinos, 2s to 3s 7d ; dry skins, 7d to 3a 2d ; lambskins, 3s Id ; station skins, none in

Kabbitskina. — We did not offer any this week, but will offer a small, catalogue on Monday first. Hides —The local market is not over brisk, buyers only inquiring for sound, clean, heavy oxhidea, which bring 4d per lb. Cowa' and inferior sorts only fetch 3d to 3Jd per lb, while green hides sell at 14s to 21s each. t ' Tallow.— The demand is not quite so brisk, and prices are easier. On Monday we sola 2 casks at £28 1 cask at £24, 1 cask at £30, 1 package at £30, 17 tios at £22 103 to £U4, and all rough fat in at £18 to £22 10s per ton.

Grain.— Tho market during the past week has shown but little alteration. Business generally in all kinds of grain has been quiet. Millers, however, are looking after really ohoice sorts, but there ia very little to have. For inferior and sprouted, there is no demand. We quote really fine Tuscan and velvet 4s Id to 4s 3d ; other vorts, 3s lOd to 4s ; Becond quality milling, 3s 6d to 3s 9d ; soft and sprouted, no sale ; chick feed, 2s 6d to 3s 3d. Our week's bales are 5118 bushels. Oats : The demand is slack. Shippers being unablo to net freight, stocks in stores are accumulating. Milling oatj are in fair demand at Is lOd for extra heavy; bright feed may be quoted at is 8d to Is 9d ; discoloured, Is 3d to is 7d. Our week's sales have been as follows : - 25;> sacks at Is B£d, 140 sacks at Is Od, 185 sacks at Is lOd, 140 sacks at la Bid, lf4o sacks at Is Bd, i 44 sacks inferior atls6d. Barley; Thero is really nothing doing in rna'.tingj hut feeding sorts avo moving off at 3s per bushel. Rye«ras^.— We huve made a few sales at 3s 6d for couniry-dressed.'and up to is 6d for machine-dressed Potatoes.- Derwent3 are slowly moviug at 42s 6d to 45s (Sicks extra) ; kidneys are scarce, and have advanced to 80s. "

Messrs Stephbnson and Co. report Jo* the week ending July 11 as followa :—

Fat Cattle.— lo4 head y&r&d to-day at Burnside The quality of most lota was only medium. Owing to the very moderate, supply, prises improved considerably aa compared with last week's quotations • the butchers having no supplies on hand made prices improve : beyond expectation. Bidding was brisk and competition so keen that prices improved fully 2s 6d per 1001b. Bullocks fetched from £9,>08 to £il 17» 6d ; cows, from £5 10b to £9. 16f1. We sold 14 head on account of ieorge M'Doaaid, Esq. (Stirling), at from £8 2s 6d to £10 10s ; S head cows on account of Mr A Frew at £6 fja ; 1. cow on account of Mr A. Christie at £7 15,9. We quote, prime beef at* from 3?s 6d to 30s per 1001b. Fat Sheep.- 3274 penned, of which about 800 were merinos. QwiDg to such a large supply coming forward last week's prices were not nearly sustained— in fact rates showed a falling off of f,rorn, in qroßghreds la Gd to 2s per heaijU and in merinos a, sim.Uar denrocia.tion. Qrossbreds fetched from, 8a 6d to 16smerinos, 7s Od to, 10,3 od.. We, quQte mutton at If dto gdperlp. Fat , Lambs,— Eighteen, penaed^ud sold at from 8s 3d to $9 94,

Fat Pigs. -Fifty-two lyarded, nearly all porkers.) yj We sold eight head at from 283 to 68s. Sheepskins.— Our weekly Bale on Monday was well attended, and all lots offered were Bold under spirited competition. Dry crossbreds brought from 2s to 3s 9d ; merinos, Is 3d to 3s 7d ; butchers' green crossbreds, 3s I<l to 3s lOd ; merinos, to 3s 6d. Hides. — Good demand. Prices unchanged— viz., 3Jd to 4.} d, according to weight and quality. Tallow.— Values unchanged : well rendered to 325 ; rough fat, 235. Grain. - Wheat : Values unchanged ; prime, milling, s is in fair demand at from 4b to 4s 3d ; medium quality)-'., demand slack, the value being 3s 6d to 3s 9d ; fowls* '" feed, 2s 3d to 33. Oats: Prinio milling 1 (whicH i« **" scarce), also good seed, are in demand. We quote for prime milling Is 9d to Is lid; feed, Is 6d to Is Bsd ; discoloured, Is 2d to Is 6d, according to 'quality. Ba ley : Primo malting samples fetch up to '4s 6d ; feed barley, demand Black. • Potatoes, except accompanied with a leg of mutton and turnips, are unsa'eable at anything like f b^ price.

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Otago Witness, Issue 1651, 14 July 1883, Page 15

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Stock and Station Reports. Otago Witness, Issue 1651, 14 July 1883, Page 15

Stock and Station Reports. Otago Witness, Issue 1651, 14 July 1883, Page 15


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